file of the house headed toward passage. Auditor Howard threw • *- : ' * * *'/•, —________ * * • ' if ■pBBBBIHBBBBBBBBBBBBBHHHBBBBBBHHBBBBBHBBBBBHBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHHBHBBBBBHr ^B - 8 » / • • t :' *?> r : % » * , » , j * * 8 H .* * 7 « ' , ' . r • ' I H ||S ‘ ' • • , . A . ■ »;. -(\* # f. », • •.',»•*' ..* • » * 'if •» .»• • I • • « . * * • •* .1 h. i. , ' * *■'’* ;*. ^ H YOU HAD BETTER BURN YOUR MONEY. - *§. I I AND SAVE YOUR ENERGY, V V I I says Dr. Cyril G. Hopkins, §1 % V ' soil expert at the Illinois Experiment v;, I if Station, than continue farming on the I I plan of taking from and not putting I I back into the soil those things which 'f/ • I gf are absolutely essential to perma- % II 8 nent, successful agriculture. > * I ✓ **.• v>* -1 • . ^ 1 • ' - r*> 1 H And he proves this statement. But' \ fi he does more. After showing with I irrefutable facts just why the pre- ! *.*; *»» '|g vailing American method of farm-1 \ 'l' §| ing is ruinous, he demonstrates how^ i \ "" M you can make your farm yield from - ‘ ff 30 to 40 more bushels per acre. 4 c; M It’s all in a series of articles entitled 1; g The Farm That \ 1 Won’t Wear Out 1 I Now appearing in The Country Gentleman. S This Week’s Issue On Sale Today 1 I V % I The Homesteader’s GamMef“r°*7 ^ i week’s issue. It is by W. J. Harsha, a Colorado home steader, and it tells the whole homesteading proposition from A to Z. Mr. Harsha has been through the mill and he says that a man who stakes a homestead and hasn’t the two G’s—gumption and grit—had better ! quit. He says further that a homesteader will stand a better chance of succeeding' if he has $iooo in cash. A WordWith the Women. ^0™^ g^! -V tlewoman”—a farmer’s wife, a mother, a good house- 1 l keeper and an intelligent woman all rolled into one—writes an article that is full of helpful ideas and sensible advice. This <1 i week her subject is Farm Children's Clothing. This issue also contains: Using The Kitchen s Left-Overs (a substantial way of reducing the cost of living); New Simple Furniture (showing that economy, beauty and utility may be combined; From Tough t» $ Tender (meaty suggestions in the full sense of the word). I And, Besides All These Features, bywSterV^Woehl l success in growing and selling them, by F. F. Rockwell; Duck Culturet by h Smith; Gas Engine Troubles, valuable information about ignition and carbure ■ the Farm,by D. H. Doane; A Dairy Sextet of the Middle West, by George H. B legislation, poultry, crops and the market, and a page of pertinent editoria B For Sale at Any News-Stand or Buy of Any I 5 Cents a Copy. Yearly Subscription $1.50 The Ci I MORE THAN 200,000 COPIES WEEKLY HpR] I “The Sum of R'ghteousne'ss,” and in the evening is the closing service of the series. You can not afford to miss these meetings. Everyone is cordially invited. J. H. Thomas, Pastor. Supervisors Proceedings. (Continued from last week.) To the Honorable Board of Super visors Gentlemen: Your petitioner re presents that the NEi of section 28, township 25, range 13, has been Public Sale! 10 miles north of O’Neill Fair Grounds Tuesday, Feb. 4 21 head of cattle, 6 head of horses, farm machinery, 600 bushels of corn in crib, 10 bushels pota toes, 10 bushels of good seed corn. . G. B. Conwell CoL James Hoots, Auctioneer J, F, Gallagher, Clerk erroneously assessed for taxes for the year 1909, 1910, 1911 and 1912, for the reason that at the time said land was assessed for said taxes the same was government land and not subject to taxation; that said land was sold for the taxes for the year 1909 to E. L. Drury, tax sale 5614 and the taxes for the year 1910 and 1911 were paid as sub tax to said by said E L Drury. Whereas your petitioner prays that you Instruct the county treasurer that to redeem said land from said tax sale and to cancel said taxes for the year 1912. Charles W Fleek By M H McCarthy On motion prayer of petition was granted. On motion board adjourned until Jan 2nd, 1913. S F McNichols, Co Clerk. W P Simar, Chairman O’Neill, Nebraska, Jan. 2’ 1913. 10 o’clock a m. Board met pursuant to adjournment all members present. Board took up the matter of approv ing the official bonds. O P Hanley, road overseer Lewis Kissinger, road overseer Ralph Mlinar, road overseer Charles Bigler, township clerk Elmer Van Conet, road overseer C L Kiltz, township clerk Otto Nelson, township treasurer E E Fullerton, road overseer Stephen Northrop, township treasurer Earl Wood, road overseer dist 1. 8 W Brion, Jr. township clerk Continued Royal BakingPawder AbstfuteWure &. -—————— Tqr.-j" The Woman Makes (he Home She makes it best who, looking after the1 culinary department, turns her back resolute ly upon unhealthful, or even suspicious, food accessories. She is economical; she knows that true economy does not consist in the use of inferior meat, flour, or baking powder. She' is an earnest advocate of home made, baked food, and has proved the truth of the statements of the experts that the best cook ing in the world today is done with Royal Baking Powder. — — *" » __i