Received H if heat Award World’* Pure Food Expoaition knew His Cue. "She told him that she must not see Um any more.” • "What did be do?” "Turned out the gas.” Exchange. The very beet, ndvice: lake Garfield Tea whenever a laxative is needed. Runs on the Bank of England. Even the Hank of England has not >een entirely free from runs nor from |he necessity of saving Itself by strategy. In 1745, for Instance, It was forced to employ agents to present notes, which were paid as slowly as possible in sixpences, fho cash being Immediately brought In by another Boor and paid in again, while anxious holders of notes vainly tried to se cure attention. In 1825, too. only the accidental discovery of 700,000 £1 notes saved the bank from stopping payment.—London Chronicle. CURED HER BABY OF ECZEMA "I can’t tell In words how happy tho word ‘Cutlcura’ sounds to me, for it cured my baby of Itching, torturing eczema. It first came when she was botweon three and four weeks old, appearing on her head. I used every thing imaginable and had one doc tor’s bill after another, but nothing cured It. Then the eczema broke out io badly bohind her ear that I really thought her ear would come off. For months I doctored It but to no avail. Then it began at her nose and her eyes were nothing but sores. I had to keep her In a dark room for two weeks. The doctor did no good, so I •topped him coming. “For about two weeks I had used Cutlcura Soap for her overy day, then I got a box of Cutlcura Ointment and began to use that. In a week there was a marked improvement. In *11 I used two cakes of Cutlcura Soap *nd one box of Cutlcura Ointment and my baby was cured of the sores. This was last November: now her hair Is growing out nicely and she has not a scar on her. I can not praise Cutl cura enough, I can take my child any where and people are amazed to see her without a sore. From tho time •he was four weeks old until she was three years she was never without the terrible eruption, but now, thanks to Cutlcura, I have a well child.” (Sign ed) Mrs. If. E. Householder, 2004 Wil helm St., Baltimore, Md., May 10, 1910. UP TO ALFRED. 1/ .'"T TTT5P Angel food cakes seldom make boys angelic. A good way to keep well is to take Otis field tea frequently. It Insures good health. A Success. Byker—I attended a successful sleight-of-hand performance last night. Pyker—Really. Byker—Yes. I lent a conjurer a counterfeit half dollar and he gave me back a good one. No Need to Be Good. A little Shaker Heights girl sue prised her parents last week by refus ing to be scared Into being good. "It’s no use telling mo Santa Claus won’t come, or that the angels will write It down in their book If I’m naughty( mamma,” she said. "I might, as well tell you that they think up In heaven that I’m dead.” "But why should they think that, dear?” "Because I haven’t said my prayers for two weeks.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. How Pat Proved It. An Irishman was once serving in a regiment In India. Not liking the climate, Pat tried to evolve a trick by which he could get home. Accordingly he went to the doctor and told him his eyesight was bad. The doctor looked at him lor a while and then said: “How can you prove to me that your eyesight Is bad?” Pat looked about the room and at last said: “Well, doctor, do ye see that nail on the wall?" "Yes,” replied the doctor. “Well, then," replied Pat, “I can't” —Chicago Tribune. Always Worrying. The late John H. Barker of Mich igan City, who left a fortune of over $30,000,000 to his 14-year-old daughter, was strongly opposed to speculation. “Do not speculate,” Mr. Barker once said In an address to young men. "Speculators stand on shaky ground They know no peace.” Mr. Barker smiled. “In fact,” he said, “a speculator !• always worrying about the money market, while his wife Is always wor rylng about the market money.’’ In Boston. Mrs. Beans—How rapidly Emerson grows! Mrs. Tod—Yes; he will be In short specs very soon.—Harper's Bazar. Great Home Eye Remedy, for all diseases of the eve, quick relief from using PETTIT’S EYE SALVE. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y, Policy. He—Darling, I would die for yon! She—Dearest, do you carry much Insurance? Many people have receding gums. Rub Hamlins Wizard Oil on gums and stop the decay; chase the disease germs with a mouth wash of a few drops to a spoonful of water. , In the fulfillment of duty we have a sense of blessedness, even In hours of weariness and simple endurance.— Taylor. ONI.Y ONK "BROMO OiriTaNK." Thai Is LAXATIVB BROMO GU1N1NK. Poo* fo» the (stgimturo of N. \V (JHOvK. Used the World over to t ure a Cold In One Day. 25c. Many men enjoy a dry smoke. Whj not a dry drink? Garfield Tea has brought good health to thousands! Unequaled for constipation. Too often sermons have too much length and too little depth.—Judge. She—I know, Alfred, I have my faults. lie—Oh, certainly. She (angrily)—Indeed? Perhaps 'oil'll tell me what they are! Don’t worry about your complexion— lake Garfield Tea, the blood purifier. Happiness grows at our own fire side and is not to he picked in stran gers’ gardens.—Douglas Jerrold. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription Is the best of all medicines for the cure of diseases, disorders and weaknesses peculiar to women. It is the only preparation of its kind devised by a regularly gradu ated physician—an experienced and skilled specialist in aificent diploma given by the Tri-State Board of Examiners at the Fair held in Cincinnati last fall for agricultural dis play by Canada. The Surveyor-General of Canada has (ust completed a map showing that a large area of land was surveyed last year in the northern portion of Sas katchewan and Alberta in order to ha ready for the rush of homesteaders to that district during the coming spring and summer. It is understood sun * reys covering several hundreds o| t thousands of acres will be made in addition to these during the coming summer. A return just issued by the Domin ion Lands Branch shows that 48,251 homestead entries were made Iasi 4 year as compared with 37,061 in 1909} 1 of this 48,257, 14,704 were made by Americans. North Dakota coming first on the list with 4,810, Minnesota gives 1,528, South Dakota 1,133, Wisconsin T45, Washington 730, Michigan 706, Jowa 645, while other states show less, hut with the exception of Delaware, District of Columbia and the Indian Territory, every state and territory contributed. The prospects for an abundant cro& tn all parts of Western Canada for 1911 are said to be excellent. In the districts that required it there was an ample rainfall last autumn, and the snowfall during the present winter is greater than in many previous years. Both are essential factors to the farm ers, who look upon the moisture that these will produce as being highly beneficial. A large immigration from the United States is expected, and the demand for literature and information from the va rious Government Agencies located al different points in the States is the greatest it has ever been. Since the above was written word has been received that in addition td honors won at Columbus, Ohio, Cana da won first and second on wheat and first and second on oats, as well as diplomas. Norman Cherry of Davis, Saskatch. ewan, who was in the reserve for first on wheat, secured the award, with G, H. Hutton of Lacomhe, Alberta, seo< ond. J. C. Hill & Sons got first on oats besides the silver trophy. G. tb Hutton took second in oats. WISE GIRL. "I suppose your sister is busily pre paring lor her wedding?” “Yes, she is up in her room now de stroyiug all her old letters.” Musi yon's Cold Remedy Relieves the head, throat and lungs almost Immediate ly. Checks Fevers, stops Discharges ot the nose, takes away all aches and pains caused l>v colds. It cures Grip and ob stinate Cough- and prevents Pneumonia. Write Prof. Muuyon, .Vlrd and Jefferson v Sts.,' Phils.. Pa., lur medical advice ot« solutely tree.