► - ■ ' -- - ... '■ — ■—— JOHN BRENNAN Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods a^nd Groceries Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Hides, Flour, Feed, Salt PORTAGE BRANDER TIRES Siloes Foot Schulze Shoes are Easy on the Feet. We fit the Hard to Fit. Come in and be Convinced. CASH DOES IT. O’Neill, Nebraska. It will not be this warm next winter. * Place your orders Now for Coal and Coke. There will be no hard coal for Nebraska. GaJena Lumber Co. Thirty Two Years continued services to the People of Holt County. With Capital, Surplus and Profits of $180,000.00 Warrants the statement that wre can help You. Being members of the Federal Reserve Bank places this Bank in a position to handle Large as well as Small loans. When in need of money come in and talk it over. The First National Bank O’Neill, Nebraska ED. F. GALLAGHER, J. F. GALLAGHER, President. Cashier. Su/bstituLtes: Ba.rley Flovir, Oat Meal R.ice Flovir, War Flour Use these and save wheat for our soldiers We Also Have on Hand Sal-Vet. Sal-Vet is invaluable to hog raisers. It keeps the stock in excellent condition, but while it will not cure either cholera or swin plague, we have scores of letters highly commending it. O’Neill Mill & Elevator I sZXWHX/ THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Model T One Ton Truck is really the necessity of farmer, manufacutrer, contractor and merchant. It has all the stong features of the Ford car made bigger and stonger. It has the powerful worm drive, extra large emergency brakes acting on both rear wheels and controlled by hand lever, 124 inch wheelbase yet turns in a 46 foot circle, and has been most thoroughly tested. We know it is absolutely dependable. J. B. Mellon Agent, O’Neill, Nebraska. Farm Loans Home Loans On the Best Terms and Least Expense. Can Save You 20 to 50 Per Cent on Your I Farm, City, Auto, Hail and Live Stock Insurance. L. G. GILLESPIE Phone 309. O’Neill, Nebr. McGinnis creamery & produce co. , Manufacturers of CREAMERY BUTTER AND ICE CREAM Largest Creamery Between Omaha and the Black Hills. Present Price for Butter Fat 44 cents per Pound Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Power Phone 170 O’Neill, Nebraska. I Gra.dy Ha.t SHop Fisk Hats always on display at Grady Hat Shop. New novefty veils. Attractive line of pretty white hats for the summer. Come in and see our display. One block north of First National Bank. OUR SODA GRILL !».- g •' *• 1^ : ‘NOW OPEN Same Place \ Same Force (Same Service I Same Satisfaction Send in the Kiddies. Come Yourself. THE O’NEILL NEWS AND CIGAR STORE. Golden Hotel Building James A. Brown, Prop. I Sanitary Meat Market “Say, John, this is Tuesday night don’t forget the beef steak!” Prone 150. O’Neill, Nebr. Church Attendance and Happiness. Behold a steeple of ringing bells ringing out the invitation to worship God. In the foreground a huge automobile, with the man underneath making the necessary adjustments, underneath the picture the question: “Where is the old fashioned man who used to go to church on Sundays?” This is a cartoon which is supposed to be funny. But underneath the fun is a heart tragedy, and while it is unfair to apply the criticism to all men indiscriminately, people must be hungry before they can be expected to eat, so we must realize we have souls and are soul hungry before we go to church very much. If a man thinks bodily com fort is the highest, the body will get all the attention and the soul will starve for the dregs do not satisfy in the long run nor in the deep needs o'f life. The Court of Domestic Relations in Chicago has discovered some interesting relations between church attendance and divorce. Judge John Rooney of that court has been analyzing the caouses of divorce and has said that three out of every four appeals for di vorce coming before his court have been as the result of neglect of .either husband or wife or both to attend church services. The judge says: “I do not care what church one attends, but I do think 6ny man or woman could spare an hour a week to pay reverence to the Ominpotent. Every day I have parents before me neither one of whom attends church. They are discontented and very unhappy. How can they ex pect their children to have any moral training if they themselves do not set any better example before them?” We may want to vary the proportions but the judge of the Kansas City Divorce Court says: . “Three fourths of the divorce cases coming before us are persons who do not attend church.” Mere attendance at church does nothing, but the spirit it brings of contentment, of forgetting self and thinking that selfish pleasure is the supreme measure of life; the spirit of obedience to our All Father; the spirit of looking away from self and thinking of others; the feeding of the soul with soul food, instead of husks; all of these come to our help and give us strength and help for the burden we must'bear, in that sense of the word it is true:. “A Sunday well spent, means a week of content.” “Come to Church Fitzsimmons Millinery Store Have a nice line of White Hats on Display. Special Sale now on, on all Colored Hats and Trim mings. If you are in need of a hat, at reduced prices, now is the time to buy. Phone 174. O’Neill, Nebr. IF YOU WANT TO Make a Loan or Build a Home TAKE NO CHANCES-COME WHERE THE MONEY IS—WE LOANED, DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE $125,000.00 JOHN L. QUI6 Westerrv Gara^ge HENRY WINKLER, Prop. All Kinds of Auto Repairing; Gasoline and Oils, Auto Accessories. Campbell Garage Building. O’Neill, Nebr. Private Booths—Good Meals; Short Orders, Sandwitches at all Times. Also Fine Line of Cigars. Day and Night Service. O’Neill, Nebr. Bazeman Lumber Co. | . ' Lumber and All Kinds of Building Material Phone 79 O'Neill. Nebr. D. Abdouch Ladies are invited to look at our line of Sum mer Dresses and Georgette and Silk Waists. Nice line at reasonable prices. We also handle Naco and Case Corsets, and a pair of Black Diamond Shoes for every member of the family. Douglas Street. O’Neill, Nebr. Dr. H. Margaret Frost Osteopathic Physician Jordan Building, Phone 262. O’Neill, Nebr. J. H: DAVISON -Dealer in Harness, Whips, Collars; Also Harness and Shoe Repairing. Prices Right. O’Neill, Nebr. i J. U. YANTZI , CREAMERY Come in or phone in when you want best f prices for your cream and poultry. I Phone 131. O’Neill, Nebr. Go To THE T06GERY i For Your Furnishings and Cleaning and Pressing Harty & Mullen, O’Neill NEIL P. BRENNAN Columbia Grafonolas, Columbia Records, New every month. Come in and hear what your boys in camp are singing. J; Phone 105 O’Neill, Nebr. — -I