Frontier. VOLUME XXXV. O'NEILL. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY JULY 23 1914. NUMBER 6 : u 1 MY ANNUAL MID-SUMMER CLEARING SALE WILL Commence on Saturday, July 23 I And Closes on Monday, August 3rd. All Dry Goods in the House Are In cluded in this Sale! Linoleums, Furnishings. 12 ft. in width for.60c per yard Inlaid Linoleum, 6 ft. wide for 89c yard Japanese Floor Matting at..28c Chinese Floor Matting at.19c Window Shades at.28c each Lace Curtains at.20 per cent dis. Rugs. £27.50 Axminister, 9x12, for.$21.00 £25.00 Axminister, 9x12, for.$18.98 £22.50 Velvet, 9x12, for.'...$16.9$ £15.00 Brussels, 9x12, for.$9.75 £10.00 Woolen Fiber, 9x12, for.6.75 £7.75 Brussels, 6x9, for.$5.98 » For Men. Straw Hats for Men at.Half Price Men’s Felt Hats, $3.00 Value for. .$2.39 Men’s Felt Hats at. T..98c Men’s Oxfords, $4.00 Value at... .$2.49 Men’s Underwear at.. .20 per cent dis. Men’s Collars and Ties at 20 per cent dis For Men. $4.00 Men’s Dress Shoes at.$3.19 $3.50 Men’s Dress Shoes at.$2.68 $3.00 Men’s Work Shoes at.$2.38 $2.50 Men’s Work Shoes at.$1.89 Men’s Dress Shirts, $1.50 for.$1.19 j Men’s Dress Shirts, $1.25 for.98c __ 20 Per Cent Discount on all Yardage in the House I For the Ladies. Full line of Lawns at.10c Line of Cotton Crepes at.19c ‘ Line of Cotton Crepes at.15c Line of Silks at.39c Line of Silks at.79c All Wool Goods at.20 per cent off All Calicoes at.5c yd. Table Damasks at.20 per cent dis. Muslins and Sheetings at 20 per ct. dis For the Ladies. Curtain Screens at.20 per cent dis. 8c Apron Gingham at.6c Ladies Shirt Waists at.Half Price Ladies’ White Dresses at... 50 per ct. Ladies’ House Dresses at 20 per cent dis Muslin Underwear at.33 1-3 off Knit Underwear at.20 per cent dis. Children’s Dresses at.20 per cent Ladies’ $4.00 Shoes at.$3.19 For the Ladies. Ladies’ $3.50 Shoes at.$2.79 Ladies’ $3.00 Shoes at.$2.49 Ladies’ Oxfords at.20 per cent dis. Children’s Oxfords at .. 20 per cent dis. Boy’s Dress Shoes at-20 per cent dis. A Special Line of Ladies’ Shoes at.;... .98c A Special Line of Ladies’ Ox fords at.98c For Men. III! Men’s Work Shirts, 50c for.39c Men’s Negligee Shirts at 20 per cent oif A Special Line of Men’s Dress Shirts at.. .59c Hosiery " All Hosiery at 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT. * Suit Cases, Trunks at 20 Per Cent Discount I Embroidery 5,000 Yards of Embroid ery at 331-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT Lace 3,000 Yards of Lace at 33 1-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT Lace All Over Lace at 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT Soap 50 Boxes of White Laund ry soap, 100 bars each $3.45 PER BOX I This sale is for cash only as the prices quoted are lower than the wholesale price on most of these goods. My reason for such a sale is: “/ Must Have the Space to Accommodate Fall Goods” and the Summer Goods and the Present Stock Must Go. 1J. GALLAGHER, O’Neill, Neb.