RHEUMATIC ADVICE Prominent Doctor’* Be*t Prescrip- | tlon Easily Mixed at Home. --- "From your druggist get one ounce •( Torls compound (In original sealed package) and one ounce of syrup of Sarsaparilla compound. Take these two Ingredients home and put them Into a half pint of good whiskey. Shake the bottle and take a table spoonful before each meal and at bed tune.” This Is said to be the quickest and best remedy known to the medical profession for rheumatism and back ache. Good results come after the first dose. If your druggist does not have Torls compound In stock he will get It for you In a few hours from his Wholesale 'house. Don’t be Influenced to take a patent medicine Instead of this. Insist on having the genuine Torls •ompound In the original one-ounce, seal ad, yellow package. Hundreds of the Worst cases were cured here by this pre scription last winter. Published by the Globe Pharmaceutical laboratories of Chicago. GOT LEFT IN THE RUSH. _ / “Ruth Is engaged to be married the 'coming winter.” “The mischief she is! I intended to propose to that girl myself when | got time.” Fair to All. “Recently,” says a Richmond man, “T revelved an invitation to the mar triage of a young colored couple for merly in my employ. I am quite sure that all persons similarly favored were left in little doubt as to the attitude of the couple. The invitation ran as follows: “‘You are Invited to the marriage of Mr. Henry Clay Barker and Miss Josephine Mortimer Dixon at the house of the bride’s mother. All who fannot come may send.”—Llpplncott’s Magazine. Weighed In the Balance. j The young man was something of a Wore and the young woman sent word [that she was out. f “But he has a box of candy with him,” was the word that came back from the maid. The young woman reflected. “No,” she finally said, "it isn’t worth B. Tell him I'm out.” 8lnce October 16. “How’s things in Boston?” *T hear they have added a frieze of baseball bats to the public library." ▲ man may worship the woman beautiful, but he usually marries the {Inman dutiful. (V Br. Pierce’s Pellets, small, sugar-coated, ■Mgr to take as candy, regulate and Invigorate ■tonsi l), llverand bowels. Do not gripe. Adv. I Married women like to board and (pretend that they are doing light housekeeping. , Adam lost out when he parted with . > % I n fs WnrmSt.i - 1 I III ejpnjfiedSujnn j nmmyreen rlftvor. / n $0 Aperfect Remedy forConstipa- II Q Q MO lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, W w ^0 Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- _ ness and Loss OF Sleep Lap n VPf Fac Simile Signature of ~ If rJlsSL Thirty Years ^■CASTOBIfl Exact Copy of Wrapper TM. 0.„T.UH TO„„ otTr. Stops Backache ! Sloan’s Liniment is a splendid remedy for backache, stiff j joints, rheumatism, neuralgia and sciatica. You don’t need to rub it in—just laid on lightly it gives comfort and ease at once. 8 Best for Pain and Stiffness Mr. Geo. Buchanan, of Welch, Okla., writes‘‘I have used your Lin- || I iment for the past ten years for pain in back and stiffness and find it the best liniment I ever tried. X recommend it to anyone for pains of any kind.” 3 SLOANS LINIMENT j is good for sprains, strains, bruises, cramp or soreness of the | muscles, and all affections of the throat and chest ' Cot Entire Relief _T>. Burgoyne, of Maysville, Ky., RR. i, Bo* 5, writes: — “I had severe pains between myshoul j ders; I got a bottle of your Liniment and had entire ;Sj j relief at the fifth application.” Relieved Severe Pain in Shoulders ; ; Mr. J. Underwood, of 2000 Warren Ave., Chicago. 111., writes: — “lama piano polisher i'i by occupation, and since last September have suffered with severe pain in both shoulders. I could not rest night or day. One of my J: friends told me about your liniment, e applications completely cured j and I will never be without it.” 5 Price 25c., 50c., and $1.00 | at All Sealers. Send for Sloan’, free book on tiorscfl. Address § Dr. Earl S. Sloan, j Boston, Mass.