Suffered Several Years. PERUNA MADE ME WELL Mrs. Elizabeth Reuther, 1002 11th St., N. W., Washington, D. C., writes: "I endorse Peruna as a splendid medicine for catarrh and stomach trouble, from which I suffered sev eral years. I took it tor several months, found my health was re stored and have felt splendialy ever since. I now take it when I con tract a cold, and it soon rids the sys tem of any catarrhal tendencies.” Standby lor a Cold. Those who object to liquid medl- j clnes can procure Peruna Tablet*. Raise High Priced Wheat on Fertile Canadian Soil Canada extends to you a hearty invita- 1 tion to settle on her FREE Homestead i lands of 160 acres each or secure some H of the low priced lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. This year wheat i> higher but Canadian land just at cheap, so the opportunity is more at tractive than ever. Canada wants you to help feed the world by tilling some of her fertile soil—land similar to that which during many years hat averaged 20 to 45 bushels of wheat 3 to the acre. Think of the money you can make with wheat ! around $2 a bushel and land to easy to get. Wonderful yields also of Oats, Barley and Flax. Mixed farming in Western Canada is as profitable an industry as grain growing. The Government this year is tsking farmers to put in creased acreage into grain. There ia a great demand for farm labor to replace the many young men who have' volunteered for service. The climate ia healthful and agreeable, railway facilities excellent, good schools and churches convenient. Write for literature as to reduced railway rates to Supt. of Immigration, Ottawa. Can., or to f <*• J- Jnkaetoae. Drawer 197, Watertewn, S. D.| w-V. Bennett, lees 4, Bee Bsildinf., Osaka. Nek., sad R. A. Garrett. 311 iecioea Street, St. Psnl. Mina. N Ready for Hard Fighting. “Them Japs,” said a man in a Flat hush barber shop, to the second-chair anist. “ain't a-goin’ to let them Ger mans get too far inter Russia.” •‘(Join' to fight 'em?” asked the artist. ‘■Sure tiling. First thing ye know them .laps will be over there.” “They are hard fighters, them Japs.” ventured the artist. “Hard? I should say so,” declared the man, “and at this very minit the whole Jap army is marbleized for ac tion.” Mrs. \Y. J.' Tisdale, Hoboken, N. J., widow, lias seven sons in United States military service. It takes an experienced elevator boy to let a man down easy. “Wta Will Win This Battle? Tour kidneys are the filters of the body. If they become inactive and fail to eliminate the waste matter, they are apt to throw the whole mechanism of the body out of order, thus toxic poisons can accumulate in the system and be as deadly as snake venom. Besides causing the minor ailments of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago and backache, neglect of the kidneys is apt to develop into more serious diseases, such as diabetes or stone in the bladder. Bid the body of toxic poisons—clean the bladder and kidneys and cure the twinges of rheumatism with Anuric and you win the battle of life. Anuric was first discovered by Dr. Tierce and has benefited thousands of sufferers as well as appeased and elimin :ted the ravages of the more serious kidney diseases. Now procurable in vials 'or 00 cents at any good drug store, or send Dr. V. M. Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., 10 cents for trial package. Omaha, Nebr.—‘ ‘ Two or three months ago I ached all over and felt so badly that I could not sleep at night, my bladder seemed weak, gave mo con siderable trouble; and 'caused sting ing sensations. I read an advertise ment of Anuric and' purchased a bottle. It was only a few days before I felt wonderfully relieved, anfl all tho lorencss left me. I am glad to endorse luch a worthy medicine and always shall recommend it.”—Mrs. W. C. Zeschman, 1832 N. 17th St. ■J ORIGINAL /flS CHEMICAL* door Uoset 80,000 SOLD—FIFTH TEAR Mere Comfortable, Healthful, Convenient Eli ruinates the out*house, open vault and cowpool, which are brooding places for cerms. Have a warm, asAUary, odorless toilet right 2n your house. No going out in cold weather. A boon to invalids. Endorsed by State Boards of Health. ABSOLUTELY ODORLESS _ Put It Anvwhrre In The House rhe pf?raxs are killed by a chemical process Jn writer In the container. Smpty once a month. No more trouble to empty than ashes. Closet ab solutely guaranteed. Ask for catalog and price. (Are sanitary mfs. co. him eta Detroit, mich. Ask about tbo Ito-S&n Wasbstand — Hot and Cold Hunnlng Water Without Plumbing. . FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE DtssoivsJ (a vatsf for dou to me. "We have come to fight fpr them to complete the task they have begun!’ And 1 wished to tell them. “Courage el merci!” Was not this a beautiful beginning fof all those valiant fellows. You can well be proud of them, for we feel it a glors to have at our side such soldiers in tliif i struggle for right and liberty. Verbal Hash. From the Milwaukee Journal. Senator LaFollette has made his long heralded speech in congress. With all thf power at his command, he has given hit Me regarding his disloyal acts and utter ances. And the most that one can satf 1 concerning his defense Is that it is nu mlllating to Wisconsin to have a man rep resenting this state who talks such stuff | as Mr. LaFollette voiced in congress. If , anyone can find anything American in his speech, he can beat the thousands of loyal ones who have sought vainly for the | slightest evidence of genuine patriotism in Mr. LaFollette’s remarks. What Mr. LaFollette said in defense of himself Is mere verbal hash, an exclama tory concoction made up of the stuff that has been talked by the propagandists, the pro-Germans, the pacifists, and all the others who have been giving aid and com fort to Germany. There is criticism of the nation. There is abuse of the admlnistra- j tion. There is opposition to the war. But i there is never a word of anything con- | etructive favoring the United States , Never a word is there in denunciation of j the Belgian outrage, the sinking of tht | Lusitania, the bad faith of Germany in keeping her pledged word, or the war by the kaiser within the United States against the United States. If the Journal lia-d 1,000.000 tongues, it would take them all to tell the outrages i committed by the German government against the United States and the harm , done America by propagandist newspa- ; pers. treasonable individuals, and such j lack loyal citizens as Senator LaFollette. All their talk about free speech is pretty, | but disloyally so. When a man is trying J to burn one's house or murder one’s chil4 dren, men cannot talk about free speech. There Is nothing to do but act. As for the Americanism of those who are backing . Senator LaFollette in his lack loyalty po- ■ sltion, it is nil. And as Senator Robinson, ! Arkansas, said in bis reply to Mr. LaFol- | lette, Saturday, the man who would not j fight Germany now, after what Germany I has done to us, who would take such a j position as Mr. LaFollette’s. "would not ; fight if his ow*n daughter were ravished In his own home.” Too Big For His Job. From the Milwaukee Journal. On the streets of a neighboring city Is ! a young man without a iob. He is steady In his habits. Ho never enters a saloon. He does not gamble. He has never been known to be late at work. And he is one of the most skilled of the younger men in his orofession. But the company had to 1 discharge him a week ago, within less than three months after be had been giv tn his'first promotion with the company. That promotion, with an increase ot Jo a week in salary, ruined him. Ho thought himself indispensable to the company. And when a man gets to where he thinks nls employers cannot get along without aim. be has taken the first step tbward discharge. This young man, after he was promoted, Decame autocratic. He put ori fine clothes. He began telling the other fellows how ;o do their work. He criticized them for :he way they did their work. He got to where he thought he knew more than the nen who had built up the business arid were directing its affairs. Then they had let him go. Moral: Young men who expect to make ;heir way . in a trade or a business, must fuard against getting too exalted an op1n on of their importance. There is not an employer anywhere that cannot get along without any one of his employes. He night be inconvenienced for a time by lis loss, but there is always someone •eady to take the place of the man a little ligher up. There is a big demand every where for men with ability, but r.o bust iesw has any patience with conceited men vho try to exploit their brains and powers before their fellows. No young man who lopes to advance in his chosen profess.on ran be too careful to refrain from nspurri ng an air of self-importance. Really big men, after all, are the most unassuming l THE POOR BOY’S COUNTRY. + 4 '- 4 4 From the Milwaukee Journal. 4 4 When Henry Fo*d was 17. he 4 4 earned S3 a week. When he was r/J, 4 4 he owned 270 acres of automobile 4 4 manufacturing plant, with 0.000 ma- 4 4 chines operating in a’e room 4 4 and e\ery cue of hi** £0.00*) employes 4 4 receiving more each day than he 4 4 had earned in an entire week 36 4 > years before. 4 4 And yet some rev there Is no 4 4 chance fer a pour boy in America. 4 *■ The Fulled Fiat* s i.* the poor man’s v 4 country. If any fellow -1'-»\ .«= !511i \ 4 4 it Is bis . wn fault. For him who 4 4 cat give the w*.»r’.*i v.hat it needs 4 4 and has never had before, even 4 <- though it be only a Ford eutomo- 4 > bile, riches and fame are welting. 4 4 4 >4444444t44444444444444444 "—-- '■ —.- ..— .....— .J——.- ..■ ■■ .. ' ■■ ■ ■ , , » ’ ,1 111 ■ She Did Her “Bit." There are many ways for one to /fAtWb-_—njoMr/ WC- M / H so it was hard for me to do my work. Lydia E. Pink- j I ii Vs f 'M/ji / H ham’s Vegetable Compound was recommended to me as \ jico. ' \ m // y the best remedy for my troubles, which it surely proved ^ ^ f/X/Zfa \\f/ A' A jaV^H to be. I feel better and stronger in every way since ' •" P//yt&rlk£filC' fTo** ^ . ,■) CMfPl taking it, and tlie annoying symptoms have disap- '/\T W/MKjfU*fl'l yLr/yj pcared.”—Mrs. M. Godden, 9-5 Napoleon St., Fremont, North Haven, Conn.—“Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- Jj ble Compound restored my health after everything else ^yUbjjUHNHPo//f/*4r*|V7-*'^S. *. - 'ViIHV had failed when passing through change of life. There "■ f t .ft is nothing like it to overcome the trying symptoms.” r " j. —Mrs. Florence Ibei.i.a, Box 197, Nortli Haven, Conn. w ' ,. yiMar la Sock Cases LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S l j VEGETABLE GOMPOUND I 1 %m% ike r@@@r4 for tha qmmi®st g@©d!g _ _ IYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN.MASS. Jj