I 5 HEAD HORSES AND MULES 5 1 span of mules S and 6 years old, weight 2600; / span of sorrel geldings, 4 years oid, weight 2800; I hay gelding, 2 years old. I _p 30 Mead of Cows, Some extra good milkers 5 2=year=oId steers; 6 2=year=old heifers; 13 yearling steers; 12 year= ling heifers; 24 spring calves,* two bulls. These are Thoroughbred Duroc Jersey shotes,* about 40 head of sows, balance barrows. They will average about ISO pounds. One Emerson gang plow; one Deere gang plow; two sulky plows; one lister; one cultivator; one mower; one disc; one hay rake; one hay rack; one harrow; one wagon; one buggy; one gas engine, 1% horse power, nearly new; one power feed grinder; one tank heater; two sets double harness; one single harness; feed bunks; pig troughs; buggy shaft; etc. One stack of millet; two stacks of hay; about 150 bushels of oats; about 50 bushels of speltz; about 10 bushels of potatoes; three dozen Plymouth Rock chickens; one dozen Muscovie ducks; four Bourbon Red turkeys; two center tables; one hall tree; one steel couch; two cup boards ; one sideboard; one settee; one office chair; one oil stove; bedstead; table chairs, and many other articles too numerous to mention. I PLENTY OF FREE LUNCH SERVED AT 11:30 O’CLOCK 1 TERMS-One year’s time will be given on all sums of $10.00 and over with approved security and 10 per cent § interest. Under $10 cash. MATT SCHMITZ, Owner. P COL. JAMES MOORE, Auctioneer. S. J. WEEKES, Clerk, ij