The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 09, 1915, Image 6

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D. H. CRONIN. Publisher.
When the plant of the Niagara Fallf
J>o«er company was designed accom
modations were made for II power
units of 12,500 each. Seven of these
have been Installed and have been In
operation for some time, and a J1.000,
000 extension is now being arranged
for, which will bring the plant up to
Its full capacity. Three more units will
be Installed, and on the completion of
these, work will be commenced on an
other. which will bo the last. It Is con
templated that the greater part of this
additional power will be taken by Ca
nadian Industrial concerns, which are
now preparing for Increased business.
Heretofore the product of the company
has been mainly delivered to patrons
on the American side.
In a paper recently read before the
Society of Chemical Industry the state
ment was made that the strength of
cast Iron was affected by the addition
of wrought Iron In the following pro
J'ortlons; With 100 parts of cast Iron
0 parts of wrought Iron Increases the
strength 2 percent; 20 parts of wrought
Iron Increases the strength 32 per cent;
JO parts of wrought lros Increases the
strength 60 per cent; 40 parts of
wrought Iron Increases the strength
only 33 per cent The maximum re
sult Is therefore produced with 30 per
cent wrought scrap.
Hugh James O'Beirne, who has Just
been promoted from the rank of coun
cilor of the British embassy at Petro
grad to the post of minister plenipo
tentiary to the court of King Ferdinand
of Bulgaria, will be remembered at
Washington as one of the cleverest and
most agreeable of Irish born members
of the British diplomatic service who
has ever been satloned on the banks of
the Potomac, where he spent several
years as one of the secretaries of Lord
Pauncefote's embassy.
That fully 25 per cent of the acci
dents to workmen are caused by In
sufficient lighting for men working at
night, la the opinion of experts who
have made a study of the subject. It
Is estimated that 125,000,000 is the av
erage annual cost of Injuries to work
men In the United States alone, and
that more than 60 per cent of these
accidents are preventable.
Some scientists are now Insisting
that plants have memories, that they
are capable of love and are also capable
of hating Intensely. The Bo-callod blue
rocket emits a perfume which Is one of
the most deadly poisons, but It often
shows fear, wo arc told. The deadly
nlg’nt shade, in addition to its extreme
ly poisonous quality, is described tie
full of hatred.
The motion picture ribbon is the only
unit that is standard in every country,
according to a statement made recently
before the University chib in Washing
ton by C. Francis Jenkins. He pointed
out that railway gauges, for example,
vary in different countries; that units
of value, volume, length, weight all
differ, "but the motion picture film is
the same the world over.”
Ceylon, according to the last census,
has a population of 4,110,000, the chief
element numerically being the Sing
halese. The area Is 26,000 square miles.
The principal exports are tea, coffee,
cinchona, rubber, cocoa, cinnamon,
cardamoms, ebony and the products of
the eocoanut palm. A large source of
wealth Is also found In precious stones
and pearl fisheries.
Official statistics show that the ves
sels of more than 65 tons register in
the merchant marine of Spain on Janu
ary 1, 1915. included 217 sailing vessels,
with a total tonnage of 29,118, and 640
•teamers, tonnage 875,609, compared
with 236 sailing vessels, tonnage 32,970,
and 628 steamers, tonnage 844,322, on
the corresponding date of 1914.
The first jitney bus appeared in Lon
don In 1830. It ran by steam power and
carried 28 passeners inside and 22 out
•Ide. Railroads prevented its operation
by securing the passago of a law re
quiring each bus to keep a man 100
yards In advance with a red flag by
day and a red lantern by night.
"Dixie," one of the most famous
American songs, was written in 1869
by Daniel Emmet, an American song
writer and minstrel, who was born In
Ohio in 1816. He appeared In many
cities of this country and England and
at one time was associated with Dan
Enough Portland cement Is manufac
tured In the United States each year to
build concrete forts at every needed
point on the entire coast of the United
States, according to a report by Percy
H. Wilson, secretary of the Association
Of American Portland Cement Manu
Whenever N. Frank Randall, of Ran
dolph, Mass., goes Into a certain news
■tore in the town and leaves his horse
near the curb the horse promptly comes
up to the door and pokes his nose
against the glass until Randolph comes
out with some candy for the animal.
Charles H. deist, of Philadelphia, has
wagered $100,000 against $1,000 that he
can defeat Dr. Edward Martin, a sur
geon of the University of Pennsylvania
a round of golf. The game will be
played about the middle of October at
the Sea View links near Atlantic City
Vast expanses of grazing land and
immense forests await exploitation in
the northwestern part of Paraguay
known as the Gran Chaco, which Is in
habited mostly by nomadic tribes of
Indians. It is estimated that Paraguay
has a population of 1,000,000.
Germany has been shocked by the In
formation that Stettin women are pro
viding huge helpings of whipped cream
for the delectation of canine pets. One
result has been a refusal of that city's
request for Increased allowances to the
Camilles of soldiers.
The number of unemployed in the
more Important Canadian labor cen
ters at the end of April was estimated
by the Ottawa department of labor at
15,000. Most of the large cities were
overburdened with unskilled workers.
_ During the first five months of 1914
Spain expended 49,201.000 pesetas on Its
protectorate In Morocco; during the like
pwlod In 1915 the expenditure was 65,
Ha.OOO pesetas. At present exchange
the peseta is worth about *0.20.
Samuel Morse Felton, president of
the Great Western railroad. Is said to
have refused an offer of *250.000 a year
Cor two years to manage for the Bald
win Locomotive company an *80,000.000
war order. With Charles M. Schwab's
rumored *1,000,000 a year, this Is among
the record “wages.”
Headed by a big rooster, a flock of
bens In Pittsburgh marches every eve
ning from its yard to the railroad sta
2®n to meet the owner, J. L. Armstrong,
jbe fiock then escorts Armstrong to
Jbts home, the rooster leading all the
***■ - -,w -
Blames Balky Auto For Putting
Him In Mood to Get Drunk
—Out After Money.
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. <i.—Prohibition
workers in Nebraska are much dis
turbed over the arrest and conviction
on a charge of Intoxication of Ed Depu
ty. who has heen soliciting money on,
behalf of the state committee. Deputy
makes the excuse that he had bought
an automobile that broke down so
often and caused him so much trouble
that he was driven to drink.
The "dry” federation, which Is made
up of republicans and democrats and
which proposes taking charge of the
fight, to carry the amendment next year
without the aid of the prohibition or
ganization. is particularly annoyed
over the Deputy affair. Not the least
of this concern Is because the prohibi
tion party crowd seems to have got the
Jump on them in the matter of collect
ing money. Their solicitors have
humped up repeatedly against the
statement by men from whom money
was expected that they had already
paid over their subscriptions In the be
lief that it was to make the fight for
the amendment.
Lincoln. Neb., Sept. 6.—Declaring
that the criticism that has been
heaped upon him is “political bunk,”
pure and simple, Treasurer Hall has
handed the reporters a long statement
replying to what Governor Morehead!
had to say about him. The gist of It is
that the constitution says the treas
urer must not pay out any money ex
cept when it is appropriated by the
legislature, and that he won't violate
the law to suit the governor. He says
that If the governor wants to violate
the law he can, as head of the food
commission, retain the fees as they
are collected and use them to pay tho
expenses of mftlntairlng them. Hall
declares that his business Is to pro
tect the taxpayers and that If the gov
ernor and the food co. nnlssloner think
his Idea of the law Is not correct, they'
can go Into court and have It settled.
In the absence of the governor. Food
Commissioner Harman replied to the
treasurer’s statement. He says that
for nine months Hall has been paying
out money for the support of three
different state departments for which
no legislative appropriations exist, and
that he had agreed to keep on paying
out the money to support the food
and oil commission. Harman says Hall
did not change his mind until he got
Into a dispute with other state offi
cers over the state levy, and since
then has been a bull In the china shop.
The treasurer's action, says Harman,
will result In a loss of J50.000 a year
from the excess of fees paid over ex
penses and "throw the state wide open
i to every food adulterator, grafter and
short weight artist In the country.”
uuu Sfcl I LcRa ASSEMBLE
Tekamah, Neb., Sept. 6.—The 13th
annual reunion of tne pioneers and old
settlers of Burt county was held In
Folsom park. The day was an Ideal
one, and hundreds renewed friendships
of years past. The park Is the place
where. In 1854, the first camp was made
by white men In Tekamah and Burt
county, and Is now marked by a huge
bowlder duly Inscribed, which was
taken from hills west of the city.
The principal address of the day was
delivered by John L. Kennedy, of Oma
ha. Judge Lee S. Estelle and others
from Omaha also spoke. The address
by the historian, J. R. Sutherland
dwelt with the early organization of the
G. A. R. In the county and their part
In the building up of the county, which
since their numbers are now so small,
have united with the pioneers In the
annual Joint reunion here. Music was
furnished by the VanCleve band, and
the late afternoon was spent in listen
ing to many of the old timers recount
their privations.
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 8.—If Lincoln
can induce the Omaha people to con
sent “Billy” Sunday, evangelist, will
be one of the big cards at the state
fair next week. Sunday had previously
agreed to come to Lincoln and make a
speech on the 13th, which is a week
from next Monday, but this does not
satisfy the Lincolnites, who desire to
boost the state fair attendance by an
nouncing the noted evangelist as one
of the attractions.
Sunday has replied that the only day
on which h,e takcB a rest is Monday
of each week, and that if the Omaha
people will consent he will come down.
Omaha is generally supposed to be
quite jealous of Lincoln, especially
since this city took the state fair away
from her, and there may be trouble
over semiring the attendance of the
Lincoln, Neb,, Sept. 6.—Expert Gad
dis, of the state agronomy department,
says that it will be perfectly safe for
farmers to use 1915 wheat for seed
next year if care is taken to see that
no signs of sprouting appear. The least
Indication of sprouting means that it
Is valueless for seed, and no expert
will be needed to determine whether
it possesses germinating qualities or
Wausa, Neb., Sept. 6.—A proposition
authorizing the village board to issue
bonds in the sum of $12,000 for the
construction of a sewer system and dis
posal plant was carried here yesterday
by a vote of SI to 69, the heaviest vote
ever polled in Wausa. The balance
necessary for the proposed system will
be raised by a frontage tax on all lots
in the Incorporation. The estimated
cost is $20,000. Mains will be laid past
practically ever lot^ in the city.
Dixon, Neb.. Sept. 4.—In an auto race
against time at the Dixon county fair
at Concord, a tire came off of one ma
chine and the driver, Dick Vandonselar.
and a passenger. Neal Hooker, were
thrown out. Hooker's wrist was
sprained. Vandonselar is not badly
hurt. The car turned completely over.
Omaha, Neb., Sept. 4.—“Knowing full
well the Inclination and propensity of
said mule to kick and attack man
kind," Margolin Brothers are alleged
to have permitted the anmial to run
at largo in the vicinity of Seventeenth
and Dodge and go upon the premises of
Carl C. Carlson.
In his suit for $6,000 damages, Carl
son alleges that he attempted to
drive the mule off his lot, and that the
animal kicked him. breaking the bones
in his hand. His collision with the mule
occurred on July 22.
S. W. Walstrom, Near Craig,
Has Lost Five Animals—
State Is Investigating.
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 4.—State Vete.
Innrian Anderson nas gone to Craig, in
northern Nebraska, for the purpose of
investigating a story that the horse
plague, which took so great a toll of
animals three years ago, has reap
Five head of horses owned by S. W.
Walstrom are deud and two others
dying under circumstances that has
tossed a scare into fanners in that
section. Several reports from the west
ern part of the state have been to the
effect that horses have been dying there
from the old complaint.
There was much controversy three
years ago as to what caused the epi
demic and whether the disease was
contagious. Dr. Anderson's opinion is
that the cause was poisonous forage,
the eating of stuff that had not been
thoroughly cured.
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 4.—Attorney
General Reed has vainly tried to set
tle the deadlock between the state
treasurer and various departments of
the state government that are being
closed up for lack of funds, said funds
being In the treasurer’s hands, and said
treasurer declaring they will remain
there until the legislature directs him
to whom they shall be paid.
The attorney general holds that the
treasurer may lawfully pay out these
funds for th.e purposes indicated by
law because the law that created the
various departments says the money
earned by fees shall be so spent. But
the treasurer says that he is not tak
ing the attorney general's opinion be
cause it might not save him from ju
dicial wrath.
After which the attorney general ad
vised the heads of the penniless depart
ments that they have a legal right to
retain the fees they earn and devote
them to paying the expenses of their
offices. But the various commission
ers say that there is a clause in the law
that says these fees shall be paid In
advance into the treasury, and they
fear that their retention of them will
cause them to be indicted for embezzle
To both of these objections the attor
ney general has answered that while he
is confident he 4s correct in his state
ment of the law, if he is not neither
the treasurer nor the commissioners
could liable upon their bonds or to the
court if they followed the advice of
"the legally constituted authority cre
ated by the constitution and the laws
of the state.”
But nobody interested has yet shown
sufficient confidence in the attorney
general’s knowledge of the law to take
his advice.
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 4.—“Testudo Or
thopygla,” otherwise known as the big
gest turtle that ever roamed the wilds
of Nebraska, Is now enthroned in state
In the state university museum. For
over a year workmen have spent their
spare time picking all pieces of dirt
and rock out of the fossil and where a
bone was missing one has been fabri
cated to take its place. The skeleton
of this mammoth was found a year ago
in the fossil beds of Cherry county.
From head to tail It measures five feet
and the shell is three feet across. It
lived in the pliocene period, say the
Ottawa, Ont.. Sept. 4.—Charles Jack
son, of Hermann, Neb., a member of
the Fifth batalllon of the Canadian
contingent, has died of wounds, ac
cording to a casualty list issued by the
militia department here last night.
New York. Sept. 4.—At least 1,000
Christians were killed and about 4,000
others died of disease in Urumiah,
Persia during the five 'months of
Turkish occupation, according to a
letter received by J. L. Caldwell,
American minister at Teheran, from
Dr. William Shedd. of Urumiah and
made public here today by the Presby
terian board of foreign missions.
Dr. Shedd stated that his figures
were based on careful investigation and
record, there having been 3,600 Chris
tian burials alone in the city of
Urumish and the American college
compound. He said that before the
Russians left Urumish on January 2
there were between 32,000 and 33,000
Christians in the city and surrounding
villages. Within a few days after Jan
uary 2 between 8,000 and 9,000 left the
Of the 6,500 Christian families In the
district, Dr. Shedd said that all but
1,000 were robbed of all their posses
sions, and nearly all suffered some
loss. He said the total loss of Chris
tians had been estimated at 32,500,000,
and added that the Presbyterian mis
sion sustained a loss of 310,000 during
one attack. Considerably more than
100 Christian girls turned Moslems
during the Turkish occupation, the
writer said, in hope of escaping vio
Chicago, Sept. 3.—Semifinals were
played this forenoon In the first an
nual western intercollegiate golf cham
pionship tournament at the Ravisloe
Country club, paving the way for the
final matches in the three flights which
will be played in the afternoon. Both
matches were scheduled for the 18-hole
route. C. L. Weems, of Quincy, Uni
versity of Illinois, and Charles Grimes,
University of Chicago, and John Simp
son, Terre Haute, Ind., University of
Illinois, and Fred C. Stiles, North
western university, were the semifinal
pairings. Illinois won the team cham
pionship in the play off with Chicago's
five yesterday after a tie the previous
day. scoring 421 strokes to the ma
roons 425.
Washington, Sept. 3.—President Wil
son has given up all plans for return
ing to his summer home at Cornish,
N. H., this year. It was said at the'
White House, today, that he considers
his vacation over and will remain in
Washington to be in personal touch
with the European and Mexican situ
ations and prepare for the next session
of congress.
I ■■■■■■■■
Beatrice. Neb., Sept. 4.—Suit for $300,
alleged to be due from School District
No. 71, this county, as wages, was
filed in the district court Tuesday by
Margaret O’Brien. Miss O’Brien al
leges that she was engaged as teacher
by C. East and S. J. Headley, two di
rectors of the district board, and that
when she was ready to begin her du
ties she was refused admittance, and
that on account of the lateness of the
season she was unable to procure an
other school.
The suit is the result of a fight over
the election of a member of the school
board in that district in June, 1914,
when Calvin East was chosen. On July
20 W. B. Myers was elected at a spe
cial election. The board of which Mr.
East claimed to be a member hired
Miss O’Brien, and Myers and his board
hired Miss Bessie Carrlthers.
Upon hearing it was decided that
Mr. East was duly elected director, but
Miss Carrlthers had already assumed
her duties as head of the school and
was allowed to finish the term.
Omaha. Neb., Sept. 4.—Otto Werner,
the Chicago auditor of the Creamery
Package Manufacturing company, who
was arrested here Tuesday with $17,
600 in his pockets, $15,000 of which
had been secured by him on worthless
drafts drawn on the Creamery Pack
age Manufacturing company, yesterday
restored to the agents of his former
employers the $15,000 he had gotten
from them, turned over $1,045 to agents
of the Chicago bank from which he
had.gotten that amount, and Is now
being held at the city jail until his
movements for the last week are in
vestigated to see if he is guilty of fur
ther transactions in high finance.
If none is discovered, Werner will
probably be released and the re
mainder of the money he had in his
possession will be restored to him.
If Lines Hold Till Fall Rains
Begin, German Drive Must
End—Sudden Strength
Shown In Baltic.
Berlin. Sept. 2. (via London).—
German forces attacking the Rus
sian fortress of Grodno have taken
the outer forts of the stronghold,
It was officially announced by Ger
man army headquarters today.
London. Sept. 3.—The Russians are
developing unexpected strength in the
north where they state they are not
only holding Field Marshal von Hin
denburg, but have gained a local suc
cess near Vilna. Various changes have
been made in the Russian command, the
most important being the return of
General Russky to the leadership of the
northern army.
Berlin wireless reports, which usually
are a day or two in advance of the
Petrograd official communications, an
nounce a reversal in the Galician situ
ation as the result of a victorious as
sault on the Russians north of Zborow.
In the opinion of military writers
here, the Russians now stand a good
chance of winning the race for time.
Within a few weeks the autumn rains
will begin, and it is pointed out unless
they can succeed in gaining a decisive
result before that time the Austro-Ger
mans can hardly hope to smash the
Russian armies before, under cover of
the long winter, they are reformed and
reequipped. At present the Austro
Germans are straining every nerve to
win this decision but they have been
greatly delayed by the intensity of the
Russian counter attacks and the stub
bornness with which the Russian troops
hold the positions protecting their re
treating comrades.
Losses On Both Sides Great.
The Russian losses of course have
been enormous. According to Berlin
the Russians have lost 1,000,000 in
prisoners since May 2, the date on
which the drive began in western
Galicia, while during August alone, the
capture included more than 250,000 and
2,300 cannon. The Austro-German
losses too, have been heavy in killed
and wounded, while the strain on the
troops have been terrific. They still
have, according to Petrograd estimates
about 2,000,000 men on the eastern front,
300.000 being in the Riga region, more
than 1,000,000 in the center and from
600.000 to 700,000 in Galicia.
For a week the French have been
puring an avalanche of shells into the
German lines In the west. It is not be
lieved that this ammunition would not
be used simply for the purpose of dam
aging the German trenches, and there
fore an early general offensive is looked
I for.
Oyster Bay, N. Y., Sept. 2.—The fol
lowing statement was given out by Col.
Theodore Roosevelt In regard to Am
bassador von Bernstorff’s note con
cerning the Arabic:
“On its face it appears to be most
gratifying and, if the acts of the Ger
mans bear it out, and if suitable
amends are made for the lives lost on
the Lusitania and Arabic and for the
Gulflight and Falaba and similar cases,
and if there is no provision expressed
or implied as to action on our part such
as was requested by Germany before,
as regards England and France, the re
sults will in every way be satisfactory.
“I wish to call attention, however, to
:>ne thing: This is in no way a conces
sion of Germany: it is an announce
ment that she intends to stop the policy
of assassination. To stop the policy es
tablished there is no claim for grati
Berlin, (by wireless to Tuckerton),
Sept. 2. — The Lokal Anzeiger, learns
from Paris that France and England
are ready to assist Russia by detailing
expert strategists to the headquarters
of Grand Duke Nicholas to replace in
capable Russian staff officers. It is
planned also to establish a Franco
Britlsh advisory board of financial ex
perts to assist the Russian finance
FORGER GOT $15,000
fails to Get Away With ‘‘Starl
In Life”—Had $17,500 In
Cash When Caught.
Omaha, Neb.. Sept. 3.—After cashing
two forged checks, pocketing $16,000
In bills and gold in two day3, and then
slipping across the state line into
Council Bluffs, Otto Werner, aged 46,
was arrested by the police in Council
Bluffs at 2 o’clock yesterday and
brought back to Omaha.
Werner was formerly a traveling
auditor for the Creamery Packing
company of Chicago. Yesterday at .10
o’clock he walked into the Omaha of
fice of this company at 113 North
Tenth street. He exhibited a draft for
$7,500 to the local manager, E. S. Fol
som. The name of the manager of the
Chicago house was signed to the draft,
so Folsom cashed it.
Werner rolled up the roll of bills
that would almost have choked a com
sheller, stuffed them into his pockets
and walked out
Shortly after that Folsom got word
from the Kansas City office that Wer
ner had cashed a draft for a similar
amount there yesterday, and that the
drafts are forgeries.
"Click," down came the telephone re
ceiver and Folsom shouted the news
to the Omaha police department. Capt.
Steve Maloney stationed his detectives
at all the railway stations and set them
to work on the man’s description.
Council Bluffs was communicated with
also, with the result that the man was
caught there at 2 o’clock.
When captured the man had $17,520
in bills on his person.
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 3.—The farmer
expecting to fill a silo, especially for
the first time, may find much valuable
information in bulletin 145 of the ag
ricultural experiment station of Ne
braska. It may be had without cost
upon application to the bulletin clerk,
University farm, Lincoln. The bulletin
gives the cost of the different types
of machines used in filling silos, the
cost of silage on 16 different Nebraska
farms, and describes carefully the
methods of handling the green corn
when putting it into the silo and the
methods of moving silage from silos to
feed troughs. It also contains drawings
showing how to hoist silage from pit
Farmers are reminded of the danger
of death from asphyxiation during the
filling of the silo. Large amounts of
carbon dioxide are produced in the silo
from the green crop and may collect in
dangerous quantities if conditions be
come favorable. To avoid such an ac
cumulation of the gas, the doors should
be left open as long as possible. Men
should not stay in the silo when the
blower is not running, and especially
they should not sit or lie on the fresh
silage. If the work has been inter
rupted for any length of time, men
should not again enter the silo until
the blower has been running for a few
minutes. This removes the dangerous
gases. In the case of a pit silo, men
should never remain in the silo when
the blower Is not running, and the
blower should always be started before
anyone enters the silo.
Omaha, Neb., Sept. 3.—Captain Ste
vens, of the Julia, who says he is more
of a ship builder than ship operator,
has informed Commissioner Manley
that he will build a steamboat here
this winter unless the Decatur business
men purchase a larger boat before the
Julia is forced to tie up for the win
“There’s lots of money in this up
river business, but I must have a lar
ger boat,” says Captain Stevens.
The Julia, with 35 tons of wheat and
com in sacks, several tons of garden '
seed for Council Bluffs, a number of
crates of live chickens and a camping i
outfit from a Mormon camp meeting,
arrived here. Monday, from Decatur.
Yesterday she was unloading and today
will start on the return trip, carrying i
a cargo of miscellaneous freight from
Armour, Cudahy, McCord-Brady and
several other firms.
“I had the offer of six passengers
from Decatur to Omaha, but refused
them,” said Captain Stevens. “I don’t
want any more passengers. The last
one I had must have had a black cat in
his pocket. We grounded twice.”
Lincoln. Neb., Sept. 3.—Representa
tive Hoffmeister, here on a business
trip, declares that he will gladly re
spond to a call of the governor for an
extra session of the legislature, if that
is necessary to convince State Treas
urer Hall that that body meant to per
mit the state insurance commission and
the pure food bureau to use the fees
they earn to support themselves. Mr.
Hall relies upon the state constitution
which says that he shall pay out no
moneys unless they are specifically ap
propriated, and he declines to follow
the legal opinion of the attorney gen
eral that this does not apply to those
cases where the law authorizing the
collection of fees for certain services
also says what shall be done with the
Mr. Hoffmeister was one of the dem
ocratic leaders, and he gave out a real
warm interview' in which he expressed
his disapproval of the official acts of
both Treasurer Hall and Attorney Gen
eral Reed, and intimated that if the
legislature were called in extra session
because these officers are taking in
dependent courses he W’ould favor an
Investigation of the officers themselves
for the purpose of discovering what is
"biting” them.
Lincoln. Neb., Sept. 3.—James
Mecum, arraigned on the charge of run
ning amuck with a revolver in the town
depot at Bennett, made the novel ex
cuse to the court that he had been
drunk for seven weeks, and that a man
who had been under the influence of
liquor for that length of time should
not be held responsible for what he did.
He insisted he knew nothing about the
matter. His shots hit nobody, bu'
scared a large crowd.
Making use of a wireless receiver ap
paratus has been invented which re
j cords each flash of lightning in a storm
1 with the time that it occurs.
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 1.—The supreme
court Is asked by M. T. Hiatt and H
M. Uttley to set aside the order of
District Judge Dickson dismissing the
suit filed by the two men, asking for
the removal from office of three su
pervisors of Holt county, H. W. Tom
linson, T. D. Sievers and J. O. Hubbel.
Oswald G. Villard, Former Sub
ject of Kaiser, Now Editor of
New York Post, Scores
Fellow Immigrants.
Thinks Issue Must Be Cone
quered—If United States Is
So Inferior, Why Come
Here? He Asks.
Stockbridge, Mass.. Sept. 6.—Oswald
Garrison Villard. publisher of the New
York Evening Post, in an address be
fore the Laurel Hill association here
today declared that the movement
among American citizens of foreign,
especially German descent, to form
bodies apart from the citizenship pre
sented a far reaching domestic issue
which the American people must con
Mr. Villard said an important factor
in the continuance of the “American
melting pot” lay in educating immi
grants to the proper duties of citizen
ship. He said he was “born on Ger
man soil, of a German father.”
Foreigners becoming American citi
zens must be made to understand Mr.
Villard said, that there can be no
divided citizenship or loyalty or allegi
ance under the American flag; that no
one can accept political obligations
here, while at heart loyal to another
social system, another entity or another
code of laws.
Would Shame Schurz, He Says.
In opening his address Mr. Villard
quoted from an address made by Carl
Schurz at the celebration of the latter s i
70th birthday, 16 years ago. in which f
Mr. Schurz said that no matter how
warm the affections German-Americans
had held for their native land they had
never permitted their affections to in
terfere with their duties as American
citizens, nor to seduce them to use their
power in American politics for foreign
“How amazed Schurz would be to re
turn to us today to find that that has
come to pass which he deemed incon
ceivable,” said Mr. Villard. “He would
find to his horror that at this moment
the presence on this soil of German
Americans does not help to preserve
peace and friendship between their two
parent nations, but adds fuel to the
flames of bitterness.
“Naturally Schurz would scan the
horizon for some discriminatory act on
the part of our government, or some
manifestation or racial prejudice
against German-Americans. But he
would find nothing of the sort. So
Var as the federal government and
states are concerned, he would discover
nothing changed from the day he left
Not Loyal Citizens, He Charges.
"The mighty convulsion we are wit
nessing he would ascertain to be due
entirely to foreign complications, to a
determination on the part of our Ger
man-Americans to stand by their
fatherland through thick and thin, right
or wrong, to a sudden self revelation
that unlike himself they, by the ten
thousands, had not really transferred
their allegiance to the country of their
“What could amaze him more than
to find unnumbered Germans who, like
himself, came to this country to escape
the very militaristic autocracy they
now uphold, today denouncing the na
tion that adopted and sheltered, fed and
clothed them?”
He then asked that if it were true
as contended, that German kultur and
political system wero superior to the
scheme of lifa and government in
America, why the hordes who have
flocked here did not go to Germany
[Oswald Garrison Villard long has been
an intimate friend of President Wilson.
Dispatches this week stated that Mr. Vil
lard has displaced Col. E. M. House, as
confidential adviser of the president. As
editor of the New York Evening Post,
Mr. Villard contributed largely to bringing
out Wilson as a presidential candidate, be
ing one of his earliest and strongest sup
Emperor Congratulates States
men—Say Nation Is Com
pletely United.
Berlin, Sept. 6. (by wireless to Say
Ville).—The Overseas News agency
made public today a dispatch from
Vienna giving the address of Emperor
Francis Joseph to the delegation of
Hungarians and Croatians who visited
him a few days ago. The emperor is
quoted as follows:
"One of the greatest joys of my life
has been that the leading Hungarian
statesmen have succeeded in bringing
about complete accord between the
crown and the nation and also good
feeling between the Hungarian statu
and the other parts of the empire,
thus laying a firm foundation for the
removal of any misunderstandings
among the states and their harmonious
relations through centuries to come.
"We now see more clearly than ever
that the present great trials prove the
completeness of this work of recon
ciliation and adjustment which has
permeated to the hearts of all nations
under my scepter."
London, Sept. 4.—The Petrograd cor
respondent of the Times said it is be
lieved that General Polivanoff, Rus
sian minister of war. will become pre
mier with extensive powers to recon
struct the cabinet.
Hamilton. Bermuda. Sept. 4.—A
severe gale swept over Bermuda last
night uprooting trees and doing a small
amount of damage to other property.
The el. (trie light, power and telephone
n : • U-te were disorganized. The steam
. ■ ’Vrrunlinn with ‘_d.> American tour
ists in board, is delayed in port.