»Callin£Yim hWheat lands to Americans a hearty in- j le on her FREE Home- [ i 160 acres each or secure ' >w priced lands in Mani- j lewan and Alberta. » higher but Canadian land just j iportunity is more attractive than ! i ts you to help to feed the world 1 her soil—land similar to that y years has averaged 20 to 45 to the acre. Think what you rheat around $1 a bushel and : to get. Wonderful yields also of j :y and Flax. Mixed farming ! rofitable an industry as grain Government this year is asking :rs to put increased acreage into i Military service is not com- j >r farm labor to replace the many i young men who have for service. The climate is healthful and agreeable, railway faci good schools and churches convenient. Write for literature and as to reduced railway rates to Superintendent Immigration, Ottawa, J. Drawer 197, Watertcwn, S. 0.; W. St., Room 4, Dee Rldg., Omaha, Neb., and 311 Jackson St., St. Paul, Minn. . Canadian Government Agents. Willie Knew. Some time ago the teacher a pub lic school was instructing a ass in geography, and when it cam ime to hand out a few questions s! turned to Willie Smith. “Willie,” she said, "can yojell me what is one of the principal oducts of the West Indies?” “No, ma’am,” frankly answ ;d Wil lie, after a moment’s hesitati "Just think a bit,” encoura igly re turned the teacher; “where ies the V sugar come from that yo* us at your w house?” “Sometimes from thf sie,” an swered Willie, “and somjtimf we bor row it from the next-door nefhbor.” IF HAIR IS TURNIAfe 1 GRAY, USE; SflE TEA Don’t Look Old! trf Grandmother's > Recipe to Darken ahtl Beautify Gray, Faded, ^efess flair. '/ Grandmother mjt her hair beauti fully darkened, /lossy and abundant with a brew of age Te.i and Sulphur. Whenever her hlr fell out or took on that dull, fadeejor streaked appear ance, this simplj mixture was applied with wonderfulf'ffect. By asking at any drug store |r “Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Hair PUnedy,” you will get a large bottle ofthis old-time recipe, ready to use, fejabout 60 cents. This simple mixturejan be depended upon to restore naval color and beauty to the hair ai is splendid for dan druff, dry, itch scalp and falling hair. A well-knov druggist says every body uses’Wy i’s Sage and Sulphur, because it da ens so naturally and evenly that no dy can tell it has been applied—it’s soasy to use, too. You simply dampeia comb or soft brush and draw- it th ugh your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hairdisappears; after an other applicat n or two, it is re stored to its itural color and looks glossy, soft an abundant. Adv. Insi^ Criticism. “So you arejgoing to be married, Mary?” “Yes, ma’am, ind I’ll be leaving you next Tuesday.” “Well, I ho s you are getting a good husband.” “If he ain’t i y better than the one you've got I w i’t keep him long.” He Solicitude. Fred— My dea Dora, let this thought console you fo your lover’s death. Remember thatjther and better men than he have ge e the same way. Bereaved Oi:—They haven't all ‘ gone, have they —New York Sun. Your Lwer Is Cloggsd Up That’s Why You e Tired—Out of Sorts —Have No Appetite. CARTER’S LITtE LIVER PILLS will put you right in a few days. They d their dut>\ CureCon-l Btipation, L Biliousness, Indigejtion and Sick Headache SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine mu* bear Signature BI A n/ LOSSES surely prevented IbI to Cutter’s Blackleg Pills. Low WLfXaVD, priced, fresh, reliable; preferred by Western stockmen, because they W »■* protet* where other vaccines fall. H Rg# n * Write for booklet and testimonials. ■ _ .1 « Island’s net revenue last year on the basis of the business of 1913 by about *10.000 000 President Mudge’s analysis shows that the operation of these factors on the basis ol the 1914 business, cut the Rock Island’s net revenue over *16,000,000. This tremen dous shrinkage Is mainly due to six fac tors, none of which, let It be observed by critics of our railroads, is subject to the control of the railroad management These factors are: ‘T. Arbitrary reductions by state and federal commissions. "2. Wage Increases demanded and en forced by labor unions. “3. Higher costs of all forms of material and supplies. “4. Increased operating expenses made necessary by state laws. Three hundred of these laws affecting the Rock Island system have been enacted In the last nve years, most of which are political cre ations, devised to make ‘popularity’ for politicians. “o. Increased taxes. "6. Increased cost of capital.” The figures on which these conclusions are based are taken out of the reports re quired by the Interstate Commerce com mission. Swappinq Horses In Mid-stream. From Collier’s. Shirt-sleeve diplomacy has a pleasanter meaning than It once had. Tt has come to mean the work of men unhampered by precedent and not afraid to act under lira —men like Brand Whitlock in Belgium and Henry Morgenthau In Turkey and Ambas sador Herrick In Fiance. But the foolish ness of our partisan diplomacy Is made clear again when one notes that the third of these men, who did his country's work In Paris during the earlier months of the great war, has now been supplanted. Foi this change there appears neither reason nor excuse. Mr. Herrlek may or may no) be the best man for tho republican nom ination for president In 1916. He has al all events renewed the tradition of cour age and of service made by our mlnlstet to France In tho stormy years, 18T0-1 whec a Yankee from Galena. 111., Ellhu Benia min Washburne, undismayed by siege guns, slow starvation, and street fighting stuck to his post till he was the only mem ber of the diplomatic corps remaining in Paris—the first to offer recognition to the new French repuUlc. Washburne re* malned at Paris ssn&merlcan minister till 1877, when he voluntarily resigned Her rick Is forced out Just when his prestige Is at its highest. We like to recall (ha brave saying attributed to Mr. Herrick on his being rather narrowly missed by a German airman's bomb: “There are times when a man Is worth more to the cause of humanity dead than alive." That was Ohio talking. Effeminate. Gabe—Why do you say he is effem inate? He doesn’t act that way. Steve—He always wants the last ivord. Transient# All. Mrs. Exe-—How many servants do you keep? Mrs. Wye—None. My record for the year, so far, Is twenty-two I didn’t keep. Clean Haul. “A shrewd rascal skipped town the other day, after being in society here : for several years.” “I think I understand his method.” “Yes?” “He got into society for the purpose of going through It.” A Surprise. Old Maid (who during a short trip had to put her pug dog in board at a neighbor’s family)—Well, children have you always been kind to my pet? Chorus—Yes. Little Carl (blurting out)—And he can swim, now, too!—Fliegende Blaet 1 ter. Backache Warns Backache is one of Nature’s of kidney weakness. Kidney disease thousands every year. Don’t neglect a bad back. If is lame—if It hurts to stoop or lift—If there is irregularity of the secretions— suspect your kidneys. If you suffer hwfl aches, dizziness and are tire*', nervoWMtnd' worn-out, you have further proof. Use Doan’s Kidney Pills, a hnemeiQfahBs for bad backs and weak kidneys. A South Dakota Cate Mrs. C. Frt*4h»«A. Alexandria. & D. aajrg: “Kidney Lrom i ble started in may case with paltm In my back and ft gradually grew worse. It wan tor ture for mo to afcwsFp. or straighten. 1 maf fered for fly© ywna After I had taken m great deni of cine without I I began with Kidney Pill* pains In my left, the 1 weakness went away and I had no mmt dizziness. I never used another modi’" cine that did me so much goodL’* Get Doan’s at Any Store, 50c a Sst DOAN’S “pTAY FOSTER.M1L.BURN CO.. BUFFALO. ML Jt. y I _ W'S gCIlliliiiimiiiiiiiiiniiiini:iiiiii,niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiir h & $ ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT !{* AYegefable Preparation for As • ijsh similating the Food and Regula Mj ting the Stomachs and Bowels of ir Promotes Digestion,Cheerful n nessandRest.Containsneither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral t: Not Narc otic ^ f/capt ,r oi>; SLOANS LINIMENT All Dealers 25c* 1 % Send four cents in stamps for a free TRIAL BOTTLE. g ‘ DR EARL S. SLOAN, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. Dept. B 8