I" • 1 §1 I Team grays, a mare and a horse, 5 and 8 years old, weight 2600; team gray mares, 6 and 9 years o^d, I weight 2600, in foal; team gray mares, 5 years old, weight 2000; brown horse, 5 years old, weight 1600; bay mare, 7 years old, weight 1000, in foal; sorrel mare, 4 years old, weight 1300, in foal; 3 good young saddle horses; one gray mare coming 3 years old; one blr^k horse, 8 years old, weight 1000; one sorrel stallion, 8 years old, weight 1600; one mare colt coming 2; one horse colt; team mules coming 3; one mule coming 4. I 20 Good Yourvg Milch Cows 40 Young Stock Cows; 60 Head of Yearlings, about half Steers; 40 Calves, mixed Steers and Heifers. \ 56 HMD OF JIGS 16 Brood Sows,' 40 Shotes weighing about 120 pounds each. IGMIN AND FARM MACHINERY 200 bushels of oats; 1500 bushels of corn; 20 acres of cane; 180 tpns of hay; 10 dozen chickens; 12 turkeys; set of farm harness; set of driving harness; power i I II washer and wringer; I. H. C. 2X/Z horse gas engine; 2 steel barrels; John Deere lister; P. & O. lister; 4 riding cultivators; 2 two-row elis; 4 section harrow; breaking plow; straw spreader, rack and wagon; Great Western spreader; 2 six-foot Milwaukee mowers; hay stacker; 2 discs; grain binder; corn binder; wagon and rack; spring wagon; wagon and box, low wagon; top buggy; 2 scrapers; vise and anvil; tire shrinker; grindstone, and many other farm tools. These farm tools are nearly all new and in first-class condition. PLENTY OF FREE LUNCH SERVED AT 11 O'CLOCK | One year’s time wiH be given on all sums of $10 and over on notes with bankable security bearing 10 per cent interest. Under $10 cash. * ■ILJ™""" No property to be removed until settled for.. | Come Early, as this is a Large Sale and Must Start at 12 o’clock Sharp | , WM. P. CANNING, Owner. COLS. ELLIOTT, HAMILTON & WANSER, Auctioneers. F. W. PHILLIPS, Clerk. ||| _ i||||BWt||t m j ^ ^ ~ ~v y*-' «■ '/ gC n. -* T