The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 28, 1910, Image 8

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    r -~ - - - ■ — — -- ■ ——.«r-—
| How Long? I
& -*y .4fcf*R'AvV
How long did you say you had
I been living in that Rented House?
I Years, out of repair, leaks, COLD
1 in winter. Well, do not complain,
1 is your own fault. HELP it; that
I is easy, take your wife’s advice,
^^AcOME up and talk it over with us.
We might be able to help you.
i I Would not a nice new cottage be
I fine for next winter. Think it over,
I get busy.
1 Get our prices on posts, screens,
I I paint and everything else in the
I building line. We will save you
t j money.
I -wr O. O. SNYDER
Low Rate Tours
Spring and Summer 1910
Plan now a 5,000-mile Summer tour of the Coast
See the far west with its diversified sections broadening under scientific cul
tivatlon; visit its incomparable cities with their environment of intensi ve land
wealth. A coast tour Isa broad education and the world’s greatest rail journej
Round trip, central Nebraska to California or Puget Sound, vih
*T 'R ” direct routes, Juue 1st to September 110th.
fSO Round trip on special dates each month from April to July, Inclusive.
$15 Higher one way through California, Portland and Seattle. \
05 One way, eastern and central Nebraska to San Francisco, Los
*r “ Angeles, Sun Diego, 1’ortlund, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, etc., Mar. 1 to April 15.
Proportional rates from your town. Consult nearest ticket agent or write
me freely asking for publications, assistance., stating rather definitely youi
General Passenger Agent
Directors of |
V/ 1 iClli this B&nk
w f 4 direct the affairs of the bank. In £=
IV I ^ I other words, they fulfill the duties u
I VI Si T'fllTlPl I imposed and expected from them
• V MrlrAv/ltAvir* In their official capacity.
„ One of the by-laws of this bank is
|| 1 (and It is rigidly enforced) that no
a LT loan 8ha11 be m»de to any officer or
3 I I I stockholder of the bank.
1 You and your business will be wel
, come here, and we shall serve you
finn nn tothebestoiourabllltyatalltimes
If you are not yet a patron of ours we
want you tocome in, get acquainted
- tlarsital it it it and allow us to be of service to you.
n i%*ia*i&' We weloome the small depositor,
a 5 per cent interest paid on time
■ deposits.
| M. Dowling, pres, O. O. Snvdcr, vice-pres. S. j. Wishes, cashier
Save Work
by using a Stovku Gasoline
Enoine. Made right. Sold right.
Send for Illustrated catalogue
Council Bluffs, la.
General Agents.
|iaia8isiaiaiaiBJBiaij t _jjai@iaiafaiaiaiajsfSi®@raieiai@fsrajai^i5®jarafaiafaiajaifflHfa®g
« 1ms Isnk alma to oonoerve the Interests of its oustomere In every a
honorable way. §
I E. E. Halstead, President. o. f. biglin, vice-president |
| Dlreotori! B. B. Halstead. B. II. Halstead. O. F. Bi*lln.
...... ■—» .ii wr—
(First publication Mar. 31)
Sheriff’s Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale, direct
sd to me from the clerk of the district t
iuurt of Iloll county, Nebraska, on a i
udgment obtained before Judge of c
die District Court of Holt county, Ne- (
jraska, on tlie tirst day of March, 1909, (
n favor of J. S. Walker as plaintiff, (
ind against John F. Brady, County of ;
Holt, Unknown heirs and devisses of >
Hiram Beebe, deceased, Unknown I
heirs and devisses of WinHels S. Rut- |
ter, deceased, Lucy Guy, Edgar Rut- s
ter, W. M Rutter, real name un- i
known, R. A. Rutter, real name un- i
known, and H M Rutter, real name i
unknown, and H. L Putnam, real i
name unknown, and the northwest <
quarter of section 15, township29,
nortli of range 9, west of the 6lh P. I
M , In Holt county, Nebraska, as de
fendants, for the sum of One Thous
and Seventy-six dollars and no cents,
($1,076 00) and interest at 7 per cent
from date of decree and costs taxed at '
$47.40 and accruing costs, I have
levied upon the following real estate
taken as the property of said defend
ants, to satisfy said order of sale, to
The northwest quarter (NWl) of
section fifteen (15), in township
twenty nine (29), north of range nine
(9), west of the sixth (6th) Principal
Meredian, in Holt county, Nebraska
And will offer the same for sale to
the highest bidder for cash, in hand,
on the 2nd day of May, A. D. 1910, in
front of the court house, in O’Neill,
Holt county, Nebraska, at the hour of
.10 o’clock, a. m. of said day, when and
where due attendance will be given
by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Holt county, Ne
braska, this 30th day of March, 1910.
41-5 H. D. GRADY,
Sheriff of said County.
(First publication Apr. 7.)
Sheriff’s Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale, direct
ed to me from the clerk of the district
court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a
judgement obtained before W. H.
Westover, Judge of the District Court
of Holt county, Nebraska, on the 14th
day of February, A D 1910, in favor
of Frank J. Dishner as plaintiff, and
against Fritz IT. Anderburg, Anna M
Anderburg and Alonzo Jones as de
fendants, for the sum of three hund
led ninety-eight dollars and slxry
cents ($398.60) with interest at 10 per
cent per annum from date of decree
ind costs taxed at $35 25 and accruing
costs, I .have levied upon the follow
ing real estate taken as the property
of said defendant, to satisfy said order
>f sale, to-wit:
Northeast quarter (NEi) of section
fifteen (15), in township twenty-seven
(27), north of range eleven (11), west
J the 6th principal meridan (6th P.
And will oiler the same to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on
the 9th day of May, A. D. 1910, in
front of court house in O’Neill, Holt
county, Nebraska, at the hour of 10
o’clock a. m. of said day, when and
where due attendance will be given
by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Holt county, Ne
braska this 7th dav of April, 1910.
42-5 Sheriff of Said County.
Railway Mail Clerks Wanted
The Government Pays Railway Mail
Clerks $800 to $1,200 and Other
Employes up to $2,500 Annually.
Uncle Sam will hold spring examln
itlons throughout the country for rail
way mail clerks, custom house clerks
stenographers, bookkeepers, depart
mental clerks and other government
positions. Thousands of appointment
will be, made. Any man or womaD
over 18 In city or country, can get In
struction and free Information by
writing at once to Bureau of Instruc
tion, J69, Ilamlin Bldg., Rochester,
oew York 34-ly
A Snake Story.
The family were at dinner when
there came a tap at a door seldom
opened. Winning no attention, it was
repeated and again a third time,
though more softly, and then the door
was swung back and, behold, there
was a snake, knocking at the portals
of hospitality! Down upon its head, in
conformity with the decree of tradi
tion and with Ezra’s understanding of
scriptural direction, crunched a Brit
ish boot. It was a mother snake, who,
having bravely overcome her fear of
man, was seeking sustenance, not for
herself perhaps, though she was starv
ing. but more likely for the little ones
that were found iu the grass by the
brook. Thus for once, at any rate, did
the craftiness of the devil succumb to
the Instinct of motherhood.—George
B. M. Harvey in North American Re
The “Macaroni."
The “macaroni” were exquisites or
fops who in England and France led
the fashions from 1780 to 1785 and
were distinguished by an immense
knot of artificial hair worn on the top
of their heads. A small cocked hat
which perched ridiculously on their
topknot, satin or brocade coats and
small clothes fitting tightly to the body
nnd silk stockings with ribbon garters
composed the costume of these fash
ionable gentlemen, who invariably car- 1
ried a long walking stick with tassels
attached and frequently a bouquet tied
to the handle and encouraged a minc
ing nnd affected gait and manner.
Thero was during the war for inde
pendence a body of Maryland soldiers
who on account of their showy uni
forms were called “macaroni.”
She Had Learned.
“The hardest thing to acquire, miss,” (
said the dramatic teacher, “is the art
of laughing naturally without appar
ent effort.”
“Oh, I’ve got that down fine,” said
the would be soubrette. “I typewrote
for three years for a man who was al- i
ways telling me funny stories about
his little boy.”—Indianapolis News. 1
(First publication April 14.)
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale, direct
d to me from the clerk of the district
ourt of Ilolt county, Nebraska, on a
lecree for foreclosure of a mortgage
ntered in said court on the 14tli day
f March 1910, in favor of William S.
Mass and Bert White, as plaintiffs,
.nd against Ery Cook, Hattie J. Cook
mdChas (4. Anderson, as defendants,
or the sum of $982.62 found due the
ilaintiff William S. Glass and the
um of $1,097.10 found .due the plain
tiff Bert White, with interest on each
it 6 per cent per andutn and costs
axed at $29 25 and accruing costs, I
im directed to sell the following de
cribed real estate, to-wit:
Northeast quarter (NEi) of section
en (10) in township twenty-nine (29),
ange ten (10) west of the sixth P. M.
n Holt county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to
,he highest bidder for cash, in hand,
>n the 16th day of May, A. I). 1910,
n front of court house, in O’Neill,
Flolt county, Nebraska, at the hour
if 11 o’clock a. m. of said day, when
ind where due attendance will be
jiven by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this
16th day of March, 1910.
43-5 Sheriff of Said County.
(First publication April 14.)
Application For Liquor License.
Matter of application for liquor license:
Notice is hereby given that John J.
Thomas did on the 12th day of April,
1910, Die his petition to the mayor
»nd city council of the city of O’Neill,
Nebraska, for license to sell at retail,
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors at
lot 6 block 2L in the Second ward in
the city of O’Neill, Nebraska, from
the first Tuesday in May, 1910 to the
first Tuesday in May, 1911.
If there be no objection, remon
strance or protest filed within two
weeks from the 14th day of April,
1910, said license may be granted.
H. J. Hammond. City Clerk.
/ET'tt'nt - A_SI 14V
\ » '““v ^uuiiuuviuii pin 17y
Application For Liquor License.
Matter of application for liquor license:
Notice is hereby given that Arthur
Ryan did on the 12th day of April,
1910, lile his petition to the mavor
and city council of the city of O’Neill,
Nebraska, for a license to sell at
retail, malt, spirituous and vinous
iquors at lot 28, block 21, in the Sec
ond ward in the city of O’Neill, Ne
braska. from the first Tuesday in May,
1910 to the first Tuesday in May 1911.
If there be no objections, remon
strance or protest filed within two
weeks from the 12th day of April, 1910,
said license may be granted.
_ Applicant.
H. J. Hammond, City Clerk.
(First publication April 14)
Application For Liqnor License.
Matter of application for liquor 1 icense:
Notice is hereby given that William
J. O’Connor & Co. did on the 13th day
of April, 1910, file his petition to the
Mayor and City Council of the city of
O’Neill, Nebraska, for a license to sell
at retail, malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors at lot 21, block 21, in the
Second ward in the city of O’Neill,
Nebraska, from the first Tuesday in
May, 1910, to the first Tuesday in
May, 1911.
If there be no objection, remon
strance or protest filed within two
weeks from the 13th day of May, 1910,
said license may be granted.
43-3 Applicants.
H. J. Hammond, City Clerk.
Contest Notice
O’Neill Nebraska, April 16,1910
A sufficient contest affidavit having
been tiled in this office by David R
Burrell contestant, against Home
stead Entry, No. 0653 made Decem
ber 26, 1908, for SiSWiandSW*
SEiSec. 7, N i NW i and NW £ NEi
Sec. 18, T 25, NR 13 W. and S t SE*
Sec. 12 and N i N i Section 13, Town
ship 25, N, Range 14, 6th principal
Mtrldian, by Peter Kertzman Con
testee, in which it is alleged that
said Peter Kertzman has never estab
iished a residence on said tract of land
and has wholly abandoned the same
for more than six months last past.
Said parties are hereby notified to
appear, respond, and offer evidence
touching said allegation at 10 o’olocf
a. m. on June 9, 1910, before the Reg
ister and Receiver at the Uni ten States
Land Office in O’Neill, Nebraska.
The said contestant having, in a
proper affidavit, filed April 16, 1910,
set forth facts which show that after
Sue diligence personal service of this
notice can not be made, it is hereby
ordered and directed that such no
tice be given bv due and proper pub
lication. B. E. Sturdevant.
44- 4._ Register.
(First publication Apr. 28 )
[n the Couuty Court of Holt County,
Nebraska.—In the matter of the
estate to Nels P. Gibson, deceased.
To all nersons interested in said
sstate: You are hereby notified
that on the 23rd day of April, lyiu,
Carrie N Gibson, administratrix of
;he estate of NelsP. Gibso i deceased,
lied in said court her final account as
said administratrix and a petition for
Inal settlement and distribution of
;he residue of said estate; that the
laid final account and petition for
Inal settlement and distribution will
ie heard on the 17th day of May, 1910,
it 1 o’clock p. m., at the county court
room in O’Neill, in said county, at
which time and place any persons in
erested in said estate mav appear
ind show cause, if such exis's, why
laid final account should not lie ap
iroved and a decree of distribution
nade of the residue of said estate in
file possession of said administratrix.
It is ordered that a copy or this
lotici be published for three succes
live weeks in The Frontier, a news
>aper, printed and published in said
Dated this 23rd day of April. 1910
45- 3 O. J. MALONE,
(Seal) County Judge.
IL^.-.riPWiu i -——
An Ordinance No. 37 A
Providing for submitting to the elect
ors of the city of O’Neiil, in Holt
county, Nebraska, the question:
shah me city of O’Neill, in Holt
county, Nebraska, issue Hs bonds in
the sum of Sixteen thousand
(#16,000) dollars tor the purpose of
obtaining money with winch to es
tablish and coustruct a system of
sewerage in said city of O’Neill, to
be owned, controlled and operated
by said city oi O’Neill, according to
lue system of sewerage lieretoiore
adopted by said city and its Mayor
and Co inch; and to provide for the
levying and collecting, by the proper
officers of said city, of a tax sufficient
to create a sinking fund and to pay
interest on said bonus and llie prin
cipal of said bonds as they mature.
section 1. That a system oi sewer
age lias been determined upon and
adopted by the city of U’Neih, in Holt
county Nebraska, and by the Mayor
and Council of said cny of O’Neill,
and an estimate oi me cost oi such
system and of the oust ot so much
thereof as the Mayor and Uuuncii oi
said city propose in behalf of said city
to coustruct, witli the amount pro
posed to be borrowed, and the plan of
said system and such estimate are in
the hands of the Cny Clerk of said
City, subject to inspection; that
petition signed, by at least ten resi
dent Ueehoiders ot each ward of said
city, has been presented to the Mayor
and Council of said city, asking that
an election be called for the purpose
of voting bonds to tile amount of Six
teen thousand (#16,000) dollars for ttie
purpose of constructing said sewerage
Section 2. That a special election
ue and the same is hereby called in
said city of O’Neill, to be held on the
sixteenth day of May, A. I). 1910, the
polling places to be at the appointed
voting places in each ward of said city,
at which election the following propo
sition shall be submitted to the voters
of said city of O’Neill, to-wit:
“Shall the city of O’Neill, in Holt
county, Nebrasks, issue its bonds
in the sum of Sixteen thousand
($16,000) dollars, in denominations
of One thousand ($1,000) dollars
each, dated July 1, 1910, due in
twenty years from their date, to
draw interest at the rate of five
per cent, per annum, payable an
uuaujr, auu micicsi VaJ
able at the liscal agency of the
state of Nebraska, In the city of
New York; said bonds to be nego
tiable in form and to be designated
as ‘O’Neill Sewer Bonds,’ the said
bonds to be redeemable at the
option of said city at any time
alter five years from their date.
Said bonds to be sold for the pur
pose of obtaining money with
which to establish and construct
the said system and sewers thereof,
heretofore adopted by said city;
said system of sewerage to be
nwned, controlled and operated by
said city of O’Neill, for the use
ana benefit of said city and the in
habitants thereof.
“And shall the proper officers of
said city be authorized to levy and
collect taxes, in the some manner
as other municipal taxes may be
levied and collected, and in an
amount sufficient to createasink
ing fund as required by law, and
to pav the interest on said bonds,
and the principal of said bonds as
the same mature, on all taxab'e
property of said city. The taxes
to be so levied not to exceed the
amount authorized by law. The
ballots to be used at said election
shall have printed thereon the said
proposition, as herein provided,
and in addition thereto, the follow
ing: For issuing Sixteen thous
and ($16,000) dollars of sewer bonds
of the city of O’Neill,-in Holt
county, Nebraska, for the purpose
of obtaining money with which to
csiauusii auu wuatiuutocnaaauu
a system of sewerage within said
city, according to the plan and
system heretofore adopted by said
city; and for levying and collecting
a tax annually on the taxable prop
erty of said city, sufficient to cre
ate a sinking fund as required by
law, and to pay the interest on
said bonds and the principal on
said bonds as they mature.
“And there also shall be printed
on said ballot the following:
Against issuing Sixteen thousand
($16,000) dollars in sewer bonds
in tlie ciiy of O’Neill, in
Holt county, Nebraska, for the
purpose of obtaining money with
which to establish and to construct
a sewerage system and sewers, ac
cording to the plan heretofore
adopted by said city, arid against
levying and collecting a tax an
nually on the taxable property in
said city, sufficient to create a sink
ing fund as required by law, and
to pay the interest on said bonds
and the principal on said bonds as
they mature.”
Section 3. All electors in favor of
the issuing of said bonds shall place an
X in the column to the right of the
proposition: “For issuing Sixteen
thousand ($16,000) dollars of sewer
bonds of the city of O’Neill, in Holt
bounty, Nebraska ” Those opposed
to the issue of said bonds shall place
bn X in the column to the right of
the stattment: “Against issuing Six
teen thousand ($16,000) dollars on
sewer bonds of the city of O’Neill, in
Holt county, Nebraska.”
Section 4. This ordinance shall
take effect and be in force from and
ifter its passage, approval and publi
Passed and approved April 6, 1910.
42-6 O. F. Biglin, Mayor.
H. J. Hajimond, City Clerk.
Tor Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the ’
Signature of
rhamhprlain’e Co,ic- Cholera and
cnamnenain S diarrhoea Remedy.
Never fails. Buy it now. It may save life.
.. • ^..«. _*
[y|E4T Market,
With a full line of meats of all kinds
and solicit a share of the public’s
*A. H. POE*
Dr. E. T. Wilson
(Late of the D. S. Army)
Successsor to Dr. Trueblood. Surgery
and Diseases of women.
Eve. Ear. Nose and Throat
Spectacle* correctly fitted and Supplied.
♦^■The Cash-4*
Meat Market
Cured and Fresh Meats
W. F. (xielisii, :: Proprietor
J. H. Davison
A full stock of everything in
Guaranteed Goods and Satisfied
Customers. Highest Price Paid for
Hides. Come and see me.
Call At the New
Mai Martel
For all kinds of fresh and.cured meats
2 doors west of Golden Hardware and
Furniture Store.
Lawyer &
Makes Long or Short Time Loans on Improved
Farms and Ranches
If you are in need of a loan drop him ^
a line and he will call and see you. ^
& J. Ki^^ond
Title Abstractors
Office in First National Bank Bldg
Physician and Surgeon
Night Galls will be Promptly Attended
Office: First door to right over Plxley &
Hanley's drug store. Kesldenoe phone 9B
W. T. EVANS, Prop
* a a a a .
Trade Marks
' Copyrights 4c.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn * Co. receive
•perial notice, without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir
culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a
year; four months, f L Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.36,Broadwa»- New York
Branch Office. 636 F 8t~ Washington, D. O
fhe FrontierSix Monthsfor75c x