The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 13, 1916, Image 1

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The Frontier.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
“Dress-up week” ends soon
Haue you gone in on this big g neral celebration of the
right clothes idea? Think about it today, if you haven’t.
YOU have your house painted over at certain times—on your own account, and also for
the general uplift in appearance, the tone of your neighborhood.
“Di •essina: up”—buying new clothes because they’re needed—fulfills the same purpose. I
You almost owe it to yourself
This home of Hart Sehalfner & Marx clothes is
ready to show the right thing for your personality
and your pocketbook; in suits and overcoats.
The Clothing represented above demands many accessories to complete your general appearance I
and I carry all in large selections. Note the following splendid lines. |
Remember I have made a strict study of shoes
5 and have always carried a large stock of up to the
minute sytles that you can have a choice of P. J.
1 McManus Hand Made:
The New English Toe, bright calf stock .... $5.00
\ The New Toe Room last, Kid stock, E E width 5.00
i The New Banker last, Kid stock, E E width . . 5.00
The New High Toe, Nobbie last, Gun Metal
ij stock . 4.50
A Comfort last, Wide High Arch Instep, Kid
stock . 6.00
^ A Hand Turned Shoe, Cushioned Sole, very
l dressie. 5.00
A Wide Toe, Heavy Sole, Bunch Toe. 4.00
i Old Men’s Comfort Shoe, EE width. 3.50
Oxfords, in Tan and Black Dress Styles.4.00
Men’s Tan and Black Work Shoes. 2.50
Many Styles in Slippers, Perforated Uppers
at . 2.50
The Home of Good Mdse.
Roswell Hats.
The Rosswell Hat has been a favorite for many
years and is the best looking hat on the market.
Quality always the best. All shapes and colors
A large selection of Arrow Brand Shirts, in
all the New Ideas Gauff Two-in-One Col
lars, short sleeves. Arrow Soft Bosoms,
Plain or Pleated, wide stripe, narrow stripe,
or plain, at.$1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50
I have the largest selection of Neckwear ever
shown the trade of this section.
Floom End, Four-in-Hand, at.50c, 75c, $1.00
Strings Graduated Ends, at.25c, 35c, 50c
Linen Strings, per dozen ... 25c
Windsors.25c, 50c
Union Suits, Low neck, knee length, short sleeves
LTnion Suits, High neck, ankle length, long sleeves
Union Suits, High neck, ankle length, short sleeves
at.$1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00
One Button Union Suit, nc sleeves, knee
length . $1.00
One Button Union Suits, short sleeves, ankle
length . 1.25
Gloves and Hose
Dress Gloves in all colors, Black, Tan, Gray,
in Cape Stock . ...$1.50, $1.75, $2.50 j
Silk Hose.35c, 50c
Mercerized Hose.15c, 25c, 35c
Belts, Tan, Gray, Black.50c, 65c, 75c
Palm Beach Belts.50c
Every Young Man of Taste these days carries
a cane and I keep them. A very snappy j
stick, just.$1.00