km,II '..III. Ml I. !■!■■■'! '»■ ■ .. ■■■ ■! -■■■ 200,000 ACRES OF MONDELL LANDS (For Free Homestead Entry) SPECIAL EXCURSION To Douglas, Wyo., August 15th, 1916. I will conduct a special homeseekers’ excursion leaving Omaha on our train 9-43, at 12:20 A. M. Wednesday, August 16th, and from Lincoln at 2:15 A. M. With me will be several from Iowa and Missouri. We will all be together the morning of the 16th, arriving at Douglas that evening. GO WITH ME to see these grass-covered lands, now open to favorable entry by the Burlington’s new passenger service to Douglas, Wyo. They are very desirable for the live stock grower and dairy farmer. 320 acres may be homesteaded and 160 acres purchased at not less than $1.25 per acre. Lands 7 to 10 miles of the railroad. Take this early chance to secure a Mondell homestead so near to this pro gressive city of Douglas, Wyo. Ask me for folders, maps and information. My services are free. F. G. FRAY, Ticket Agent. S. B. HOWARD, Immigration Agent, 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. II PHONE 82 PI III FOR YOUR 1 LUMBERjllI COAL 1 I O- O- Sn.3rd.0r I SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY JII\jk LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY §an!tae? Is the nvimber laEndr? SANITARY . . LAUNDRY SANITARY when you have laundry Ianitary Lace Curtains to Re-Laundry J^undry im O’Neill Sanitary Laundry Sll SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY SANITARY LAUNDRY FARM LOANS Eastern Money to Loan on Nebraska Farms. 6 Per Cent Interest JOEL PARKER, O'NEILL Of Great Interest to Every Local Merchant An Opportunity to Double Your Dollars We Desire to bring to your attention our appointment as WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS and JOBBERS for Iowa and Nebraska of— ' Columbia , Grafonolas ‘ And Records " We are in a position to allot territory for these famous Phonographs to live merchants and to supply promptly all requirements of established agents. A request for terms, prices and catalogs will bring immediate response and full information of the best money making proposition for a hustler. ! Write today for first privilege, as one dealer only will be established now in each city. 8“4 thi. cmpon', oiler Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. i w Lar«ut Retailer, of Plano. In the World | mmm.....JSstabltshed 1849. fi AddrMi 1311-18 Farnam St. • Omaha, Neb. 1 (First publication July 13.) TRUSTEES AUCTION SALE. In Circuit Court, Brown County, South Dakota: In the Matter of the Settlement of the Company, a Corporation, dissolved by the expiration of the time limited by its Articles of Incorporation. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Issac Lincoln, Trustee ap pointed by said Court to take and hold possession of the assets of said corpora tlon, reduce the same to cash, pay the debts and divide among the stock holders the remaining assets, will, pursuant to the order of said Court, duly made and entered, sell to the highest bidder for cash, subject to confirmation by said Court, at public auction, at the office of said Isaac Lincoln at the First State Bank Build ing in the City of Aberdeen, Brown County, South Dakota, on the 12th day of August, 1916, commencing at 10 o’clock A. M. on said day, certain assets of said corporation, including the Northeast Quarter of Section 12, in Township 27, North of Range 13, West; the Southwest Quarter of Sec tion 25, in Township 28, North of Range 13, West; and the West One half of the Northwest Quarter of Sec. tion 3, and the North One-half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 4, in Township 25, North of Range 14, West; all in Holt County, Nebraska. ISAAC LINCOLN, 5-5 Trustee. (First publication July 20.) SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an Order of Sale, di rected to me from the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County, Ne braska, on a judgment obtained before Anson A. Welch, Presiding Judge of the District Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District in and for Holt County, Nebraska, on the 3rd day of September, 1915, in favor of The Dur land Trust Company, as Plaintiff, and against John Skirving, Carrie Skirv ing, R. R. Dickson, May Brothers, a Copartnership, Charles May and Jake May, Copartners doing business under the firm name and style of May Brothers, Tolerton & Warfield Company, Herman Brothers and Whit, ney Christenson Company, as De. fendants, for the sum of One Thous and Five Hundred Four Dollars, and Nine Cents, and costs taxed at $34.45, and accruing costs, I have levied upon the following Real Estate taken as the property of said Defendants, to satisfy said Order of Sale, to-wit: The North West Quarter (NW14), of Section Seven (7), Township Twenty-Eight (28), Range Eleven (11), West of the 6th Principal Meridian, in Holt County, Nebraska, And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 21st day of August, A. D. 1916, in front of the Court House in O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said day, when and where due attendance wil be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Holt County, Ne braska, this 19th day of July, 1916. H. D. GRADY, 6-5 Sheriff of Said County. (First publication July 20.) SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an Order of Sale, di rected to me from the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County, Ne braska, on a judgment obtained before R. R. Dickson, Judge of the District Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District in and for Holt County, Neb.,onthe5th day of June, 1916, in favor of M. Rent schler, as Plaintiff, and against Henry Witt, Earl A. Thompson, Mrs. Earl A. Thompson, first and given name un. known, wife of said Earl A. Thomp son, Hugh A. Ritchie, Elizabeth Ritchie, wife of Hugh A. Ritchie, Samuel B. Perrin and Gertrude Perrin, wife of said Samuel B. Perrin, as De fendants, for the sum of Eight Hun dred Forty-Two Dollars, and Fifty Cents,and costs taxed at $27.50 and ac. cruing costs, I have levied upon the following Real Estate taken as the property of said Defendants, to satisfy said Order of Sale, to-wit: The North West Quarter (NW%) of Section Eight (8), in Township Twenty-Seven (27), North of Range Eleven (11), West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Holt County, Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 21st day of August, A. D. 1916, at the front do.or of the Court House in O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Holt County, Ne braska, this 19th day of July, 1916. H. D. GRADY, 6-5 Sheriff of Said County. (First publication July 20.) SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an Order of Sale, di rected to me from the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County, Ne braska, on a judgment obtained before R. R. Dickson, Judge of the District Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District in and for Holt County, Ne braska, on the 14th day of February, 1916, in favor of Norfolk Building and Loan Association, as Plaintiff, and against E. Roy Townsend, Dora C. Townsend, William Wilkinson and Mrs. William Wilkinson, first real name un known, as Defendants, for the sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Three Dollars, and Thirty-Nine Cents, and costs taxed at $40.60, and accruing costs, I have levied upon the following Real Estate taken as the property of said Defendants, to satisfy said Order of Sale, to-wit: A part of Lot 1, in Block A, in Millard’s Addition to O’Neill, described as follows: Be ginning at the North East Corner of said Lot 1, thence running South 136 feet; thence West 120 feet; thence North 136 feet; thence East 120 feet, to the place of beginning, being situated on the SE% of the SE14 of Section 30, in Township 29, Range 11, West of the 6th P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 21st day of August, A. D., 1916, at the front door of the Court House in O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o’clock, A. M. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Holt County, Ne braska, this 19th day of July, 1916. H. D. GRADY, 6-5 Sheriff of Said County. (First Publication July 20.) REFEREE’S SALE. Under and by virtue of an order and decree of the district court in and for Johnson County, State of Nebraska, entered May 4th, 1916, in a cause fending therein, wherein Verna Marie illman is plaintiff, and John Albert Frailey, and Mary A. Frailey, his wife; i Charles Frailey, and Lillian M. Frailey, his wife; George Frailey, and Dollie P. Frailey, his wife; Wiliam F. Frailey, and Elsie M. Frailey, his wife; Charles Henry Behringer; Kenneth Allen Behringer, a minor; Mildred Mary Behringer, a minor; Nellie Helen Behringer, a minor; Henry A. Sillman, and Lydia E. Behringer, are defend ants; the undersigned referee in said cause will offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash the following described real estate situated in Holt County, State of Ne brnsks to-wit: The North West Quarter (NW14), of Section Nineteen (19), in Township Twenty Nine (29), North of Range Nine (9), West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, at the West Front Door of the Court House in O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, on Monday, the 21st day of August, 1916, at 3 o’clock P. M. Dated at Tecumseh, Nebraska, July 15th, 1916. JAMES P. KELLEY, Referee. Al. N. Dafoe, Attorney. 6-4 (First publication August 3.) Notice—Chattel Mortgage Sale. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated on the 29th day of January, 1916, and fded in the office of the County Clerk of Holt County, Nebraska, on the 15th day of February, 1916, and executed by L. I. Puckett to International Har vester Company of America (A cor poration) to secure the payment of the sum of $26.00 and there is now due the sum of $30.70, and DEFAULT having been made in the payment of said sum, therefore we will sell the property therein described: One 4 Horse Power I. H. C. Gasoline Engine, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Implement Store of John Martfeld, in the town of Emmet, in Holt County, Nebraska, on the 24th day of August, 1916, at 2 o’clock P. M. of said day. Dated this 29th day of July, 1916. INTERNATIONAL HAR V E S T E R COMPANY OF AMERICA. By H. C. Hall, Agent. 8-4 (First publication August 3.) Notice—Chattel Mortgage Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virute of a chattel mortgage, dated on the 10th day of May, 1916, and duly filed in the office of the County Clerk of Holt County, Nebraska, on the 10th day of May, 1916, and executed by William Toy to Clarence J. Simonson, to secure the payment of the sum of $1,759.85, upon which there is now due the sum of $1,757.76, and default hav ing been made in the payment of said sum, and no suit or other proceeding at law having been instituted to re cover said debt or any part thereof, therefore I will sell to the highest bid der for cash, the property therein de scribed to-wit: 12 stools; 4 mirrors; 1 cooking stove; 1 cash register; 500 chocolate cases; 500 red cases; 500 lavender cases; 5 gross clover dollies; 3 gross -6 clover lace dollies; 3 gross 6 clover lace edge dollies; 1 gross 10 clover linen square dollies; 1 gross 10 clover linen rounds; 1 gross 12 clover linen rounds; 1 gross oval round large; 1 box stewers; 200 only chop frills; 4 box pie colars 4 doz.; 500 small cases; 2 doz. napkins; 5 doz. 7 inch plates; 6 doz. 36 nappy; 6 doz. cups and saucers; 1 doz. celery trays; 6 doz. 5 saucers; 1 dox. celery trays; 6 dox. 5 inch plates; 2 doz. A D coffe cup and saucer; 14 only 36 inch round sugars; 3 doz. salt and peppers; 10 doz. 2V2 inch bakers; 1 doz. 10 inch platters; 5 doz. platters; 3 doz. 5 inch platters; 6 doz. 4 inch platters; 8 doz. butter clips; 5 doz. small platters; 14 only coupe soupe 7 inch; 1 only ice tub; 1 only Elgin butter cutter; 3 only ladles; 6 only oval shirred egg; 2 doz. Elite tea pots; 8 doz. barrel tumbler; 2 doz. milk glasses; 1 onlypasterybag; 1 doz. tubes; 1 only biscuit cutter hdld; V2 doz. vegetable cutters; 1 set biscuit cutter; 1 only Z cutter; 1 only U cut ter; 1 only H cutter; 1 only J cutter; 1 only ice cream dishes; 1 doz. Ivory Hale, steak knives; 10 doz. tea spoons O. H. S. Co. 12Dwt.; 5 doz. soup spoons O. H. S. Co. 12 Dwt.; 5 doz. knives 12 pwt. O. H. S. Co. 12 Dwt.; 5 doz. forks O. H. S. Co. 12 Dwt.; 3 doz. spoons (sherbet) O. H. S. Co. 12 Dwt.; 6 doz. sherbets; 1 doz. pickle dishes; 1 doz. steak plank; 1 doz. cruets; 1 doz. bib aprons; % doz. caps cooks; 3 only waiters coats 38; 1 only Chinese strainer; 1 only fish boiler; 5 only Elite oven Pans; 6 only Elite oven pans small;. 3 only Elite stock*pat; 3 only Elite small pans; 1 only 2 oven Long Range; 1 small chafing dish; 1 only large alcohol dish; 1 only coffee urn; 10 only tables 38 inch; 40 only chairs; 1 meat block; all meat knives, saws and implements; 1 water cooler; 1 coffe urn, at public auction at the Grand Cafe which is located on Lot 31 and the North two feet of lot 30, being part of Fahy’s subdivision of lots one, two, three, and four, in Block 21, in the original town of O’Neill, County of Holt and State of Nebfaska, on the 25th day of August, 1916, at 1 o’clock P. M. of said day. Dated August 3,1916. 8-4 CLARENCE J. SIMONSON. (W. J. Hammond, Attorney, O’Neill) NOTICE. In the County Court of Holt county, Nebraska: In the matter of the Estate of James Simons, Deceased: To all persons interested in said Estate You are hereby notified that on the 8th day of August, 1916, W. J. Ham mond, administrator of the Estate of James Simmons, Deceased, filed in said court his final account as said ad ministrator and a petition for final settlement e nd distribution of the resi due of said estate; that the said final account and petition for final settle ment and distribution will beheard on the 7th day of September, 1916, at 10 A. M. at the county court room in O’Neill, in said county, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and show cause, if such exists, why said final account should not be approved and a decree of distribution made of the residue of said estate in the possession of said administrator. It is ordered that a copy of this notice be published for three succes sive weeks in The Frontier a news paper, printed and published in said county. Dated this 8th day of August, 1916, (Seal) THOMAS CARLON, 9-4 County Judlge. i—^ PAID ADVERTISING j Paid announcements will ap pear under this head. If you have anything to sell or wish to buy tell the people of it in this column. Five cents per line each week for announcements in this col umn. FOR SALE—Used Ford Touring Car. P. C. Hickey. 5-tf WHEN YOU WANT BETTER Shoes we have them. — Fred Albert. 46-tf WANTED—A COMPETENT GIRL for general house work.—Mrs. S. J. Weekes. 3-tf MRS. R. E. KIRKPATRICK, DRESS maker. Telephone No. 157 to Mrs. Mike Johnson, or come to me. 8-13 FOR SALE—ONE MILWAUKEE mower, 6-foot cut, Chain drive, 1915 Model, used one year.—O. F. Biglin 9 A. E. DIMMIT WILL HAVE charge of the Missouri Valley Oil wagon for the next ten days.—F. P. Wood, Agent. 9 WANTED—TO EMPLOY MEN TO put up 1,000 acres of hay; or will rent the hay-land. Call or write Dan McCarthy, O’Neill. 8-2p ROOMS FOR RENT FOR LIGHT housekeeping. Also want girls to board and room while going to school. —Mrs. Mary McCloud. 9-3 KODAK SUPPLIES. KODAK AM ateur finishing developing, any size roll of film, 15c; prints or post cards, 5c each.—W. B. Graves. 44-tf. STRAYED — FROM MY PLACE last Monday, a small black sow, about half grown. Please notify me. —J. D. Kelly, Phone 250. 9 NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO DO your painting, inside and out. Lin coln paint or White Lead. Let me figure your bill.—Neil P. Brennan. 8tf HAVE THREE SECTIONS OF HAY Land near Emmet and O’Neill for rent or will pay by the ton to have it put up. Parties interested please call at my office.—F. J. Dishner. 5tf $5.00 REWARD WILL BE PAID for information leading to conviction of any person violating the game laws. —Holt County Game Protective As siciation, Sam A. Arnold, Pres. 6tf FOR SALE—A GOOD DRAFT MARE weight 1400, sound. Also new Shuttler wagon; 2 good milch cows, part Jersy, fresh this fall.—J. H. Shultz, on the McKenna farm. 9-2p SOME FOLKS WOULD GIVE ANY thing if they could get rid of con stipation. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea will do the work and do it quick. Take it once a week to be regular, happy and free. For sale by Gilligan & Stout. 8-5 TAKEN UP — ON MY PLACE southeast of O’Neill, Friday, July 2; a . Jersey cow with one long horn. An unintelligible brand on right side. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expense.—Mrs. Lillie Sullivan. 7tf INSURANCE — SEE McNICHOLS before you have your insurance written. I write insurance on farm and city property. Hail insurance a specialty. I make settlement for all losses on insurance written by me and make them promptly; no waiting for adjustors. Ask those who have had heavy losses this year; they secured prompt settlements and are happy. Before securing insurance see Steve. 4-6p. FOR SALE—2 MALE AND 1 FE male Irish Setter bird puppies. Sired by Champion Drug Law, owned by Otto Pohl, Fremont, Neb., (Regis tered.) Dam by Venus, owned by R. W. Hanna, Burwell, Neb., (Not registered.) Whelped Jan. 13, 1916. Now ready to train. 1 female and 2 males. $25.00 for female, $30.00 each for males. See them at Livingston Ranch, Blake, Neb.—R. W. Hanna, owner, Burwell, Neb \ 6-4 Repayable Any Day No Renewal Required MATURES IN 15 '/* YEARS The CONSERVATIVE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OMAHA JOHN L. QUIG, Agent For Holt coUNty O’Neill, - - Nebraska J. H. Davison A Full Stock of Everything in Harness and Horse Furnishings SHOE REPAIRING Guaranteed Goods and Satisfied Customers. Highest Price Paid for Rides. Come and See Me. O’NEILL, NEB. < EDWARD H. WHELAN x Eav/yeP x PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS -o- s O’NEILL, NEBRASKA The O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY Compiles Abstracts of Title THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY. (ChE 5ai?itapy )J)j|eat Market We have a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats, Pure Horn* Rendered Lard. Wrn. Simpson Naylor Block Phone 160 Dr- E. T. Wilson Physician and Surgeon SPECIALTIES: Eye, :: Ear, :: Nose :: and Throat Spectacles correctly fitted and Supplied Office and Residence—Rooms No. 1, and 3, Naylor Block O’NEILL, NEB. FRED L. BARCLAY i STUART, NEB. Makes Long or Short Time Loans on Improved Farms and Ranches. If you are in need of a loan drop him a line and he will call and see you. OR. J. P< GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Special attention give to DISEASES OF THE EYE AND CORRECT FITTING OF GLASSES Walter P. Hombach, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Office over Pixley’s Drug Store. Phones 218-202-12 DU. R.ER.UCHA i OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Naylor Building :-: O’Neill, Neb. All Diseases Treated Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted Phone 262. To our Patrons and Prospective Patrons: THE SCHLITZ HOTEL is not closed, nor will it be for some time to come. The same Splendid Service, at Popular Rates, will be maintained in the future as in the past. P. H. PHILBIN, President. 314-322 South 16th St. OMAHA. NEBR W. K. HODGKIN & Lawyers Office* Nebraska State Bank Bldg. Reference: O’Neill National Bank. O’Neill, :: :: :: Neb. ML Title Abstractors Office in First National Bank Bldg AUTO LIVERY GO DAY OR NIGHT J J, NEW : CAR. PHONE-219. Charles A. Calkins m DR. O. K. TICKLER VETERINARIAN PHONE | DAY 108 | NIGHT VNEILL - . . NEBRASKA