The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 17, 1918, Image 4

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    The devil took our Lord up on a high mountain and showed Him the wealth of the world. He told our Lord he could have the whole works and pay later.
Our Lord decided he would rather pay cash and pay less—and he answered back: Get behind Me, Satan. When Satan found out he couldn’t work Him, he next
spotted the Kaiser. The Kaiser had every thing fine and dandy before but when he saw what he could get from Satan—He fell. He says: “I’ll take it” and the deal
was made. Then the Devil told the Kaiser the world was his, to go get it. Now the Kaiser is trying to pay the devil what he owes him. What good does it do to
go to church and pray and beg for help and then go right down town and buy on tick. It’s the devil voice, saying “I’ll pay you tomorrow.” It’s the devil voice urging
you to look at the nice things in the windows of the credit stores and the things n th in the catalogue, Saying, “Buy it. Charge it Buy it. Charge it.” It’s the
Lord’s voice saying, “Cash and Carry! Cash and Carry!” Which voice are you listening to? Satan’s of course. Don’t he make things easy—for himself. Your
soul can’t enter heaven—’till every debt is paid—Hell—the more debts—the merrier—and the Quicker.
3—20c Bottles OQp
Peroxide . 4uu
5—8c Boxes Searchlight,
Blue Tip or Household
Matches, 5 boxes. 4*
5—10c Packages Arm &
Hammer, or Howell’s 9(In
Best Soda . 4JU
5—25c Cakes Bakers QQn
Chocolate . OdU
5 Pounds, 30c Mixed
Nuts, this year’s Cl 1C
Crop . S> I ■ I w
5 Pounds, 35c Coffee, Cl 10
Genuine Santos’ . y «1 * "
3—35c Buggy CCn
Whips .. 000
Ladies’ $2.00 House Cl 07
Aprons . y • *d I
Ladies’ $2.50 House Cl 00
Dresses . y 110 w
Cranberries — We have
them. Buy them by
the Pound. 1 fin
1 Pint I Ob
Three 9 R O
Pints . 4JO
If you want to pay cash
I for your goods I will sell
I to you just as cheap as I
I do to the customers.
50c Jars Apple OEp
Butter .
Men’s 50 and 60c Good
Heavy Blue, Black and
Gray Wool Hose, $1.08
Men’s $3.50 Wool Mixed
Union Suits, ©O OK
All Sizes . 4>4.4U
Men’s 75c, Two-Piece
Underwear, Shrts or AQp
Children’s 26c, Double
Heel and Toe, Good,
Everyday Stockings, K1 »
5% to 7%, 3 pair . O • b
$2.00 Overalls, Heavy 8
oz. Denmins, Good ©1 07
Dye . V liwi
$2.50 Work ©1 OQ
Pants, . V l«0«
$4.50, $5.00 Navy Blue
and Gray Serge ©Q QQ
Pants . vJiQu
Men’s 50c, 75c Police Sus- KCp
penders, per 2 pair .. vlUb
Men’s $3.50 Black, Tan
and Gray Felt Hats, ©O 70
Latest Styles . «j»4iJO
Men’s 15 and 20c Linen 77«
Collars, 6 for . lib
Men’s Fancy Dress Shirts,
Values up to and in
cluding $1.75 Q7n
5—35c Package ! ©1 ftC
Postum Cereal yliUU
5 Packages 65c Q9 AO
Instant Postum . $£.&£.
5—35c Cans <M 1C
Instant Postum . I » I u
3—15c Packages 9 7 p
3—15c Packages Q 7 p
Cinnamon . tl «
3—15c Packages QQn
Cloves .a. tvO
5 Pounds 98c Gun <P9 Q7
Powder Tea .
5 Pounds 50c C1 CQ
Tea . I >33
3 Pounds Thistle Green, 07p '
Regular 60c Tea . 31 u
5 Pounds 30c Assorted QQp
Cookies . 03l»
5— 25c Blocks Dr. Black
man’s Medicated Salt 00p
We still have a few Shoes at
$1.67, $2.49, $3.19 per pair.
Look them over for your size.
3—22c Cans C7„
Peaches . 3 I
3—35c Cans RQp
White Lily Grapes . 3 3 la
3—30c Cans Large R7o
Blue Plums .. 3 S le
6— 35c Cans Yellow fl*1 9C
Free Peaches . yli03
6—35c Cans Cling Ol 90
Stone Peaches . yli03
9 Pounds Large Fancy 01 A 7
Dried Peaches . $ I a6*!
9 Pounds San Tee Q 1 07
Valley Prunes . Vli4l
9 Pounds Seeded Rai- 01 OP
sins, this year’s fruit y I «JO
7 Large Bottles 5% oz. Q7.
Stuffed Olives. 31b
5—8 Ounce Bottles Q7p
Queen Olives . 3 I b
$1.50 Covered Berlin
Aluminum Sauce Pans, 70p
4 quarts . 13b
10 Pounds Oat EC a
Meal . Job
3—15c Packages Corn OHo
Starch . 4 U b
3—10c Packages 1 E A
Starch . I J b
5—1-Pound Packages AQp
Borax Washing Powder H3 b
10 Cans Scouring Powder,
Same as Dutch 7Ca
Cleanser . fob
10 Bars Crystal A 7a
White Soap . Hlb
10 Bars Any Oother A O a
White or Yellow Soap Hub
7 Large Packages EQp
Corn Flakes . J3b
3—22c Cans E7p
Apricots . Jib
4% Barrel, Round 01 Q VIE
End Tanks . $ 1 OiHJ
9% Barrel, Round 017 QE
End Tanks . y I I 133
6 Gallon Steam Cylinder
Oil, Regular $1.50 per
Gallon, 00 E/L
per G gallon . yuiuH'
$50.00 Sewing 007 EH
Machine . yu I iJU
$12.00 • CO OR
$3.50 Q1 00
Kodaks . V ■ *00
$1.50 Cl 1R
Lanterns . 11 1 w
5-85c OO AC
Brooms . q/ui'Tw
5—$1.00 CA 1Q
Brooms . v,Ti I u
2—75c KO«
Washboards . ulU
5—25c Cans Sewing QRn
Machine Oil . Jut/
5— 15c Bottles Sewing RQn
Machine Oil . Owl/
Aluminum Pie Pans, C 1 «
3 for . JIG
6— 40c Telephone CM QA
Batteries, tested .... <ip 1i J4
7— 10c Rolls
Toilet Paper . 4 JG
One-Half Inch Sisal ftq.
Rope, per foot . UwG
10 Gallon 15c C 1 1 Q
Coal Oil ... y I ■ I w
1 Hog Oiler Left. Next
ones will be $6.90. CJC 1 fl
Our Price . «JIUi I U
1 Gallon Dip Free.
"isr $10.00
Cheese CA OC
Cutter ....I. <p4i43
3-Barrel Round End CQ RK
Tanks .
1 Gallon Coal Oil, 1 Q«
Best Grade . I v U
5 Gallons CKa
Coal Oil . OUU
50 Gallons CK 7K
Coal Oil . <PU.I 3
30x3% Casings for Ford
or Overland Cars, 5000
Miles Guaranteed, C1C Of!
Smooth . $ I 0.4U
30x3% Casings, Same as
Above, Non- C1Q KK
Skid . I OiJO
30x3 Pure Gum C Q IK
Tubes .. yOi I O
30x3% Pure Gum CQ Of!
Tubes . $0«0U
31x4 Pure Gum CK 1K
Tubes.. y wi I w
34x3% Pure Gum Cd Qf!
Tubes .
I can save you money on
Boots and Overshoes.
$4-25 CQ Qfi
Overshoes . puiuu
33.75 CQ OK
Overshoes . yuitw
33.00 Overshoes, CO OK
Boys . y4i4u
32.50 Overshoes, Cl Of!
Men’s and Boys’ . y (iilU
Children’s Overshoes 49e up.
37.50 Ladies’ Silk CR 7K
- Skirts, our price. y Ui f U
19 Pound Monarch 40c Coffee--$2.391
15c Beans, flQ«
Brown, per pound . UUl»
16c Men’s Big Blue lip
Handkerchiefs . I I U
$6.50 Men’s Sweaters, 0E Qft
Our Price . «pjiJU
As most of our boys with
money has left for a warmer
climate we will not be able to
sell all our Mackinaw Coats and
myst stand a loss or carry them
over. If I carry them over, they
will not be the same price next
year. /
Boys’ $1.75 Knee AM AQ
Pants, our price_V * >*»,u
Are about the only thing in
Dry Goods that has not ad
vanced much yet. Wait and see
whether they go up or down.
Calico the same size as a
blanket would cost you more
than the blankets. The cat
alogue houses have already ad
vanced on their blankets as well
as the other goods.
Big 16 oz. Jars Tuxedo,
worth $1.25 per jar, QQp
one to customer .. Owl
Percales, 36 Inches Wide,
Not Remnants, Regular
25c S. R. & Co. 30c,
My Price Next ©1 7Q
Week, 10 yards. y I »I 3
Apron Ginghams, Not
Remnants, Amoskeag
and Trossack Ginghams,
Not Junk, Regular 20c
Goods, Next Week, © 1 /IQ
10 yards . y I iH «l
Silk Figured Laces in
Lavender, Pink, Blue,
Worth 46 to 48c per
Yard. This Week and
Next Week, ©O QQ
10 yards . <pti03
Women’s Underwear,
Heavy Ribbed and
Fleece Lined. Worth
60 to 66c each 7 1 f*
Ribbons, Fancy and Plain,
Moire Ribbons, Five and
Six Inches Wide Suit
able for hair bows,hand
bags, fancy work. You
have been paying 76c to
$1.26, some places 50 to
to 60c. A7f*
Men’s $2.50 to 3.50 Sweat
ers, Medium Weight,
Some Wool, Some ©1 07
Cotton . y 110 I
$4, $5, $6, All Wool
Sweaters for Women,
in Colors, with Belt, ©O QQ
Choice . y£,i«lO
Ladies’ Hose That’s
Selling at 35 and 50c
Everywhere, 6 pairs
This Week and Next ©1 Q"7
Week . $ I .Of
So many lost money on chick
ens last year and eggs are so
high there will not be many fool
with them this year. Now would
be a good time to buy an incu
bator and set it in a good warm
place. The Early chickens will
get you the big money. I have
the “Sure Hatch” and the
“Buckeye” Incubators and I
will save you some money.
High Grade, Pure White
99 per cent Lard, ©O 07
10 lbs. to customer
35c Boxes, C7n
2 for . Jib
65c Boxes, © 1 14
2 for . 11 I nr
$1.25 Boxes Extra High
Grade Chocolate QOf*
$1.50 Boxes Extra High
Grade Chocolate © 1 IQ
Creams . »jl I« I
10—6c 4 7 f*
Cigars . *T I v
5—5c Hair 1 Q n
Nets . I db
We will allow you as much
on your old sewing machine as
anyone. If your machine is on
the bum don’t fool with it. Sell
it. Let some one else buy the
repairs. Trade it in on a good
Boys’ 75c Caps, Price to QQrt
Clean Up . tDC
Sweaters, Rope Stitched,
Heavy Wool Sweaters
Worth $6.25 to QA QQ
$7-50 .
1—15c Bar Kirks’ Palm
Olive Soap to each HCp
Lady customer . UJl»
3—15c Bars Toilei. 09«
Soap . tJU
$15 and $18 Men’s Over
coats, up to Size QQ QO
39 :.
This saves you Real Money.
Come and see these coats.
$1.50 to $2.00 Comfort
Size Gotton Batts, Best QOp
Quality, 1 to customer 30l»
Best Quality Blue €JA AC
Denim, 10 yards ....
Cambric Flouncing, 16
Inches Wide, worth up
to 46c, 48c OQ OQ
10 yards to customer
Swiss Flouncing in Neat
Baby Patterns, 16 In
ches Wide, 50 to 60c
Values, these two ©Q CQ
weeks, 10 yards . (pfciJIl
Good Quality Oriental
Laces that are selling
everywhere for 45 to
50c per yard, ©1 Eft
10 yards . ^ I i U J
Long Cloth Edgings, Well
Worked Patterns, on
Good Quality Cloth,
Width 4% inches,
worth 35 to 40c, COn
5 yards . QQli
10, 15, 25c Watch ftO*
$1.50 to $2.00 OQ#»
Watches . ilUb
75c Cuff Buttons, 48c
Cabbage, ftCp
per pound. Uwu
Cabbage, ©Q 7R
per cwt.. uwii O
Girls’ and Misses’ Rings,
Set with all the differ
ent Birth Stones, QEn
Good .Quality .
Champion $1.00 Razor
Hones, Fine Quality, C7p
worth more . Ul li
6—lc Boxes ftE#t
Lead Pencils With 1 ft
Eraser Tops, dozen . I uU
12 Inch Hardwood Var
nished Rulers, ft 4 —
Straight Edges . U I C
Soapstone Erasers, ft1 *»
2 for . U I C
3—5c Bottles 10c
$1.25 Bottles Phite Pine 7Q
Cough Syrup . I Jit
65c Bottles White Pine Qft
Cough Syrup .. 03C
15c^ Bottles Sweet .10c
20c^ Bottles Camphorated 13c
15c Bottles Witch 4 ft
Hazel Oil . I UC
15c Bottles Tincture of 4 ft —
Arnica . I U C
25c Bottles Dr. Foley’s 10*.
Pain Relief . IOC
50c Bottles Cresent Ma
peline for making Maple
Syrup out of water.
One bottle makes 9E
2 Gallons Syrup . OwC
40c Bottles Dandelion O 9 *»
Butter Color. 4.U1»
15c Packages Homade (10,
Bread Improver . UUw
20c Packages -I ft —
Bird Seed . lUC
This year we will not buy
Hides or Poultry.
I What’s the use to Pay Cash and Carry if you don’t trade at the right store. You don’t get the B
good prices made possible by having no delivery or telephone expense to pay. B
The Frontier
Published by D. H. CRONIN
One Year---$1.5*1 j
Six Months.....75 Cent#
Entered at the post office at 0’Neillr
Nebraska, as second class matter.
Display advertising on Pages
6 and 8 are charged for on a basis of
60 cents an inch (one column width)
per month; on Page 1 the charge is
vl-00 an inch per month. Local ad
vertisements, 6 cents per line, each
Miss Mae Hammond1, entertained the
“Fellowless Girls” at her home Sun
day night.
Eddie Gatz is leaving Sunday for
Omaha on a short visit. He will re
turn via Howells.
Frank Dishner left the first of the
week for Omaha, where he will attend
to business matters for several days
Mrs. J. B. Ryan left the first rf the
week for Sioux City, where she will
remain for several nays visiting with
Miss Evelyn Stannard entertained
at cards at her home Wednesday
night. Twelve young ladies were
Roy Gannon and Miss Grace Kill
inger, both of Inman, were granted a
marriage license in the county court
last Monday.
Chris Yantzi, of Milford, Nebr., ar
rived in the city last week for a few
weeks visit at the home of his son. J.
TJ. Yantzi.
J. B. Ryan returned Sunday from
Omaha where he had been for a week
visiting with friends and transacting
business affairs.
Homer Mullen, who has been visit
ing with relatives at Cody, Wyo., for
the past two months, returned home
Monday morning.
W. J. Biglin, who went to Casper,
Wyo., last week to attend the mar
riage of his brother, Ambrose, return
ed home Monday night.
Miss Bernice Golden entertained
Tuesday night at her home in honor
of Ivan Kinsman, of Columbus,who
has been visiting in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Biglin arrived
here Wednesday night from Casper,
and will remain for a few days visit
ing with relatives and friends.
Wilfred J. Boyle returned Sunday
from Darlington, Wis., where he had
been for the past three weeks visiting
with his folks and old friends.
County Attorney Boyle and Sheriff
Difffy went to Emmet and Atkinson
Monday night to look after business
matters connected with the county.
Arthur O’Malley, who has been in
Omaha for some time, returned here
the first of the week and will stay for
a short time visiting with friends.
George Harrington left Monday
morning for Camp Dodge, where he
is stationed in the Quartermaster’s
Department. He had been here for a
week visiting with his folks and
Howard E. Wilson, of Stuart, was'
granted permission by the Local Board
to enlist, and left Tuesday morning
for San Antonio, Texas, where he will
enter the Ordinance Department of
the Army.
Joseph Strickland, of Denver, Colo
rado, federal railway commissioner
and equipment inspector, was an over
Sunday visitor at the home of John L.
Quig. Mrs. Strickland is a sister of
Mrs. Quig.
J. H. Schultz left last Tuesday
morning on a business trip that will
necessitate his visiting several towns
in the state before his return home.
He will visit Creighton, Nofolk, Pil
ger, Stanton and Beatrice before re
Last Monday afternoon eight little
girls accompanied Erma Dimmitt home
from school to help her celebrate her
eighth birthday. The time was spent
in playing games until five o’clock
when lunch was served, after which
the little folks departed for home.
A number of O’Neill men have
taken stock in the Unusal Oil and Re
fining Co., of Colorado, and now have
over five thousand shares, all those
who hold stock were elated last Tues
day when they received word from
headquarters that the stock in this
concern had advanced about forty per
C. L. Davis returned last Sunday
from Rushville, Neb., where he has
been engaged in the contracting busi
ness the past three months. Charley
says that it got down to 36 below zero
and he thought it well to come home
for a few weeks until the weather
moderated, when he will return and
finish up several buildings that he was
engaged in constructing when the
cold wave hit the country.