The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 17, 1910, Image 1

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(Everything You Want!
? ^ For Thanksgiving
Oysters, Celery, Cranberries and
Mincemeat. Nuts of every kind.
Dates, Figs and good Cider. Radishes
Lettuce, Cucumbers, fresh Tomatoes
and Green Onions. Olives. Pickles,
sweet, sour and dill. Bananas,
Apples and Oranges.
l j
Bhing that is good to eat. Your order
ppreciated and promptly delivered.
_ _-A ' _
FARM LOANS. See R. H. Parker.
The time for Xmas Photos is now.
—Phelps. 18-5
Dr. Devine resident dentist. Phone
175. 18-tf
The time for Xmas Photos is now
—Phelps. 18-5
The time for Xmas Photos is now.
—Phelps. 18-5.
Some bargins in real estate, close in.
— Pall & Co. 50-tf
Subscribe for The Frontier, only
#1.50 per year.
Large list of town property for sale.
—Hall & Co. 50-tf
Don’t forget the great shoe sale for
two weeks at Sullivan’s. 22-2
For Rent—A good six room house,
C. M. Daly, O’Neill Nebr. 22-1.
Go to Gallagher’s store on Saturday
and enjoy a cup of hot coffee. 22-1
Hot coffee served at Gallagher’s
store on Saturday, November 19th.
C. E. Havens of Atkinson transact
ed business in this city last Monday.
For Rent—Two good living rooms,
over the U. S. Land office.—Mrs,
Julia Cameron. 22 lp.
When you wish to purchase a watcl
or jewelry of any kind go to Graves
his prices are always right. 4-tf
Money to loan on improved farms
No Waiting, money paid when yoi
sign the papers.—Hall & Co. 50-tf
A Sacrifice Sale on shoes for th<
next two weeks. Bargains in every
thing you buy at Sulltvansstore. 22-:
Mrs. 0. E. Stout went down t<
Omaha last Wednesday morning t<
spend a few days visiting relatives
Dr. Corbett in O’Neill every Mon
day, Tuesday, Wednesday ano Thurs
day, except the second week of eacl
month. 16tf.
You forget your friends unless yoi
have their Photo. Don’t be forgotten
The time for Xmas Photos is now
—Phelps. 18-,
Mrs. J. L. Flucky returned to he
home in Omaha last Wednesday afte
a weeks visit at the home of he
brother, William Gaghagan at hi
home north of the city.
I Phone 150 for early orders for your
Ducks, Turkeys, and Geese.—The
New Market, Shoemaker Brothers,
Proprietors. 22-1 :
Why pay rent when you can get 1
money to build on small payments
Call at the office of C. E. Hall for full
particulars. 52-tf
Fred Wood and Miss Blanche Wag- i
ers, both of Page, were granted a mar- l
riage licenie by County Judge Malone 1
last Monday !
Shenkbergs teas, coffes and canned
fruits and vegetables demonstrated at
J. P. Gallagher’s store on Saturday,
November 19. 22-1
Graves handles jewelry of all kinds
and does jewelry repairing. All work
guaranteed. Handles kodaks and
kodak supplies. 4-tf
Wanted—To rent an improved farm ’
of 160 or 320 acres, with good house 1
and other buildings, for crop rent— 1
Address Lock Box 1, Inman, Neb. 2-4p 1
Many a friendship has waned for the j
want of a little thing like the ex
change of a Photo. The time for
Xmas Photos is now.—Phelps 18-5. 1
Think of me when you get ready to
borrow some money on your farm,
ranch or city property. 21-6mo
R. H. Parker, Land Agent, ONeill
Lame back comes on suddenly and
is extremely painful. It is caused by
rheumatism of the muscles. Quick
relief is afforded by applying Chamb
erlain’s liniment. Sold by all dealers.:
A milliion dollar sale at Sulliv
ans Store for the next two weeks,
i The greatast bargains ever seen will
i be in the shoe department. This sale
i will last only two weeks at Sullivan’s
Store. 22-2
C. P. Hancock, the efficient asslst
- ant cashier of the O’Neill National
i bank, was passing the cigars around
to his numerous friends last Monday
, upon the arrival of a son at his home
that morning.
Union Thanksgiving services will be
> held in the Methodist church on
r Thursday evening of next week. Ser
r mon by the Rev. Mr. Ralston, pastor
r of the local iPresbyterian church.
i Everybody is most cordially invited to
Madame LeArmant Brown, the as
irologtst who gave readings at the
Evans Hotel in 1907, is with us again
it The Simmons Hotel for a few
lays. Fees 50c or 91.00 complete,
flours 0 a. m. to 9:30 p. m.
Last wei k George Hansen sold to
Uphonse Bouse eighty acres of land
adjoining Mr. House’s farm near Meek
or 940 per acre. Considering the dis
,ance from town this is about the top
>rice paid for land in that section.
Wayne Herald: The remains of Mrs<
Sarah Beams were brought from
3’Neill to Wayne yesterday for burial.
Hr. and Mrs. Beams were among the
larliest settlers of Wayne county, re
noving from here to O’Neill about
iwelve years ago.
When a cold is settled in the system,
t will take several days’ treatment to
sure it, and the best remedy to use is
lhamberlain’s cough remedy. It will
sure quicker than any other, and also
eaves the system in a natural and
lealthy condition. Sold by all dealers.
The old, old story, told times with
>ut number, and repeated over again
or the last 36 years, but it is always a
welcome story to those in search of
lealth—There is nothing in the world
ihat cures coughs and colds as quickly
is Chamberlain s cough remedy. Sold
ay all dealers. 22-2
Clyde Mather, was in town Tuesday
and shipped two of bis blooded Poland
Dhina hogs to hog raisers living near
McCook, Neb. Clyde’s herd has quite
i reputation among “good hog men"
ihroughout the state and The Fron
tier is pleased to see this recognition
)f Holt ccunty stock.
Dick Johnson was down from Stuart
last Monday. Dick does not feel very
well over the way the election went
in the state, and as a result passed
aver a few of his hard earned sheckels
to a few of the boys In this city whc
were better guessers on the outcome
of the election than he was.
Two Great Annual Events in Chicago,
The international live stock expo
sition Nov. 26th-Dec 3rd, and U. S,
Land and irrigation exposition, Nov,
19th-Dec. 4th. For full particulars
apply to anv ticket agent of The
North Western Line. 21-3
Many school children suffer from
constipation, which is often the cause
of seeming stupidity at lessons. Cham
berlain’s stomach and liver, tablets
are an ideal medicine to give a child,
for they are mild and gentle In their
effect, and will cure even chronic con.
stlpatlon. Sold by all dealers. 22-2
Croup Is most prevalent during the
dry cold weather of the early winter
months. Parents of young ohildren
should be prepared for it. All that is
needed is a bottle of Charberlains’s
Cough Remedy. Many mothers are
never without it in their homes and it
has never dissapointed them. Sold by
all dealers. 22-2
Patrick Brennan returned last Tues
day evening from Omaha where he
had been the past month receiving
medical treatment in a hospital in
that city. Mr- Brennan has improv
ed considerably and expects to be his
old self again in a few days, which
will be pleasing news to his many
Holt county friends.
If you are interested in buying an
automobile, right now is the time to
buy, as we have a new price of 1780 for
the Ford Car complete with top and
all equipments. This car sold last
year for $1,050, and now the price is
*780. Call and see us and we will show
you the car and give you a ride. R.
H Parker & Walter Wyant, O’Neill,
Nebraska. 22-3
J. H. McPharlin was up from the
southwestern part of the county last
Monday an£ bad this offioc turn him
out some sale bills for a sale he will
hold on November 23, at his ranch in
Swan township. Jim is disposing of
his personal property and will move
his family to this city so that his chil
dren will have the benefit of O'Neill’s
splendid schools.
Ed Turnpole, alias Ed Trumpohl of
Wheeler county, was arrested the first
of the week on a warrant sworn to by
W. E. Varney, who alleges in the
complaint that on or about June 12,
1910 the said Turnpole willfully and
maliciously set out a prairie fire that
destroyed an ash grove and other
trees upon the farm of the plaintiff,
the northwest quarter of section 27,
township 25, range 11, damaging said
trees to the extent of $500. Turnpole
was before J udge Malone last Wednes
day and waived preliminary examin
ation and was bound over to the dis
trict court, bond being fixed at 1500,
which was given. The penalty for the
offense is a fine of $100 and three
months in the county jail.
Creighton Liberal: Miss Helen Mc
Caiferty came down from Winnetoon
Saturday afternoon and visited her
sister Anna who is teaching in Logan
Township. Helen has just finished a
term of school in the Scheer District
and will visit at her home in O’Neill
until after the holidays when she will
return to complete the term. She
went up to O’Neill Wednesday morn
For Sale.
One span of five year old mares,
sound and gentle and true to pull.
22-1 Frank Campbell.
Mis. Catherine Cook, one of the
pioneer residents of this county died
last Monday morning at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Cassie Kennedy,
at Jersey City, N. J., where she has
resided the past year.
Deceased was about 90 years of age
and had been in poor health the past
four or five years.
About twenty five years ago the
family moved to this county from
Pennsylvania and located upon a farm
eight miles north of this city where
deceased resided until she moved into
town about two years ago. About a
year ago she went to New Jersey to
make her home with her eldest
daughter. The remains were shipped
to this city arriving here last evening
and the funeral will be held from the
Catholic church tomorrow morning.
Deceased leaves the following children
to mourn her demise, all Of whom will
be present at the funeral: John, Mike
and Henry of this city, Mrs. Kennedy
of Jersey City, Mrs. Margaret Lewis
of Meadow Grove, Mrs. Nellie Mc
Hugh of Aspen, Colo., and Mrs.
Thomas Donohoe of this city.
Official Vote oa Supervisors.
Following is the official vote on
supervisors In the various township*:
First district: Hamr’bg’r, r
Cfeveland.22 1
Dustin.2o H
Pleasant View.18 i»
Rock Falls.39 l«
Sand Creek.42 12
Saratoga..34 45
Total.175 115
Third district: Sullivan, d.
O’Neill, First ward. 71
“ Second ward.M
“ Third ward.49
Fifth district: Adams,r Grimes, d
Chambers.44 79
Conley.14 19
Inman.85 72
Lake.25 23
McClure.25 17
Shamrock.14 15
Total....207 225
Seventh dlst: Simar, r Kaup, d
Atkinson.214 109
Stuart.... 80 180
Total.!.204 289
If you don’t see mv pianos and get
prices before you buy you will not get
the best bargain obtainable.
22 2 Prank Campbell.
Thanksgiving Services.
Thanksgiving Services will be held
In the Methodist church on Thursday
evening of next week, Sermon by the
Rev Mr. Ralston, pastor of the local
Presbyterian church. Everybody is
most cordially invited to attend.
Presbyterian Church Notes.
Mrs A. C. Tehner of Dallas, Tex.,
will speak at the evening servioe.
Her topic is not yet known, she lias a
number of lectures any of which she
may deliver; whatever she win give
will be inspiring and helpful. Come
fill the house. No admittance charged.
Remember the mornlmg service at
10:30, worship with sermon, by pastor.
Sunday school topic Is “Jesus in
Gethsemane.’’ ., . I ■
Headquarters for Thanksgiving dinner specialties
We have a complete line of what you will want I
for your Thanksgiving dinner, such as: I
Fresh Lettuce, Radishes, Spinach, Celery, Cranberries, |
Crapes, Cuban Pineapples, Jonathan and
Winesap Apples, Figs, Dates, New York
Sweet Cider, Grapefruit, Sweet
Potatoes, Hubbard Squashes,
Bananas, Oranges, Etc,
We have a nice line of A. B. C. maraschino
cherries, preserves, olives, pickles, salad dressing.
We have a complete stock of the good things of
the season, and will appreciate a trial order.
We sell A. B. C. coffees and teas; also the White
House teas, coffees an spices.