ld Holt county, and while Joe has ilways been a lover of this section of ihe unlvere he thinks more of it today iban ever, as he says it compares i avorably with the best section of the i lountry that he seen and far ahead of < t large part of it. Mr. Hunter was i ooking for a suitable residence in i .his city and as soon as he secures one le will move here and make O’Neill ils future home. Mr. Hunter Is one i >f the substantial citizens of the tounty and The Frontier rejoices in < * "it ■_■ THERE is a structure wlilch every institution builds for itself. It is called character, and every act is a stone in this structure. An institution, in order to have a good character, must think honesty, act honesty, breathe honesty. The people soon determine between the genuine and the countertit. They know the ring of the true metal and the base. —A. M. Jones. | ■ On this the whole structure of our bank is based. The increas ing business is a guarantee that it is appreciated by depositors. Accounts of companies and individuals solicited. Every facility given consistent with conservative banking. — | 5 - 2 : | NEBRASKA STATE BANK JAMES F. O’DONNELL, Casiiiek B PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS | SHThe depositors of this bank are protected by the deposi- I : tors’ guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska. 1 : S. S. Welpton. President. O. F. Vice President | lm■ ■ ■ — n ■ ■>■■■■ .. .. .. «■■ .. 1 _•--- ■ - ...— the fact that he has determined to cast his lot among the residents of the Emerald Tinted City. Some one asked, “what was ail that iolse out northeast of town about I’uesday eve.” Why about one hund red or more friends of the bride and {room, Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, fathered to spend a quiet evening at ;he home of the brides parents, Mr. ind Mrs. F. L. Bain. Mr. Kelly had ust decided this was a peaceful old vorld to live in, when bang! olatterty, tang! and Mr. Kelly changed his mind. Instead of being arrayed as most peace nakers are most of them carried old jollers, tin pans, whistles and bells ind the neighbors for miles around lave decided they each one worked sonsiderably over time. The bride ind groom were forced to make stump ipeeohes declaring that all peace dis urbers ought to be pensioned Instead >f jailed. Which of course was very ilce of them. Mr. Kelly responded renerously to the crowd of merry nakers after which they came to town and ate and drank to the bride ind groom wishing them a long life ind a happy one. Prompt Settlement. Wednesday evening Jas. F. O’Don lel), agent for the Bankers Life In mrance Company of Lincoln, received i draft for $2,000 payable to Mrs. fulia Miner of Inman, being the imount of the policy carried in that :ompany by her husband,R. F. Miner, vho died a couple of weeks ago. This s a very qulok settlement and the sompany are to be congratulated upon .heir promptness in paying their leatb policies.