!'11''111"1,1111111111111111 111 •"1»mu11hii.i11inri inuninnri-■—-i-rnr rrmiiIiiMHiiiimiiin11 n■ • ■ 3 3 j Make them better ac= quainted next pay day by bring ing them together into this bank. Yom can always afford to put something in the bank. Start with your | next pay envelope. i NEBRASKA STATE BANK A E JAMES F. O’DONNELL, Casiiiek s PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS E 15P”The depositors of this bank are protected by the deposi \ tors' guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska. : S. S. Welpton. President. O. F. Biglin, Vice President Sit*i mii'ii'Mri ihm r» i tnin • * • • mi•Kira jfin•.•iiperations for appendicitis, gall stones tumors or goitre. If you have kidney or bladder troubles bring a two-ounce bottle of your urine for chemical analysis. Deafness often has been cured in sixty days. Remember this free offer is for this trip only. Married ladies must come with their husbands and minors with their parents. On account of the illness of Miss Ruth Swanson’s mother, the millinery stock will be sold at Re duced prices, com mencing Friday and continuing until the goods are ail sold. During this sale there will be no sewing school until after Easter. Hats up to $12 at $5.00. JOS IE NEIERS Store East of Golden Hotel, West of Jorden & Warner. WELSH GRAIN CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Solicits your consignments of Hay. Prompt returns our Motto. 1 Brandeis Big. - • Omaha, Neb. NEIL BRENNAN , T f uai 9 UIW U9V VI tJaJ lug fw.w «pov.w mmy more for extra plow bottoms or buying a sod plow when you don’t have to! Instead, why not save the money and get a Rock Island No. 8 Gang, equipped with the famous “C.T.X.” Universal Bottoms? <7 m L . '. \ MSB The "C.T.X.” Is the only universal bottom made. With the *‘C. T. X." you have one bottom for ■ every purpose—sod, stubble, trashy corn land, mixed and sandy land, etc. That means you not only save the cost of extra bot toms but you save the work and bother of having to change from one set to another. You can plow a field of sod, a field of stubble, and then a field of corn stalks, and do a better job in each case. You do better work and do it easier. ____ Because of the peculiar auger-like twist of the mold board, on the “C.T. X. the full-furrow slice is turned completely over and pul mverized so that it makes a perfect contact with the subsoil. No air spaces, so the moisture comes up from BBI the subsoil when the roots need it. _ You get the one universal successful plow bot* BE tom on the best plow ever constructed. One-piece frame, easiest compound foot lift, light draft, ease __n of handling, simple and durable construction, all 'B combine with the “C.T. X.” Bottom to make the Rock Island No. 8 Gang the most desirable plow for you. Saves you the $25.00 for extra bottoms, and BEll means less work, better crops and more actual cash returns. Come in and see this plow. Let us show you EBB some interesting pictures of work actually done by this peculiar moldboard and tell you why it will do this good work for you. Come this week sure! BmB Seat Well Back. Only short B»!s Universal * and Hangers. H> High Rear Wheel, "SOW Light Draft ’ V Both levers on Right Compound Feat Uft One-Piecj frame. Rock Island No. 8 Gang with “C.T. X.” Neil Brei\i\8Li\, O’Neill PAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Found—A Saddle. Inquire of Fred Albert. 41-1. Flour $1.05 per sack at J. C. Hor riskey’s. 35-8 I sell good hay, 40 cents a bale. —Con Keys. “My-kind” flour; high quality; reasonably priced. 35-tf “My-kind flour; high quality; reasonably priced. 35-tf We have a good second-hand farm wagon for sale.—Jordan & Warner. Dr. Corbett, dentist, in O’Neill everd day. Lady assistant. 35-tf I have a good house to sell cheap, Close in. Lots of big shade trees, buy it.—Con Keys. Electric vacum cleaners and cur tain stretchers for rent.—Jordan & Warner. 40-2 Fine Candles and Hot Chocolate.— McMillan & Markley’s Bakery and Candy Kitchen. 22-tf. Own your own home. Monthly optional payment plan. Call on John L. Quig, O’Neill. 23-tf Star Brand Shoes are better, no substitute for leather ever used. For sale by Fred Alberts 51-tf Special deals and prices on buggies wagons, feed grinders, gas engines manure spreaders, at Brennan’s 24-tf For Sale—Eggs from Pure White and Buff Orpington’s. 75 cents per setting of 15.—R. N. Brittell, O’Neill. 41-4. Party holding No. 2336 is hereby notified to call and present same on or before Saturday, March 28th or the same will be unllified.—J. C. Horrisky. 41-1. If the party who took a pair of shoes from my store, will closely ex amine the same he will see that he has two shoes for his left foot and that one is a number 6 and the other a number 8, and if he will return the same to me I will give him a pair of mates, thus saving one pair of shoes. —Antons Toy. \ '% I Am Going to Quit Business My stock is for sale at cost in bulk or at retail The goods are all high class and worth on an average 10 per Gent more than when purchased. All goods in my line have advanced in price. My brick store building is For SaJe or R.er\t This is the best store room in O'Neill and ready for any kind of merchan dising. Frank Campbell Regular meeting of the Fireman next Tuesday night. Election of officers. All members are urged to attend. For Rent: Five room house, cheap; 4 blocks east Fourth street. Barn buggy shed and corn crib. Enquire of J. J. McCafferty. 40-lp. For Sale: Pure Buff Rock eggs for hatching; $1.00 for a setting of 15 eggs or $6.00 per 100.—J. E. Hard ing, R. F. D. No. 1, O’Neill. 40-5 The person holding ticket number 2336 can secure a set of dishes by calling at Horrisky’s Grocery. 40-2 For Sale: I have some dry and green cottonwood for sale at $2 per load, at the old Daily farm, 9 miles northwest of O’Neill.—Joe Babl, O’Neill. 40-2p. “My-kind” flour at J. P. Gallagher’s, D. D. Harrington Co.’s, J. C. Horris key’s, P. J. McManus’, R. R. Mor rison’s, Thomas Quinn’s and J. J. Walsh’s. A flour of quality. 38-tf.