|4 | I |l hi | Worth of No. 1 Merchandise that must be Sold I v|> ■' *' *" * Bigger bargains than Ever-jt & <£ •£ | EVERYTHING IN THE STORE ON SALE! I IT WILL PAY YOU TO HURRY ;j || I As we advertised, our line of staple muslins and ginghams will be replenished from time to time during the sale. As it would be impossible to quote prices on our line of piece goods, underwear, ladies dresses, shirt waists, carpets, rugs, trunks, rugs, etc. We will make a special effort to display each line in the store and have tickets so you can get a general idea of what we are doing if \on visit the store. ::::::: ;-----— I JUST A FEW OF OUR PRICES ON GROCERIES 60 cent Advo uncolored Japan tea 50 cent Advo Japan tea -_ JUST A FEW OF OUR PRICES ON GROCERIES 26 cent Blanco coffee 22c: 36 cent Gold Medal 30c 66 cent Advona coffee, Iniwo pound tins 60c . 7 bars Beat Em All soap 26c; 6 bars Bob White 25c 25 bars Flake White soap ■ - . . ■ ■ 1-00 25 per cent dis. on dishes. All things sold at same ratio. Delivery Charges Will be Paid on iill Mail Orders. LOCAL MATTERS. Get ready for the races. FARM LOANS. See R. H. Parker Fresh Bread at the O’Neill Bakery. Large list of town property for sale. —Hall & Co. 50-tf IceCream and Candles—McMillan & Markey. 3-tf Some bargins in real estate, close ,j —Hall & Co. 60 tf Subscribe for The Frontier, only $1.50 per year. The Frontier prints tne attractive kind of Sale Bills. W. P. and A. J. Mohr of Spencer were in the city last Saturday. Mrs. F. Holt spent the first of the week visiting friends in Orchard. From August 10th to September 4th, Dr. Corbett’s Dental ofiice will be closed. 5tf. “ “ I Stukes Bros., carpenters. Anything in the line of building. Call over Bentley’s store. 52-tf. I have Eastern Money to Loan on Farms and Ranches.—See R. H. Park er,O’Neill, Nebr. Sam Deitrick of Springview was in the city last Friday greeting his many old time friends We do French Dry Cleaning in our shop of all ladies and gentlemen’s r np|| ip Directors ot the Fidelity Bank JL iTUE^ publish this week amended | articles of incorporation changing the name of this bank to the NEBRASKA STATE BANK O’NEILL, NEBRASKA This was considered necessary on ac count of the bank becoming a Guarantee \ Bank and in order that there would be no misunderstanding as to the bank being organized under the new law ra ce cently passed by the Nebraska Legisla ture, which law was confirmed by the United States Court as being a good and valid law, which gives protection to the depositors. This is the only bank in 0 ’Neill operating under the Guarantee Law that gives absolute protection to its depositors. FIVE PER CENT PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. 1 JAMES F. O’DONNELL, Cashier. garments. Nothing but first class work turned out. At Frank and Vince Suchy’s tailor shop. 1-tf Miss Oassle Gallagher left last Fri day morning for a short visit with friends in Denver. Try Frank and Vince Suchy’s tailor shop for French Dry Cleaning. Their work can’t be beat. 1-tf. Stukes Bros., carpenters. Anything in the line of building. Call over Bentley’s store. 52-tf Stukes Bros., carpenters. Anything in the line of building. Call over Bentley’s store. 52-tf. Wanted—Highest cash price paid (or butter, eggs and poultry at the Busy Bee Restaurant. 4-t( Miss Anna Brennan of South Oma ha came up last Sunday to visit with relatives and friends here. R. R. Dickson went down to Lin coln on Tuesday morning to attend the republican state convenclon. Miss Nellie Hughes of Battle Creek arrived in the city last Saturday for a short visit with Miss Julia Biglin. Money to loan on improved farms No Waiting, money paid when you sign the papers.—Hall & Co. 50-tf Miss Anna Kilmurry went down to York last Tuesday morning to attend the wedding of her brother, Patrick Mrs. Geo. Bowen and wife and Mrs. Ed. and Mrs. Harry Bowen spent Sun day in Inman visiting friends and rel atives. I want to make fifty or more op tional farm loans before September 1st. If you need money call and see John L. Quig, O’Neill. 4-8. L. G. Gillespie was passing around the cigars last Monday morning to his many friends over the arrival of a son at his home on Sunday morning. Miss Gertrude O’Sullivan, who has been visiting friends and relatives here for ten days, returned to her home at Belle Fouche, S. D., last Fri day. Miss Lizzie Harty and cousin Miss Ella Carey, arrived from Shallsburg, Wis., last Friday and will spend a few weeks visiting relatives and friends in this city. Hugh J. Boyle left last Friday morn ing for a visit at the home of his par ents at Darlington, Wis. He was ac companied by his sister, Miss Bessie, who has been visiting relatives here the past six weeks. For summer diarrhoea in children always give Chamberlain’s Chollo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, and a speedy cure is cer tain. For sale by ail dealers. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Blglln returned last Friday evening from their visit at Hastings. They were accompanied by Miss Constance Adams, who will spend several weeks visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gallagher and children and Miss Ruth Evans return ed last Saturday from their outing at Spirit Lake, Iowa. They made the trip by auto and say they had a pleas ant ride and a good time at the lakes. Ed. Latta of Tekemah, who came up to attend the funeral of Robert Dwy er, returned to his home at Tekemah Tuesday morning, while Mrs. Latta remains here for a few weeks visit with relatives. Roy Hemingway has sold his inter est in the O’Neill house to Fred Win gate. who has had an interest in the business since they started. Mr. Win gate will hire some one toconduct the business for him. Thomas Grittln has commenced the erection of a modern cottage on the lots just west of the Methodist par sonage. The building will be one story, 24x40. Mr. Giitlin expects to have it completed by the first of October. Up to July 6th County Clerk Mc Nichols had issued 439 fishing licenses to residents of this county. The in-“ dications are that there will be 1,000 fishing and hunting licenses Issued in this county before the season expires. Wanted:—Will trade O’Neill city property or land in southern Holt for cattle or horses. Will take a couple of hundred head of cattle to feed by the month. For further information call or write Peter Reifers, Chambers, Neb. 4-tf. Never leave home on a journey with out a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed and can not be obtained when on board the cars or steamships. For sale by all dealers. Mrs. Fred Dickinson (nee Margaret McCarthy) arrived in the city the first of the week and will spend a few weeks visiting relatives and friends. They have recently moved from Mon tana to Chadron where Mr. Dickinson , is going in the drug business G. L. Carpender and wife of Ains worth were in town the fore part of jj the week. Mr. Carpender was here on business in regard to the Brush autos, and Mrs. - Carpender spent the time visiting at G. E. Bowen’s and seeing the sights of the city. I have two carloads of flour on hand that was made from old wheat, that I will sell cheap. Now is the time to buy flour, before the price advances. I also have on hand a carload of corn that I will sell at the right price. Come before it is all gone.—George Gaughenbaugh. 6-tf. The Modern Woodmen will have a picnic on Friday, August 4th and in the evening there will be a class a doption of twenty members. Arrange ments are being made to make this a gala day in the history of Woodcraft in this section of the state and all members of the order should make ar rangements to be in O’Neill on that date. FARM LOANS so ■■ . 59 a a ca 4 .3 V.. j I Optional § fa fa Farm Loans S the only § O © n4 nJ g Optional g fa fa ..Loans.. so M 5 See 3 ,2 g JOHN L. OUIG, O'Neill _ m ‘ 5 * fa !______ fa FARM LOANS