The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 15, 1911, Image 3

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Members of Congress Differ
However, as to Length of
Debate in Senate.
Boston. June 12.—“I an' opposed
to the Root amendment of the
Canadian reciprocity treaty, but I
am obliged to admit that its adop
tion is not a violation of the
agreement made with Canada. My
views on the subject are contained
in my speech at Chicago on
June 3.”
That is what President Taft
telegraphed the Boston Chamber of
•Commerce today, after he had read
a telegram sent him by that body,
“Considerable vagueness here in
reference to your attitude regard
ing the Root amendment. We
wish you would send the chamber
an explicit statement of you po
sition in order that we may sup
port you.
“Are you opposed to the Root
Washington, June 12.—"It Is my per
runal opinion that we will have a vot
on the reciprocity bill July IB or IT,
said Senator Smoot, of Utah, after i
talk with President Taft at the Whit
House today. “The bill will pass an.
rongress will adjourn with all buslnes
out of the way, I believe about July 21
Mr. Smoot said the Root amendmen
to the reciprocity bill would not invaii
date the. agreement. He declared on th.
>ther hand that the amendment: woulf
perfect the pact, and that with th.
•mendment attached the bill befnr
.-ongress was in every detail like th
bill before the Canadian parliament.
"The Root amendment," said th
Senator, “may not pass. The vote wii
ae close.”
Other callers at the White Hoes
Slffored from Mr. Smoot as to the tim
of adjournment.
"If you ask me that question," sab
Senator Cullom, "X would tell you t
ask an elevator man in the capitol."
"Tho reciprocity debate in the Sen
ate,” said Representative McCall, o
Massachusetts, “will be over in thret
weeks or: not until October.”
Senator Bacon, of Georgia, said hi
was all at sea about adjournment. “
don't expect to see it before fhe firs’
of August,” said he.
Washington, June ID.—Representa
tive Warhurton. of Washington, a new
ly elected, republican insurgent, eliargec
congress yesterday with letting mil
lions of dollars go to waste that i
might collect in internal revenue taxe,
on tobacco. He attacked'the pendin',
wool tariff revision of the democrats
saying their plea of needing revenui
was not a serious argument for keep
ing duties on woolen goods.
Mr. Warburton said the democrat;
had been afraid to reduce the dutle.
an wool any further for fear of tho con
sequences at the next election if tin
wool industry was prostrated by tin
removal of protection. He said tin
democrats had been compelled to udop
the republican doctrine of proteetioi
and excused themselves on the grounc
of needing revenue.
"And, in the meantime," lie said "tin
American people are paying six; time,
as much tax to the government oi
sugar as they are on B-cent cigars
twelve times as much on sugar as oi
10-eent cigars; thirty times as rnucl
on sugar as on 25-cent cigars, and sixt;
times as much on sugar as on BO-cen
Washington, June 12.—Just as tin
government is sitting in for the bigges’
'egal game it ever played, the discover!
is made that it is bound to lose, ano
the Southern Pacific railroad to wjr
f500.fl00.C00 if the play goes on.
The stakes are a great area qf Cali
fornia’s richest oil claims. They were
granted to the. railroad with a clause
'n the grant expressly excepting ali
mineral lands save those containing
:oa( and iron. Most of these lands
were patented to the grantee more than
six years ago.
The joker in tho situation is a spec: d
statute of limitations, slipped througl
•ongress ‘ in an act of March 2. 1891
sad perfected bv another act of Maret
Washington. June 12 - -Judge m. .1
>Vii(lc, of Iowa City, who is here, is
(onvinced that President Taft’s recent
iperch in Chicago for reciprocity made
'tsclf felt in the Ninth Iowa district
♦lection, where the democrats were
■ommitted to reciprocity and the rc
roiblicans against it.
Judge Wade says the Taft speech
lolped to cut the republican vow, and
'hat had more time been afforded foi
1 to permeate the district, it would
lave been felt much more.
I 1
Strike of Garment Workers ir
Cleveland Causes a
Cleveland, Ohio, Juif. 12—One v:i.n>
s dead, another is ; ruier arrest,
■barged with first degree murder and
■ix others are under arrest charged
vlth disorderly conduct ns a result ol
"day's developments in the strike ol
•,'100 garment workers here.
A quarrel between pickets stationed
n front of the H. Black company r
da ut aild policemen, caused the kill
ne. The dead man is tieorge '/.<■{■
nan, a teamster, stranger to tlic dis
Hite, who was taken to a hospital with
bullet, wounds under his heart and fi:
iis groin, lie died four hours later.
Those: charged with dixoidcrly eon
luct nro Miss Josephine Casey, an or
janlzcr from Chicago, and live others
picket, at the Jrl. Blue]; 1,1 ill rn c.'i
,>lant, who are alleged to have hool'd
the oolite and to have Jeered those at
work til the faetory.
-- --
New. York, June 12.—America
•ixislipd Knginii "s hope ..f regaining
he international polo cup at Meadow
iroijt yesterday when the challenging
■krftlsh. cavalry officers outridden and
jutmatiejuvoretl, were defeated 4'..
5’/r goals
Washtpgton. June. 12.—The dlsput ■
ictvvqcri ih< Southern railway companj
Did itiytlieiiier, which has been in med
«!ioie-tor two weeks has been He!
Jed Hotii sides, it io sai l, made con
Colorless Statement Given
Out as to General Con
dition of Trade.
New Tork. June 12.—Bradstrects
Saturday said:
Trade, crop and industrial conditions
tro of a variable character, with the
sreneral appearance of quiet, though the
svidences of good feeling hitherto noted
ire to be met. Jobbing trade is of a
Detween-season character and sales of
spring and summer fabrics furnish the
ahicf occupation. As to tariff matters,
the belief is growing that radical legis
lation is not likely.
Short time is still the leading feature
in the textile trades. Leather is quiet
after the spell of buying induced by the
recent advance in prices. Shoe manu
facturing is not active except fo:
specialties. The building trades and
material lines catering thereto ars
Business failures in the United States
for the week ending June 8 were 232.
Business failures in Canada for ths
week number 23.
Dun’s review today says:
Such change as has taken place tn
business is for the better. Advance
in confidence Is slow and the growth is
acutely slower, but both are advancing
and growing. The improvement In de
mand following the recent cut tn steei
prices is not general. The activity 1«
bare of response to larger buying bj
agricultural implement makers and
railroad orders are coming in freely. In
pig iron it is estimated that production
is now close to consumptive require
Several additional furnaces were
blown out last month. Current demand
reflects scant improvement, as the ex
isting weakness in prices encouraged
buyers to hope for further concessions
A development of considerable interesl
was the advance in pig tin at London
to the ’highest level on record, without
sign of price weakness. The cotton
goods markets are quieter, with job
bers still disinclined to anticipate it
any active way.
Famous Saloon Smasher Dies
of Paresis in a Kansas
Leavenworth, Kan., .Tunc 12.—- Carrie
Nation, the Kansas saloon smasher,
lied here last night at 7:05 o'clock^
Paresis was the cause of death. Foi
several months Mrs. Nation had beer,
tn poor health, and on January 22 she
Entered the local sanatorium in which
she died, hoping there to recover from
a nervous breakdown.
It became evident several days ago
that Mrs. Nation could not recover and
Dr. A. iSulwalsky. physician at the
sanatorium, informed her that the end
ivas near. She said nothing, but smiled
She became unconscious at noon
and did not revive. Kelatives had been
telegraphed for, but only Dr. 'Suiwal
eky and a nurse were at her bedside
when she died.
Worry over law suits which she had
Brought againat a lecture bureau fot
alleged fail iro to pay for services on
tile platform is said to have caused her
’.o break down. While Mrs. Nation was
in the sanatorium none of the relatives
were allowed to visit her. She was not
permitted even to read letters, as doc
tors feared that they might contairl
some hint of the pending suits.
Man Who Married in Sioux City
Commits Awful Tragedy
in Denver.
Denver, Colo., June 12. Augustus
A'illiams Marshall yesterday after
toon shot his wife eight times, killing
■or instantly, because he had a dream
he night before that she had been
intrue to biin.
The shooting took place in a res
'.aurant on Eighteenth street, owned
ind conducted by Mrs. Marshall and
i Jeorgo Chute, with whom Marshall
jciieved her to be intimate.
Chute a year ago went to Reno, New.
Torn Pittsfield, Mass., and secured a
livoree. He met the Marshalls there,
dvs. Marshall's maiden name was Lu
Jlle Gath, and her lame, was at Ponca
fieb. She married Marshall at Sioux
Mty January ", 1S02, where they lived,
or some time. Marshall was 43 years
dd anti his wife 28.
Arife cf Oil Inspector Gets Bul
let in Quarrel Between
Two Men.
Pittsburg, Pa., June !:. Mrs. c, F
7111, wifi cf a wealthy oil operator,
cas shot today by C. R. ilhauiii, who
,as been arrested, together with Wil
iam Daufen and a woman named
Crania Horner.
The shooting occurred in the Hil!
esldence. Mr. Hill is on a business
rip In the west.
Following an automobile ride l?.s(
fight the party returned to th,- UIU
•ome. Early today Daufen, it is al
eged, kissed Mrs. Ifill and Shaun ut
empted to slmot him. As Daufen tied
(trough a door Mrs. Hill threw in r
elf in front of Shaun and received a
•ullet in her side. She probably will
Or.iovgn, June 12—Stop-Ions selling ot
uly wheat drove the ruieo for that p
ion down a bushel today. The
lose was demoralir.t u a;. i within >,c
>f the bottom figures of the session.
Only the support of the big longs in
he tush market prevented a worse
The collapse followed attempts of
•vvners in Winnipeg to dispose of July
vheat at low price!. In Re~alo.
....—... I I I I .11 ■■■!■■ I I
Pays She Caused Him "Mental
Torture” When She Wouldn’t
Marry Hm.
Orono Mo. Juno 10.—A confession
that he had „hot Miss Christine Shaw
fit Orono last nlsht is said by the po
lice to have been made today by T. S.
Linn, a Chinese student at the Uni
versity of Maine, arrested immediately
lifter four revolver shots, one of which
took effect, had been tired at the young
woman on an Orono street. At the
hospital in this city to which 3hc was
taken it was slated today that site
Would probably recover.
Linn is alleged to have told the slier-,
I1T that he shot Miss Shaw because she)
had caused "mental torture.” Ho said
Jie had known Miss Shaw, who is a
graduate of the University of Maine;
and a teacher In the Orono high school,
for four years, and two years ago
asked her to marry him. She refused,
put they had been on friendly terms
tinec that time.
Miss Shaw had done much to assist
Linn in his work at the university, and
from his statement today it is evident,
the sheriff said, that Linn misinteri
preted her kindness.
Mrs. J. H. Wayland, of Girard,
Kan., Dies as Result of
Her Injuries.
Pittsburg, Kan., June 10—Mrs. J. H.
Wayland, wife of the editor of the Ap
peal to Reason, published at Girard,
Kan., died today from Injuries re
ceived in an automobile accident near
Girard last night. Mrs. Wayland was
riding in company with her husband,
their two children and a Mrs. Clem
ents. of Indiana, who is a visitor at
the Wayland home.
The steering gear of the machine got
out of order and‘the car dived to tire
side of the road, striking a telephone
pole and going Into a ditch. Mrs. Way
land was thrown forward violently, her
head striking the pole. Her skull wai
factured and she was rendered uncon
scious, remaining in that condition un
til her death. ,
Mrs. Wayland. who was 39 years old,
was married six years ago. Before that
Bhe was employed in the offlee of ths
Appeal to Reason, as private stenog
rapfier to Mr. Wayland. No other:
member of the automobile party was
Mrs. Raymond Robins Says No
Girl Can Live on Less Than
$12 a Week.
Boston, June 30—"No working worn -
an can possibly live in simple comfort
on less than $12 a week,” declared Mrs,
Raymond Robins, of Chicago, today.
Mrs. Robins is in Boston to attend the,
national conference of women’s trade
union leagues, of which she is presi
’If her wages fall below that amount
pile merely exists," Mrs. Robins con-'
tinued. ‘‘She is obliged to deny her-,
self proper food and suitable clothing.
Until such time as votes for women
prevail the women wage workers must
join a union and go on a strike, if nec
essary. for the protection denied them
under man-made laws."
On the question of marriage Mrs]
Robins said:
"A trade union girl might perhaps
become the wife of a passive non-un
ionist, and still be happy, but under no
circumstances should she marry a pro
nounced anti-trade unionist, regardless
nf his wealth and social standing.”
Measure Would Punish Minors
for Saying They Are of Age
to Obtain Drinks.
Trenton, N. J„ June 10.—A largo
Jelegation from the Burlington County
Liquor Dealers' association called at
the state house to urge Governor Wil
son to sign the bill making It a mlsde-,
ineanor for a minor to misrepresent his
age in order to obtain ltquor.
Those at the hearing included Na-,
than C. Smith, of Burlington, president
of the association; F. J. Cutter, Bur
lington, secretary: Richard Lamb,
Mount Holly, treasurer; Edward M.'
Reading, Florence, and the following
from Burlington; Gilbert Irons, John
S. Conway, David Atkinson, James
Brennan and Paul Flood and James M.
Davis. Davis acted as counsel and
The liquor men set forth that they
should be protected from prosecution,
if a minor swore he was of age. The
governor said at the conclusion of the
hearing that he eould not sign tho
hill on the ground that it contained a
provision that impaired its merit. The
temperance element, which has op
posed the measure, held that the bill
would make it extremely difficult to
obtain convictions against dealers who
sold to minors.
Governor Harmon, of Ohio, during
his recent visit to Washington, was
pronounced by a statesman to he a,
striking "double” for cx-Governor
Aldrich, of Rhode Island.
Nearly twice as many women ns men
*re engaged In the industries of Japan.
Oats constitute three-fourths of tho
food upon which the Russian horso
must exist during the 12 months of the
year. Russian oats, however, are far
superior in sustaining power to tha
American r< real. It is uiso claimed
that animals do not become so tlr<d of
Ibis steady diet as they do of the hay
and corn products in the United States.
This statement 1« mode by an Ameri
can with 18 years' experience In horse
breeding and training in Russia.
By thtf/new census 123 farm towns
In Massachusetts show during the last
census decade a drop in population
frrin 203.2:7 to 177,M2.
Woman Who Figured in Denver
Murder Tries to Evade
Chicago, June 10.—Disguised by
means of a fluffy white wig, which,
however, only served to bring out the
roft contours of her face, Mrs. John W.
Springer, wife of the wealthy president
of the Continental Trust company, of
Denver, whose name was connected
ivith the killing of L. Von Phul, the
balloonist, by Frank H. Henwood, is
paid to be hiding in Chicago, prepara
iory to departing for Europe.
Mrs. Springer, who is noted for her
beauty, arrived at the Plaza hotel,
bearing the white marcoled wig, and
registered under an assumed name.
She fled when she learned .she was be
ing sought in conneelion with the di
vorce suit brought hy her husband, as
a result of the murder. She is said to
have decided not to tight the suit. It
is understood that she will remain in
Europe until the case is decided.
Mrs. Springer's identity was disooys
rred by the initials on her trunk, which
were considerably at variance with the
game under which she was registered.
"Are you Mrs. Springer?" she was
She started at the question nnd re
plied: "No, Indeed, I am not.”
When asked her name, she said: "III
is not really necessary that I should
give my name.”
San Francisco Man Shot by Dis
charged Servant, in Danger
ous Condition.
San Francisco, Juno 10. —1The condi
tion of C. Frederick Kohl, prominent
capitalist and club man, who was shot
and dangerously wo nded yesterday bj
Adele Verge, a French maid formed)
in the employ of Mrs. Koht, was slight
ly improved this morning. According
to his physicians, Kohl rested easllj
last night, und it is thought ho may
recover. No effort has been made to
locate or extract the bullet lodged In
his breast, but an examination will
be made today. The woman shot Kohl
because she had been discharged from
his wife’s employ,
Adele Verge spent the night at the
city prison in incorherent prayers for
the recovery of her victim. Hysteri
cal and unnerved, she would only say
in reply to questions that she did not
Saiow why she shot Kohl, nnd did not
vant him to die. Sho declared she had
jought the pistol from which the shot
was fired many months ago as a pro
tection against the detectives she says
Kohl and Frank Miller hired to perse
cute her.
Kohl was well known in eastern
pities because of his financial connec
tion nnd social affiliations. His first
wife was Miss Edith Dunlap, of Phila
delphia, who was married to him in
IS9C, and who died in New York, fol
lowing an operation for appendicitis*
,in 1301.
Kansas Temperance Advocate
Puts Sudden End to the
Atchisois, Kan., June 10—With tile use
,f a rifle and her strong right arm,
jlrs. Tillie McGowan, a temperance ad
rocate, broke up a picnic at which beer
has being served near here last night.
(irs. McGowan was passing the picnic
rounds when one of the “keg party,”
nowing her temperance sentiments,
hldingly invited her to have a drink,
he accepted a cup of the beer, intend
ig to take it. away to use as evidence
Igainst the merrymakers. •
On of the men said she would have
jo drink the beor or give it back. She
jnswered by picking up a stono and
triking the man over the eye with
It. The man grappled with her and in
;he struggle his face was scratched and
Ms shirt badly torn.
Mrs. McGowan then secured a rifle
ind chased one of the party Into the
Missouri river, firing a shot at him, but
missing him. Finally she let the man
iwim ashore nnd apologize. His com
panions had ail fled.
3he Even Tries Going to Churcb
in Effort to Please Her
Atlantic City, N. J.. June 10.—Mrs.
Margaret Gregson amused the police
fourt crowd when she told her story
;o the recorder, the charge being that
Hho was a common scold.
"They are the scolds—the old gos
sips!” said Mrs. Gregson. turning on
Ihp group of women waiting to testify.
"Why. judge, they were always malt
ing slighting remarks about me. I
thought perhaps It was because I
didn’t go to church, so I started to the
meeting house.
"I heard one of the neighbors sav:
‘There, do you see her now? She's
getting awful good and going to
church. Next thing you know she'll be
coming borne drunk in a taxicab."
Recorder Keffer snid he didn't have
time to consider such a large problem,
but that he would impose a fine of HO,
with the alternative of CO days in
Des Moines. Ia.. June 10.—Mrs. Flor
ence Durtt, shot twice last night by
WUliam Hatten after a ouarrel with
Mrs. Hatten, died today. All are
negroes. Hatten escaped.
Washington. June 10.—President Taft
arrived from New York this morning.
Secretary Hilles did not accompany
him, having gone from New York to
Dublin, N. H., for a week's stay wltn
Secretary of the Treasury MacVoagn
at the latter's country home.
“Tommy” Foulkes Convinces
Jury That She and Her Bro
ther Swindled Him.
Chcago, Juno 9.—Thomas Foulkes, a
Danbury, la., the wealthy farmer win
has been prosecuting his forme)
fiancee, Sllss Lodavlne Miller, and hei
brother. Attorney J. Marion Miller, ot
charges of defrauding him out of $1I,
ST2 and two farms, won his case to
day In the criminal court. A Jury to
day returned a verdict of guilty
against the girl and her brother.
Foulkes told a remarkable tala oi
what he characterized us u "financial
wooing.” He said lie bought kisses
and caresses from the object of Ills
affections with loans of from $50 to
$000. and that after he had lost the
amount of money named In his suit,
and after his two farms had followed
the money, his charmer had advised
him to go to California, read the blhle
constantly and marry a widow. Ho
added that It took him six- years to
discover that Ills affections were not
The attorney. Miss Miller's brother,
'was accused of being the one who
planned the alleged raid on Foulkes1
heart and purse.
Street Collections Being Slow
Army Captain Takes Job
as Painter.
Webster City, la., June 9.—Captain
Norman Foster, who has charge of tno
local post of the Salvation army. Is
made of different kind of stuff than
many a man of the cloth. The hot
season Is coming on, crowds are small,
likewise collections and also a de
posed army captain has started an In
dependent mission here. And so Cap
tain Porter, has decided that a man
can work at somo trade during the
daytime and run the Salvation army
evenings. He has accepted a position
as painter and Is working at this trade,
maintaining his family on his wages
and the army upon Its collections. His
spirit is much appreciated by Webstei
Cltr people.
IOWA CITY, IA.—Gill Irish, aged
70 years, identified since the date of Its
organization, with the Johnson Coun
ty Old Settlers' association, Is dead,
hero from old age. ,
DAVENPORT, IA.—Anthony Bur
dick. for 25 years presldent-of the First
National bank of Davenport, and who
retired recently to be succeeded by for
mer Congressman A. F. Dawson, died
here after a continued Illness.
LYONS, NEB.—Mrs. Ed Luebke, who
died at her home southwest of here
on Monday, was buried this afternoon
at the German Lutheran cemetery.
Rev. J. P. Knehnert preaching the
funeral. She died from heart trouble.
YANKTON, D.—Henry O. Burgl.
for 20 years chief clerk In the Yankton
postoffice, died very sudenly of tumor
on the brain. He was prominent In
Modern Woodmen and M. B. A. lodges..
He loaves a wife and two daughters,,
Bessie, who is 14. and Doris, who Is 13.
By a Unanimous Vote Druggists
Pick This City for
Davenport. Ia., June ».—Cloux City
was given the unanimous vote of the
Iowa Pharmaceutical association for its
1912 convention. Communications were
read from the local Sioux City assoc
iation and the Commercial club. Bur
lington also bid.
The new officers elected are: Pres
ident, H. F. Reed, Ottumwa; first vice
W'U Lago. Davenport; second. Daniel
Hans. Dubuque; third. A. J. Hllmer,
Mason City; secretary, A1 Falkenhaln*
er, Algona; treasurer, J, M. Llndly,
present secretary. The new executive
committee consists of Frank Shane, El
don; Milo Johns, Clinton, and George
Peterson, Storm Lake.
--- -—«
MASON CITY, IA.—News was re
ceived In this city this morning of the
marriage in Chicago of Mrs. Katherine
Shea, for a number of years connected
•with the First National bank, of this
city, to James Francos Lane. Mrs.
Shea is a woman of most delightful
SNY’DEIJ, NEB.—Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Bogelt, Hr., celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary yesterday. Four
children and 22 grandchildren were
present at the affair. Mr. and Mrs.
Bogelt, sr.. are natives of the province
of Hanover, Germany. They located
in Cuming county, Nebraska, in 1874.
MARATHON, IA.—Roy A. Jarnignn,
nssistant postmaster at Cedar Falls,
and Miss June Allison, of this place,
were united In marriage last evening
at 6 o’clock at the home of the bride,
with Rev. A. H. Bryan, pastor of the
Methodist church, officiating. The ring
ceremony was used and Miss Rutli
loftier, of Marshalltown, cousin of the
bride, acted as bridesmaid while Mrs.
Abe Gnrloek, of Plover, a former room
mate of the bride, was the maid of
honor. Claude Jarnigan,, manager of
tin* Dos Moines Capital, brother of
the groom, acted as best man.
Rockwell City, Ia.. June 9.—One of
the most interesting features ever of
fered by the county work of the Your.g
Men’s Christian association is the
training camp which opened today on
picturesque east bank of North Lake,
at Twin Lakes, seven miles north of
By the end of the week there will be
between 100 and 120 boys from Cal
houn, Sac, Green and Buena Vista
counties in camp.
The camp will break up about Juns
.--.... ' ..'Jg*
i---7--f f
Eoot Amendment, Modifying
the Paper Clauses, Is Put
in Measure.
Washington. June 9.—The Canadian
reciprocity bill was acted upon today
by tho Senate finance committee and
will bo reported Tuesday without rec
ommendation. The Root amendment
to the print paper and wood pulp
provision was adopted by the cominlt
teo btf a vote of 8 to 8.
An attempt to authorize an unfavor
able report resulted in a tie vote and
another marked the effort to report
without recommendation before that
result was accomplished.
The votes on the measure were a
surprise to members of the Senate. It
had been generally believed that tho
finance committee would shift respon
sibility to the Senate, leaving the real
fight to bo waged on the floor. At the
last moment the opposition In the com.
mlttee seemed to solidify.
Nelson Amendments Beaten.
The committee met In executive ses
sion today and Immediately proceeded
to vote on amendments. The first;
modification offered was by Senator
Nelson, of Minnesota, which would
have reduced. Instead of removing,
duties on live stock and farm prod
ucts. It was defeated without a roll
call, and the same fato was meted out
to the House free list bill. The latter
provision was formally offered by Sen
ator Halley and received only Ills vote
and those of Mr. Simmons and Mr.
Kern. Ail amendment by Simmons to
include flour and meats In the free list
also was voted down.
The Root amendment requiring th#
pdmision of American wood pulp and
jiaper Into Canada free of duty, then
pas voted Into the bill without discus
sion. The vote was as follows:
Yeas—I.odge, Smoot. Oallinger, Clark
IWyo.), Hepburn and I.a Follette, re.
►ublleans, and Halley and Simmons,
democrats. ;
Nays—Penrose. Cullom, and McCum
ber, republicans, and Stone, Kern and
Williams, democrats.
On a motion for a favorable report
[lie vote stood t! to 8, and on the
lucceeding motion for an unfavorable
report there wa_ a tie, 7 to 7. The
tame result at first followed a motion
[or a report without recommendation,
jut Senators Oallinger, Bailey and Sim
mons, who at first cast their ballots
In the negative, ultimately changed and
thus allowed the bill to go to tho Sen
tto without recommendation whatever.
t>y a voto of 10 to four. Senator John
son. of Maine, was absent.
Senator Williams, of Mississippi, then
noved that Chairman Penrose be auth
jrized to report the bill at today's ses
fion of the Senate, but the motion re
felved only the votes of Williams,
ptono and Korn. Several minority re
ports are expected, and ns It was do
tlred that they should be presented!
wit h the majority report. It was de-'
•lded to postpone until Tuesday tha
jrcscntatlon of any of them.
Elliott Confirmed.
Washington. June 9.—James D. El
iott was yesterday confirmed by th*
Senate to bo federal Judge for Soutlj
Secretary of Agriculture, i»
Speech at Detroit, Pleads for
Trade With Canada.
Detroit, June 9.—Secretary of Agrl-'
•ulturo 'Wilson, addressing the board of
iommerce here on the Canadian ugree-i
aient. today said reciprocity is a move-;
aient for more markets for the prod-,
lets of diversified industry from field!
mil factory, and an enlargement of tho,
policy of half a century that has made
>ur homo market, and brought the;
'armors' customers nearer tho field.
•'Canada Is our second best customer!
bow," said he. "We havd sold to her
,n the Inst five years about J500.000.00tt
.vortli more of goods than we bought
Iroin her. mostly factory goods. We
(oed the factory people from our fields.
There is no prosperity for tho farm
If other industries languish. The Amer
ican watchword should still be, 'More
factories and more diversified Indus-)
fries,' ns it lias been for half a cen-,
fury. The farm will feed tlie factory.1.
Secretary Wilson said that 50 years
Bgo the American farmer had no home
markets in which to sell his surplus
product. He arranged for a homo mar
ket by protecting all diversified indus
Iries. Tills brought him to tho homai
market, the best in the world. But now
population has outgrown production
from the farm in some eases am#
.hreatens to outgrow it in others.
troops comTngIhome
Washington. June 9.—As evidence of
(’resident Taft's belief that peace has
(men practically restored in Mexico,
ivlth a stable government capable of
roping with tlie situatiorf, the with
drawal by degrees of the armed forces
of the Cnited States from tho doors of
ff.exlco has begqn.
Tlie first order refers to the 2.000
marines at Guantanamo. Cuba, who
a ill return to their home stations and
Even tlie maneuver division at San
Antonio, in the light of favorable de
velopments in the recent war tprn reo;
public, will be split Into several units
' mid distributed throughout Texas. As
i a matter of precaution, however, the
iivision will be arranged so that it can
! lie, quickly assembled to meet any
• emergency. The warships at Guantan
limo and San Diego will not be with
drawn at this time, although even that
luestlon is under consideration.
Toklo, June 9.—Following exchanges
Between the American embassy and
:he foreign office. It has been decided
: fhat a local Japanese court shall try
John l:f. Atkins, a sailor of tho Amer
ican cruiser Saratoga, who fatally
wounded John L. Saunders, a blue
jacket of the New Orleans, during la
fight at the American naval hospital
jm Yokohama last Sundav