[STAR THEATRE THURS., FEB. 11 Washington’s Birthday ' Clarence Eklund The greatest man ever brought to this part of Nebraska. vs. Fred McNally T< > a Finish | There'll Be No Stalling I General Admission 50c I Ringsides - - - $1.00 I. - ——J Fu/blio SslIo I will sell at my place, 1% miles east of Oppor tunity, 1 mile south and 1 mile west of Mineola, 9 * miles north and 8% miles east of O’Neill, on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1917 SALE BEGINS AT 10 O’CLOCK 18—-HEAD OF CATTLE--18 f Eleven head of good milch cows, 3 giving milk now 1 and one will be fresh before date of sale and some later on, all with calf; 1 Durham bull, coming 2 years old; 1 Shorthorn bull, coming 2 years old; 1 spring bull calf; 1 steer calf; 3 heifer calves. 5^-HEAD OF HORSES--5 One bay mare, 8 years old, weight 1350, in foal; 1 sorrel mare, 4 years old, weight 1300, in foal; 1 bay mare, 10 years old, weight 1100, in foal; 2 spring colts, ; both mares. j 18--HEAD OF HOGS——-18 ; Three brood sows, in pig; 2 barrows; 14 fall pigs. Three dozen chickens, Buff Orphingtons; 15 ducks; 10 geese; 100 bushels of Kherson oats; 100 bushels of Sweedish Select oats; several hundred bushels of corn; | 5 stacks of good hay. FARM MACHINERY, ETC s> One 8-foot Deering binder with truck; 1 McCormick | mower; 1 Emerson mower; 2 John Deere listers; 1 Rock Island go-devil; 1 two-row machine; 1 spring buggy; 1 wagon and tripple box; 1 disc; 1 walking plow; 1 grindstone; 1 one-hole corn sheller; 1 set 1% inch work harness; 1 single harness; 4 good Scotch I collars; 1 No. 12 De Laval cream separator; 1 200-egg Eclipse incubator; 1 one-horse drill, new last fall; 1 wheelbarrow and some household goods, and other articles too numerous to mention, such as log chains, wrenches, saws, braces, bits, etc. PLENTY OF FREE LUNCH SERVED AT NOON TERMS—Nine months’ time will be given on all sums over $10 with approved security and 10 per cent in terest. Sums of $10 and under cash. All property must be settled for before removal. A. J. GARVIS, Owner , Col. James Moore, Auct. _ S. J. Weekes, Clerk n_ Elwood Wallen AUCTIONEER See me before claiming dates. Six years experience. Satisfaction guaranteed and terms reasonable. Phone 5D, : Emmet, Neb. 26>13p The Best Recommendation. The strongest recommendation an; article may receive is a favorabl word from the user. It is the recom mendations of those who have used i that makes Chamberlain’s Cougl Remedy so popular. Mrs. Amand; Gierhart, Waynesfield, Ohio, writes “Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy ha been used in my family off and on fo twenty years and it has never failei to cure a cough or cold.” Obtainabl everywhere. 34-1 Wilson Keeps Us Out of War. John Brennan—Out 01 Debt We wont have any big amount so you better come early. This kind of weather is fine if you want to take it out in the country. No wonder people giggle when they see an automobile stop in front of a credit store. Ain’t it funny you never see a sucker in a cash store. Rice will be higher, 6 pounds for 42; Rape Seed and Millet Seed for sale here. Oyster Shells 96c; You people who have eream to sell are making a big mistake if you don’t give the creamery a share of your cream. If they stop buying at O’Neill you will get at least 4 to 8 cents less per pound for your cream all summer long. They can ship in cream for less money. I hope they don’t get dis couraged. Compare with S. R. & Co. GROCERIES 10c Bon Ami, 2 for . 15c 10 Bars White Soap, (all'kinds) 39c 10 Bars Yellow Soap, (allkinds) 32c If you are tired of tea and coffee try Cocoa, 25c Cans, 3 for . 50c 3 Bars Jap Rose Soap . 22c 3 Bars Williams Shaving Soap. .. 22c 2—10c Boxes Shinola . 15c 2 Boxes Yreast .'.. 7c 2 Boxes Household Matches . 9c 14 lbs. Sugar .$1.00 2 lbs. Tea .'. 79c 3 lbs. Monach Coffee .$1.00 4 lbs. Farmhouse Coffee .$1.00 6 lbs. 25c Bulk Coffee . $1.00 FRUIT 4 doz. Oranges . 79c 4 doz. Bananas . 79c Apples .$2.25 T nmnnc n 2fi o CLOTHING 1—$25.00 Suit, 2 pair pants .$15.25 1—$30.00 Suit, size 42, Tailor Made ..... $16.75 1—$10.00 Handmedown Suit .$4.75 25 Overcoats, $12 to $18 .$6.75 4—$16.00 Sheepskins .$12.50 100 Odd Pants, per pair .$1.85 Boys’ Pants, 4 to 12 years .$4.95 50c Suspenders . 35c 75c Work Shirts for men . 55c S. & R. ask 65c. SALT Barrels . $2.20 Blocks . 43c 2 Blocks . 85c 50 lb. Sacks, Dairy . 50c 25 lb. Sacks, Dairy . 25c Sulphur Blocks . 61c 3—10c Pkgs. Shaker Salt . 25c CANDIES 50c Boxes Chocolate Creams .... 29c 25c Boxes Chocolate Creams .... 17c Grocers Mixed Candy ..A. 7c ■ Christmas Mixed Candy . 8c Chocolate Creams . 1214c Chocolate Dipped Carmels . 15c After Dinner Mints . 12c Jelly Beans . 12c Gum Drops . He DRY GOODS Men’s Union Suit . 89c Men’s Union Suit . 95c Ladies’ Union Suit .$1.29 Ladies’ Silk Petticoats .$4.75 Ladies’ Waist .$1.29 Middy Blouses . 59c 50c Skeins Yarn, 4 for . 50c Outing Flannel at the Old Prices. SALMON NOT HEADS AND TAILS. Tall Pink Salmon . 11c Flat Red Salmon . 23c Tall Red Salmon . 18c CHEESE Cheese (Cream) . 28c Cheese (Brick) . 25c Ham (Picnic) .,. 18c Bacon (Sugar Cured) . 23c Ham (Skinned) . 23c HARDWARE 25c Mop Sticks . 9c 50c Glass Wash Boards . 37c $1.50 Scoops . 97c 35c Halter Chains . 19c 60c Pocket Knives . 29c $1.50 Cold Blast Lanterns . 87c 1 Quality counts. Not long ago a storekeeper thought ne couia noox one over so he shipped in a car of things called apples which had the same flavor as a pine knot. The people who bought apples from me thought I held them up on the price till they tasted some of his. My dear friends if you don’t trade here you have to pay the difference. Get he game. We have the quality as well as the price. Come down some Earning and look over tht new line of Dry Goods. Lots of time in the mornings to show you every piece. The Other Stores Cem’t Beat My Prices So They Knock On My Goods, But The Smoke Goes Up The Chimney Just The Same. SEWING MACHINES “FIXED.” like to have it cleaned or repaired, ' The following people have had me gjJJP1* pchalne ^®_and I will come and ; “fix” their sewing machines. If you examj;e your machine free of charge. - have any doubt about my work, I will j will teji you wbat is the matter with 1 « glad to refer y°u to ^y it and how much it will cost to get it , Mrs- frank Schmidt, Mrs. Walter ,.fixed „ After j do the work, and l ^^nt’ mFS' r' R Mrs fVn you feel that y0Ul are n0t satisfied> 1 Nelson, Mrs. I. B. Pine, Mrs Geo. > u refund every cent 0f money that , Longstaff, Presbyterian Ladies Aid. jd me.—E A. Williams, Sewing 5 Mrs. Bressler, Miss Anna Coyne, Mrs. Machine Expert. I guarantee a . W. V. Hunter. The above, is just a r(J dea, t‘, everybody. .36-1 . small percent of all the satisfied 1 _ customers that I have in O’Neill If 5 youi sewing machine is not in the Quinn has the Gold Cresent b lour, best running order, or if you would Nuff said. 36-lp $1.00 Watches, 1 year guarantee 79c $1.00 Ever Ready Razors . 79c I save you $2 to $4 on a water tank, the same amount on a pump. 20c Roller Snaps, 2for . 25c $1.00 Alarm Clocks . 79c 20c Flour Sieves . 9c 15c Curtain Rods . 9c 15c Chair Bottoms . 9c 35c Butcher Knives . 9c SPECIAL 50c Brooms, 3 for .$1.29 75c Brooms, 3 for .$1.59 2— 25c Cans Mica Grease . 35c Yes, we have the big Buckets— they «re cheaper. Bulk Ice Cream, per quart . 35c Brick Ice Cream, assorted flavors per Brick . 45c TOBACCOS Horseshoe Tobacco . 45c Climax Tobacco . 44c J. T. Tobacco . 34c Yankee Girl Tobacco . 37c Patterson Seal Tobacco . 42c Union Leader . 42c Geo. Washington Tobacco . 42c P. A. in Humidors . 79c Velvet in Humidors . 79c 3— 10c Pkgs. any kini . 27c 3—5c Pkgs. any kind . 10c Beginners’ Cigars, 2 for . 5c SitUEjS $6.00 and $7.50 Ladies’ High Tops .'. $4.75 $5.50 and $6.50 Ladies’ High Tops . $4.50 $5.50 and $6.00 Men’s Dress . $4.50 $4.50 and $5.00 Men’s Dress . $3.75 One Lot Men’s Work Shoes . $2.95 One Lot Ladies’ and Boys’ . $1.98 $2 and $2.25 Children’s Shoes .... $1.29 Ladies’ and Children’s Overshoes 95c Men’s $3.50 Overshoes . $2.25 Men’s $1.50 Overshoes . 90c Men’s $5.00 Boots. $3.75 Hundreds of pairs of Shoes .$1.98 FEED Bran . $1.70 Shorts . $1.95 Flour . $2.60 Rye Flour, 24 lbs . $1.05 Graham, 12 lbs. . 45c Buckwheat, 12 lbs.*. 55c Corn Meal, 12 lbs. 45c Corn Meal, 6 lbs. . 23c Oatmeal, 5 lbs. 20c DRUGS Best Grade Talcum Powder, per can . 9c 16 oz. Paris De Luxe Talcum Powder .>. 19c Dentapeal Tooth Paste, lays flat on’ brush .’. 9c Cottage Thermometers . 9c 30c Bottle Bay Rum . 37c 50c Cough Syrup . 37c 25c Bottle Cough Syrup . 19c 50c Buggy Whips . 29c New Butterick Patterns are here. GLASSWARE 5 Water Glasses . 9c 2 Star Cut Water Glasses. 16c 2 Colonial Glass Sauce Dishes 9c Class Sanitary Syrup Pitchers 9c Call’s Salt and Pepper Shakers, 2 for . 9c Nucut Glass Pickle Dishes . 9c Cenuine Cut Glass Tootul Sundae Glasses . 9c You understand how it is—Some people can’t pay cash and naturally lave an excuse for not trading here. 1’hese other stores can sell just as :heap, but they wont, so they knock >n my goods—because I am cutting irices so fast they can’t keep up. rhey are all good fellows, but they late to work. A FEW OF OUR STRONG LINES De Laval Cream Separators, best in the world. Mr. Calkins purchased one Wednesday. Goodrich Tires, best in the long run. Everybody buys them. If you have a Goodrich tire that owes you anything, bring it in and we will fix it. Monarc Ranges, last a life-time. We sell a Monarc every week. Elvin Bowden was the lucky guy this week. Fairbanks Morse Gas Engines are world beaters. Herman Stein purchased two this week. Hard ware that will stand “hard wear.” Furniture that stands the test of time. Don’t forget we meet all catalogue house prices. No excuse for sending off for goods in our line. Who? JORDAN Of Course The Journal’s State Capitol Bureau *00000000000* j $ HIIMHmilHWWl|mHIIII« y*y Is at your service during the present session of the § legislature and all thru the year. Avail yourself of this opportunity to follow the vote of the members from your district on any question. 'Write the j Journal and we will send you the desired in- j formation. THE JOURNAL IS LINCOLN’S ONLY MORNING PAPER And makes good use of the opportunity its position gives it of covering the sessions of the state’s law- | makers more thoroly than any other Nebraska paper. The Journal’s Capitol Bureau is BUT ONE OF MANY SERVICES You receive with a subscription to the newspaper. Complete markets, all the world’s news, comprehensive editorials, a big Sunday paper with magazine features and colored comic are yours at BARGAIN RATES FOR A SHORT TIME >f Brings the Daily and Sundaj g* ^Brings the Daily Journal '^^"P* to January 1, 1918. to January 1, 1918. -Send Your Order Today to The Lincoln State Journal E ■ Repayable Any Day No Renewal Required MATURES IN 15Vi YEARS I'he CONSERVATIVE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OMAHA JOHN L. QUIG, Agent For Holt coUNty D’Neill, - - Nebraska THE CITY GARAGE Walter Stein, Prop. Auto Livery All Kinds of Repairing. We have :ompetent Workmen. All kinds of Dils and Automobile Accesaries. Old Campbell Garage, O’Neill, Neb. E. D. MAYFIELD Successor to BOWEN BROS. DRAY, BAGGAGE AND TRANSFER LINE Your Patronage Solicited. Phone 184 - - O’Neill, Neb. MONEY! Loaned to buy or build your home or place of business. Payable in monthly install ments. Entire loan or any part thereof paid any time. Optional Farm Loans made at lowest rates. Farm, City and Auto Insurance written. L. G. Gillespie O’Neill, Nebraska It pays to repair your own shoes. You can save a dollar and do the work when it is too cold to work out doors. We have Cobbler outfits, leather strips and tacks. Rubber heels, price 15c pair. Saving is its own reward. NEIL P. BRENNAN Hardwars and Machinery. DR. O. K. TICKLER VETERINARIAN PHONE | DAY 108 | NIGHT O’NEILL - NEBRASKA