The Frontier. O’NEILL. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, APRIL 4.1912 VOLUME XXXII. NUMBER 42 CLOSING OUT SALE! I We Will sell at plihlic sale at the stockyards ii) O’Neill oi) Saturday, April 13,1912 Commencing at I o’clock, the following described property: ■ . .-.-.-.-. 1 25 ZZE3-A.O OF CATTLE Jir • Consisting of: 60 head of two year old steers, 20 head of yearling steers, 45 head of cows and heifers, some choice milch cows, fresh. These are all native cattle, of good quality and in good flesh. 15 head of work horses, 4 to 9 years old, weight 1000 to 1500 pounds. 2 set double work harness, 2 set double buggy harness, 1 buggy, 1 car j riage, 2 wagons, 1 saddle, 50 tons of No. I Baled Hay. .. 1 ....i i .. i in. ...... Two Hay Barns, Offices and Scales One hay barn at Emmet, 66x100, storage capacity 900 tons, office and scales, known as Ryan & Froelloh's hay plant. One hay barn at O'Neill, 66x100, storage capacity 900 tons, office and scales, and feed yards at O'Neill. j TERMS: One years time will be given on approved security with ten per cent interest 0’nSTEII_.nL. HAY CO., COLS. J. A. COWPERTHWAITE and JAMES MOORE, Auctioneers. J. F. GALLAGHER. Clerk. SALE WILL POSTIVELY BE HELD ON THE ABOVE DATE; NO POSTPONEMENT ON ACCOUNT OF WEATHER. i LOCAL MATTERS. FARM LOANS. See R. H. Parker Fresh Bread at the O’Neill Bakery. Garden seeds at Gallaghers’, bulk or package. 42-1 John Carson of Dorsey was attend 'ing to business matters in tbis city Monday. Lots of good hay, 75 oents a bale.— Oon Keys. 0. D. Keyes was up from Inman last Tuesday. ^our bank bock} Vare friend^/ Make them better ac= quainted next pay day by blinking them together into this bank. You can always afford to put something in the bank. Start with yonr next pay envelope. NEBRASKA STATE BANK JAMES P. O’DONNELL, Cashier 6 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS JGIF*The depositors of this bank are protected by the deposi tors' guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska. S. S. Welpton, President O. F. Biglin, Vice President See the line of new ginghams at Gallagher’s. \ 42-1 Subscribe for The Frontier, only #1.50 per year. Buy guarantee! shoes, at J. P. Gal laghers, store. 42-1 New Oxfords and a swell line at J. P. Gallagher’s. 42-1 For Fresh garden seeds go to Bren nan’s hardware. 35itf. For Farm and Ranch Loans see R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 7-4. See the new lace curtains and cur tain fixtures at Gallagher’s. 42-1 Wanted—Good girl for general houeework.—Mrs. J. P. Gllligan. J. P. Gallagher guarantees every pair of shoes sold at his store. 42-1 For Sale—One Imported Belgum Stallion.—J H McPharlin, O’Neill We have a new deal to offer you on Cream Separators.—Nell Brennan.34tf Mrs. Judge Ratterman of Columbus is in the city visiting old time friends. 35c for Sweet Cream is our price. Bring yours.—McGinnis Creamery Co. I am making Farm and Ranch Loans at lowest interest rates R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 7-4 For Sale—Seed corn and seed pota toes, inquire of T. F. Gallagher, O’Neill. 42-1 pd Wilson residence for rent, call at St. Mary’s Academy to see me—Rich ard Koch. 42-lpd, You only need one half as many posts for our woven hog fence.—Neil Brennan. 42-tf. Alfalfa Seed for sale. Call or write —W. Calkins & Son, Chambers, Nebraska. 42-3p. We have nine cream separators and five Spreaders at the new price.—Neil Brennan. 42-tf. Fine Candies and Hot Chocolate.— McMillan & Markley’s Bakery and Candy Kitchen. 22-tf. For Sale—200 bushels of Early Ohio seed potatoes.—Emmet Revell, on the old Graham place, seven miles north west of O’Neil], 42-2. Mrs. Floyd Kelly returned last Sun day night from a short visit with friends in Omaha. I have Eastern Money to Loan on B'arms and Ranches.—See R. H. Park er,O’Neill, Nebr. Buy your sweet corn seed from us in bushel lots it makes the best early ! feed.—Neil Brennan. 42-tf. Try Frank and Vince Suchy s tailor shop for French Dry Cleaning. Their work can’t be beat. 1-tf. Henry Lorge of Randolph was in the city last Tuesday looking after his real estate interests here. Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday Dr. Corbett’s den tal office will be open in O’Neill. 14tf Mrs. V. Brown returned last Wed nesday evening from a weeks visit with friends and relatives in Omaha I will make you the lowest rate on a farm loan of any man in Holt county.—John L. Quig, O’Neill. 39-tf The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pres byterian church will hold an exchange at Mann’s store next Saturday, April 6th. For Rent—The 480-acre Freeman Bros, farm near Mineola, Neb. For particulars inquire at Nebraska State Bank. If you intend putting up a silo let us know; the more we can ship at once the cheaper we can sell them.—Neil Brennan. 34-tf For Sale—If you want to buy a re sidence in O’Neill, or a farm north of town, why not see John Houlihan about his. 42-2pd JUST ARRIVED—A new ship ment of pickles, sweet, sour and dill at Shoemaker Bros. Sanitary Meat Market. 39-tf. Why pay rent when you can get money to build on small payments. Call at the office of C. E. Hall for full particulars. 52-tf We want Sweet Cream and want it enough to pay 35c a pound, but ter fat. Bring it in.—McGinnis Creamery Co. i E. W. Wilcox of Inman, one of the democrat candidates for the nomin ation for representative, was in the city last Tuesday. I have 900 sacks of the best flour made and no feed. Gome in and buy some for the summer when you can get it right.—Con Keys. I Paint on your house and barn will increase the value of your land. We make our own prices and give you the benefit.—Neil Brennan. 39-tf For Sale—Single Comb Buff Orph lngton eggs, 60 cents per setting or less in incubator lots. Have also a few Single Comb Buff Orphington Cockrelsfor sale—Mrs. J. K. Ernst, 1 O’Neill. 42-lpd. John Walmer was up from Little Wednesday and made this office a short business call renewing his sub scription to the “old reliable.” The new boiler for the McGinnis Creamery Co., arrived last Monday and Is now being put in plaoe in the powerhouse of that establishment. For rheumatism you will find noth* ing better than Chamberlain's Lin iment. Try it and see how quickly it giveB relief. For sale by all dealers. If you want to make a farm loan remember that I will make you a lower rate than any man in Holt county—John L. Quig, O'Neill 39-tf We do French Dry Cleaning in our shop of all ladles and gentlemen’s garments. Nothing but first class work turned out. At Frank and Vlnoe Suchy's tailor shop. 1-tf Conrad Wettlauffer, one of Shields townships energetlo farmers and an old reader of The Frontier, was a cal ler Wednesday ana extended his sub scription another year. Roy Blunt, the young man who was ' killed by the posse near Gretna two weeks ago while pursuing the escaped convicts, was related by marriage to Mrs. H. A. Polk of this city. Don’t be surprised if you have an attaok of rheumatism this spring. Just rub the affected parts freely with Chamberlain's Liniment and It will soon disappear. Sold by all dealers. Floyd Kelly left last Monday mom* log for San Diago, Cal, in answer to a telegram announcing the serious ill* ness of his father, Peter Kelly, for many years a resident of this county. For Sale—1910 tested seed corn at 12.00 per bushel, either in the ear or shelled, sorted and graded. This corn tested from 89 to 98 per oent. Will deliver corn in O’Neill on request.— Con Wettlauffer, O’Neill, R. F. D. No. 1. During the year 19121 will engage in general oarpenter and contraot work. If you are going to build let me figure with you on your work. No job too large, none too small and all work guaranteed to be first class.— Alexander Boyd. 41-tf Special Sale, Special Prices Pianos Beginning, Monday, April 1st. Closing, Wednesday, April 10th. The Bennet Co. of Omaha will have a stock of New High Grade Standard Pianos and Piano Players on hand at Graves' Jewelcry Store. Will sell for cash or installments. You cannot afford to min this opportunity of securing one of these high-grade instruments I at the extremely low price we will offer them for during this 1 sale. J5he Bennett Co. Charles E. Lewis, Manager. I