Twt? 1 ini Frontier. VOLUME XXXIV. pae> .. "■■■ 11 ■■ ■■■■■■ .■■■■'■.— 11,1 ■ O’NEILL. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY JUNE 4 1914: NUMBER 51 FIS I L -ON While the season is at its best, I am going to offer the public, for cash only, some of the best Merchandise at the lowest possible price. Ladies’ Shirt Waists Muslin Underwear Muslin Gowns Children’s Oxfords All this year’s productions at prices Children’s Muslin Pants at.15e Ladies’Muslin Gowns All Children’s Oxfords unheard of. Ladies’ Muslin Corset Covers AT 33 w PER CENT DISC0UNT AT 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT $1.00 Waists at $.59 Children’** Dre****es Ladies’ Oxfords ™ ot 79 20 per cent discount cnnaren s uresses co „r . , . , ,Q Children’s Dresses A lme of Ladies Oxfords Waists at. 1*49 Pnnppss SJliriQ . m ... w . , , . CQ CeSS b P AT 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT AT 99 CENTS $2.o0 Waists at. 1.89 co (in wt ■ i * i) nn 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT * j. 5 *v u • a » « « i $3.00 waists at 2.29 Ladies Dresses Men s Oxfords Muslin Underwear Ladies’ Muslin Underskirts Ladies’ House Dresses A line of Men’s Oxfords \ Children’s Shirts at. 25c AT 50 PER CENT DISCOUNT AT 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT AT $1.89 EACH. 10 O IPa-ir of I_.a-dles’ SIh-oes sut .© S Cents This Sale is for one week only, Commencing June 6, Ending 13 J. P. GALLAGHER, O’NEILL, NEBR M LOCAL MATTERS. J. L. Shanner and Peter X. Larsoi of Page were pleasant callers at thesi Headquarters last Monday. Norfolk Press: Mr. and Mrs. Car ton of O’Neill spent the week-end wit' their daughter, Mrs. H. C. Sattler am family. J. P. Gallagher returned last Mon day morning from a week’s fishini trip at the lakes in Cherry countj I Jim says that he had an enjoyable outing and caught a fine string of J fish. Dr. P. C. Corrigan was up from . Omaha the latter part of last week, t looking after business interests in [ this city. John Savidge and Miss Bertha Mil - ler, both of Ewing, were granted a - marriage license in county court last . Friday. Joseph Gaskill and Miss Verle Knobs both of Chambers, were united in marriage by the county judge at the county court room last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hanley and wife of Washington, D. C., were ir the city last week visiting at the home of Mr. Hanley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hanley. Several Atkinson people were in the city last Sunday and witnessed “What do you want to pay?” I $1.00 - - $1.50 - - $2.00 This is not an auction We just want to impress you with the fact that you can pick out one of the nobbiest shirts you ever saw and at the price you want to pay. We are here to serve you, not with a $2.00 shirt if you want one at $1.00, but with the best value ever shown at $1.00, if that is what you want to pay or $1.50 or $2.00. Glance at the new ties at 50c, 75c and up. They are great. Yes, and take just a few minutes to look over the new Spring Styles in Hirsh-Wickwire Clothes at from $15.00 up—the clothes that are making other makers think about prices. Harty Bros. & Mullen O’Neill, - Nebraska the defeat of their ball team at the : hands of the O’Neill club. Among ; those present we noticed, Col. J. R. Jarvis, W. E. Scott and J. S. Ennis. O. A. Hammerberg and Miss Mabel Earle were granted a marriage license by the county judge last Mon day. Both of these young people arc residents of Sand Creek precinct, the groom-to-be is a son of Supervisor Hammerberg. Sheriff Henry D. Gr»dy has filed for re-nomination and re-olection to his present position, subject to the action of the republican electors at the primary next August. Henry has made a good official and he will un doubtedly be re-nominated and re elected to his present position. Miss Celia Gorby, who has been superintendent of the O’Neill Public schools for the past six years, left Monday morning for her home at Lin coln. Miss Gorby will not return to O’Neill next fall as Prof. Marrin has been elected superintendent of the Public schools for the coming year. Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Mickle left Tues day morning for Constantie, Michi gan, where they expect to make their future home. Last week the Doctor sold his business here to Dr. James H. Hale of Princeton, Missouri, who is now in charge of the office. Dr. Hale was a classmate of Dr. Mickle and has been practicing in Missouri for several years. Dr. Mickle and wife made many friends in O’Neill who wish them prosperity and happiness in their new home. Arthur Roberts and Miss Lena Ott were granted a marriage licnese by the county judge last Tuesday. Mr. Roberts is a son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Roberts, poineer and prominent resi dents of the north country while Miss Ott is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Ott also pioneer and prominent residents of the country north of this city. The young people have many friends in this section of the county who extend congratulations and good wishes. Steve Hicks suffered quite a heavy financial loss on account of the heavy rain two weeks ago. He lost 62 head of hogs, one cow and two calve, by drowning. They had about six inches of rain in that section and the heavy downpour made the Blackbird a rag ing torrent and it swept down the valley taking everything before it. Other residents along the creek lost ences and some machinery was swept iway, but we have heard of no stock osses except that sustained by Mr. Sicks. J. A. Cowperthwaite returned last light from a short visit at his old home in Seward county. Mr. Cowperthwaite said that the south half of the state had from three to five inches of rain, last Tuesday night nnd that crops in that section of the state are looking fine. II f j Baby’s Outfit From the first little wrap per baby wears to the pretty ^ knitted alghan — everything | needed for a complete outfit § for the baby we are prepared 2 to supply. Our Pearl line of | infants’ wear will interest I every mother. I Come in and see how pret 5 tily and inexpensively you 1 can dress your baby by mak Jg ing your selections from our 1 Pearl line of infants’ wear. 1 Lindqviist Palmer || O’Neill, Nebraska