The Frontier FabUihed by D. H. CRON IE 51 the Tear 75 Cent* Blx Month. Offlolal paper of O'Neill and Holt countr. ADVERTISING RATES: Dleptay adrertliirenta on panel 4,5 and 8 re-charged for on a baele of 50 oente an lnoh one column width) per month; on page 1 the sherge la II an Inch per month. Dooal ad vertisement*, 5 oente per line each Insertion. Address th* office or the publisher. Supervisors Proceedings. (Continued from last week.) State of Febraska, Holticounty, ss. We, H. W. Tomlinson, George W. Davis and Theo. D. Sievers, members of the board of supervisors In and for said County, do solemnly swear that we will support tbe constitution of the United States, and the constitu tion of the state of Nebraska, and that we will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of appraisers, as provided by an act of the legislature approved March 5,1885, in estimating and appraising carefully the value of tbe following described land, exclusive of improvements, viz: SW) of SWt section 16 town 32 range 11 Holt county, state of Nebraska, according to the best of our ability. H W Tomlinson GeoT Davis Th D Sievers Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 13 day of December 1912. S F McNIchols, Co Clerk Report of Appraisers We, the undersigned members of tbe board of supervisors in and for Holt county, Nebraska, do hereby certify that we bavecarefully examin ed the above described land, and find the following to be its just and full value: Value per acre *8.00. SW i SW i, section 16 town 32 range 11. (Seal) H W Tomlinson (Seal) Geo T Davis (Seal) Th D Sievers Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13 day of December. A D1912. On motion the report of the appraisers on the above described land was approved. Application for Purchase of School •' Land by Lessee. To the Chairman of the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Holt, state of Nebraska. The undersigned have leased the following described school land of, the state of Nebraska, on the 21st day of February 1888 viz: 8E i SEi of section 16 town 32 range 11 hereby makes application to have tbe same apprais ed for the purpose of sale, as provided by an act of the legislature, approved March 5,1886 (laws of 1885), Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 9 day «f December, 1912. George Rybin, Lessee. Tbe State of Nebraska, Holt county, 88. We, H W Tomlinson, Geo W Davis and Th D Sievers members of tbe board of supervisors In and for said County, do solemnly swear that we will support the constitution of the United States, and the constitution Of the state of Nebrask, and that we will faithfully and impartially dls ohaige the duties of appraisers, as provided by sn act of the legislature approved March 5,1885 in estimating and appraising carefully the value of the following described land, exclusive viz: SB i S w i section IS town 32, range 11, Holt county, state of Nebraska, according to the best of our ability. H W Tomlinson Geo T Davis Th D Sievers Szbscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 13 day of Deoember, 1912. Report of Appraisers We, the undersigned members of the board of supervisors in and tor Holt county, Nebraska, do hereby certify that we have carefully examin ed the above described land, and find the following to be its just and full value: Value per acre 93.00. SB * of SE 1 section 16 town 32 range 11. ■ H W Tomlinson Geo T Davis Th D Sievers Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13 day of Deoember, A D1012. On motion report of appraisers on above described land was approved. On motion board adjourned until 9 O’clock, tomorrow morning. S F MoNichols, Co Clerk W'PSimar, Chairman. O’Neiil, Neb, Dec. 11,1912, 9 o’clock in. The State of Nebraska, County of Holt, ss. I, C B Rockford beingsworn, depose and say: That affiant was a resident of road diet No 63 Swan Township, Holt county, Nebraska during the year 1912, and is erroneously charged with poll tax for said year for the reason that I am not an able bodied man and therefore exempt from poll tax I hereby ask for a refund of 92.60 labor tax paid as evidence by reoeipt No 944 hereto attached. O B Rockford Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9tb day of December, 1912. S F Me Nichols, Co Clerk By C P Kelly, Deputy On motion prayer of petition was granted. On motion board adjourned until 1 o’clock, p m. S F McNichols, Co Clerk W P Si mar, Deptty. O’Neill, Nebraska, Dec 11,1 o’clock p m, 1912. Board met persuant to adjournment all members present. Mr Chairman: 1 find upon investi gation that it would cose $1000.00 to repair the O Donnell bridge across the Elkborn river and then we would still have an old bridge which would re quire further expenditure in a couple of years, and And that it would be more economical to build a new sieel bridge at said crossing, said bridge to be heavy enough to carry a cement floor. This bridge should consist of four 30 ft steel spans set upon steel piling as a substructure. I therefore move that as the old bridge is absolutely closed to public travel, and the public good requires immediate action, and whereas an emergency exists, that we proceed at once to let a contract for the building of a new steel hridge at said crossing as above described. Th D Slevers H W Tomlinson Motion carried. To the Honorable County Board of Holt County, Nebraska. We the undersigned, bell g the owners of the land adjacent to the proposed road, hereby petition your honorable body to grant and establish a public road, described as follows, to wit: r Commencing at the northeast corner of section one in township twenty seven. range twelve and running thence west on section line between section one and two township twenty seven range twelve and section thirty five and thirty-six township twenty eight range twelve and there terminat ing. If the road be established as above described we relinquish and waive all claims for damages except for the amount set opposite our names, which sum we agree to accept in full satisfaction for all damages to our respective lands as follows: J F Cody and 5 others We the undersigned are Interested in the establishment of said road and reside within five miles of the said proposed road and our respective names in section, town and range. The State of Nebraska, Holt County, ss. Personally appear before me, 8 F McNichols, County clerk, In and for said County and State duly com missioned and qualified J F Shoe maker, who being first duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he Is personally acquainted with the parties whose names appear on the within petition and that each and every one of them reside within five miles of the within proposed roaa and are legal petitioners for the same. J F Shoemaker Subsoiibed and sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 1912. (Seal) S F McNichols, Co Clerk By P C Kelley, Deputy Mr Chairman: I move that the prayer of the petitioner for the establishment of the road petitioner for by J F Cody and others be and hereby is declared a public road same being a oonsent road. It- is further moved that the county supervisor be and hereby Is Instructed to plot said road. M P Sullivan. ThD Slevers Motion carried. Continued next week. Might Try It In Knox? Cedar County News: Would you like to have a man work for you for his board, a high salaried man, a trained expert recommended by the government of the United States? Well, that is what a county can have it it wants to put in concrete bridges and culverts. The office of public roads, a division of the agricultural department, will furnish the man If the county will pay his board while he Is on the job, preparing plans and overseeing the work. Down at Ord, Valley county, the county commis sioners made this arrangement with the office of public roads, and the re sult was two reinforced concrete cul verts at a total cost for the two of less than 1175. The sand cost 50 cents a load, teams 14.00 a day, foreman •4.50, and oement 91.84 a barrel. The office of public roads says, however, that it would not state that It could be done for so low a figure everywhere. Perhops *200 or 9225 would be closer to the average figure. Cheaper than eteel pipe, and much better. Special Evangelistic Services. Will be held in tbe Methodist Ohuroh, commencing Sunday next Jan. 5, to be continued every evening at 7:30. The Pastor, Rev. Harold J Armltage, will be assisted by Miss Crouse, conference deaoonist. There will be hearty singing and helpful short sermons. Come and we will do you good.—Pastor. We do French Dry Cleaning in our shop of all ladles and gentlemen’s garments. Nothing but first class work turned out. At Frank and Vince Suoby’s tailor shop. Vtf Sand Hill Items. V. Warner spent Sunday at the home of Rafe Shaw. Rafe Shaw visited friends and relatives in O’Neill last week. E. A. Forbes and family spent Christmas at Mr. W. Shermer’s home. Grandpa Smith returned home from Arkansas, where he has been living. Mrs. U. J. Howarlh visited with Mrs. W. Shermer Friday afternoon. Miss Rose Nemic visited at Thompson’s home from Friday until Sunday. Miss Sarah Edison and Alferd Edison spent Sunday with William and Mae Pfund. Mr. and Mrs. Jess James and family spent Christmas vigiling with friends in Atkinson. Earl Hudsbuth went to Stuart Tuesday to spend Christmas with friends and relatives. Alferd Edison, Arthur Robinson and Andrew Torbes are new' pupils in district 247 this week. Mr. E. E. Dillon gave a magic lantern show and lectured at the school house lagt Friday evening. Alfred Edison and Andred Forbes, who have been working at Plainview, returned home last week. A taffy pull was given for the Sunday school, Christmas even ing, at Dan Lynch’s. Everybody had a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Baker and family," and Rose Nemic spent Christmas with Mrs. Bakers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiatt. Opportunity Items. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berger are spending the holidays in Omaha. Frank Hatch went to town with Clarence Simonson Christ | mas day. Nearly every one in this vicinity is done husking corn, and every body is smiling and happy. Orin Hatch and family Were pleasant callers at the home of the Hatch. Bros on Christmas day. Land seekers are circulating around this vicinity and some one will sell out if they are not care ful. The yield of corn this year was a little above the expectations but jn some instances the corn was nubbing with considerable soft corn in it. Now that we have all had a holiday we can turn our attention to the more serious things of life with more vim and energy, because of the pleasures we have had. A post card received recently by Charles Berger informs him that Mr. J. R. Thomas is enjoy ing him self now days in the shade of a palm tree eating water mellons fresh from the field. Write it 1913. But do not think because this year starts with the unlucky number, that the new year just dawned, will be a bad year. We look for a good season for all kinds of farm pro duce this year. Mr. and Mrs. John Berger got up a Christmas supper and in vited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Simonsen and Frank Hatch to be present. They report a very excellent time and say the supper was a feast to delight the gods. Inman Items. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox returned to Crookston where Mr. Wilcox is teaching, last Saturday, after a weeks vacation with relatives and friends. Miss Annie Colman of England is here visiting with her uncle, Mr. Frank Colman, and other relatives. Closing Out SALE Going* Out of Business t On and after December 1st I will sell my en tire stock of Shoes, Hats, Gaps,Dry Goods and Furnishings at COST, many things less than cost. „ SPECIAL SALE ON CLOTHING GROCERIES, lO PER CENT. DISCOUNT Sale will continvie \irvtil all goods are sold. JOHN SKIRVING O’Neill, Nebr. Emmet, Nebr. .... 4 . . -J3 ' | Misses Fay and Amy Goree were Stafford visitors last week. Miss Margaret Liedy was an O’Neill visitor one day last week. Miss Nelson of Sioux City is here spending the holidays with her uncle, Mrs. Ed Larson. Miss Blanche Baker went to Ainsworth to visit with her brother, Fred Baker and family. Daniel O’Donnel left for Timbry, Manitoba, Canada, to make an extended visit with relatives. Mr. W. C. Hancock, who is teaching at Miller, Nebraska, spent the holidays with relatives in Inman. Mrs. LeRoy Hoxsie and chil dren and Mrs. Chas Enders went up to O’Neill last Tuesday to visit with relatives. Miss Maye McDermott of Lincoln spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDermott, returning to Lincoln last Sunday morning. Clifford Smith of Chadronf spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith of this place. Rev. E. T. George of Neligh was in Inman Sunday and preach ed a very benifical sermon which was heartily enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Frank Swain and family of Page spent New Years with her parents, Mrs. and Mrs D. A. Goree. John J. Hancock, who is teach ing at Newmans Grove spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. _ and Mrs. J. P. Hancock, in Inman. The residence of Wm Simmer- n man that was destroyed by fire a about three weeks ago is being e replaced by a new one. i Mr. and Mrs Myron Lewis and ^ daughter came over from Page } last Sunday to visit with her l parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis ^ and family. I Mr. and Mrs John Cunningham 1 of Bloomfield visited at the home r of hi» sister, Mrs. Clay • Sharp ^ last week. A large cloud gathered in the ortli last Monday and imjicnt.d shower about 8 o’clock that vening. It showered heavily at te residence of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Gannon, when about fifty oupg people carried pa cels and undies stormed their home and ave a miscellaneous shower in onor of their daughter, Miss lerthii Gannon, who will he tarried Thursday, January 2nd. 'he bride-to-be received many beautiful and useful presents. The young people departed fpr their respective homes at mid night declaring that they had had a very enjoyable time. Mrs. A. R. Tabor, of Grider, M®., b'd been truobled with sick headache for about five years, when she began taking Chamberlain’s Tablets. She lias taken two bottles of them and ' hey have cured her. Sick headache is caused by a disordered ston ach for which these tablets are especially in tended. Try them, get well and stay well. For sale by all dealers. ; \ i I; ; : cut down my expenses and put some money in the bank. I can live on a lot less i! I try. I will start a bank account today.” Money is a good thing to have if you lose your occupation—with nconey in the bank, you are always independent. Step into this bank and let us talk it over. NEBRASKA STATE BANK JAMES F. O’DONNELL, Cashier i S PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS JgjfThe depositors of this bank are protected by the deposi tors' guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska. ■ 1 'r .—.. ... S. S. Welpton. President. O. F. Biglin, Vice President