I will sell the following property at public auction at my place, two miles north and two miles west of the | cemetery, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. Wednesday. March * IQ ¥ T g~\ T> O ¥7^ O Consisting of Ilv/l\\3l!^w the Following: ’ H18 Cattle As Follows 2o milch cows. 88 coming- 2 and 3 year old heifers. 5 high grade bulls. 5 calves. The above heifers are with calf. One black team geldings, 11 years old, One driving team, 7 years old, weight weight 3,000. 2000. One black gelding, 11 years old, w’ght One black mare, 3 years, weight looo. 1300. One team, coming 3 years old out of One team mares, 6 and 7 years old, McKenna driving horse, weight 2800; both in foal to Oswald horse. Black gelding, coming 3 years old, Grey team, mare and gelding, 9 years weight looo. old, weight 2200. One team geldings, coming.4 years old, Two suckling colts. weight 2400. One Cow Pony that can catch a rabbit. _ _____ ^________ _____ ___ ___ MACHINERY Two McCormick mowers. One hay stacker. One hay sweep. * One 2-row Rock Island Eli One Moline Lister. • One John Deere Cultivator. One new Columbus 3-in. tire buggy One Deering rake One wagon and box. Big Free L/unch at Noon TIT D C Twelve months time on all sums over $10.00 with approved security and 10 per 1 H/Fxl IO cent interest. $10.00 and under, Cash. P. T. WELSH, OWNER . Col. John