—' ' ' S= $8.00 Set of Granite & Copper Ware rOCC WITH EVERY MA rntt JESTIC RANGE SOLD One Week Only — ■■ i. ■ ...■ * ==ll-.:. $8.00 Set of I Granite & Copper Ware rnCC WITH EVERY MA Mill jestic range sold Only six Days I Save $8 As a special inducement during our demonstration week only, with every MAJESTIC RANGE sold (prices always the same) we will give free J one handsome set of ware as illus trated here. Every piece of this ware is the best of its kind. Not a piece but is needed in every kitchen. It cannot possibly be bought for less than $8.00. This ware is on exhibition at our store. DON’T FAIL TO SEE IT. Mi Shall It Be? Do you intend to continue laboring, burning valuable fuel and destroying | high-priced food with that old worn \ out cook stove? " You KNOW that old stove eats up a , lot of fuel each year. ; J, You KNOW you have trouble in get ting it to bake just right, in fact spoil a batch of bread every once in a while —you know it costs considerable for yearly repairs. 1 Stop and think and figure. Wouldn’t | it pay you to buy a good range—a range with a reputation— THE GREAT MAJESTIC MALLABLE AND CHARCOAL IRON MA IFRTir RAMGFS-ARF MAnF IW AI L.WFS-amvSTYI F5 la ON LEGS IF DESIRED __ aaBBH|^^BB!aan^BngiHaaB^MaMHB^^Hg ——————— MAJE5TIC-NEVER-BLlRri • COOPER- HEflVY-ltinRBLEIZEDPP&&inS-PAN 5TEAmER-CULLENbER-ANDbRmriER- ILAROEMEVER-BLlRnWIREQ HEAVY-^TAmPEa-IROM-mARBLEIZEQ- • ^RIPPinC-PAfl: 2'5t'flfiLL'flEVER RETTLE: I50Z-ALL-COPPER-TEA-KETTLE BPRn-U/IRE0-DRIPPIN5PAN5 I40Z- ALL-COPPER- ?-5MALL-&RIPPflN5 COFFEEPOT- - CAN-AL50-BE-, R5E&-A5-. R0A5TERJ THIS SET OF WARE FREE 261 MAJESTIC Ranges now in use in O’Neill territory. Some of them In service for 19 yrs. Don’t Overlook this Date. This is a special invitation to you and your friends and neighbors. RANGE S You’l make no mistake in buying the GREAT MAJESTIC—it’s the range with THE REPUTATION—ask your neighbors. Then, too, it’s made just j right and of the right kind of material —MALLEABLE AND CHARCOAL ■ IRON—riveted together practically | air tight—lined with pure asbestos— I |; parts being malleable can’t break—has a movable reservoir and an oven that doesn’t warp—that’s why the MAJESTIC uses so little fuel, bakes just right every day in the year I (browns bread just right all over with out turning), heats 15 gallons of water while breakfast is cooking—properly handled lasts a lifetime, and costs practically nothing for repairs. 11 Don’t buy the range you expect to last a lifetime “sight unseen;” you’ll '■'« be sure to be disappointed. Come to our store during demonstration week, see the GREAT MAJESTIC— have its many exclusive features ex plained—find out why the MAJESTIC is 300 per cent stronger than other ranges where most ranges are weak est. ■ ' I NEIL P. BRENNAN, O’Neill, Nebr. |