I” COR.SET DEMONSTRATION! As we have the services of Miss Ho wland,\specialrepresentative from the Cossard Corset Co.t we will put on special demonstration of the cor sets in different styles and qualities. Please call and ask the lady. Lindquist & Palmer 480 FINE FARM FOR^ALeT48^ I have three quarters of Good land to sell, 14 J miles northeast of O’Neill, Neb. 160 acres under plow; 60 acres meadow; 4 acres hog lot; balance in pasture. 60 rods from good school; 3y2 miles of Opportunity, Store, cream station and postoffice. In a good neighborhood. Good road to county seat. The place has good improvements and will be sold § | right. If you are looking for anything like this, call 1 on E. D. Henry, Executor, , O'Neiil. - ■ . ■ ■ [Nebraska g FOR SALE OR RENT My barn located on west Douglas street. A spAidid proposition for a I hustler. Calf give immediate pos 1 session. Have also for sale eight i* head of horses, 10 sets of buggy bar I ness, 6 buggies, 2 carriages and 8 robes. Must be sold at once. If you want a good bargain call and see me. i : mullenT * Wedding' Gifts Sterling and Plated Silverware, I new patterns. Our order for June weddings has several new odd | pieces in Sterling silver. Let us j quote you prices on that wedding gift. JoKn W. Hiber Jeweler and Optician F {CLINTON AND | | CAVANAUGH | A We have Poland China Sows 2) A with pigs at their side, also a A ifew good Durham Bulls for { sale. And we are also in the J market for anything you have • for sale. • ! Stock may be seen on the old i Knapp place, 4% miles east of • town, or phone M. P. CLINTON, s ■ O’Neill, Neb. • Republican Caucus. The republican electors of the First i~Av THE MID-WEST S BUSINESS COLLEGE g (The Select School.) | For those wanting to prepare j§ for high grade positions as sec- || \' retaries, accountants, manag- M j| ers, commercial teachers, etc. R j| For catalog and further infor- II || mation, address I mum Brass; cs.lesb | Hastings, Nebr. I F. L. GROOM, H. L. RENICK, Pres. Sec. II 4'2 MBffiW—aw ward in the city of O’Neill are hereby called to meet in caucus in the office of O. O. Snyder in said ward on Satur day evening, July 18, at 8 o’clock for the purpose of electing four delegates to attend the republican county con vention and to transact such other business as may come before the caucus. John J. WALSH, Committeeman. Republican Caucus. The republican electors of the Third ward of the city of O’Neill are hereby called to meet in caucus at the engine house in said ward on Saturday eve ning July 18, at 8 o’clock, for the purpose of electing five delegates to at tend the republican county convention and to transact such other business as may come before the caucus. C. E. HALL, Committeeman. Republican Caucus. The republican electors of the Second ward in the city of O’Neill are hereby called to meet in caucus in the store of John Skirving in said ward on Sat urday evening, July 18, at 8 o’clock, for the purpose of electing two dele gates to attend the republican county convention and to transact such other business as may come before the caucus. R. J. MARSH, l Committeeman. Notice of Caucus. The Republican electors of Pad dock township are hereby called to meet in caucus at the Town Hall of ■ said township, on Saturday, July 18, 1914, at three o’clock p. m., for the purpose of electing four delegates to attend the county convention to be held at O’Neill, Nebraska, July 20, -mri Cot* oncO ntkor liucine=s tVint may lawfully come before the caucus. P. J. LANSWORTH, Chairman. Notice. The public are hereby notified not to trespass upon or travel through or over the SEVi of Section 3, Township 28, range 12, under penalty of the law. Persons caught so doing will be pros ecuted. 5-2 JOE McNICHOLS. V Supervisor Tomlinah^n High Taxes. Mineola, Nll^^uly 8, 1914. Mr. Taxpayer Considerable dis cussion has be£n aroused both through the press and by certain speeches at the recent convevntion of the Progres sive party in Holt county, Nebraska, ' touching the matter of the increase of taxation in Holt county and the rea sons thereof, and believing that you ' will be interested in arriving at the facts in connection with the matter I am prompted to make this statement. As a member of the County Board ' for three years I have had much to do j with the finances of the county and am somewjiat familiar with the record* of the county and have' made some in- ^ vestigation of the increase in taxe.-. It has been charged that the Board of ' Supervisors of Holt county are re sponsible for the increase. Let us see ‘ what the facts are. There are four bodies authorized to levy taxes. They * are, the State Board, the County 1 Board, the Township Electors, the School District Electors and the Electors in Cities and Villages. The following shows the amounts levied by the State, County, Precinct and School Districts in the years 1900 and 1913: State, 1913.$37,351.01 State, 1900. 16,399.50 j Increase.$20,952.1!. I County, 1913.$67,990.54 County, 1900. 35,780.95 ( Increase.$32,209.59 ' Precinct 1913.$38,242.16 Precinct, 1900. 8,177.92 Increase.$30,064.24 ' School Districts, 1913.$117,470.70 j School Districts, 1900. 46,282.80 Increase.$ 71,187.90 The total tax levied in 1900 was $127,693.04 and in 1913 $284,278.23 the balance of the increase was made up in Cities and Villages. You will note from these figures that the in crease in the school tax alone is greater than the entire tax levied by the county board in 1913. It has been stated that the county board should be able to manage the affairs of the county with the same revenue that it received in 1900; if that is so why should not the various townships and school districts and the state get along with the same money they did then. There are several funds now for which the county board may make a levy which did not exist in 1900. It has been charged that, in order to spend the county money they have been building bridges on sand knolls. If there is any community in the county that has too many bridges and will make the fact known to the board I am sure they will be glad to remove them. Before you make a kick about your taxes being higher take your tax receipt for 1900 and one for 1913 and compare them and see if you are not responsible for some of the increase yourself. Under the new bridge law the bridges will cost more than they did under the old law as the board will have to get their plans from the state engineer and steel and cement bridges contain at least one half more ma terial. This is not written with the object of starting an argument with any one but simply to point out some facts to you that may have been over looked. * Yours truly, H. W. TOMLISON, Supervisor 2nd District, Holt county, Nebraska. Best Diarrhoea Remedy. If you have ever used Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy you know that it is a success. Sam F. Guin, Whatley, Ala., writes, “I had measles and got caught out in the rain, and it settled in my stomach and bowels. I had an awful time, and had it not been for Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I would not possibly have lived but a few hours longer, but thanks to this remedy, I am now well and strong.” Black Bird Items. Quite a number of the people in tihs /icinity attended the social at Joy Fri lay evening. All reported a fine time. Miss Ruth Borg, who has been at \noka for some time, returned to her lome last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Owen Beauchamp and his ste ers, Misses Dorothy and Hollis, idsited at F. H. Griffith's Sunday. Miss Elsie Hoyer spent Sunday at L. Rouse’s. Herbert Rouse and his sisters, Vlisses Maud and Bertha, spent Sun lay at E. H. Rouse’s. Mr. Bunell Shove spent Sunday at Vladison’s Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mull visited at if. Nelson's Sunday. Mr. Austin Buttolph "'caflfe'J aT Henifin’s Sunday. Mr. Dick Benton, of Fremont, Ne araska, has been visiting with friends ind relatives in this locality the past veek. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hansen visited at j. Hansen’s Sunday. Mr. Herman Stine called at R. D. Spindler’s Sunday. Wedding bells are ringing in this ocality. Mr. Alex Borg called at Rev. Bres dar’s Sunday. Miss Helen Spincfler, who is at ;ending school at O’Neill, spent Satur lay and Sunday at R. D. Spindler’s. Inman Items. Mr. and Mrs. Winsor Smith and :hildren, of Norfolk, visited relatives n Inman this week. Mr. John J. Hancock, who has been it school at Fort Madison, Iowa, re turned home last Saturday evening. Mrs. E. R. Riley visited with re atives in O’Neill Saturday and Sun lay. Mr. A. Tompkins is having a barn milt on his property now rented by :iyde Hall. Mr. C. J. SSaloss rr’s.’it MnfciV, fonday on business returning Monday vening. Mr. Ray Mossman, Nathan Butler nd Wm. Goree went to Plainview ifonday to gather cherries. They fathered about four bushel each and eturned home Monday evening. Bernedene Simmerman, the year old laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Sim nerman had the misfortune to fall ind break her collar bone last Satur lay evening. She is getting along licely. Levi and Dean Van Valkenburg and isters, Grace and Viola, returned to Jeetze, Colorado, Monday morning ifter a two weeks visit with friends in nman. Mr. H. J. Abrams and family, of )maha, came Sunday night to spend a ew weeks fishing, hunting and also o visit friends. Mr. Ezra Broombaugh and family, >f Stuart, are visiting his parents, Mr. ind Mrs. Elias Broombaugh and sis ;er, Mrs. Wm. Kelley and family, in nman, this week. PAID ADVERTISING. Wanted—Kitchen woman.—McMil ian & Markey. 5-1 Every Time You Send Us $1.00 Worth of Laundry Bundle work or Family Washing You get Back $1.10 In Quality And Service. O’Neill Sanitary Laundry Phone 209 Wanted—A gill—O’Neill Sanatarj Laundry, Phone No. 209. 4-tf For Rent—Two furnished rooms —Mrs. Frank Campbell. 5-4 every day. Lady assistant. 35-tf Dr. Corbett, dentist, in O’Neill Own your own home. Monthly op tional payment plan. Call on John L. Quig, O’Neill. 28tf. For Sale—Six acres, just west of city limits. This pftice priced to sell. Inquire of J. H. Dunn 6-2 Mr. S. Downey, for the O’Neill Photo _ Co., will do view and home portrait work throughout Holt county this summer. 2-4 Money To Loan—I have some private money to loan on choice Holt county real estate, at a very reason able rate of interest.—J. H. Meredith, O’Neill. 52-tf Wanted—Haying outfit to cut and stack, or cut, bale and put on cars hay from 200 acres in sections 6 and 0, township 28, range 13, 4% miles southwest of Emmet.—F. D. Scher merhorn, 331 S. Myrtle Ave., Omaha, Nebraska. 6-3 Lost—Along the road near the Mur phy farm, (’> miles northeast of O’Neill, a panama hat with the initials “W. S.” on the inside of the band; also one lap robe. Finder please leave at the San itary Meat Murket, ask no questions and receive reward. Cured of Indigestion. Mrs. Sadie P. Clawson, Indiana, Pa., was bothered with indigestion. “My stomach pained me night and day,” she writes. “I would feel bloated and hove headache and belching after eat ing. I also suffered from constipation. My daughter had used Chamberlain’s Tablets and they did her so much good that she gave me a few doses of them and insisted on my trying them. They helped me as nothing else has done.” For sale by all dealers. 3-4 Supervisors’ Proceedings. (Continued from page eight.) ..« .-i ..r-E-rsafaafc. Nebraska Culvert Co.... 17.10 John Nelson. 18.06 John Schmidt. 13.20 D. M. Stuart. 61.90 H. M. Uttley. 479.44 Walter Wyant. 6.00 Mr. Chairman: Whereas, it ap pears to the satisfaction of the board that part of the contract which asks for the extra consideration of $70.00 on the original contract was meant and should read $70.00 on each culvert therefore, I mova/fhat the amount of $70.00 header to the original con tract for the^mstruction of the two concrete culvertsNssjilt by H. M. Ut tley and that claim for $479.44 be, and the same is hereby allowed in full. M. P. Sullivan. J. O. Hubbell. Motion carried. Mr. Chairman: Your committee appointed to inspect the bridges built on the half section line at section 2-26 9, the one between township 26 and 27, and between sectb 2 and 36, find that said bridges are not built in strict accordance with the contract but after close investigation find that said bridges are built sufficiently strong to carry the necessary traffic therefore xeconiiiiciiuT that the ssht xe accepted. M. P. Sullivan. Th. D. Sievers. C. A. Fauquier. Upon motion report of committee nas accepted. Upon motion board adjourned until lune 17, 1 o’clock p. m. Th. D. Sievers, Chairman. S. F. McNichols, County Clerk. O'Neill, Neb., June 17, 1914, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjournment ill members present except Hubbell. O’Neill, Neb., June 17, 1914. Mr. Chairman: Whereas, the board it supervisors at a meeting held April 4, 1914, a motion was properly carried to build a certain bridge at the comer of 1, 2, 11, and 12, township 30, range 16, and whereas since the pas sage of said motion a series of floods has changed conditions in this part of the county, Be it therefore resolved that we now reconsider our action of April 4, 1914, and reorder the Western Bridge and Construction Compay to built a 60 foot riveted low truss steel span with concrete floor on 18-8 inch N” 24 feet long, 10-8inch I-20-S” I 24. wing piling, wings to be 2-16 long 2-20 10 long all, according to plans and speecifications prepared by state en gineer. Bridge to be built at the cor ners 1-2-11-12, township 30, north of range 16, as per above location. D. M. Stuart. F. O. Hammerberg. Ayes and nays being called for re sulted as follows: Stuart aye, Fau quier nay, Tomlinson aye, Sullivan nay, Hammerberg aye, Sievers nay. Vote resulted three and three. Chairman declared a tie vote. No further action was taken. Upon motion board adjourned until 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. Th. D. Sievers, Chairman. S. F. McNichols, County Clerk. O’Neill, Neb June 18, 1914, 10 a. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment all members present except Hubbell. Board took up the matter of audit ing claims against the bridge fund Mr. John Boshart appeared before th< board and asked permission to chang< the channel of the Blackbird creek t( its former course. Board took the matter under advise ment. Upon motion board adjourned unti 1 o’clock. Th. D. Sievers, Chairman. S. F. McNichols, County Clerk. O’Neeill, Neb., June 18,1914,1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjournment all members present. Mr. Chairman: I move that we purchase one road planer from the Russell Grader Co., at $700.00. M. P. Sullivan. F. O. Hammerberg. Motion carried. Mr. Chairman: Whereas, George Clide has agreed with the board to re place what is known as the Clide bridge across Eagle creek for the con sideration of $60.00, Therefore, I move you that the said George Clide be and hereby is authorized to re build said bridge. H. W. Tomlinson. M. P. Sullivan. Motion carried. Mr. Chairman: I move you that the county clerk be and he hereby is instructed to issue a general fund war rant to Mrs. Clara Reynolds for $26.00 per month from March 16,1914 to Sep. tember 16, 1914,as ordered by the Dis trict Court for the support and care of the children. H. W. Tomlinson. J. O. Hubbell. Motion carried. Mr. Chairmun: I move you that the county clerk be and he hereby is in structed to issue a genera! fund war rant to Mrs. Minnie Roseler for $25.00 a month for a peeriod of six months, the months of June to November in clusive, for the yearof1914,asordered by the District Court. M. P. Sullivan. C. A. Fauquier. Motion carried. Mr. Chairman: I move that the county clerk be and he hereby is in ‘SHWreB1 WIM1 TOMW'fWW fM rant to Mrs. Mary Farley to the amount of $30.00 per month for the months of May, June, July, August, September and October, for the year 1914, ns ordered by the District Court. H. W. Tomlinson. M. P. Sullivan. Motion carried. Mr. Chairman: I move we allow No. 151 amounting to $480.00; No. 153 for $378.40, the cleric is hereby in- J structed to draw a warrant for the same. _... • J. O. Hubbell. H. W. Tomlinson. 1 Motion carried. Mr. Chairman: I move we allow claim No. 150 amounting to $2,400.00 in the amount of $2,381.82 for the Bradt Bridge filed for in claim Number 649 to the Western Bridge and Construction Company, on the Emergency bridge fund and the clerk iB hereby instructed to draw warrant for same. „ Motion carries On motion blard adjourned until 7 o’clock p. m. ?/' Th. B. Steers, Chairman. S. P. McNichols, County Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., June 18,1914, 7 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjournment all members present. The following motion was made by by Fauquier and seconded by Sullivan: Motion. Mr. imairman: wnereas, on tne 4th day of April, 1914, this board pas sed a motion ordering the Western Bridge and Construction Company, under an annual contract, to construct a cement bridge across a cut-off of the Elkhorn river at the intersection of sections 1 and 2 and 11 and 12 in township 30, range 16, west, in this county. And, Whereas, Said Western Bridge and Construction Company has not as yet taken any steps toward the build ing of said cement bridge said bridge or any part thereof has not been con structed. And, Whereas, A resolution has been introduceed to release said Wes tern Bridge and Construction Company from said order to build a cement bridge at said point, and to authorize said company to substitute a new steel bridge for said proposed cement bridge. And, Whereas, The old bridge at said point has recently been repaired and restrengthened by bracing tl*e pil ing, installing new stringers and caps, and said bridge having an oak floor in good condition; and said old bridge be ing now perfectly safe for public travel, and will apparently stand for several years, And, Whereas, On account of the recent floods which have washed out about twenty Seventy-Thousand Dol lars worth of bridges in this county, and on account of the general con dition of the bridge fund of the county which makes it impossible for lack of funds to build and replace de stroyed bridges at points where bridges have been washed out and there is a pressing necessity to replace such bridges. And, Whereas, The aforesaid bridge in Stuart township does not now need to be built, and public policy does not require it, And, Whereeas, no emergency ex 1 ists to take down said bridge and re place it with a new one. Mr. Chairman: I move that the 1 (Continued next week.)