The Frontier. VOLUME XXXII. _O'NEILL NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14,1911 NUMBER 26 j CH R STMAS GIFTS1 J Whatever your wants may be, we can meet them with up-to-date and appropriate selections. Our f gl beautiful holiday stock was never more complete and we invite your careful investigation. Select p B-al your gifts from our complete stock and you will be sure to get the best and most appropriate pres- B 6111 at the lowest price. H *¥■ TOYS 4* Our toy department reigns su preme to anything before exhibited in this line. \ ou will find in this department dolls,tool boxes, trunks, iron trains, toy pianos, doll beds, bureaus, drums, games of all kinds, and in fact everything a child’s heart desires. FANCY GOODS TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. Here’s where we shine. The pres ents were never nicer and never before so cheap. Comb and bursh sets in ebony with Sterling trim mings; celluloid, hard wood, etc.; • handkerchief boxes, manicure sets, work boxes, child’s sets, collar and cuff boxes, etc. ■ ■■■ < CHiNAWARE We have a reputation for nice China, and our line this year sur passes all efforts heretofore. OurHavilandwarebeats anything you ever sa w for beauty. Cream and sugars, mayonnaise chops, salids, bread, cake, cups and saucers, mugs and plates in all sizes. CUT GLASS Our assortment of cut glass is un questionably the best to be found anywhere in this section. Every lady admires pretty dishes or cut glass, and you will make no mistake selecting your gifts from these lines. GILLIGAN & STOUT I Bigj Bargains - IN Christmas Gifts AT MANN’S Closing Out Sale i NEVER BEFORE HAS THERE BEEN SUCH REAL BAR GAINS AS WE ARE OFEERING ANE WILL CONTINUE TO OFFER UNTIL ALL IS SOLD, COST WILL NOT BE CON SIDERED AS WE MUST CLOSE THE STORE BY THE FIRST OF THE YEAR. WHILE WE WILL HAVE AUCTIONS FROM £ i TIME TO TIME IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO WAIT AS WE j I WILL MAKE YOU PRICES AS LOW IF NOT LOWER THAN YOU COULD BUY THE SAME GOODS AT AUCTION. J. P. Mann & C< >♦ LOCAL MATTERS. FARM LOANS. See R. H. Parker Fancy Lamps at Iloriskey’s. 26-2 Fresh Bread at the O’Neill Bakery. For sale an organ —L G. Gillespie. For sale a base burner.—L. G. Gil lespie See Galena Lumber Co. ’s coal ad in this Issue. 26-1 All kinds of Fancy China at Horiskey’s. 26-2 Fresh Oysters at the Busy Bee Restaurant. 17-tf. Japanese and German China at Horiskey’s. 26-2 Subscribe for The Frontier, only *1.50 per year. For Farm and Ranoh Loans see R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 7-4. Furnace heated rooms for rent.— Mrs. Byron O. Parker. 25 4. For Rent—A seven room house in good repair.—D. A. Doyle. 22 tf. Attorney W. E Scott was down from Atkinson last Friday. For Rent—Three unfurnished rooms.—Mrs. Mary McCloud. 25-2. Frank Titus of Emmet transacted business in this city last Friday. For Good fresh sauer kraut go to the Sanitary Meat Market.—Shoemaker K. R. Walker and Ed. Williams of Lynch were in the city last Saturday. Bob Pearsall of Lynch was in the city last Wednesday on land business. I am making Farm and Ranch Loans at lowest interest rates R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 7.4 F. J. Manchester of Turner tran sacted business in the city the first of the week. Stukes Bros., carpenters. Anything In the line of building. Call over Bentley’s store. 52-tf. Fine Candies and Hot Chocolate.— McMillan & Markley’s Bakery and Candy Kitchen. 22-tf. I have Eastern Money to Loan on Farms and Ranobes.—See R. H. Park er,O’Neill, Nebr. Try Frank and Vince Suchy s tailor shop for French Dry Cleaning. Their work can’t be beat. 1-tf. WANTED—Fifty optional farm loan applications before December 1st. -John Quig, O’Neill. 16 9 It is a well known fact that the Mc Ginnis Creamery Co. pays high prices for cream and poultry, 26-2 For Sale—Thoroughbred Duroc Jer sey male pigs. Call on or address, A. D. Pond, Inman, Nebr. 26-4 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thomas and Miss Aide Vaugh of Atkinson were O’Neill visitors last Friday. Stukes Bros., carpenters. Anything In the line of building. Call over Bentley’s store. Phone 144. R2-tf. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Bader of Min neola were in the city Wednesday making Christmas purchases. Stukes Bros., carpenters. Anything In the line of building. Call over Beutley’s store. Phone 144. 62tf. D. D. Miles and W. A. Ellis of Dorsey were In the fcity last Monday doing some Christmas shopping. Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednes nay and Thursday Dr. Corbett’s den tal office will be open in O’Neill. 14tf Clarence Simonson left for the South Omaha market the first of the week with two carloads of fat cattle. If you have not sold your poultry, get our prices before selling. We want your cream too.—McGinnis Creamery Co. , 26-2 Why pay rent when you can get money to build on small payments Call at the office of C. E. Hall for full particulars. 52-tf Rodger Morrisey loaded bis house hold goods and left this morning for Iowa where he expects to make his future home. Your Ladies Home Journal and Sat urday Evening Post subscriptions, respectfully solicited.—Mrs. L. G. Gillispie, Agent. 24-tf Bert W. Fink and Miss Beulah M. Lord, both of Page, were granted a marriage license by County Judge Malone last Friday. We have received a fresh barrel of Heinz’s sauer kraut—None Bet ter—The Sanitary Meat Market, Shoe maker Bros., Proprietors. M. T. Elliot and Dick Wilson of Dorsey and Robert Carter of Lynch were in the city last Monday on their way to Wood Lake, Nebraska. J. F. Gallagher, assistant cashier of the First National bank, left for Omaha the first of the week where he will visit friends for a few days. Will cry your sales for you and guarantee satisfaction. As to our ability ask any resident of southern Holt. Make dates at Frontier office or phone us, at our expense, at Chamb ers.—Cooper and Wintermote. 19-13 _ Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Stukes are re joicing over the arrival of a young daughter at their home, who took up her residence with them Wednesday. William F. J. Anderl of Martell, Nebraska, and Miss Pauline E. Krueg er of Inman, were granted a marriage license by county Judge Malone last Monday. Charles Wrede Sr„ and Charles Wrede, Jr. of Agee were In the city the first of the week, lookingl at the variety of toys Santa Claus has in stock in this city. We do French Dry Cleaning in our shop of all ladies and gentlemen’s garments. Nothing but first class work turned out. At Frank and Vince Suchy's tailor shop. 1-tf Fred O. Watson, age 33, or Sioux City, Iowa, and Miss Elsie Tults, aged 19, of Crofton, Neb , were united in marriage in this city last Tuesday by Justice J. J MoOafferty. I have a supply of Bound To Rise and North Star flour on hand bought before the raise, also a car of tankage and a car of oil meal. Prices will be right.—George Gaughenbaugh. Creighton News: Micheal Holland from O’Neill visited his daughter.Mrs. G. M. Mullen, over Sunday. Mr. Hol land has just recently returned from a visit at the old home in Ireland. Miss Mary Sullivan entertained a party of friends at her home on Wednesday evening in honor of her brothers, Jack and Dan who are visit ing here until after tte holidays. For Sale—Thoroughbred Poland China Pigs, either sex, good ones, must be sold before December 15th. Call on or address—John Alfa Jr., Atkinson, Nebr., R. f. d. No. 1. 23 Thomas Salem, who runs a general store at Amelia, was in the city Mon day and made this office a- short call to order this popular household journ al sent to him for the ensuing year. A bay barn belonging to William Krotter at Stuart burned to the ground last Thursday. The barn con tained about 600 tons of hay. The fire is supposed to have been of incendiary orign. The Frontier would make a very ap - propriate and desirable Christmas present. If you desire to give your loved ones a present that will keep you in kindly remembrance every week in the year, why not give them a yesrs subscription to this household necessity. It would be a gift that would be highly appreciated.