The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 17, 1912, Image 5

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    ■ II in I 111 ■III! HIT I I—........
The following proposed amendment ts
the constitution or the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth in full, is sub
mitted to the electors of the State of Ne
braska, to be voted upon at the general
election to be held Tuesday, Novembei
5th. A. D. 1912.
"AN ACT for a joint resolution propos
lug amendment to Section 1 and Sec
tion 10 Article 3 of the Constitution of
the State of Nebraska, and supplement
ing Article entitled Amendments.’
Pe it Kesolv^d and Enacted by tLe Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at the general election
for state and legislative officers to be
held on the Tuesdav succeeding the hist
Monday In November, 1912. the following
provisions be proposed and submitted as
amendment to Section 1 and Section 10
or Article 3 of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska:
Section 2. That Section 1 of Article 3
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska is hereby amended to read as fol
Section 1. The legislative authority of
the state shall be vested In a legislature
consisting of a senate and house of repre
sentatives, but the people reserve to
themselves power to propose laws, and
amendments to the Constitution, and to
enact or reject the same at the polls in
dependent of the legislature, and also re
serve power at theTr own option to ap*
prove or reject at the polls any act. Item,
section, or part of any act passed by the
Seetiou 1A. The first power reserved
by the people Is the initiative. Ten per
cent of the legal voters of the state, so
distributed us to Include five per cent of
• he legal voters in each of two-fifths of
the counties of the state, may propose
any measure by petition, which shall
contain the full text of the measure so
proposed. Provided, that proposed Con
stitutional Amendments shall reaulre a
petition of fifteen per cent of the legal
voters of the State distributed as above
provided. Initiative petitions (except for
municipal and wholly local legislation)
shall be filed with the Secretary of State
and be by him submitted to the voters at
the first regular state election held not
less than four months after such filing.
The same measure, either iu form or lu
essential substance, shall not be sub
mitted to the people by initiative petition
(either affirmatively or negatively)
oftener than once In three years. If con
flicting measures submitted to the people
at the same election shall be approved,
the one receiving the highest number of
affirmative votes shall thereby become
law as to ail conflicting provisions. The
Constitutional limitations as to scope and
subject matter of statutes enacted by the
legislature shall apply to those enacted by
the initiative.
Section IB. The second power reserved
Is the referendum. It may be ordered by
a petition of ten per cent of the legal
voters of the state, distributed as re
quired for Initiative petitions. Referen
dum petitions against measures passed
by the legislature shall be filed with the
Secretary of State within ninety days
after the legislature enacting the same ad
journs sine die or for a period longer than
ninety days; and elections thereon shill
be had at the first regular state election
held not less than vthirty days after such
Section 1C. The referendum may be
ordered upon any act except acts making
appropriations for the expenses of tha
fitate government, and state institutions
existing at the time such act is passed.
When the referendum is ordered upon an
act or any part thereof it shall suspend its
operation until the same is approved by
the voters; provided, that emergency acts,
or acts for the immediate preservation of
the piddle peace, health, or safety shall
continue in effect until rejected by the
voters or repealed by the legislature. Fil
ing of a referendum petition against one or
more items, sections, or parts of an net
shall lot delay the remainder of the meas
ure from becoming operative.
Section ID. Nothing in this section shall
be construed to deprive any member of
the legislature of the right to Introduce
any measure. The whole number of votes
cast for governor at the regular election
Inst preceding the filing of any Initiative
or referendum petition shall be the basis
on which the number of legal voters re
quired to sign such petition shall be com
puted. The veto power of the governor
►hall not extend to measures initiated by
or referred to the people. All such meas
ure* shall become the law or a part of the
Constitution when approved by a majority
of the votes east thereon, provided, the
votes eaRt in favor of said initiative meas
ure or part of said Constitution shall con
stitute thirty-five per cent (35) of the total
vote cast at. said election, and not other
wise, and shall take effect upon proclama
tion by the governor, which shall be made
within ten days of the completion of the
official canvass. The vote upon initiative
and referendum measures shall be returned
and canvassed In the same manner as is
prescribed In the case of presidential
electors. The method of submitting and
adopting amendments to the Constitution
provided by this section shall be supple
mentary to the method prescribed in the
article of this Constitution, entitled
‘Amendments.’ nnd the latter shall in no
case be construed to conflict herewith.
This amendment shall be self-executing,
but legislation may be enacted especially
to facilitate it* operation. In submitting
petitions and orders for the Initiative and
the referendum, the Secretary of State
and all other officers shall be guided by
this amendment and the general laws
until additional legislation shall be espe
cially provided therefor; all propositions
submitted in pursuance hereof shall be
submitted in a non-partisan manner and
without any Indication or suggestion on
the ballot that they have been approved
or endorsed by any political party or or
ganization, and provided further that
only the title of measures shall be printed
on the ballot, nnd when two or more
measures have the same title they shall
be numbered consecutively in the order
of filing with the Secretary of State and
Including the name of the first petitioner.
Section 3. That Section 10, of Article 3,
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska be amended to read as follow*:
Section 10. The style of all bill* shall
be “Be It enacted by the people of the
State of Nebraska,” and no law shall be
enacted except by bill. No bill shAll be
passed hr the legislature unless by assent
of a majority of all the members elected
to each house of the legislature nnd the
question upon final passage shall be taken
immediately npon Its last reading and the
yens nnd nays shall be entered upon the
Section 4. That at said election on the
Tuesday succeeding the first Monday In
November. 1012, on the ballot of each
elector voting thereat there shall be
printed or written the words: “For pro
posed amendment to the Constitution re
serving to the people the right of direct
legislation through the Initiative and ref
erendum.” and “Against proposed amend
ment to the constitution reserving to the
people the right of direct legislation
through the Initiative and referendum.”
And If a majority of all voter* at said
election shall he In favor of such amend
ment the same shall be deemed to be
adopted. The returns of said election
upon the adoption of this amendment shall
he made to the state canvassing board and
said hoard shall canvass the vote upon the
amendment herein In the same manner as
Is prescribed In the case of presidential
electors. Tf a majority of the votes cast
at the election be In favor of the propose
amendment the governor, within ten davs
ffter the result Is ascertained, shall make
proclamation declaring the amendment to
be part of the Constitution of the State,
and when so declared the amendment here
in proposed shall be In force and self-exe
Approved March 24. 101 f.”
I. Addison Walt. Sectetnrv of State, of
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment to
the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
is a true and correct conv of the original
enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by
the Thirty-second session of the Legisla
ture of the State of Nebraska, as appear®
from said original bill on file In this office
e«*d that said proposed amendment Is sub
•Pitted to the qualified voters of the State
of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection
*t the general election to he held on
Tuesday, ttie 5th day of November, A. D
In Testimony Whereof, T have hereunto
set mv hand and affixed the Great Seal of
the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln
this 20th dav of Mnv, In the year of on*
Lord. One Thousand Nine Hundred an'’
Twelve, and of the Independence of th^
United Scares the One Hundred and Thin
fv-«!xth and of this S^«te fho Fontr-wixth
Secretary of State
Try Frank and Vioce Sucny s tailor
■hop for French Dry Cleaning. Their
work can’t be beat. 1-tf.
The following proposed amendment t<
the Constitution of the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth in full, is submitted
to the electors of the State of Nctuu.^a
to be voted upon at the general electior
1 to be held Tuesday, November oth, A. 1).
*’A JOINT RESOLUTION on proposinf
an amendment to Section 4 of Article IS
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
Be it Resolved and Enacted by the I.egis
lature of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at the general electloD
for state and legislative officers to be held
on the Tuesday following the first Monday
in November, 1912 the following be sub
mitted as au amendment to Section 4 ol
Article 8 of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska:
Sec. 4. At the first election of members
of the legislature held after the adoption
of this amendment members of the Sen
ate and House of Representatives, shall
be elected for the term of two years. Boil)
senators and representatives shall each re
ceive pay at the rate of six hundred dol
Jars for each regular sessiou of the Legis
lature, during their term, aud ten cent!
for every mile they shall travel in goiug
to and returning from the place of meet ini
of tlie legislature, on tne most usual
route. That neither members of the legis
lature nor employes shall receive any pay oi
perquisites other than their salary and
mileage. Each session, except special ses
sion, shall not be less than sixty days.
After the expiration of twenty days ol
the session, no bills nor joint resolution!
of the nature of bills shall be introduced,
unless the governor shall by special mes
sage call the attention of the legislature
to the necessity of passing a law' on the
subject-matter embraced in the message,
and the introduction of bills shall be re
atricted thereto.
• Provided, that the general appropriate
bills may be introduced up to and lnclud
Ing the fortieth day.
bee. 2. That at said election on the
Tuesday succeeding the first Monday ir
November, 1912, on the ballot of eacb
elector voting thereat there shall l»e
printed or written the words: "For pro
posed amendment to the constitution fix
ing the term of office and salary for mem
bers of the legislature," and "Against pro
posed amendment to the constitution flxliif
the term of office and salary for members
of the legislature.” And If a majority ol
nil the voters at the said election shall be
in favor of such amendment the same shall
be deemed to be adopted. The returns ol
said election upon the adoption of thi»
amendment shall be made to the Stat€
Canvassing Board and that Board shall
canvass the vote upon the amendment
herein in the same maimer as is prescribed
in the case of presidential electors. If a
majority of the votes cast at the election
be in favor of the proposed amendment
the governor, within ten days after th#
result is ascertained, shall make proclama
lion declaring the amendment to he part
of the constitution of the state, and when
bo declared the same shall be in force.
Approved April 10, 1911."
I, Addison Wait, Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska Is a true and correct copy of thi
original enrolled and engrossed bill, at
passed by the Thirty-second session or the
Legislature of the State of Nebraska, ai
appears from said original bill on file In
this office, and that said proposed amend
ment Is submitted to the qualified voters
of the State of Nebraska for their adop
tion or rejection at the general election to
be held on Tuesday, the 5th day of Novem
ber, A. I). 1912.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of
the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln,
this 20th day of May, in the year of our
Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and
Twelve, and of the Independence of the
United States the One Hundred and Thir
ty-sixth and of this State the Forty-sixth.
Secretary of State.
The following proposed amendment to
the Constitution of the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth In full. Is sub
mitted to the electors of the State of Ne
braska, to be voted upon at the general
election to he held Tuesday, November oth,
A. D. 1912. . „
tion nineteen (19) of Article live (5) of
the Constitution of the State of Nebraa
ka creating a Hoard of Commisaloners of
State Institutions.
Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section nineteen (19) of
Article five (3) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, be amended to read as
Section 19. The Governor shall, prior to
the adjournment of the Thirty-third ses
sion of the legislature, nominate and, with
the consent or two-thirds of the membera
of the Senate In Executive Session, ap
point three electors of the state, not more
than two of whom shall belong to the
same political party and no two of whom
shall reside at the time of their appoint
ment In the same congressional district, ae
members of a hoard to be known as a
•‘Board of Commissioners of State Institu
tions.” Said members shall hold office as
designated by the Governor for two, foul
and six years respectively. Subsequent
appointments shall he made as provided
and. except to fill vacancies, shall be for a
period of six years. The Board shall
at all times be subject to the above re
strictions and limitations. The Board of
Commissioners shall have full power to
manage, control and govern, subject only
to such limitations as shall be established
tv law. the State Soldiers’ Home, Hos
fitnls for the Insane, Institute for the Deaf,
nstitute for the Blind, Industrial Schools,
Institute for Feeble Minded Children,
Nebraska Industrial Home, Orthopedic Hos
pital. the Stnte Penitentiary and all char
itable. reformatory and penal Institutions
that shall bo by law established and main
tained bv the stnte of Nebraska. They
shall eneh give bonds, receive compensa
tion for service, perform all duties and
comply with all regulations that shall he
established by law. The powers possessed
bv the Governor and Board of Public
Lands and Buildings with reference to the
management and control of the Institu
tions herein named shall, oh July 1, 1913.
cease to exist In the Governor and the
Board of Public Lands and Buildings anil
shall become vested In a Board of Com
missioners of Stnte institutions, and the
said Board Is on July 1, 1913. and without
further process of law, authorized and
directed to assume and exercise all the
powers heretofore vested in or exercised
by the Governor or Board of Public Lands
and Buildings with reference to the Institu
tions of the state named herein, hut noth
ing herein contained shall limit the general
supervisory or examining powers vested in
tlie Governor bv the lnws or constitution
of the state, or'such ns are vested hy him
In anv committee appointed hy him.
Section 2. That nt the general election.
In November. 1919. there shall be submitted
to the electors of the state for their ap
proval or rejection the foregoing proposed
amendments to the constitution In the fob
lowing form: On the ballot of each elector
voting for or against said proposed amend
ment shall he printed or written "For pro
posed amendment to the Constitution ere
ntlnc a Board of Commissioners of Stnte
Institutions" and "Agnlnst said proposed
amendment to the constitution creating a
Board of Commissioners of Stnte Instltn
tISeetIon 3. If such amendment to Seetlon
nineteen (19) of Article five (5) of the Con
stitution of the State of Nebraska shall h«
approved hy a maiorltv of all electors vot
ing nt such election said amendment ahall
constitute Seetlon nineteen (19) of Article
five (31 of the Constitution of the atate of
Approved Anvil 10 1911.
I, Addison Walt. Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment to
the Constitution of the Stnte of Nebraska
is a true and correct copy of the original
enrolled and engrossed hill, ns passed hy
the Thlrtv-seennd session of the Legisla
ture of the Stnte of Nebraska, ns appears
from «nld original hill on file In this office,
and that said proposed amendment Is sub
mitted to the qualified voters of the stnte
of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection
at the general election to he held on Tues.
dnv the Mh dnv of November, A. D. 1912.
In Testimony Whereof. I have herenntn
set mv hand and affixed the Great Seal of
the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln,
this 20th dnv of Mnv, In the year of onr
Lord. One Thousand Nine Hnndred and
Twelve, and of the Independence of tha
United States the One Hundred and Thirty
alxth and of thla State the Forty-sixth.
Secretary of State.
Now is a good time to subscribe (or
The Frontier, $1,50 per year.
The following proposed amendment to th*
constitution or the State of Nebraska, as
hereinafter set forth in full, is submitted
to the electors of the State of Nebraska, to
ue voted upon at the general election to be
held Tuesday, November 5th, A. D. 1912.
amendments to Sectiou live (5) of Article
six (6) and Section thirteen. (18) of Article
sixteen (16) of the constitution of the
state if Nebraska as found in the Com
piled Statutes of Nebraska for 1909 (Sec
tion thirteen (13) of Article eighteen (IS)
of Cobhey’a Annotated Statutes for 1909),
general election and providing for holding
over of incumbents until their successors
are elected and qualified.
Be it Resolved and Enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska:
Sectiou 1. That section Five (5) of Ar
ticle Six (6) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska be amended to read as
Section 5. That at the general election
to be held In the State of Nebraska in the
year 1916, and each six years thereafter,
there shall be elected three (3) Judges of
the Supreme Court, who shall hold their
office for the period of six (6) years; that
at the general election to be held in the
State of Nebraska in the year 1918, and
each six years thereafter there shall be
elected three (3) judges of the Supreme
Court, who shall hold their office for the
period of six years; and at the gener
al election to be held In the State of Ne
braska in the year 1920 and each six (61
years thereafter there shall be elected a
chief justice of the Supreme Court, who
shall hold h!s office for the period of six
•6) years. Provided, That the member of
1 he Supreme Court whoso term of office
expires in January, 1914 shall be chief
Justice of the Supreme Court during that
time until the expiration of his term of
Section 2. That Section Thirteen (13) of
Article Sixteen (16) of the Constitution of
the State of Nebraska ns found In the Com
piled Statutes of Nebraska for 1909 (Sec
tion thirteen (13) of Article eighteen (18)
of Cobhey s Annotated Statutes for 1909)
be amended to read as follows:
Section 13. The general election of this
state shall be held on the Tuesday suc
ceeding the first Monday in November id
the year 1914 and every two years there
after. All state, district, county, precinct
and townships officers, by the constitution
or laws made elective by the people, ex*
cent school district officers, and muulclpai
officers In cities, villages and towms, shall
be elected at a general election to be held
as aforesaid. Judges of the supreme, dis
trict and county courts, ail elective county
and precinct officers, and all other elective
officers, the time for the election of whom
Is not herein otherwise provided for, and
which are not included in the above ex
ceptlon. shall be elected on the Tuesday
succeeding the first Monday in November.
1913, and thereafter at the general election
next preceding the time of the termination
for their respective terms of office. Pro
vided, That no office shall be vacated
thereby, but the Incumbent thereof shall
hold over until his successor Is duly elect
ed and qualified.
Section 3. The form of ballot on the
amendments proposed herein shall be as
follows: "For proposed amendments to
the constitution providing for general elec
tlon once/in two years” and "Against pro
posed amendments to the constitution pro
viding for general election once In two
Approved April 7, 1911.”
I, Addison Walt, Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment to
the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
Is a true and correct copy of the original
enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by
the Thirty-second session of the Leglsla
ture of the State of Nebraska, as appear*
from said original bill on file In thlk office,
and that said proposed amendment Is sub
mitted to the qualified voters of the State
of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection
at the general election to be held on Tues
day, the 5th day of November, A. D. 1912.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of
the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln,
this 20th day of Mar, In the year of our
Lord. One Thousand Nine Hundred and
Twelve, and of the Independence of the
United States the One Hundred and Thir
ty-sixth nnd of this State the Forty-sixth,
The following proposed amendment to u..
Constitution or the State of Nebraska, pa
hereinafter set forth in full. Is submitted to!
the electors of the State of Nebraska, toj
be voted upon at the general election to be;
held Tuesday, November 5th, A, U. 1912;. *
“AN ACT for a Joint Resolution to prq
pose an amendment to the Constitution*
of the State of Nebraska.
Be It Resolved and Enacted by the Legisla*.
ture of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at the general election
for state ano! legislative officers to be held
In the State of Nebraska on the first Tues
day succeeding the first Monday in Novem
ber. 1912, the following provision be pro
posed aum submitted to the electors of the
State of Nebraska:
Sec. 2. Any city having a population
of more than five thousand (5,000) Inhabi
tants may frame a charter for Its own
government, consistent with and subject to
the constitution nud laws of this state- by
causing a convention of fifteen freeholders,
who shall have been for at least five years
qualified electors thereof to be elected by th«
qualified voters of said city at any general
6r special election, whose duty It shall be
within four months after such election, to
prepare and propose a charter for such
city, which charter, when completed, with
a prefatory syuopsts, shall bo signed by
the officers and members of the convention,
or a majority thereof, and delivered to the
clerk of said city, who shall publish the
same In full, with his official certification,
In the official paper of said city. If there
be one. and If there be no official paper,
then In at least one newspaper published
and In general circulation In said clty;
three times, aDd a week apart, and within
not less than thirty days after such pub
lication It shall be submitted to the quail
lied electors of said city at a general oi
special election, and If a majority of such
qnullfied voters, voting thereon, shall ratify
the same, it shall at the end of sixty days
thereafter become the charter of said city,
and supersede any existing charter and all
amendments thereof. A duplicate certlfl
cate shall be made- setting forth the char
ter proposed and Us ratification (togethei
nith the vote for and against) and duly
certified by the City Clerk, and authen
ticated by the corporate seal of said city
and one copy thereof shall be filed with
the secretary of state and the other de
posited among the archives of the city, and
shall thereupon become and be the charter
of said city, and all amendments to such
charter shall he authenticated In the same
manner, and tiled with the secretary of
state, and deposited in the archives oi
the city.
8ec. But If said charter be rejected
then within six months thereafter, the
Mayor and council or governing authorities
of said city may call a special election at
which fifteen members of a new charter
convention shall be elected to be called and
held as above In such city, and they shall
proceed as above to frame a charter which
shall in like manner and to the like end
be published and submitted to a vote of
said voters for their approval or rejection.
If again rejected, the procedure herein des
ignated may be repeated until a charter is
finally approved by a majority of those
voting thereon, and certified (together with
the vote for and agaiust) to the secretary
#f state as aforesaid, and a copy thereof
deposited In the archives of the city,
whereupon It shall become the charter oi
said city. Members of each of said char
ter conventions shall be elected at large;
and they shall complete their labors within
sixty days after their respective election.
The charter shall make x>roper provision
for continuing, amending or repealing the
ordinances or the city.
8ec, 4. Such chnrter so ratified and
adopted may be amended, or a charter
convention called, by a proposal therefor
made ty the law-making body of such city
or by the qualified electors In number not
less than five per cent of the next preced
ing gubernatorial vote In such city, by pe
tition filed with the council or governing
authorities. The council or governing au
thorities shall submit the same to a vote
of the qualified electors at the next general
or special election not held wltfilp thirty
days after such petition is filed, In sub
mlttlng any such charter or charter amend
ments. any alternative article or section
may be presented for the choice of the
voters and may be voted on separately
without prejudice to others. Whenever
the question of a charter convention Is
•nrrled bv a majority of those voting there
on, a charter convention shall be called
‘ through a special election ordinance, and
the aamo shall ha ooastlintedand held and
I tha nrsaaaadahayt— adwMIHI la a vats
ef n# ffitmiM wtetont ipfftmt m
jetted, as provided In Section two hereof.
■Ilie City Clerk of said city shall publish
with his official certification, for three
times, i Week apart. In the official paper
of said city, if there he one, and If there
be no official paper, the i In at least one
newspaper, pm>llsk*>d and In general clr*
dilation In said city, the full text of any
charter oi charter amendment to he voted
on nt any general or special election.
No chapter or charter amendment adopted
under the provisions of this amendment
►hall be amended or repealed except by
electoral vote. And no such charter or
charter amendment shall diminish the tax
rate for state purposes fixed by aet of the
legislature, or Interfere In any wise with
the collection of state taxes.
Sec. 5. That at said election In the year
1012. on the ballot of each elector voting
thereat, there shall be printed or written
the words—"For proposed amendment to
the Constitution allowing cities of more
than five thousand Inhabitants in this state
to frame their own city charter” an.d
••Against proposed amendment to the con
stitution allowing cities of more than five
thousand inhabitants In this state to frame
their own charters.” And if a majority of
all voters at said election shall be for snch
amendment the same shall be deemed to
he adopted.
Approved March 20. 1011.
T. Addison Walt, Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebrnska. do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment to
the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
Is a true and correct copy of the original
enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by
the Thirty-second session of the Legisla
ture of the State of Nebraska, aa appears
from said original bill on file la this office,
and that said proposed amendment Is sub
mitted to th< qualified voters of the Stats
of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection
at the general election to he held on Tues
day. the r»th day of November, A. D. 1012.
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto
set mv hand and affixed the Great Seal of
the slat** of Nebraska. Don* at Lincoln,
this 20th day of Mar, In the year of our
T.nrrf One Thousand Nine Hundred and
Twelve, and of the Independence of tiff
Unite'* States the One Hundred and Thlr
tv-*lTth and of this State the Forty-sixth.
__Secretary of Stats.
FARM LOANS. SeeR. H. Parker
Fresh Bread at the O’Neill Bakery.
Subscribe for The Frontier, only
1.50 per year.
Cabbage, onions, carrots for sale —
C. E. Burch. 15-tf
For Rent—Nice six room cottage.—
Mrs. Belle Ryan. 17-2
Try our plckels, they are fine.—San
itary Meat Market. 18-tf
Lost, one large, white hog. Please
notify D. J. Cronin. 17-tf
For Sale—21 choice building lots.
See Parham & Parker. 17-4
Wanted—At once, an experienced
clerk.—A. M. Sommer. 18 1
Wire corn Cribbing at—Fisher
Furniture & Hardware Co. 18-1
For Sale—Soft coal heating stove in
good condition.—Ferd Ward. 18-tf
(let one of those scoop boards at—
Fisher Furniture & Hardware Co.
Dr. Corbett will be in his O’Neill
office as usual beginning September
30. 12-tf.
P. J. Blglin can supply you with
any kind of soft coal you want. Prices
right. 14-tf.
Just received a barrel of sweet
and dill pickets.—Sanitary Meat
Market. 16-tf
house and three lots.i-Parham &
Parker. 17-2
good second hand organ.—Fisher
Furniture & Hardware Co. 18-1
Fine Candies and Hot Chocolate.—
McMillan & Markley’s Bakery and
Candy Kitchen. 22-tf.
For Sale—House and lot one block
east of the school house. Terms
reasonable.—D. W. Cameron. 9-tf
Lost—On the street, a black velvet
hand bag. Finder please leave at
this office and receive reward. 18-1
On and after Nov. 1st no laundry
will be delivered unless paid for when
delivered.—O’Neill Sanitary Laun
dry. 17-3-pd
Corn huskers wanted to husk 125
acres, 10 miles north of O’Neill, will
pay 44c per bushel.—Con Wettlau
fer. 18-2pd
At the lowest interest rates, I have
plenty of Eastern money to loan on
Farms and Ranches—R. H. Parker
O’Neill, Nebr. 46-tf.
Free, one Brownie Roaster to all
who pay *20.00 or more on their ac
count this month.—Fisher Furniture
& Hardware Co. 18-1
Sick headache is caused by a disor
dered stomach. Take Chamberlain’s
Tablets and correct that and the
headache will disappear. For sale by
all dealers.
Winter is coming and you will want
one of those Buck heaters to make
your home comfortable.—Fisher
Furniture & Hardware Co. 18-1
We do French Dry Cleaning in our
shop of all ladles and gentlemen’s
garments. Nothing but first class
work turned out. At Frank and Vince
Sucby's tailor shop. 1-tf
For the remainder of this month
we will give free one Brownie Roaster
with each $20 00 cash purchase out of
our store.—Fisher Furniture & Hard
ware Co. 18-1
i Notice:j>»The public are hereby
notified todiscontinue traveling across
my lot, which is lot three, block
twenty-three, in the original town of
O’Neill, Neb.—Mrs. Mary Thomp
son. ; ie-3
When you have a bad cold you
want the best medicine obtainable so
as to cure it with as little delay as
possible. Here is a druggist’s opinion:
“I have sold Chamberlain’s oough
remedies for fifteen years,” says Enos
Lollar of Saratoga, iod., “and consider
it the best on the market-’* For sale
by all dealers.
Strayed, from my place, 7 miles
hortheastof Chambers, brown pony
with white face, small bunch on
knee, weight about 800 pounds.
Reward for Information leading to Its
recovery or return to—E. J. Mullally,
Chambers, Nebraska. 17-tf.
J. W. Copeland, of Dayton, Ohio,
purchased a bottle of Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy for his boy who had a
cold, and before the bottle was all
used the boy’s oold was gone. Is that
not better than to pay a Hve dollar
doctor’s billy For sale by all dealers.
Here is a woman who speaks from
personal knowledge and long experi
ence, viz: Mrs. P. II. Brogan, of Wil
son, Pa., who says, “1 know from
experiences that Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy Is far superior to any other.
For croup there is nothing that excels
It.” For sale by all dealers.
If you have young children you have
perhaps noticed that disorders of the
stomach are their most common
ailment. To correct this you will And
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
Tablets excellent. They are easy and
pleasant to take, and mild and gentle
In effect. For sale by all dealers.
To the Public.
I cast my fate with the new pro
gressive party. Its declaration for
humanity and Christianity ought to
attract every voter for the principles
announced. Choose yea whom shall
serve you in the senate. A man who
has faithfully served you In the lower
branch of the legislature and knows
the needs of the state, or choose yea
the product of the bosses.
18 3 Adver. Hugh A. Allen,
Candidate for State Senator.
Agee Items.
Elvin Bowden went to O’Neill
George Martin called at Bow
den’s Sunday.
Susie Bowden is on the sick
list this week.
George Martin called at Bow
den’s Sunday.
An unknown couple were auto
riding in Agee, Sunday.
Francis Martin worked for
C. J. Simmons, on Monday.
Miss Addie Hicks spent Satur
day and Sunday at Bowden’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wrede,
Jr., spent Sunday at Joe Wrede’s.
Miss Ethel Ridgeway visited
relatives at Opportunity last
Misses Addie Hicks and Lillie
Bowden called at Lansworth’s
Geo. Bowden, son, Guy, and
John Martin drove cattle to
O’Neill Saturday.
Several of the Agee people
attended the dance at Dorsey
Saturday night. All report a
fine time.
Mrs. P. R. Waddington and
three children departed for Sioux
City Sunday, to visit her relatives
for a while.
Miss Addie Hicks came out to
Geo. Bowden’s Friday and attend
ed the dance Friday evening.
She returned Sunday.
Miss Clara Lewis and Goldie
Schulk of Wisconsin are visiting
att he home of Simonsons this
week. They will return the last
of this week.
Little Mildred Eppenbaugh
had a stroke of paralysis Friday,
but is much improved at this
writing and we hope she will soon
be on the road to “wellville”.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Simmon
son gave a dance at their beauti
ful home at Agee Friday even
ing the eleventh. A bountiful mid
night supper was served, which
all those present enjoyed. About
fifty young and old were there
and all departed to their homes at
a late hour.
Leonie Items.
Mr. Birch held services at the
Marquette chapel last Sunday.
John Crandall is back in this
vicinity with his thrashing ma
Mrs. Carrie Hubby and chil
dren were visitors at Dude
Harrison’s Sunday.
There was a party given at
Eric Borg’s last Saturday night.
All report a very nice time.
A shadow social will be given
at the M. E. church next Satur
day night. Everybody come.
R. D. Spindler and sister,
Helen, made a quick trip to
O’Neill Saturday, in his auto.
Mr. Cecil Haines and William,
Altha, and Esther Hull were
visitors of Elmer Hull’s Sunday.
Hubert Rouse and sister,Edith,
Howard Rouse and Helen Spin
dler were callers at Frank
Griffith’s Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Rouse and
daughter and Mrs. A. F. Rouse
visited C. E. Thompson’s Sun
Inman Items
Mrs. O. Elsworth was taken
to the hospital at Omaha for
treatment, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Malone and
June Hancock were in O’Neill
last Saturday on business.
Grace Keyes, who is teaching
near Atkinson, was home visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Keyes, last Sunday.
Edna Gannon, who is teaching
at Jackson Nebr., was home last
Sunday visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gannon.
William Riley sold his stock of
hardware to Jay Butler and E. C.
Sharp last week. They will
take possession the first of the
Mrs. Myrtle Woods and son,
Frances, came up from Ewing
last Saturday to visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mr. E. W. Wilcox and daugh
ters, Sylvia and Dorothy, and
Daniel O’Donnell went to Ewing
last Tuesday in Mr. Wilcox’s
automobile. ,
Paddock Items.
Frank Nelson left Monday for
Omaha to visit his people.
Geo. Clyde and family spent
Sunday at Harry Prouty’s.
Roy Haynes and family visited
the former’s parents, JVlonday and
Tuesday. .
Mr. and Jyirs. T. M. Berry
took in the old settlers picnic at
Spencer Friday.
Mr. C. N. Lowry returned
from Stanton Wednesday where
he has been visiting the past
Mrs. U. S. Mullihan left Wed
nesday morning for California,
where she expects to spend the
winter. Mr. and Mrs. W. De
Witt accompanied her to Lynch.
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Coburn
passed through here enroute to
their home at Orchard, Nebr.
They havd been looking over S.
Dakota land and locating the
latter’s sister, Elvin Berry, on her
claim near Belvidere, S. Dakota.
Liel DeWitt, Carl Fay, Har
vey Lowry and Melvlh Haynes,
attended the free dance given at
Redbird Thursday night and all
report a good time. This dance
was given by John Wrede, the
progressive merchant of that
place, in his new store building
which is 28x40 and quite an
addition to the place.
Mrs. Jane Ross passed away
at Spencer, Sunday October 6,
after a long and painful illness, at
the advanced age of 83 years.
She was an old resident of these '
parts and well and widly known
throughout the county. She
leaves, two sons, one in the west
and the other resides at Spencer,
to mourn her loss besides many
friends. Interment was made in
Cedar Lawn cemetry at this
(Lhe 5ai?itapy
JJlfteat Market
WE have a full line of j
Fresh and Cured Meats, Pure Homs
Rendered Laird."
C. M. Stratton
Naylor Blook Phone ISO