... —e A. E. BOWEN i: i Sells High Grade Pianos at ; | $175 and up on Easy Terms, m 1 O’Neill - Nebr. g| ■ '_1 ..f DR. O. K. TICKLER VETERINARIAN PHONE| DAY 108 | NIGHT O’NEILL - - - NEBRASK A E. D. MAYFIELD Successor to BOWEN BROS. DRAY, BAGGAGE AND TRANSFER LINE Your Patronage Solicited. Phone 184 - - O’Neill, Neb. Repayable Any Day No Renewal Required MATURES IN 20 YEARS The CONSERVATIVE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OMAHA JOHN L. QUIG, Agent For Holt goUNty O’Neill, . • Nebraska I-1 MONEY! Loaned to buy or build your home or place of business. Payable in monthly install ments. Entire loan or any part thereof paid any time. Optional Farm Loans made at lowest rates. Farm, City and Auto Insurance written. L. G. Gillespie O’Neill, Nebraska THE CITY GARAGE Walter Stein, Prop. Auto Livery All Kinds of Repairing. We have competent Workmen. All kinds of Oils and Automobile Accesaries. Old Campbell Garage, O’Neill, Neb. L——————^—5=55== ROCKY MOUNTAIN TOURS The season of 1916 brought to the Rocky Mountains the greatest patronage yet recorded. Estes Park, Colo., and a number of ranches m the Big Horn Mountains were forced to turn tourists away. Many mountain localities and ranche resorts are now increasing their ca pacity preparing for the coming Summer’s volume. v Every frospect now inicates a greater tourist volume _ in the mountains this coming Summer than ever before. Tourists will view Yellowstone Park by automobile; the magnificent Rockies with their three National Parks—Rocky Mountain-Estes, Yellowsione and Glacier are luring Easterners from their limited environment, who want to tour the big, wide West and to understand it. In due time, descriptive publications of Summer tours will be available. If you expect to join the mountain Summer throng, especially if you desire accommodations at some particular place, it would be well to make early plans. Let me know the region in which you are interested, that I may list your name for information and publication. H. G. FREY, Ticket Agent. L. W. WAKELEY, General Pasgr. Agt. 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. “IT IS US AGAIN” is a reason why we are here and there will be a reason if we leave, but there is no you do not send the whole family % Phone 209 * Sanitary Laundry \ Hardware ^[gII P« Bl*8flll&lj Implements r— I The Seed Hopper and Spout being mounted on tne beam eliminates telescoping, because both are I raised with the beam and are al ways in the same relative posi I tion to each other. No chance > I to clog up or get out of order. J S'" 8 a f The Disc Covers are held firmly in the ground ^ M by spring pressure, allowing them to ride over obstructions 1 and to rebound to position. They are adjustable for depth, w \ width and angle, enabling the operator to set the discs just M right. Shovel Covers furnished if desired. J. I. Case Racine Jr. Variable Drop Lister HANDLES ANY KIND OF CORN By means of the slotted casting at the side of the beam, the movement of the bottom is so timed that the point travels faster than the heel, thus securing perfect penertation, whether spliting a ridge or listing on level ground. Distance Easily Changed. By means of a series of cog wheels, which are controlled by a small hand lever within easy reach of the operator, the distances for drilling can be instantly changed while the machine is in motion. The implement is controlled by a single lever assisted by a large coil spring. Using a 9-tooth sprocket with a 10-hole plate, for example, gives a dropping distance of 13 inches when set on high gear; 17 inches on medium gear and 22 inches on low gear. The dropping mechanism is automatically thrown in motion when the bottom enters the ground, and ceases to operate when the bottom is raised. It can be thrown out of gear at any time. Specifications. Drop is force feed and seed plate is driven directly from axle. Tilt over hopper allows changing plates without removing the seed. Can be used with or without a pole. Frame is of one piece, high carbon steel. Width between main wheels can be changed 34, 37 or 40 inches. Rear wheels pivot on a roller bearing, making lister easy to guide. Sand collar on the axle protects the clutches from dirt and dust. Disc coverers, regular equipment; shovel coverers can be furnished if desired. With each Racine Jr. Variable Drop Lister we furnish one set of combination three or four-horse eveners— one rolling colter—9-tooth sprocket on feed shaft—one blank plate—3 ten-hole plates—one sqt covers (disc unless otherwise specified) and one subsoiler. Three-horse set over attachment can be furnished when wanted but will be charged for as extra equipment . Hardware J^Bll ^. BfBIM&Il Implements * 1 N. S. HENDRICK H ^ CARPENTER & BUILDER ^ |if Lock Box No. 235 fl| || O’Neill, : Nebr. ||j J. H. Davison A Full Stock of Everything in Harness and Horse furnishings SHOE REPAIRING Guaranteed Goods and Satisfied Customers. Highest Price Paid tor Hides. Come and See Me. O’NEILL, NEB. k Rank foolishness. You occasionally see it stated that colds do not result from cold weather. That is rank foolishness. Were it true colds would be as prevalent in mid summer as in midwinter. The microbe that causes colds flourishes in damp cold weather. To get rid of a cold take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It is effectual and is highly recom mended by people who have used it for many years as occasion required, and know its real value. Obtainable every where. 39-4 (First publication March 29.) LEGAL NOTICE. Steve Cieslak, non-resident defend ant will take notice that on the 29th day of November, 1916, Theresa Cies lak, as plaintiff, filed her petition in the District Court of Holt County, Ne braska, against you.as defendant, the object and prayer of which are to ob tain an absolute divorce from you upon the grounds that you have wilfully de serted the plaintiff for a period of more than two years prior to the fil ing of her petition. Plaintiff also asks the custody of all minor children. You are required to answer said petitibn on or before Monday, May 4th, 1917. THERESA CIESLAK, * Plaintiff. By Chapman & Chapman, Her Attorneys. 42-4 MOTHERS Should see that the whole family take at least three or four doses of a thoro, purifying system cleaning medicine this spring. Now is the time. The family will be healthier, happier and .get along better if the blood is given a thoro purifying, the stomach and bowels cleaned out, and the germs of winter, accumulated in the system driven away. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea is the very best and surest Spring Remedy to take, get it at once and see the difference in the whole family. Their color will be bet ter, they’ll feel fine and be well and happy. 35c. The best Spring tonic laxative, purifier.—Reardon Bros. 38-5 [I AID ADVERTISING 1 Paid announcements will ap- fl pc ir under this head. if you have anything to sell I or wish to buy tell the people of B it in this column. ’’ive cents per line each week fl fur announcements in this col- ■ OATS FOR SALE—NYE, SCHNEI der, Fowler Co. 42-4 WIIY PAY MORE? MEALS AT ■ all hours, 25 cents.—Beha Hotel.30t WANTED — A GIRL AT THE Sanitary Laundry. 37tf FOE RENT—FINE LARGE ROOMS strictly modern, close in, inquire at Frontier office. 37tf WHEN YOU WANT BETTER Shoes we have them. — Fred Albert. , 46-tf ORIOLE GO-CART FOR SALE— Reasonable. Inquire McPharlin’s Barber Shop. 42-1 FOR SALE—240 A. HAY LAND 5% M. S. W. O’Neill. Price $20, 14 cash.—E. H. Whelan. 35 FOR SALE—SQUARE PIANO IN good condition, $50 if taken at once. —Mrs. Carrie Skirving. 42-1 FOR SALE—CANE SEED AND some Corn. For particulars see or write Jim Conley, O’Neill. 41-2 STRAYED OR STOLEN — PURE Yellow Shepard male dog. Finder notify Ed Knobbs, O’Neill, Neb., Star Route. _ 42-2p CjUUHi run —i-xvn. v r. ro tative for Blackleg—Dr. J. W. Love, Vt. S., Chambers, Neb. Call central if you want me. Guarantee cure. 41-5p KODAK FINISHING — LOWEST prices. Strictly professional work. Prompt service. , Send for price list. —W. T. Mohler, Fremont, Neb. 31tf KODAK SUPPLIES. KODAK AM ateur finishing developing, any size roll of film, 15c; prints or post cards, 6c each.—W. B. Graves. 44-tf. A LARGE RETORT OAK AND A Topsey stove for sale. Both com paratively new. Or to trade for a range cook stove.—Wm. Fallon. 34tf WANTED—I AM NOW PREPARED to do plain and fancy Sewing, first house west of golf links Have had ex perience. Phone 232.—Mrs. J. H. Shultz. 40-3p TO RENT—440 ACRE FARM, 10 miles north of O’Neill; 175 acres under cultivation, 17 acres alfalfa, balance hay and pasture.—C. Wett laufer, O’Neill,' Neb. 42tf FOR SALE — FOUR COMPLETE Hot Water Heating Plants. They are as good as new and will be sold very cheap. Address or Phone to Joseph McCaffrey, Emmet, Neb. 42-4 HOLSTINS FOR SALE—TWELVE young cows and heifers and one young bull. Price $85 if taken soon. —Address, Lloyd Coates, Venus, Neb. Farm 9 miles north of Orchard. 41 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN, MY residence two blocks from P. 0. Has bath, lights, furnace, plenty closets. Small cash payment and low interest will handle.—E. H. Whelan. ONE OF THE BEST FARMS IN Holt County for sale. Well im proved, 320 acres; 10 acres ash grove. Seven miles from town. See or write E. Templin, O’Neil, for further par ticulars. 42-3p FOR SALE—ROUND DINING TA ble, china closet, 2 9x12 rugs, baby crib with springs and mattress, large piece of Linoleum, 3 lamps and 1 large and 1 small fern.—-Enquire of Mrs. Harry Reed, O’Neill. 41-2p FOR SALE — r^HE TWO BEST building lots in O’Neill, two blocks from P. O. Shade trees already grown. Can sell you lots from $500 down to $100. No tax deed stuff. Ab stract and warranty deed.—E. II. Whelan. 35 We Want Your Opinion As a lover of some kind of music we value your opinion. Won’t you come and listen to a Re-Creation con cert at Warner & Sons’ Furniture de partment on or after March 17th; then tell^is what you think about Mr. Edison’s new invention? HONEY FOR SALE. Comb Honey, 24 boxes to a crate, $4.00 per crate. Extracted, 1 gallon, $1.75. Two gallons, $3.25. Three gallons or more at $1.50 per gallon, postage or express paid by me. R. T. FREDERICK, The Bee Man, 40-3 Randolph, Nebr. When to Take Chamberlain’s Tablets. When you feel dull and stupid after eating. When constipated or^bilious. When you have a sick headache. When you have a sour stomach. When you belch after eating. : When yon have indigestion. When nervous or despondent. When you have no relish for your meals. When your liver is tepid. Obtainable everywhere. 39-4 - i Sign of Good Digestion. When you see a cheerful and happy old lady you may know that she has good digestion. If your digestion is < impared or if you do not relish your meals take a dose of Chamberlain’s Tablets. They strengthen the stomach, ' improve the digestion and cause a f gentle movement of the bowels. Ob- i tamable everywhere. 39-4 j THE MAXWELL CAR c We are agents in this territory f°r | the Maxwell Cars. We have two car loads of the new models now in stoc^ and can make delivery the day y° make purchase. Demonstration a time or at any place. We are strictly « in the automobile game. * $635 F. O. B. Factory « McKfown & Bazelman O’Neill, Nebraska £DWARD H. WHELAN * t av/y®r* PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS —o O’NEILL, NEBRASKA The O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY Compiles Abstracts of Title rHE ONLY COMPLETE SET Of ABSTRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY. (Lhe 5ai?itary )Meat Market We have a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats, Pure Horn* Rendered Lard. Wm. Simpson Naylor Block Phone 150 Or. e. T. Wilson Physician and Surgeon SPECIALTIES: Eye, :: Ear, :: Nose :: and Throat Spectacles correctly fitted and Supplied Office and Residence—Rooms No. I, and 3, Naylor Block O’NEILL, NEB. FRED L. BARCLAY STUART, NEB. Makes Long or Short Time Loans on Improved Farms and Ranches. If you are in need of a loan drop him a line and he will call and see you. OR. J. P* GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Special attention give to DISEASES OF THE EYE AND CORRECT FITTING OF GLASSES Walter P. Hombach, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office over Pixley’s Drug Store. Phones 218-202-12 DR. H. MARGARET FROST OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Naylor Building O’Neill, Neb. All Diseases Treated Phone 262. To our Patrons and Prospective Patrons: THE SCHLITZ HOTEL . ^ not closed, nor will it be for some time to come. The same Splendid Service, at Popular Rates, will be maintained in the future as in the past. P. H. PHILBIN, President. 314-322 South 16th St. ! OMAHA. NEBR W. K. HODGKIN Lawyers Office- Nebraska State Bank Bldg. Reference: O’Neill National Bank. O’Neill, :: «' :: Neb‘ A.J.BKaaW* Abstract Title Abstractors )ffice in First National Bank Bldg „HEf^AV£V£,TTHE Centre’* ™r«yw«K Musimi Burlesque «n. ***** dont ©o home Saying: PIDNjT VISIT THE GAYETY to Prevent Croup. ^V'heu/the child is subject to attacks croup, see to it t ha treats a light ening meal, as ar? overloaded stom h .may bring jT‘n an attack ,also atch for the symptom—hoarse s/,, and givejrchamberlain’s Cough dn ’ “n as the child becomes |.r: nable everywhere. 39-4