^Monarcln. 3STo. ± 3DI;p Use one part Dip to 75 parts water. Certificate of Government Appioval on every can. The best for Sheep, Horses, Cattle, Poultry and Hogs. Sure death to Lice and Ticks, cures Scab and Mange, chases Files and kills diseases Germs. Guaranteed by RoC Chemical Concern Lincoln, Nebraska. For Sale by Jordan ds "Wnrimer To Settle AN ESTATE I have three quarters of Good land to sell, 14 | miles northeast of O’Neill, Neb. 160 acres under | plow; 60 acres meadow; 4 acres hog lot; balance in I pasture. 60 rods from good school; 3y2 miles of Opportunity, Store, cream station and postoffice. In a good neighborhood. Good road to county seat. The place has good improvements and will be sold | right. If you are looking for anything like this, call on O’^Telll, ZbTeTo. A At The Frontier Office. —mwmmmmmwm* B< >b Lee! Is a fine big Spanish Jack with big bone and lots of quality. He is a black with tan markings and weighs about 1,000 pounds. » LYON Is known to most of the breeders of this community I as a good individual. He is a pure bred Percheron horse, jet black in color and weighs 1,800 pounds. These animals will make the season at the John Hickey farm. The fee for a living colt from either of these animals is $12.50. HICKEY&CARNEY Owners. k PAID ADVERTISING. Wanted—Girl for housework.—Mrs. C. E. Stout. 2 For Sale—480 Acres—Ranch and Farm—E. D. Henry, O’Neill, Neb. 43 I)r. Corbett, dentist, in O’Neill every day. Lady assistant. 35-tf T-S "J31 -jnjq 3? 'soag Apeg—qaoA\ siqj squq numung uo sooud poonpaj pjpadg Own your own home. Monthly op tional payment plan. Call on John L. Quig, O’Neill. 23tf. This Week—Special reduced prices on Panama hats.—Harty Bros. & Mullen. 3-1 Fine Candies and Hot Chocolate.— McMillin & Markey’s Bakery and Candy Kitchen. 22-tf. Lost—A short black ladies’ jacket coat. Finder please return to Harty Bros, and Mullen. 3-1 For Sale—Cattle of all kinds; will sell either for cash or on time.— Cowperthwaite & Son. 46-tf If you want a farm view, family group or some post cards, phone or write the O’Neill Photo Co. 2-4 Special deals and prices on buggies, wagons, feed grinders, gas engines, manure spreaders, at Brennan’s. 24-tf. Have four quarters of good hay land near O’Neill to rent, also six quarters near Emmett.—F. J. Dish ner. 2-2 Mr. S. Downey, for the O’Neill Photo Co., will do view and home portrait work throughout Holt county this summer. 2-4 Money To Loan—I have some private money to loan on choice Holt county real estate, at a very reason able rate of interest.—J. H. Meredith, O’Neill. 52-tf See the new line of over-shirt and drawer combination. An ideal gar ment for summer—Perfectly com fortable. Drawers and shirts in one, $2.00 and up.—P. J. McManus. 3-1 Have you seen the new line of over shirt and drawer combination at McManus’. They are the ideal gar ments for summer. Perfectly com fortable. Drawers and shirts in one | FOR SALE OR RENT My barn located on west Douglas 1 street. A splendid proposition for a | hustler. Can give immediate pos session. Have also for sale eight head of horses, 10 sets of buggy bar- i ness, 6 buggies, 2 carriages and 8 robes. Must be sold at once. If you want a good bargain call and see me. P. D. SULLEN. 1 .~ ..." V. --- at from $2.00 up.—P. J. McManus. tuo.T u ; ACCORDIN PLEATING?—#Oo Accordion ond Knife Pleating, cOV^r buttons and make skirts to measure. Mail orders given prompt attention. —Sioux Ci' ’ ' ~o„ 316-8 Pierce St., Sioux 2-3 Files For Supervisor. Fred Beckwith, of Emmet, was in the city today and filed for the re publican nomination from the Sixth supervisor district. This is the dis trict represented by J. O. Hubbell So far Mr. Beckwith is the only candi date who has filed for supervisor from this district. Best Diarrhoea Remedy. If you have ever used Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy you know that it is a success. Sam F. Guin, Whatley, Ala., writes, “I had measles and got caught out in the rain, and it settled in my stomach and bowels. I had an awful time, and had it not been for Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I would not possibly have lived but a few hours longer, but thanks to this remedy, I am now well and strong.” For sale by all dealers. 3-4 Supervisors’ Proceedings. (Continued from page four.) granted. On motion board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. Th. D. Sievers, Chairman. S. F. McNichols, County Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., June 10, 1914, 1 p. m. Board of equalization met all mem bers present. Whereas it appears to the satisfac tion of the board that there has been an erroneous assessment in the val uation of the following land southwest quarter of section 3, 28, 14, being as sessed at $6,400.00, therefore, I move that the county clerk be and is hereby instructed to correct the tax book to read as follows: Southwest quarter of section 3, 24, 14, $2,400.00, T. J. Coyne. J. O. Hubbell. Motion carried. Whereas, it appears to the satis faction of the board that there has been an erroneous assessment in the valuation of the following described lands for 1912: S% NWy* 18, 82, 14.$1,200. WMt SE% 18, 28, 14,.$1,200. SW)4 18, 28, 14,.....$1,600. Therefore, I move that the county clerk be instructed to correct the tax list to read as follows: S% NW14 18, 28, 14, $400. W% SE% 18„ 28, 14, SW 14.18, 28, 14. J. O. Hubbell. T. J. Coyne. Motion carried. Mr. Chairman: Whereas, it ap pears to the satisfaction of the board that there is an error in the assess ment of Elias Spindler in Paddock township in the year of 1911, also in his assessment in the City of O’Neill in 1912, same being in a mortgage which was given in as personal prop erty and which was also assessed against the land and the taxes paid, therefore I move you a refund of $16.56 for the year 1912 and one for $.18.25 for the year 1913, be granted him and the county clerk be and is hereby instructed to draw a warrant for the same. T. J. Coyne. F. O. Hammerberg. iviuwufi uarrieu. On motion board adjourned until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Th. D. Sievers, Chairman. S. F. McNichols, County Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., June 11, 1914, 9 a. m. Board of equalization met all mem bers present. Whereas, it appears to the satis faction of the board that there has been an erroneous assessment on- the i southeast quarter of section 7, 26, 12, i the E Mi W% of section 7, 26, 12, be- i ing assessed at $3,450.00 and $3,100.00 respectively for 1912, therefore I move 1 you that the county clerk be and he is l hereby instructed to correct the tax list to read as follows: Southeast : quarter of section 7, 26, 12, $2,850.00 and the E!4 of WV6 of section 7, 26, ; 12, $2,500.00. C. A. Fauquier. F. O. Hammerberg. Motion carried. Whereas, it has appeared to the satisfaction of the board that there has been an erroneous assessment on the improvements situated in lots 1 to 8, block 8, Fahy’s Park Addition to the City of O’Neill, being assessed at $2,600.00 therefore, I move that the clerk be instructed to correct the tax books to read as follows: Improvements on lots 1 to 8, Fahy’s Park Addition to the City of O’Neill, $1,400.00. T. J. Coyne. J. O. Hubbell. Motion carried. O’Neill, Neb, June 11, 1914. Mr. Chairman: Whereas, it appears to the satisfaction of this board that the assessed valuation on improve ments on lot 8, in block 10 in Hallock’s Second Addition to the town of Stuart, Holt county, Neb., same being assess ed at $1,200.00 for improvements be ing double and more of the amount of assessments for like improvements, therefore I move you that the county ■■—i .i._—i n i .11. ... .Ji I |l i 'U| 2 Having leased the Western 2 2 Hotel, I am prepared to serve 2 2 the public with the best of 2 « everything, and I would greatly 2 2 appreciate a share of your pat* 2 2 ronage. Phone 269. 2 1 J. M. Weidman | 2 Meals 25c and up. 2 2 2-2pd Rooms 25c and up. 2 ▲ ▲AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ▼ W www^wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww clerk be and is hereby instructed to correct the tax list making the val uation on said lot $550.00 instead of $1,200.00. D. M. Stuart. P. O. Hammerberg. Motion carried. To the Honorable Board of Super visors, I, Jacob Hirch the assessor of real estate of 1912, find that I made an error on the following described real estate in Grattan precinct in 28, 12, the south half of the southwest quar ter section 18, north half of the north west quarter the northeast quarter section 19, 28, 12, belonging to Amanda Hiatt, containing 320 acres, which I assessed at $10.00 per acre, snd should have assessed it at $8.00 per acre, and also the southeast quar ter of the northwest quarter and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter all in section 19, 28, 12, be longing to George and Bessie Gaugh snbeugh which I assessed at $10.00 per acre and should have assessed it at $8.00 per acre. Which change I, Jacob Hirsch pray the Honorable Board of Holt county to make, in or der to be equally valued with sur rounding real estate of equal value. Jacob Hirsch. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of July, 1913. S. F. McNichols, (Seal) County Clerk. Mr. Chairman: Whereas, it appears to the satisfaction of the board in .•omparing the assessment of the south half of the south half quarter section 18, 28, 12, and the north half of the northwest quarter and the northeast quarter section 19, 28, 12, is excessive in comparison with ad joining property therefore I move hat the clerk be instructed and he is lereby ordered to correct tax list by -hanging the total assessed valuation from $10.00 an acre to $8.00 an acre n accordance with the affidavit of the precinct assessor. M. P. Sullivan. H. W. Tomlinson. Motion carried. On motion board adjourned until 1 '■’clock p. m. Th. D. Sievers, Chairman. S. P. McNichols, County Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., June 11, 1914, 1 p. m. Board of equalization met pursuant ;o adjournment all members present. Mr. Chairman: Whereas, as it ap pears to the satisfaction of this board ■hat there has been an erroneous as sessment in the west half of 20, 29, 9, •ontaining 320 acres assessed at S3,000.00, therefore, I move you that :he county clerk be and he is hereby nstructed to correct the tax books to •ead $2475,00. H. W. Tomlinson. J. O. Hubbell. Motion carried. Mr. Chairman: I move you that the bounty Clerk be and he hereby is in itructed to change the total valuation in the southeast quarter of the north vest quarter and the northeast quar er of southwest quarter, the north :alf of the southeast quarted of sec ion 19, 28, 12, from actual value of >1,600.00 to $1,200.00 in accordance vith the affidavit of Jacob Hirsch, >recinct assessor of Grattan township. Something of Interest to the House Wife When you clean house what are you going to do with those Curtains? We have installed the best Curtain stretcher that could be bought. Let us do them for you and re ceive a classy job. O’Neill Sanitary Laundry Phone 200 1 safe “*,ck‘" th.«« n \ -the larg?*trV-have b in this country I ■ I gather• ohiii it i. .«* i«or.‘ ”• «V.4A«.,&?*n r^i"'leW ot5»arXor 1 solo 1 SSsSjg?, ^rfeo^oh^!. 1 ln effltian Iny match hithe^ore 1 better much 3a*8 matches tha SiUR ‘Vt.*.? 5S5‘“wlM’ \ their loto 8 »« much »• 1 'l0“ ‘In thV'i'* roiooll;" °‘„a J0Ut 1 *8 ar® a sal®r inat®o‘bave i*’ \ better, a 0a May *aV \ oo-opo'Otion Mk jo* »ho» 1 5o. Ill grocor,• M. P. Sullivan. F. O. Hammerberg. Motion carried. Mr. Chairman: Whereas, it ap pears to the satisfaction of this board that there has been an error in as sessing the improvements on lot 2, in block 2, in the village of Stuart, residence property owned by Ward Brayton, the same having been asses sed at $2/00.00 which should be as sessed at $1,500.00, therefore I move you that the County Clerk be and is 'hereby ordered to change the tax list reducing the assessment on said prop erty from $2,000.00 to $1,500.00. D. M. Stuart. F. O. Hammerberg. Motion carried. O’Neill, Neb., June 11, 1914. Mr. Chairman: It appearing to the satisfaction of this board that there has been an error of assess ment on lots 3 and 4, in block 2, in the village of Stuart, same having been assessed to Altha Flannigan at $1,000.00 the same being assessed too low, therefore I move you that the County Clerk be and he is hereby ordered to change the tax list increas ing tax on said improvements from $1,000.00 to $1,500.00. u’ ■ D. M. 'Stuart. F. O. Hammerberg. Motion carried. And clerk to notify Mrs. Flanni gan of the change. On motion board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. June 12. Th. D.iSievere, Chairman. S. F. McNichols, County Clerk. O’Neill, Neb. June 12, 1914, lp.m. Board met in regular session all members present except Hubbell. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Board adjourned until 1:30 p. m. Th. D. Sievers, Chairman. j S. F. McNichols, County Clerk. J O’Neill, Neb. June 12,1 o’clock p. m. ] Board met as a board of equali- ] zation, all members present. There j being no business board adjourned un- ( til 9 o’clock tomorrow morning. Th. D. Sievers. Chairman. S. F. McNichols, County Clerk. ! O’Neill, Neb., June 12, 1:30 p. m. Board met in regular session, all members present. Mr. Chairman: I move that the bill of the Baldwin Mercantile Co. for necessaries furnished patients while in quarrantine in Chambers township in the sum of $111.73 be al lowed in the sum of $92.55. C. A. Farquier M. P. Sullivan. i Motion carried. On motion the following bond was approved. George W. Davies, road overseer. On motion ■ board adjourned until 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. Th. D. Sievers, Chairman. J.^ ! SEE « CLINTON AND CAVANAUGH We have Poland China Sows, with pigs at their side, also a I few good Durham Bulls for | sale. And we are also in the S market for anything you have 8 for sale. 8 Stock may be seen on the old £ Knapp place, 4 Ms miles east of ■■ town, or phone |f M. P. CLINTON, I O’Neill, Neb. S. F. McNichols, County Clerk. Typewriter paper for sale at this office. We have it $1.00 up, per box.