The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 14, 1910, Image 1

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Local News of O'Neill as Caught by
Our Reporter.
General Items of News Rounded Up
and Published While News
is Still News.
“Phelps Finishes Film’s.”
Farm Loans. See R. If. Parker.
Up-todate job printing at The
Some bargihs in real estate, close in.
— Hall & Co. 50-tf
.Subscribe for The Frontier, only
$1 50 per year.
Large list of town property for sale.
— Hall & Co. 50-tf
When in doubt buy your shoes at
Alberts’. Ours are guaranteed. 43
Second hand dollar’s exchanged for
Jewelery, at Grave’s Jewelery
.Store. 46-tf
Dr. Corbett’s next visit to O’Neill
will be August 29, 30, 31 and Septem
ber 1st.
Sam Dietrick of Springview was In
town Saturday greeting old timeac
When you wish to purchase a watch
or jewelry of any kind go to Graves,
his prices are always right. 4-tf
L E. Shoemaker of Creighton was
in the city last Sunday visiting at the
home of his son, W. L. Shoemaker.
Money to loan on improved farms.
No Waiting, money paid when you
sign the papers.—Hall & Co. 50-tf
For Rent.—4 rooms in good house,
city water, large garden lot, and
small barn.—R. J. Marsh. 4-2p
List your farms with me to sell. I
sold four places in one week.—R. II.
Parker, Land Agent, O’Neill.
R H. Parker of O’Neill has some
Eastern Money to Loan on farms and
ranches In Holt county. Seehira. 31-26
Why pay rent when you can get
money to build on small payments
Call at tlie office of O. E. Hall for full
particulars.—C. E. Downey. 52-tf
II. P. -Dowling of Grand Island ar
rived in the city yesterday morning
for a few days visit with friends.
Special sale on Swill’s Premium
hams all next week at the New Meat
Market.—Shoemaker Bros., Proprie
Prof. John G. McBride arrived in
the city last Thursday evening and
will spend his vacation at the family
Dell Akin was down from Atkinson
^ last Saturday attending a meeting of
the republican county central com
We will have another special sale on
Swift’s hams next week. The New
Meat Market, Shoemaker Bros., Pro
The Royal Neighbors will give an
icecream social in Brennan’s park,
Thursday evening, July 21. Every
body is invited.
Strayed—From my slaughter house
on Monday, July 11, one red heifer
branded on left side.—W. L. Shoe
maker, O’Neill.
Graves handles jewelry of all kiuds
and does jewelry repairing. All work
guaranteed. Handles kodaks and
kodak supplies. 4-tf
Pulaska Reed and Miss Sarah Brown,
both of Page, were married by County
Judge Malone at the county court
room last Tuesday.
“Phelps Finishes Film’s.”
About the Big Murder Sale
a. toYTstore
Men’s shirts, overalls, ties, clothing
and shoes for men and boys at bar
gain prices. Groceries will also be
sold during this sale at bargain
Don't fail to call, get our prices and see our stock. We can save
you money. Old Post Office Building.
“Phelps Finishes Film’s."
: Miss Mable Snyder, who lias been
visiting friends at Chicago and other
eastern poinls the past month, re
turned home Monday evening.
Mr and Mrs. James Mullen return
ed Tuesday fiom Excelsior Springs,
Mo., where they had been the past
month enjoying the waters of that
famous resort.
Found, on the streets of O’Neill
Wednesday afternoon a package con
taining red mosquito netting. Owner
can have same by calling at this of
fice and paying for this notice.
Services will be held at the United
Evangilical church, live miles north
west of O’Neill, Sunday afternoon at
3 o’clock. Sermon by Rev. T. S Wat
son. All neighbors and friends are
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
Tablets gently stimulate the liver
and bowels to expel posionous matter
cleanse the system, cure constipation
and sick headache. Sold by All
Dealer. 3 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Thomas and
dtughter, Miss Jeanette, and the
Thomas twins left Tuesday morning
for a few weeks visit with relatives
and friends at their old home at Corn
ing, Iowa.
Mrs. Frank Daley, who had been
visiting at the home of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. John Colley in this city
the past two months, left for her
home at Park City, last Thursday
E. P. Shoemaker of The Dalles,
Oregon, arrived in the city last Sat
urday evening and will enter the meat
business in partnership with his
brother, W. L. Shoemaker, under
the firm name of Shoemaker Bros.
Fred Danker of Anoka, Boyd coun
ty, will no the republican candidate
for state senator In this district this
pear. We have known Mr. Danker
for many years and he will make an
ideal representative in the next legis
Workmen commenced laying the
foundation for the Northwestern
passenger station last Monday morn
ng, and as soon as the foundation is
jompleted the brick layers will arrive
md commence work upon the build
ing proper.
A large party of O’Neill young folks
ire enjoying themselves this week on
ihe lakes near Stafford. Theie are
ibout forty young folks in the party
md word comes from the camp that
;hey are all thoroughly enjoying
I have taken charge of the ‘‘Ideal’
Restaurant, formerly run by, Mike
Kirwan, three doors south of the
Dewey Hotel, and I wili endeavor to
•un a first class restaurant. Meals
md lunches at all hours. Give me a
trial — S. L. Thompson.
Soreness of the mucles, whether in
Juced by violent exerise or injury, is '
juickly relieved by the free applica
tion of Chamberlain’s Liniment. This
iniment is equally valuable for mus- (
jular rheumatism, and always affords I
luick relief. Sold by All Dealers. 34. i
Patllarty left this morning for j
ihellsburg, Wis., where he will visit
ais parents and other relatives for a (
couple of weeks. He was accompanied ‘
by Miss Etta Froelich and Miss Irenia
Biglin, who will spend a couple of 1
weeks visiting their school mate, Miss 1
Lizzie Harty. '•
The Frontier is receipt of a birth .
announcement from Springfield, 111.,
which announces that a son was born (
to Lieut, and Mrs. Charles Meals on
July 7, 1910. O'Neill friends of the
proud papa hope that the young man
will live to become commander-in
chief of the American army.
I —I—I 1 <
Mid Summer
I 1
A new and complete line of Voile
skirts, suitable for hot weather, beau
tiful styles, as represented by the
above cuts, $8,00 to $12.00.
Also a very nice assortment of the
new Dutch Wash Suits, just what you
want for the picnic parties, lawn
socials, auto suits dnd an ideal suit
for the races.
Come early and get you choice. These
magnificent suits will be sold at $5.
No other price, every suit $5.00.
House dresses, all colors, very neatly
made, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00.
P. J. McManus
‘“Phelps Finishes Film’s.”
Tlie world’s most successful medi
cine for bowel complaints is Cham
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. It has relieved more
pain and suffering, and saved more
lives than any other medicine in use.
Invaluable for children and adults.
Sold by All Dealers. 3-4.
C. E. Hall, who has been confined
to his home the past three weeks with
a severe attack of kidney trouble, was
able to be up town for the first time
Monday. While a long ways from be
ing well Charley says that lie is rap
idly gaining and expects to regain his
old-time strength in a short time.
A. IT. Poe, who removed to Tulsa,
Oklo., last spring where he opened a
meat market, was in the city Monday
and went to Page Tuesday for a few
days visit at the home of his daughter.
Mr. Poe has disposed of his meat
business in Oklohoma and will prob
ably locate in some other town in that
Dr. A. H. Corbett will leave the
first of the week for Denver where
lie goes to attend the Nation Dental
association as a delegate from the
Nebraska Dental association. lie ex
pects to spend about a month in Col
orado looking after business matters
and enjoying himself at the various
summer resorts
Another splendid rain visited this
county last evening, the rainfall in
the north half of the county being the
heaviest of the season. Farmers are
busy this week cutting their oats and
while in some places the grain is so
short that it has to be mowed they
say there are good heads and the grain
is well tilled.
Experiments with Aeroplanes have
now reached a stage where they are
reasonably sure to make flights when
ever called upon to do so. This fact
has been accomplished by the patents
made by Wright Brothers, of Dayton
Ohio, who are to make four flights
each day at the State Fair, Lincoln
Sept. Oth to 9th.
Miss Oora Pixley, accorapauied by
Norman Pixley, left Tuesday morning
for Barnum, Minn., where she will
spend the next two months visiting
her parents. Miss Maud Pixley, who
has been visting here the past month,
left for her home at Irwin, Iowa,
Tuesday accompaning her sister and
nephew as far as Omaha.
We understand that It. E. Saberson,
who was formerly a resident of this
city and later in the lumber business
at Page, was married in Chicago
about three weeks ago to a young lady
from Sioux City. Mr. Saberson is now
located in Chicago, having charge of
the city oilice of the Berkley System
Co., of which he is president.
Teething children have more of less
diarrhoea, which can be controlled by
giving Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is
necesary is to give the prescribed dose
after each operation of the bowels
more then natural and then castor
oil to dense the system. It is safe
and sure. Sold by All Dealers. 3-4.
At a meeting of the republican
county central committee last Satur
day afternoon it was decided to hold
the county convention in this city on
Saturday, July 23. This convention
will select delegates to the state con
vention which will be held in Lincoln
on July 20. It was recommended that
the caucuses in the several precincts
be held on July 18.
When the stomach fails to perform
its functions, the bowels become de
ranged, the liver and the kidneys con
gested causing numerous diseases.
Tlie stomacli and liver must be re
stored to a healthy condition and
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
Tablets can be depended upon to do
it. Easy to take and most effective.
Sold by All Dealers. 3-4,
Did you ever think what your ad
in the newspaper is doing for you?
When you close your store in the even
ing and go home to your family and
lireside, not thinking about your busi
ness at all, then it is that the paper
Is being pored over in hundreds of
homes—the homes from which your
trade is drawn. And there is your ad
doing its work silenty, but surely, and
if you have taken the pains to make
it attractive, its work will be ail the
more attractive. This is repeated over
and over again, and is no doubt what
inspired some writer to call newspa
per advertising a “silent drummer.’’
Matt Verlinden returned Tuesday
evening from a land prospecting trip
into Missouri. While away Mr. Ver
purchased 240 acres of land about
twenty miles from Sedalla, Mo. lie
was favorably impressed with that
country but says he bought the land
more for a speculation than with the
idea of making his future home in the
“show me” state.
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Gillespie and
daughter returned last Saturday
morning from a ten days visit with
relatives in Sheridan county. Loyd
says It has beeu very dry in that sec
tion of the state this year even the
grass in the pastures being all burned
up, and that the dry weather has put
an end to the real estate business in
that country, at least temporarily.
Rev. T. S. Watson, pastor of the
Methodist church, will return from
his vacation this week and ithe usual
services will be held in that church
Sunday, beginning with the class
meeting at 10 a. m. Preaching at
10:30 a. m. and at 8 p m. Sunday
school at the close of the morning
service, and Epworth league service
at 7:15 p.m. Everyone cordially in
vited to these services.
Arthur Ryan and Charles McKenna
returned last evening from the scene
of the niggers vcitory, Reno, Nevada.
Charley did not get to seethe greatest
“fistic event of the century” as he was
operated upon for appendicitis at 11:30
the day of the fight. Considering the
fact that he spent over a week in the
hospital Charley Is looking good and
expects to regain his old time
activity in a few weeks.
Francis Brennan met with a serious
accident last Tuesday afternoon.
While driving a horse attached to a
platform spring wagon the horse be
came scared by a goat, near the Bur
lington round house, ran away throw
ing him from the wagon. When pick
ed up he was unconsious, remaining so
for about a half hour. He sustained
two bad cuts upon the head and was
otherwise bruised. He is now resting
comfortably and will be alright in a
few days.
Col. A. L. Towle, for many years a
resident of this city, holding the po
sition of receiver of the U. S. land
office for eight years, until removed
by GroverJCleveland to make room for
a democrat, died at his hom at Valen
tine last Friday morning after an
Illness of several weeks. Col. Towle
made his home at Valentine the past
six years, removing there
when he was appointed receiver
of the land office at that place. The
Colonel had many warm friends in
this county who will regret to learn
of his death.
W. C. Grimes of Chambers was a
caller at these headquarters last Fri
day. Mr. Grimes returned week be
fore last from Hot Springs where he
bad spent six weeks taking treatment
lor rheumatism. The trip was of
<reat benetit and while he has not en
tirely recovered, he is able to get a
round without the use of crutches and
says that he is improving every day.
One of Mr. Grime’s daughters was up
there visiting him and was taken
down with appendicitis, the operation
being performed up there and she re
turned home with him.
In the Foothills
A Comedy of Ranching days in the
Early Eighties. No Blood
and Thunder. \
Given for the Benefit of
With local talent, under the direct
ion of
Mr. Dean Selah
At the Opera House
Thvirsday, July 28th
Price, 35 and 50 cents.
An Omaha Firm Secures the Con
tract Wednesday Evening.
Anil Expect to Have the System Com
pleted in Ninety Days.
The contract for the construction of
the O’Neill sewer system was let by
the mayor and city oouncll last even
ing to Donohoe A Peterson of Omaha
for $10,507.40.
Five bids were submttcd for tlie
work, that of the successful bidders be
ing but a few dollars lower than that
of the next bidder. The other bids
died were as follows: E. L. Dlmick
Laurel, Nebr., $10,635 00; J. A. Prin
gle Kansas City, Mo., $17,482.70; Doni
gan & Briggs Shenandoah, Iowa,
$18,780.50: II. J. Cathro Omaha, *18,
435.77. Mr. Cathro was the only con
tractor who submitted a bid on the
work the last time and his bid at
that time was approximate $20,000.00.
Contracts were drawn up with the
successful bidders today and they will
commence work as soon as the materi
al can be secured. They figure that
they will be going In full blast by
August 1, and expect to complete the
system in three months. Some idea
of the magnitude of system can be
learned from the fact that it will take
twenty car loads of pipe to complete
the s/stem.
P. W. McGinnis arrived in the city
last Friday evening from Dodson,
Mont., and will spend the next month
visiting relatives and friends here.
Pat is in the employ of the govern
ment working upon a large irrigation
ditch they are building near Dodson
and the appropriation becoming ex
hausted, work was suspended until
Aiuruat. 1st. Mr. McGinnis says It has
been so dry in that section this sum
mer that many of the mountain
streams have dried np.
The Bazelman Lumber Company
are building a cement brick store and
office building on the ground now oc
cupied by their store. The old build
ing will be torn down to make room
for the new one. The building will
be 44x70 feet two stories. The lower
door will be cut into two rooms, one
of which will be their office and the
other occupied by their store. The
front Is being trimmed with pressed
briok and it will make one of the
neatest buildings in the city when
Several young ladles in an Ohio
town have organized an anti-kissing
society and hope to establish branch
orders in every town and county in
the United States. The anti-kissing
socelty may be all right for Ohio, or
Borne other eastern states where the
women are so homely that those of
the masculine persuasion have no de
sire to kiss them but in a county like
Holt or a town like O’Neill, which is
noted for its beautiful young ladies,
there is no danger of the order ever
getting a foothold.
St. Paul's Church.
Services next week.
Sunday July 17th, the eighth Sun
day after Trinity. Sunday school at
10 a. m.
Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11
a. m. No evening service until futh
er notice. A cordial invitation ex
tended to all, especially to those who
are not affiliated with any other
The Choristers League meets every
Friday evening at 8 o’clock.