.— 11 Dodge Bros. Car This is all the picture jve have of the Dodge Brothers’ Car. We have the general specifications, but will not publish them until we publish the price, P which is liable to be anywhere from $500 to $1,000. If interested in a car wait for the Dodge Brothers’ Car. O. F. Biglin. PAID ADVERTISING. For Sale—A large German soft coal heating stove.—Ferd Ward. 19-tf. Dr. Corbett, dentist, in O’Neill every day. Lady assistant. 35-tf For Sale—Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels.—Mrs. A. F. Sauser, O’Neill. 20-5 For Rent—New house in the eastern part of the city.—S. L. Thompson. 20-2p. For Sale—Eight horse gasoline engine, "n good condition.—George Gaughenbaugh. 10-tf. Fine Candies and Hot Chocolate.— McMillin & Markey’s Bakery and Candy Kitchen. 22-tf. Live stock insured against death from any cause.—L. G. Gillespie, O’Neill, Nebraska. 21 -tf Light house-keeping rooms in private family, close in; price moder ate.—Box No. 133. 21-1 For Sale—Ten head large type Po land China boars. All from register ed sows.—M. A. Whaley ,O’Neill. 20-4 Special deals and prices on buggies, wagons, feed grinders, gas engines, manure spreaders, at Brennan’s. 24-tf. Wanted—100 Head of Horses to Winter; One Dollar per month. Let me know and I will come and get them.—O. A. Kilpatrick, O’Neill. 19-tf. Money To Loan—I have some private money to loan on choice Holt county real estate, at a very reason able rate of interest.—J. H. Meredith, O’Neill. 52-tf WAR IS HELL—WE ALL KNOW THAT. MONEY IS TIGHT AND HARD TO GET—WE ALL KNOW THAT. I AM MAKING FARM AND RANCH LOANS ON NEBRASKA MONEY AND I WANT ALL OF YOU TO KNOW THAT.—JOHN L. QUIG, O’NEILL. Best Cough Remedy for Children. “Three years ago when I was living in Pittsburgh one of my children had a hard cold and coughed dreadfully. Upon the advice of a druggist I pur chased a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and it benefitted him at once. I find it the best cough medicine for children because it is pleasant to take. They do not object to taking it,” writes Mrs. Lafayette Tuck, Homer City, Pa. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic, and may be given to a child as con fidently as to an adult. Sold by all druggist. 21-4 Poverty Has Advantages. Poverty has its advantages and ad versity its uses. If you are poor you can wear out your old clothes. You are excused from calls, you are not troubled with many visitors, bores do not bore you, sponges do not haunt your tables, brass bands do not sere nade you. No one thinks of present ing you with a testimonial. No store keeper irritates you by asking you “Is there any thing I can do for you?” Begging letter writers don’t bother you. Flatterers do not flatter you. You are saved many a debt and many a deception. And lastly, if you have a true friend in the world, you are sure to know it in a short space of time. Weekly Market Letter. November 3, 1914. Cattle receipts this week are de cidedly lighter and there has been a KIMBALL PIANOS Are the choice of the great musicians of America; Kimball | pianos were the choice of the mothers ? and grandmothers of the present genera tion and they are the choice of a larger number of present*day purchasers than any other one make of piano in the world. There is every reason why the Kimball should be your choice, be cause it combines that which is most sought after; namely, the best of musical and wearing quality AT A PRICE YOU __^ CAN|EASILYAFFORD. WRITE FOR OUR FACTORY | Make Home a Play House distributing prices No one, young or old, rich or AND PAYMENT TERMS poor, should in this day and age feel 11 , the necessity of leaving home for entertainment and yet we all need and will have enter-1 tainment. It may be the kind that leaves either good or ill effects. Home entertainment £ls always uplifting. Have you seen, have you heard the music produced by the great a Month Krba* "Tf!?! BliyS 9 Genuine many—great many—respects there isn't another that equals it. With this most I wonderful 88NoteSolo Player, theyoung, glllTIDAnH the old, even the invalid—Indoor folks— — can play any and all kinds of music and A M K | as If by magic change a dreary, hum H Ilf I IIM drum home into a palace of music—a UI* Wlfll V good place to be. At Factory Prices Catalogues, Prices, Terms, | FREE Instruc- Mailed Free on Request § hh tione by * Our New It Is to your Interest to have our beau h™'™. « .*ot i tlfully illustrated catalogues, our FACT You can now ORY DISTRIBUTING PRICES and our % buy thefamousKim- easy credit terms on Kimball Pianos and i the makeraaV factory ifrioea. ‘ the Kimball Solo Player Piano. Send for We will send them to reliable people anywhere, them today. The coupon below, ft postal s to be paid for on our extremely easy payment ___j __ m plan-$2.50 monthly and upwards if desired. Cftrd or letter bring* them. Operating the largest piano and organ factory in the world, employing the largest capital, buying I |CA TIcia ft^Alinnn Ma|I| a raw material in the greatest quantity for cash- USv I lllo wUUPuVl PI0W l the Kimball system of manufacturing and r | distributing positively saves you 525 to 550 on and we will mail you catalogues, price f strictly first claw organs. lists and send you the Mu.ic.l Her.ld, Valuable Features of the Kimball ■■■■■■■■! For half a century Kimball Organs have M nminnil been regarded as standard and America s ^ C#«W favorite. They are famous for their beau- ___ . I ;°W KtmbaU ’M W- W- KIMBALL C0" Kin,bal' Ha“' ChlCa«° j Kotwly ithVoe"yecte.ttthCCcbtfcA—^^0ynJ&