The Frontier. VOLUME XXXI. O’NEILL. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11,1910 NUMBER 8 NEffS SANS WHISKERS Local News of O'Neill as Caught by Our Reporter. RATHER INTERESTING NOTES General Items of News Rounded Up and Published While News is Still News. Up-to-date job printing at The Frontier. C. W. Moss was down from Atkin son Tuesday. Subscribe for The Frontier, only $1.50 per year. W. T. Fisher of Randolph was in the city last Sunday. Some bargins in real estate, close in. —Hall & Cn. 50-tf Dr. Corbett will be in O’Neill, Aug. 29, 30, 31 and Sept. 1st. Large list of town property for sale. —Hall & Co. 50-tf Pat Stanton of Tilden was in the city Wednesday attending the race meet. Second Hand dollar's exchanged ror Jewelery, at Grave’s Jewelery Siore. 46-tf A good sized di legation of Page cit izens were in ttie city Wednesday at tending tlie races. Dr. Corbett’s next visit to O’Neill will be August 29, 30, 3t and Septem ber 1st. For Rent—The Dr. Wilson resi dence. For terms call on me at the Convent.—Richard Koch. 8-4-p. When you wish to purchase a watch or jewelry of any kind go to Graves, his prices are always right. 4-tf Miss Susie Lorge came up from Randolph Tuesday evening to spend a few weeks visiting relatives. Money to loan on improved farms. No Waiting, money paid when you sign the papers.—Hall & Co. 50-lf Miss Grace Ward, who has been visiting relatives in Omaha the past mouth, returned home Tnesday even i.»g. Lost—About two weeks ago evening a ladies’ plain gold bracelet. Finder please leave same at this office. A neighboring doctor advertises by circular; ‘T will pay one-half the fun eral expenses where I am not success ful.” Graves handles jewelry of all kinds and does jewelry repairing. All work guaranteed. Handles kodaks and kodak supplies. 4-tf Mfyron Keene of Elm Creek, Buffalo county, was in the city last Tuesday on business before the United States land office. wny pay rent wnen you can get money to build on small payments ' Call at the office of C. E. Hall for full particulars.—C. E. Downey. 52-tf John A Robertson of Joy is now the possesser of a dandy Overland touring car and he handles the wheel like an expert. Neil Hagerty and Miss May Con noughton, both of this city, were granted license to wed by Judge fita lone Monday last. Miss Constance Adams arrived from Hastings last Thursday night and will spend a few weeks vfsiting rela tives and friends here George A Stevens, president of the Moline Plow Company, of Moline, 111., was in the city several days last week visiting O’Neill friends. Harold B. Rosenkransof Dorsey and Miss Alma E. Aim of Minneola were granted a marriage license by County Judge Malone last Monday. John Marlow of Almeriaand Henry Eby of Blake, Loup county, were in the city Monday on a contest before the United States land office. * Pound—In the post office, a gold watch fob also a ladies pin. Owners can have same upon identification and paying for this notice —R. J. Marsh, P. M. Jupge G. T. Dickinson came up from Omaha Tuesday afternoon to spend a few days visisting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. S. J. Weekes. Another splendid rai? visited this county Wednesday evening and prac 1 ically insures the corn crop. A little over one inch of water fell in the two hours of rain fall Miss Mae Hunt and brother, Thomas, came up from Omaha Tues day evening to take in the race meet and spend a few weeks visiting rela tives and friends. F. A. Broad well of Omaha, former ly clerk of the district court of Doug las county, and Adolph English of Pender were in the city last Sunday vlsiLiug the Bowen boys. Miss Helen Norris of Omaha arriv ed in the city Tuesday evening for a few weeks visit at the hour.' of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mc Laughlin, and other relatives here. Services will be held in the United Evangelical Church, live miles north west of O’Neill, Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Sermon by Rev. T. S. Wat son. All neighbors and friends are cordially invited. Another splendid rain visited this county last Sunday night and a splendid corn crop is now practically assuied. The rainfall in this city was about an inch, while northwest of the city it was much heavier. For sale—Horse, buggy and harness; horse gentle, good roadster. Have al so a second hand buggy and set of good double harness to sell. Will sell at a bargain if taken at once.—L E. Cars callen. 8-tf L. E. Carscallen and “Casey” Chase took in the G. A. R. reunion and ball games at Lynch last week. The boys say that the ball games were good, that a large crowd attended the re union and everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. If your liver is sluggish and out of tone, and you feel dull, bilious, consti pated, take a dose of Chamberlain,s Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight oefore retiring and you will feel all right in the morning. Sold by all Dealers. 7-4 in buying a cough medicine, don’t ae afraid to get Chamberlain’s Cough Ramedy. There is no danger from it, ind relief is sure to follow. Especially recommended for coughs, colds and whooping cough. Sold by all Deal jrs. 7-4 When a mau points a gun at you, knock him down. Don’t stop to look if it is loaded, but knock him down md don’t be at all particular wliat you do it with. If there is going to ae a coroner’s inquest, let it be over the other fellow, he won’t be missed. A Good Home For Sale Cheap. A wmfortable six room house and two icres of splendid land, excellent well, pump etc. Just outside the incorpor ition, in tile O’Neill town school dis trict. An ideal home for a retired farmer. C. M. Daly, 7-3 O’Neill, Nebr. The merchants of a town should jomblne to keep every foreign ad out jf their home paper by buying all the ipace the editor has to spare and uti lize it for their own good. This would place the editor under obligations to them and he could freely and conscien tiously blow the trumpet in their in terest only. Be sure and take a Buttle of Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with you when starting on your trip this summer. If cannot be pbtaiued on board the trains orsteam ers. Changes of water and climate jften cause sudden attacks of diar rhoea. and it is best to be prepared. Sold by all Dealers. 7-1 Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wolf returned from Sheridan, Wyoming, last Friday morning and are visiting at the home it Mr. Wolf’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sami Wolf, east of this city. », 2:2(1, 2:1!) %. Punning race half mile and repeat: purse $HK). llattle McCann.2 1 1 Marshall Dunn. 1 2 2 Harnctta.3 3 ltegeuo.4 4 Time: .52, .5114, .51. To-morrow (Friday) promises to be one of the best days of the meet as the free for all pace is on the pro gram and promises to be one of the best races of the meet. You can not afford to miss it, if you enjoy seeing tlie horses go. St. Paul's Church. Services for next Sunday, August 14, the twelfth Sunday after Trinity, Sunday school at 10 a.m., morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. m. Other meetings as usual. Clyde King, who has been visiting relatives here the past three weeks, left for his home at Moline, Illinois, Wednesday morning. Dan Gielus, state game warden, and one of his deputies, were in the city several days last week looking after violaters of the game law, but as far as we can learn they did not catch any one fracturing the law in this neigh borhood .