EDWARD H. WHELAN * EaWyer3 ?K PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS -o O’NEILL, NEBRASKA the O'BEILL ABSTRA6T * 60 Compiles Abstracts ot Title THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY. (Che 5ai?itapy )Meat Market We have a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats, Pure Horn* Rendered Lard. John Miskimins Naylor Block Phone 150 Dr. E. T. Wilson PHYSICIAN and SURGEON SPECIALTIES: Eye, :: Ear, :: Nose :: and :: Throat Spectacles correctly fitted and Supplied Office and Residence—Rooms No. 1. and 3, Naylor Block O’NEILL, NEB. FRED L. BARCLAY STUART, NEB. Makes Long or Short Time Loans on Improved Farms and Ranches. If you are in need of a loan drop him a line and he will call and see you. OR. J. P. GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Special attention give to DISEASES OF THE EYE AND CORRECT FITTING OF GLASSES DR. P. J. FLYNN Physician and Surgeon \ | Night Calls will be Promptly Attended * Office: First door to right over Pix ley’s drug store. Residence phone 96. DR. JAMES H. HALE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Naylor Building :-: O’Neill, Neb. Office Hours: 9-12 A. M., 2-5 P. M. Phone 262. To our Patrons and Prospective Patrons: THE SCHLITZ HOTEL is not closed, nor will it be for some time to come. The same Splendid Service, at Popular Rates, will be maintained in the future as in the past. P. H. PHILBIN, President. 314-322 South 16th St. OAHA. NEBR. W. K. HODGKIN & Lawyers Office- Nebraska State Bank Bldg. Reference: O’Neill National Bank. O’Neill, :: :: :: Neb. Title Abstractors Office in First National Bank Bldg WELSH GRAIN CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Solicits your consignments of Hay Prompt returns our Motto. Brandeis Big. - - Omaha. Neb. “MONEY” The mint makes it and under the terms of the CONTINENTAL MORTGAGE COMPANY you can secure it at 6 per cent for any legal purpose on ap proved real estate. Terms easy, tell us your wants and we will co-operate with you. PETTY & COMPANY 513 Denham Building Denver. Colo. Bon Ton Flour $1.70 Per Sack J. C. HORISKEY District Court. District court convened in regular session in this city last Monday with Judge Dickson upon the bench and Reporter Scott occupying the reporter’s chair. The first case on the docket and which was taken up Monday was the damage case of Primitivo Melindes against M. A. Camery. The case grew out of the laying of sewerage in Atkinson last summer. Camery was the contractor who put in the sewerage and Melindes was in his em ploy laying sewer pipe. On the fore noon of July 6 while Melende was laying pipe in a trench about twelve feet deep, another of the workmen removed a jack that was used to hold braces against the bank to prevent a cave in, and the ditch caved in bury ing Melendes under several feet of dirt. When dug out he was un conscious and, as the testimony proved was unable to work for some time. Last fall he brought suit against Camery for $15,000 for the injuries received. When the plaintiff had rested their side of the case the court, on motion of the defendant in structed the jury to bring in a verdict for the defendant, on the ground that the injury was wholly caused by the negligence of a fellow servant. Ed. J. Waters of Omaha, of the firm of Waters & Hanley, and E. H. Whelan, appeared for the plaintiff; while J. J. Harrington and Mr. Woodrough, of the firm of Gurley, Woodrow & Fitch, appeared for the defendant. The next case taken up was the case of the State of Nebraska vs. John Latzel and Edward Wainscott. This case was called Wednesday morning about 11 o’clock, at the con clusion of the damage case, and is now on trial. Latzel and Wainright were arrested last fall upon complaint of Earl Feezer, who alleged that on or about November 11, 1914, they did take and steal four calves to the value Everybody Come to the T'U-l’sr Grxd- o,:cLd_ 3rd $2,000.00 IN PRIZES | Big Carnival Company Up Town Dancing Each Evening Purses $300 Each ’ 2:30 trot.$300. 2:30 trot.$300. 2:15 pace. 300. 2:19 pace. 300. 2:25 pace. 300. Free-for-all trot or pace.. 300. One-half mile running race. 100. l/\ mile running race. 100. This will be the Biggest Event ever held in Northeast Nebraska. Remember the Days Friday and Saturday, July 2nd and 3rd Rates on All Railroads. Operec House Thursday, June 24th Charles Sinclair’s Big Musical Act. Admission 10c. of over $100 from him. They have been out on bail since they were brought in