The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 31, 1917, Image 5

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I* His Services are Free
No Obligation on Your Part
. For the benefit of the many readers of this paper
who have foot troubles we have arranged for the ser
vices of the foremost foot expert of The Scholl Mfg.
Co., of Chicago, New York, Toronto and London,
largest makers of foot comfort specialties in the
world. He will give his entire attention, wholly free,
to all who seek his help. And no one will be under
obligation to purchase anything after receiving his
Thursday and Friday, June 7th and 8th
He has had wonderful success with many varieties of foot ailments and we urge
everyone to take full advantage of this offer while it lasts, which will be for but a
limited period. If you have
—tired, aching feet; —pains and sudden cramps in your toes and
—corns or bunions; balls of your feet;
—callouses on the soles of your feet; —weak ankles;
—painful heels, ankles and limbs; —weak, fallen or broken down arches
—let him tell you how to
Obtain Genuine and Lasting Foot Comfort
No matter what treatments you may have tried—or if you have worn arch
supports or other appliances without success—let this Scholl foot expert give you
his personal attention. Let him inspect your feet and tell you how to overcome
your foot troubles. He has helped thousands of others and probably can help you
to obtain permanent comfort, too.
j He is not a so-called “corn-doctor.” He does not
| cut corns or callouses—he performs no operations.
. He simply inspects your feet and tells you how you
can obtain instant relief and permanent comfort by
mechanical means, using Dr. Scholl’s wonderfully
? successful scientific appliances and preparations to
produce the most desirable results.
And remember, there is no charge whatever for
| this service. You will not be asked to buy a single
thing. Neither need you be a customer of this store.
* Come in Early
Hundreds of people—perhaps thousands—are go
ing to try to see this Scholl foot expert but those who
come early will be more certain of his most careful
and thorough attention. So do not put off your visit
until the last minute—you may be too late then.
Drop everything else, if need be, and come early. If
you are now wearing arch supports, let him readjust
them for you. It will cost you nothing.
Bring the Children
Little weaknesses in children’s feet may develop
into serious and painful foot ailments if allowed to
progress. Let the Scholl foot expert see their feet
and show you how to take care of the little ones and
prevent possible foot troubles. Let him tell you how
to select shoes for the children—how to be sure that
their little feet will have plenty of room to grow
Don’t Let this Opportunity Slip by You
This is an opportunity that no one should overlook. It may mean permanent
| freedom from the annoyance, the discomfort, the pain of foot ailments. It is an
! opportunity that comes but seldom to most of us and you should lose no time in
; taking the fullest advantage of it. There are no strings attached to this offer—
a you will not be asked to buy a thing. So do not hesitate to come.
FEET HURT?! Chmeler & Gra.dy
“Cash Booterie.”
I _
I A new Car of Furniture.A lot of the
latest designs of Buffetts, China Closets,
Dressers, Du folds and Tables. Now is I
the time to buy. Housecleaning time is
here and you can buy twice as much this \
year for the same amount of money as j
you can next year. i
^ “The Home of Good Furniture” j
A Bounteous Stream of Profits Flowing Through the Arch of
Great Western Commission Co. Salesmanship
For Sale at Atkinson.
Two Hundred Fancy Black yearling
steers. 100 good Hereford yearlings,
mixed. Priced cheap to sell.
Young Men to Register.
Young men 21 to 31 years old in
clusive, married or single, must ap
pear at the regular polling places
betwen 7 a. m. and 9 p. m. on June
5, and fill out registration cards
which will be used for the information
of the government in drafting men
for the army under the selective con
scription bill. No other notice ex
cept the president’s proclamation and
announcements by authorities, printed
in newspapers and posted in con
spicuous places, will be given and
all patriotic citb ens are urged to help
in the movement of notifying young
men affected to make their registra
tions on the day designated.
Registration cards have been sent
to the authorities by the war de
partment. No information has been
received as to the possible date the
conscriptionists will be called into
service. So much stress is laid on the
occupation of the conscriptionists in
blanks, that the authorities believe
the government will use the men in
the places they can do the most good
and follow the lines of occupation in
which they are best qualified.
Questions to be Answered.
Men subject to registration are
urged to have all necessary informa
tion regarding themselves ready.
While the questions to be answered
are terse, considerable detailed in
formation will have to be accumulated
by the men affected in order that
they may be answered properly.
Twelve question in all are to be an
swered. In the order they are to be
answered they are as follows:
1, Name in full; 2, home address; 3,
date of birth; 4, are you a natural
born citizen, a naturalized citizen, an
alien, or have you denlared your in
tention to become a citizen ? Specify
which; 5, where were you born? 6, If
not a citizen of what country are you
a citizen or subject ? 7, What is your
present trade, occupation or office?
8, By whom employed ? Where em
ployed? 9, Have you a father, mother,
wife, child under 12, or a sister or
brother under 12 solely dependent
upon you for support? Specify which.
10, Married or single? Race? 11,
What military service have you had?
Rank? Years? Branch? Nation or
. state? 12, Do you claim exemption
from draft? Specify grounds.
E Claims for Exemption.
I The explanation regarding the
' claims of exemption from draft reads
0 as follows:
| “Because you|plaim exemption from
tj draft, it by no means follows that you
P are exempt. For the information of
n the war department you should make
tj ? claim now if you intend to prosecute
h it. Some persons will be exempted on
p account of their occupation or offices
jjj some on account of the fact that they
0 have rmatives dependent upon them
5 for support Your answer touching
1 those things wifi l:e important in sun
ij porting the o’iim you now intend to
; make in your answer to the present
H questions. Be sure, therefore, that the
n rrounds you now state are in con
0 forminty with your answers to ques
3 tions 7 and 8. In stating grounds you
tj claim as exempting you. use one of
5 the following terms: If you claim to
p be an executive, legislative or judicial
C officer of the state or nation name
0 your office and say whether it is a i
p office of (he state or nation. If you
i claim to be a member of a religious
i:ect whose creed forbids its members
to participate in war in any form,
simply name the sect. If you are em
[ ployed in the transmission of the
! United States mails or as an artificer
or workman in an armory, arsenal, or
navy yard of the United States, or if
l you are a mariner employed in the sea
f service of any citizen or merchant
c within the United States so state. If
£ you are a felon or otherwise morally
5 deficient and desire to claim exemption
jj on that ground state' your ground
£ briefly. If you claim physical disa
? bility, state that briefly. If you claim
t exemption on any other ground state
f your ground briefly.
I For Sale at Atkinson.
Two Hundred Fancy Black yearling
steers. 100 good Hereford yearlings,
mixed. Priced cheap to Rgll.
The Sorosis Club will hold a bazaar
and food sale at Dimmitt’s Store next
Saturday afternoon. They will have
many useful articles for sale, spch as
crocheted piano scarf, yokes, hand
embroidered pillow cases, children’s
bloomers, and many other articles, in
cluding many aprons. Here is the
■j place to buy your cakes, pies and
31 bread for Sunday dinner.
YouBet The Kiddies Like (
K Its Made Cl.
£ Sold Cl*
| %^Clesm.
AND it’s good for them, too. There is
JT\ never any cneapening of HOLS UM
bread. Made from a standard formula—it’a the
same one time as another.
And it's always pure in content and good to
the taste.
Every mother who puts the health of her
children as her first consideration will be
glad to know she can get
at this store. It's made clean in a light, airy bakery
surrounded by every sanitary precaution.
It's sold dean in germ-proof, dust-proof wrappers so ‘
~ that it reacnea you in just as good con
dition as it leaves our bakery.
And, It's the most wholesome and nutritious bread
you can buy for the ‘'kiddies." Take home a loaf.
Ask ior HOhSUn by Name ,
For Sale by
D. Ste^rirvaLra, O’Neill.
I" I 1IM—■■
1 velvet l|
R Is the perfect Shortening. It is entirely a
Pj vegetable product: no hog fat, no tallow—It is
SI absolutely pure. Try some to-day. It is ideal
Iffij for all sorts of baking and frying. The price is
g —SEE—
1 35S- IEEL 2v£orriooan
KOTEEmwiiwk. smEmrmnxMBanmmtBmamaKnsmmBMMmmmBMMmnmuBEMmmmm »■■■■
I Belgian Draft Stallion, weight 1850; dark blue
roan—will make the season of 1917 as follows:
Thursday and Friday forenoons at W. V. Hunter’s
farm, 8 miles straight north of the cemetery, Tues- j
days at Fred Vitt’s farm, 5 miles southeast of O’Neill,
balance of the time at the Palace Livery Barn, O’Neill.
Teddy is a spotted grade stallion and will stand
at the Palace Liverv Barn. !
• If
TERMS—$15 to insure a colt to stand and suck.
Parties disposing of mares or removing the same
from the neighborhood before knowing mare to be in
foal, will be held for service fee. Care will be taken
to prevent accidents, but will not be responsible
should any occur.
I. N. BOGGS, Owner, O’Neill.