^T^Rlght SidTofTairiri The practical painter says, there are two sides to every question, but the (man who always uses Patton’s Sun-Proof Paint both inside and outside is on the right side of J | • the paint question. Patton's Sun-Proof Paints are prepared in the Patton propor* tlons which produces a paint unlike any other in durability, beauty and covering qualities. It resists the action of heat and cold’ to a wonderful degree: holds its gloss, too. Get a color card and oaint advice from O. 0. SNYDER —"^EV^AN^OPENE^"™"^™ Irrigated By The Government BIG HORN BASIN The Government will open for entry 6300 acres of choice irrigat ed farm land at Powell, Wyoming, on April 22, 1912, on the ten payment plan without interest. The Government now allows graduated payments, requiring only a small part of the total, during the first five years; thereby giving the settler a chance to improve his farm before paying very much of the water charge. A New Folder telling all about this opening and containing a map of the Shoshone Project, showing lands filed on and lands to be opened on April 22nd, will be sent free upon request. Don’t fail to get this. If oou prefer a 320 acre Free Mondell homestead send for our new Free Government Land folder. Floaty of moisture this year; now Is the time to «et a farm. Write today. | D. Clem Deaver, Immigration Agent 1004 Faraam Street, Omaha, Vibrato ' < *• * Save Work= Worry= Money by using a Stoveh Gasoline g Engine. Made right. Sold right. Send for Uustrated oatalogue free. SANDWICH MFG. CO. Council Bluffs, la. General Agents. SALK BILLS I SSSKS. t .. X ToWijship Order pooksy and I fi Orders oi) GoUijhy Treasurer ! fi MANUFACTURED A FOR SALE ft I .«h | THE FRONTIER 8 THE O'BEILL ABSTRACT»CO, % Compiles Abstracts of Title' THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF AB STRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY ft--O ALL GRADES OF TYPEWRITER PAPER AT THE FRONTIER >■... -O COCKERILL BROS. Pool & Billiard Parlors We have opened a Pool and Billiard Hall in the old Gielish market building and respectfully solicit a •bareof your patronage. .t/ IV (Ehe Baijitapy BfteatBflarket WK I1AVK A FULL LINE OF Fresh and Cured Meats, Fresh Eggs and Butter, Pure Home Rend ered Lard. Shoemaker Bros. Naylor Block Phone 150 The FrontierSix Months for75r (First publication March 28) Legal Notice. In the District Court of Holt county, Nebraska. William Luben, Plaintiff. vs. Lueila M. Storer and husband, Samu al C. Storer,Newton Jones and wife, Louisa Jones, and William Camp bell, and wife, - Campbell, real name unknown, Defendants. NOTICE The above named defendants will take notice that on March 6, 1912, the plaintiff tiled his petition in the above entitled cause and court, the object and prayer of which is to quiet the title in himself to the northwest quar ter (nwl) of section two (2), township twenty-eight (28), range thirteen (13), west of the 6th P. M. in Holt county, Nebraska, against the claims of eacn and all the defendants; to cancel and to have decreed to be wholly paid a certain mortgage executed by Peter H. Bendixen and wife, Petra A, Bendlxen, to Lueila M. Storer, on October 24, 1895, and recorded in book 66 of mortgages, at page 73 of the re cords in the office of county clerk, in Holt county, Nebraska; and to enjoin said defendants and each and all of them from claiming any title to the said premises as against said plaintiff. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 6th day of May, 1912 41-4 WILLIAM LUBEN, By W. K. Hodgkin, His Attorney. (First publication March 28.) Legal Notice. To Anna H. Grant, unmarried, and A. Slimmer, Christian name unknown, and L. J. Thomas, Christian name un known, partners doing business in the name and style of Slimmer & Thomas and-Slimmer, Christian name un known, wife of A. Slimmer, and - Thomas, Christian name unknown, wife of L. J. Thomas, non-resident de fendants. You and each Of you will take notice that Caroline B. Steele has commenc ed an action in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against you and each of you, the object and prayer of said action being to foreclose a certain mortgage given by Anna H. Grant, unmarred; on the 7th day of November, A. D. 1910, to Charles E Gibson, upon the northwest quarter (nwi) of section twenty-two (22), township twenty-five (25), range thirteen (13), west of the 6th P. M In Holt county, Nebraska, for the purpose of securing her note for three hundred ($300.00) dollars with Interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum and the three interest notes thereto attached each In the sum of eighteen ($18 00) dollars and drawing ten per cent interest after due; plain tiff alleging in said petition that she is the legal owner and holder of said notes and said mortgage by virtue of an assignment thereof from Charles E. Gibson, dated the 21st day of March, 1911; that there is due the plaintiff, under the terms and condi tions of said notes and mortgage, the sum of Three Hundred Thirty ($330.00) Dollars,no part of which has been paid or in any manner satisfied; plaintiff prays|tbat the amount due her be de termined, that the same may be de creed to be a first lien upon said prem ises; that the defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises be sold and the proceeds thereof used in payment of the amount due the plaintiff with interest and costs, and for such other and further relief as mav be just and equitable. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 6th day of Mav, 1912. ' 41-4 W. K. HODGKIN, Attorney for Plaintiff. (First publication April 4) Order of Hearing on Original Probate of Will. State of Nebraska, Holt county, ss. At a county court, beld at tbe coun ty court room, in and for said county, on the 1st day of April, A. D. 1912. Present, Thomas Carlon, County Judge. In the matter of the estate of John J. Halloran, deceased. On reading and tiling the petition of Olive A. Halloran praying that tbe instrument, tiled on the 1st day of April, 1912, and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased may be proved, approved, firobated, allowed and recorded as the ast will and testament of the said John J. Halloran, deceased, and that the execution of said instrument may be committed and the administration or said estate may be granted to Olive A. Halloran as executrix. ORDERED, That Wednesday, the 24th day of April, A. D. 1912, at lo o’clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons inter ested in said matter may appear at a county court to be beld in and for said county and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, be given to all persons Interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The Frontier, a weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of bearing THOMAS CARLON, 42-3 County Judge. (First publication April 4) Notice. Robert Eymann, will take notice that on the 27th day of February, 1912, the county judge of Holt county. Nebraska, issued an order of attach ment for the sum of $54.25, in an action pending before him, wtierein Henry J.Zimmerman Is plaintiff, and Robert Eymann is defendant, that property of the defendant, consisting of one riding lister, one riding culti vator, one eli, one box seeder, one walking plow and one 6 foot McCor mick mower, has been attached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 27th day of April, 1912, at 10 a. m. HENRY J. ZIMMERMAN, 42-3 Plaintiff First publication April 4th, 1912 Notice. In the county court of Holt county, Nebraska. In the matter of tbe estate of Mary Ann May deceased: To all persons in terested In said estate: You are hereby notified that on the 28th day of March, 1912, R. R. Dickson administrator of the estate of Mary Ann May deceased, filed in said court hla final account as said administrate or &Dd a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate: that the said final account and petition for final settlement and dis tribution will be heard on the 23rd day of April, 1912, at 10 o’clock a. m. at the county courtroom in O’Neill, in said county, at which time and place any persons interested in said estate may appear and show cause, if such exists, why said final account should not be approved and a decree of distribution made of the residue of said estate in the possession of said administrator. It is ordered that a copy of this notice be published for three success ive weeks in the Frontier, a news paper, printed and published in said county. Dated this 28th day of March, 1912. (Seal) THOMAS CARLON 42-3 County Judge. First publication March 28th. Legal Notice. To Charles L. Rice and M. E. Rich mond, Christian name unknown, non resident defendants. You and each of you will take no tice that the Pierce State Bank has commenced an action in the District court of Holt county, Nebraska, against you and each of you, and E. C. Munsil the object and prayer of said action being to fnrclose a certain mortgage given by Charles L. Rice and M. E. Richmond, cbrlstain name unknown, on the 8th day of March, 1911, to the plaintiff upon certain laundry machinery now situated and being in the building owned by E. C. Munsil, located on lot four (4), block twenty (20) in the original townslte of O’Neill, Nebraska, for the purpose of securing their note for four hun dred forty-eight (#448.00) dollars pay able twenty months after date in in stallments of fifteen [#15.00] dollars per month for the first six months and twenty-five [$25 00] dollars per month thereafter, with interest at 10 per cent, payable annually; plaintiff alleg ing in said petition that it is the legal owner and holder of said cote and mortgage; that there Is due the plain siff under the terms and conditions of said note and mortgage, the sum of twohundredand eighty five dollarsand 35 cents(#285.35) no part of which has been paid or in any manner satisfied. Plaintiff prays that the amount due it be determined, that the same may be decreed to be a first lien upon said laundry machinery; that the defend ants be required to pay the same or that said laundry machinery be sold and the proceeds thereof used in the payment of the amount due the plain tiff with interest and costs, and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 6th day of May, 1912. W. K. HODGKIN. 41-4 Attorney for Plaintiff. First Fubiication March 28th. Order to Show Cause. In the district court of Holt county, Nebaska. In the matter of the estate of Henry Duffee, deceased. Now on this 26th day of March, 1912, this cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Hugh J. Boyle administrator de bonis non of the es tate of Henry Duffee, deceased, pray ing for a license to sell the following described real estate situated in the county of Holt and state of Nebraska to-wlt: The north-west quarter of section twenty-live (25), township twenty-five (25), north of range thir teen (13), west of the sixth principal Meridian, or a sufficient amount thereof to bring the sum of $350 for the payment of the debts allowed against said estate and the costs of ad ministration, there being no personal property to pay said debts and ex penses. IT IS THEREFORE ordered that all persons interested in said estate ap pear before the district court in the court house on the 16th day of May, 1912, at ten o’clock a. m. in the city of O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska,and show cause why a license should not be granted to said administrator de bonis non to sell as much of the above de scribed real estate of said deceased as shall be necessary to pay said debts and expenses. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be published in The Fron tier, a weekly newspaper printed In the city of O’Neill, Holt county, Ne braska and of general circulation in said county for four successive weeks. W. H. WESTOVER, Judge of District Court, Holt Coun ty, Nebraska. 41-4 (First publication March 28) Notice. In the District Court of Box Butte county, Nebraska. In the matter of the application of Frank H. Ramsdell, guardian of the person and estate of Adelia Rams dell, an insane person, for leave to sell real estate. Notice Is hereby given that, in pur suance of an order of the Honorable W. H. Westover, judge of the district court of Box Butte county, Nebraska, made on the 20th day of April, 1911, for the sale of the real estate herein after described, there will be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the court house in the city of O’Neill, in Holt county, Nebraska, on the 19th day of April, 1912, at the hour of 10 a’clock a. m., the following described real estate. The south half of the south east quarter, south half of the soutn west quarter of section five (5), in township thirty (30), north of range twelve west, in Holt county, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 28th day of March, 1912. FRANK H. RAMSDELL, Guardian of Adelia Ramsdell, an Insane person. 41-4 First publication April 4th, 1912 Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of an order of Sale, direct ed to me from the Clerk of the Dis trict court of Holt County, Nebraska) on a judgment obtained before J .J. Har rington, judge of the Fifteenth Judi cial district of Holt county, Nebraska, on the 27th day of May, 1911,in favor of David E. McFadden and Thomas McFadden as plaintiffs, and against James Curran and Lulu Curran wife of James Curran as defendants, for the sum of one thousand four hun dred seventy-three dollars, and sixtv three cents, and costs taxed at <22.25 and accruing costs, I have levied up on the following real estate taken as the property of said defendant, to satisfy said order of sale, to wit: The north west quarter of the north west quarter of section twenty-seven (27) township thirty-one (31), north of range twelve (12) and the northeast quarter of the north west quarter and the north half of the north east quar ter of section twenty-eight [28], town ship thirty-one [31], north of range twelve [12], west of the sixth princi pal meridian, all in Holt county, Ne braska. And will offer the same for sale to tbe highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 6th, day of May A. D. 1912, in front of the court house in O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said day, when and where due attendance will be giv en by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Holt county, Ne braska this 2nd day of April, 1912. H. D GRADY, 42-5 Sheriff of Said County. SCHUYLER’S TOY CANAlT It Mad* th* Principle of Lock* Clear to the Dutchmen. It is not known who first conceived the magnificent idea of connecting by a canal Lake Erie with the Atlantic ocean. Experiments to improve the navigation of the Mohawk by means of small canals and locks had been tried years before De Witt Clinton built the Erie canal. The purpose, which was to connect Lake Ontario through the Mohawk with the Hudson, met with a formidable obstacle at Lit tle falls, where the river descended for a mile or two over a series of rapids. General Philip Schuyler of Revolu tionary fame had planned a series of locks to overcome this descent of the river. Knowing that the success of the project would depend upon the fa vor with which the Dutch farmers, settled near the river, received it, he visited them. Calling a meeting at a tavern, he unfolded his plan. The old Dutchmen loved and honored Schuyler, for he was the head of an old Dutch family. They were delighted witli the prospect of the commerce of the state sailing past their farms, but they could not comprehend how boats could ascend Little falls. The general by means of drawings explained the principle of locks. It was in vain. The stolid Dutchmen shook their heads, saying that they did not believe a word of it. Water would not run uphill, and It was useless for the general to endeavor to make them believe that It would. The general went to bed mortified at his failure. Turning over the thing in his mind, a happy thought suggest ed itself. He arose, lighted a candle, took a knife and a few shingles and went into the tavern yard. Digging a miniature canal of two different levels, he connected them by a lock of shin gles. Then he summoned the Dutch men, who came grumbling at being aroused from their slumbers. Pouring water from a pail into the little canal, he locked a chip through from the low er to the upper level. “Veil, general, dot beats eferything!” exclaimed the astonished Dutchmen. "Now ve understands und ve goes mit you unt your canal!”—New York Press. HIDDEN HOARDS/ Fortune* Buried or Tucked Away In Wasteful Neglect, None can estimate the wealth hid den in the days of the war between the states. Down mountain slopes, across the great plantations and along the streets of cities of the south are trails of lost fortunes. Ou the Missis sippi river the shanty boaters tell tales of kettles of gold coin and money thal were buried iu the bralaes or revealed in the caving bank of the Mississippi by a cascade of coin rushing down the crumbling slope Into the flood. Now and then some sharp darky appears with u handful of old gold. A mathematician might estimate the quantity of nugget gold hidden by the placer miners, the loggers, tinkers, tramps, soldiers—all the kinds of for tunes that are tucked away in useless and wasteful neglect in all parts of the country—in stockings, mattresses, old clothes, garrets, cellars, hollow trees, hovels, mansions, caches of des peradoes and hidings of foreigners. If only one in 10,000 hddes $100 that is never found, and in -every village and town the proportion is larger, among farmers and back country people much larger, the loss will amount to $900, 000. The chances are that there is a hundred million dollars of hidden for tunes in this country now—gold, sil ver, precious stones and paper wealth. Many a farm, many a city property, goes into neglect and decay because the heirs never knew of it.—Raymond S. Spears in Harper’s (Weekly. 8nubbedtthe4czar. Paderewski once- dated to affroal the czar, with the tresidt that,he soon received a note comanandlng him to leave St Petersburg^ where he had been booked for a -number of concerts, within twenty-four hours. The czar had sent for him and paid him-a neat compliment, but is said to havetreceiv ed the chilly response, “Sire, II am » Pole.” No Chance to-Be-Oieap. “Why do you delay (proposing to that girlF* “I'm saving up to* buy, an engage ment ring.” “Something especially) expensive?" “It’ll have to be. I 'can’t • fool her. Her father runs a, Jewelry •store."-* Exchange. Not as Bad a* That. “Is your master In a.somnolent MS dltion?” "No. sir, he was pretty violent, but now he’s asleep.”—iBaStmora American. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Cures Colds, Croup and Whoopirz Cough. - * - ■» 100 t Mops with yoar name and address printed on them ONLY 50C | /VW\A/> The cheapest way to bay tor » those wanting small quantities I CEfys Frontier. \J^E obtain the famous SA w Blankets direct from the factory and can sell them to you at prices that are right. They are made for warmth and wear, and will last longer than any other blanket. Buy a 5A Bias Girth for tha Stable, Buy a 5A Square for the Street -We Sell Them — J. H. Davison HOTEL EVANS ONLY FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IN THE CITY FREE BUS SERVICE W. T. EVANS, Prop W. K. HODGKIN Lawyer^ Office: Nebraska State Bank Biff. REFERENCE: O'NEILL NATIONAL BANK, O NRILL R. R. DICKSON Lawyer ^ AEFERENCCI FIRST NATIONAI BANK, I RUU FRED L. BARCLAY STUART, NEB. Mikes Long or Short Tine Loans on Inoroied Farms and Ranches If you are in Deed of a loan drop btm a line and he will call and see you A* 4. Hanwoitd Abstract Con*£as& Title Abstractors Office in First National Bank Bldg DR. P. J. FL.YNN J'hvstctan and Surgeon Night ( art mill be Promptly Attended Office: Ftr.t iloor to right over Plxley a Hanley’s drupr store. Residence phone flfl OR. J. P. GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Special attention given to DISEASES OF WOMEN, DISFASES Of THE EYE AND CORRECT FI1TING OF GLASSES Dr. E. T. Wilson PHYSICIAN and SURGEON srcciatlies: EVE. EAR. NOSE AND THRC1 8p.rt.el*. correctly fitted and Supplier Office and Reiidence—Rooms No. 1, and 3, Naylor Block O'NEILL, RES, -- r sag