THE VOLUME XXXIV. I Men’s Sweaters A full line at...39c each $1.50 sweater at...$1.09 2.60 sweater at. . . 1.69 2.50 sweater at. 1.98 3.00 sweater at. .... 2.49 4.00 sweater at. 3.49 5.00 sweater at. 4.29 ■ r v Duck Coats B Men’s fleeced coat $1.50, now.$1.09 Men’s fleeced coat 2.00, now.. 1.48 Men’s fleeced coat 2.50, now.. 1.98 Men’s sheep skin lined 5 00, now. 3.98 Men’s mole skin, sheep lined, 6.75, now 5'79 ^ Men’s Caps My line at 65 cents, now. ... . 49 A line at $1.00, now .. 89 IAline'at 1.25, now. 98 A line at 1.50, now. 1.29 Children’s Knit Hoods and Caps 65 cent line at .C.... 49c 75 cent line at. 59c 1.00 line at. 89c Men’s Mackinaw Coats Was $7.50, now.$6.99 LADIES' UNION SUITS f O'NEILL. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY OCTOBER 23 1913. NUMBER 19 $411,1 IIII 1,1 MI IRY GO! IDS STIKX! TO BE SOLD AT UNHEARD OF PRICES 1 Never again, at this season of the year, will such bargains be within the reach of the public of 1 O’Neill as I am heralding on the market* commencing Saturday, October 25, 1913. The Largest and Best Sale * if 1913 My reason for putting on such a sale is well known to the frequenters of my store. I am short on Store Room. I now have merchandise out on the front sidewalk, on the floors, and In every conceivable nook, trying to find space for a growing stock. My goods are all new, clean, up-to-date merchandise. / did not get ready for this sale by bring ing in5 “any odd junk” and trying to sell it. My goods are the same on next Saturday, when the sale starts, as they have always been. ! Dry Goods, Shoes, ats, Gaps, G >ats At Greatly Reduced Prices Commences, Saturday, I Ictober 25 Ladies’ Auto Hoods $1.00 line at. 89c 1.25 line at. 98c Children’s Shoes My $1.25 shoe for. 98c My 1.50 shoe for... .$1.29 My 1.75 shoe for.. 1.59 My 2.00 shoe for... 1.79 My 2.25 Miss shoe at. . 1.98 My 2.50 Miss shoe at.. 2.19 My 2.75 Miss shoe at. 2.49 Ladies’ Furs All new 1913 Furs at prices greatly re ' duced Red Fox set at.$21.98 Jap Mink, set at-. 15-98 Black Martin set at. 17.98 White set at.. f.. 10.98 Space will not let me name all I can quote / Entire Corset Stock At 20 per cent discount On all Silks, Serges and Suitings 20 per cent discount Calicoes at 5 cents a yard ------- . '".i r v - V Horse hide coat, guarranteed, at.. . .$15-98 Dog skin. 17-85 Black Galloway . 19.98 Coon skin coat. 34-50 All other fur coats sold accordingly. -- SnAPC At prices reduced to figures that means a LJmiuo joss to me on every pair sold. Ladies’ Suede, Cun Metal, Buckskin, Tan. Russian Shoe, regular price $4.00, now.$3.49 Ladies ’ Black Nubuck, regular $3 shoe, now .... 2.49 Ladies’ Black Cun MetaI $3.50 shoe, at 2.98 Ladies’ Black Cun Metal, $3.00 shoe, at. 2.49 Given Away Free! A 9x12 Rug, Value $25.00 and a 100 Piece Dinner Set, Worth $25. » Come in and Find out How to Get the Rug and Dishes FREE. / ^ J. P. GALLAGHER. O'NEILL 52^g Childs serge dress, from 8 to 14 yrs, 4,50; now '• $3.99 From 8 to 14 years $3.00 dress now. 2.49 From 2 to 8 years $1.00 dress now.79