Neb. Historical Society ***»*“>^» The Frontier. VOLUME XXXIV. O’NEILL. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY APRIL 23 1914. NUMBER 45 t rw g You Know it is Safe j wIil'ii you put ii in our safety dposit voults. 1 Every precaution taken that is known to modern science. You can withdraw your val uables at any time. A drawer costs you g $2.00, a locker or strong box $1.00. Come in if and inspect them today. I THIS BANK CARRIES NO INDEBTEDNESS OF OFFICERS | OR STOCKHOLDERS. | | O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK 1 ONEILL, NEBRASKA § Capital and Surplus, $80,000.00 ij M. Dowling, Pres. S. J. Wiikkes, Cashier 1 O. O. Snyder, Vice-Pres. C. P. Hancock, Asst. Cash, J| VERA CRUZ TAKEN 4 MARINES KILLED Washington, April 22.—The American forces are in complete con trol of Vera Cruz. No non-com batants were injured in the fighting here. This word was received in a dispatch from Consul Canada this afternoon. Four American marines were killed and 21 wounded in the fighting last night. The Mexican losses were over 150. The White House gave out the fol lowing statement: “Dispatches received from Counsul Canada at Vera Cruz at 1:10 p. m. announced that the American forces are now in complete possession of the city; jthat apparently no fatalities among American and foreign non combatants, and that firing has ceased, except for occasional picket shots.” The American forces commenced an advance to take the entire city of Vera Cruz at 8 o’clock under guns of the war vessels, according to a report from Consul Canada, received at the state department at 10 o’clock this morning. Reinforcements composing 2,700 men from Rear Admiral Badger’s fleet were landed today at Vera Cruz under the guns of the American warships to aid in taking the entire city of Vera Cruz, according to official advices to the navy department. Landing parties from the American fleet under Rear Admiral Badger were greeted with quite a general fireing from snipers, when the boats ap proached the shore at 4:30 o’clock this morning. The Mexican sharpshooters occupied roofs of houses in the central part of the city and were able to fire down on the American marines and blue *••■1 • u ni i ij i in I i i i ill 1111 (11 i i i in 111 i i i • M ill i i ■ 111 11 ■ 111111111 i'i ijj i i'i'i M'i:i'iii.i 11 • 11111111 mil i i'mu Z 9 m • : 1 . * i 1 : 1 : Be up and doing' With a heart for any fate.—Longfellow. | 5 1 Z - Dreaming about it will Z 9 never bring success. .Your ambitions “come true” quicker when : you have money to help you. .Start a bank account today. .No ; matter how small the opening deposit it will be one step nearer i : your “castle in the air.” Do it now. S Z 9 _ 9 _ - z _ [NEBRASKA STATE BANK K : JAMES F. O’DONNELL, Casuiku 5 PER CENr INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS E £3f”The depositors of this bank are protected by the deposi I: tors’ guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska. : S. S. Welpton. President. O. F. Biglin, Vice President j 5.1.1 • • • • • • ■ i i i i'i.tiig.i II nkM ■ I'l i riii i • 11 ■ I i t •!•• • I I • • M ill i I'l i'i • i'g| ■ I I i •'i'lii.M I'l.u MI>|.|i|'|i*MiM ■ How often does the cry come t0 M A iyi M A * you, and little feet hurry to your " ■ * ® ■* * ■ ■ ** ® side and tear stained eyes look up ap pealingly into yours? - Scarcely a day goes by without some little mishap—cuts and bruises are common—but they require attention _ to insure against evil effects. j If you have the simple home remedies handy you can immediately alleuiate the sufferings of the victim and save yourself the trouble and expemse of calling a physician. We can supply you with a complete medicine cabinet at small cost.