The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 20, 1910, Image 8

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J. C. Harnish, County Treasurer
Showing Receipts, Disbursements and Balances, for the Tear Begin
ning January J, /pop, and Ending January 5, /p/o.
To Amount of cash on hand January 7, 1909.$ 76.245 12
Total tax collected. 198,795 00
School land principal collected. 3,596 00
School land Interest collected. 2,703 17
School land lease collected. 9,108 50
University land principal collected. 22o 00
University land Interest collected. 756 20
University land lease collected. 1,159 56
State apportionment collected. 7,406 88
State aid for schools collected. 1,711 00
Miscei.i.anbous Collections—County general. 1,633 95
County bridge. 17 00
Fines and licenses. 680 25
County road fund. 25 00
Interest on county deposit. 2,023 28
Redemptions. 10,465 74
Permanent road fund. 29 60
Received from O. F. Biglin, Receiver. 46 19
Fees 1,265 90
Total... .*316,788 34
By state treasurer’s receipts, consolidated state.* 21,977 10
State treasurers’s receipts, university land. 2,114 41
State treasurer’s receipts, state school land.-.. 15,253 (.0
Labor receipt. 226 50
Soldiers’ relief warrants paid. 575 27
Bridge fund warrants paid. 11,342 23
General fund warrants paid. 28,434 69
Road fund warrants paid. 799 50
Water bond warrants paid. 3,921 25
School district orders paid. 76,336 04
School district bonds and coupons paid. 5,056 26
School district judgements paid...•... 441 96
Township treasurer's warrants paid...... 27,429 22
Village treasurer’s warranls paid. 4,073 38
O’Neill railroad bonds and coupons paid . 1,683 83
Grattan railroad bonds and coupons paid. 5,873 17
Special sidewalk warrants paid. 317 06
Redemptions... 10,83193
Orders of the county board. 423 51
Salaries paid. .. 4,06100
High school warrants paid. 400 10
Special Road warrants paid... 757 00
Paid clerk of district court, county judgement. 8,859 92
Center precinct court house bond. 215 23
Grattan judgment. 71 71
Cash on hand. 84,062 47
Total.*316.788 :u
Consolidated state.$ 44 49
Soldiers’ relief. 294 12
County judgment.... 1,063 74
County school. 19 31
County funding. 307 16
Water Bond. 1,490 77
School Bond. 8,171 20
Special school. 1,288 49
Township. 14,115 05
O’Neill judgment. 65 13
Village. 1,962 07
O’Neill railroad. 459 90
Irrigation. 164 42
Grattan railroad bond. 2,720 71
Grattan judgment. 351 93
Sidewalk. 181 57
Advertising. 503 81
County roads. 083 07
Redemption. 1,639 39
Atkinson judgment... 53 03
Railroad sinking. 610 13
County general fund. 3,888 92
County bridge. 2,231 02
Cen ter preoi net... 84 55
High school. 1,790 12
Special road. 324 66
District school. 39,428 81
Orders of the county board. 24 47
Permanent road. 29 60
Special emergency bridge fund. 1,256 82
Excess Fees. 1,117 87
Total.$86,356 93
First National Bank O’Neill.$ 14,000 00
O’Neill National Bank. 6,748 79
Citizens Bank of Stuart. 14,000 00
First National Bank of Stuart.. . 7,000 po
First National Bank of Atkinson... 7,000 oo
Atkinson National Bank... 7,000 00
Fidelity Bank of O’Neill. 7,000 00
Chambers State Bank. 4,480 00
Ewing State Bank....’.: . 4,000 00
Inman State Bank. 2,800 00
Pioneer Bank. 2,800 00
Page State Bank. 2,500 00
Emmet State Bank. 1,412 50
Cash in office. 3,311 18
Total. $84,052 47
Due from Elkhorn Valley bank.... .$2,263 61
Warrants in trust not turned over by Mr. Chittick . 40 85 $2,304 46
Total. $80 350 93
County general fund warrants registered and not paid $7,381 46 ’
County bridge fund warrants registered and not paid.. 2,640 93
STATE OF NEBRASKA. County of Holt, ss.
I, J C Harnlsh. treasurer of Holt county, Nebraska, do solemnly swear
that the foregoing statement of receipts, disbursements and balances is true
and correct to the best of my knowledge and beller.
J. C. HARNISH, County Treasurer.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 17th day of Januarv
A. D 1910. (Seal) S. F. McNICHOLS, County Clerk
First publication Jan. 20
The Sfctte of Nebraska, County of
Holt, ss.
Notice Is hereby given that, petition
having been filed in the county court
of Holt county, Nebraska, for the ap
pointment of an administrator of the
estate of Mary Ann May, deceased,
late of Atchison county, Missouri,
the same is set for hearing at 10 o’clock
a. m. on Friday, the 11th day of Feb
ruary, 1910, at the office of the county
judge in O’Neill, in said county, at
which time and place all persons In
terested in said estate may appear and
be heard concerning said appointment.
Given under my hand and official
seal this 19th day of January, 1910.
31-3 C. J. MALONE,
(Seal)County Judge.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hava Always Bought
Signature of
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy
Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough.
(First publication Jan 20;
In the County Court of Holt County,
Nebraska.—In the matter of the
guardianship of A L Wilcox, incom
To all persons interested in said es
tate: You hereby notified that on
thei 20th day of January, 1910, C. E.
Ha l, guardian of the estate of A. L.
Wilcox, incompetent, filed in said
court his final account as said guar
dian, and a petition for final settle
ment of said estate; that the said
bna account and petition for final
settlement will be heard on the 5th
day of February, 1910, at 10 oclock a.
£?,'■».» tlie. cou°ly court room, in
O Neill, in said county, at
which time and place any perions in
terested in said estate may appear
an/i SJ?°V'! oaa*e> *f such exists, why
said final account should not be ap
proved and a settlement made and
guardian discharged.
It is ordered that a copy of this
notice be published for three success
ive weeks In The Frontier, a news
paper printed and published in said
Dated this 20th day of January
(Heal) C. J. MALOME,
_31-3_County Judge.
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy
Cures Colds. Croup and Wlioopir^ Cough.1
Some Old Fashioned Notions
That Still Obtain Credence.
A Drowning Man May Sink Not Only
Thrice, but a Dozen Times, and Stil
Be Rescued—Congestive Chills anc
the Merging of Diseases—Law Points
Three physicians were standing ii
a downtown drug store the other da;
when one. who had been looking a
an evening paper, exclaimed: "Urea
Caesar, here it is again! 1 see It it
the papers at least twice a month.”
“What’s that?” asked one of the oth
“It’s that popular fallacy about i
drowning man sinking for the thirt
time. Here it says, ‘Just as he wai
sinking for the third time he was suve<
by the timely arrival,’ etc. The nex
time I see this third time business i
probably will read, ‘He sank for thi
third time before aid could be had am
was drowned.’
“Why will people get that fool Ide:
that sinking for the third time mus
needs be fatal to a drowning man
Why, bless you, I saw a man sink i
half dozen times before ho was rfes
cued nlive. An uncle of mine, wit
nesses said, never sank but once, am
he was drowned. The number of time
a man sinks has nothing to do wltl
his drowning. He may sink but once
and he may go beneath the water an;
number of times. It all depends upoi
the person who is drowning, his phys
leal condition and how quickly th
lungs fill with water.”
“That cycle of three,” suggested an
other of the doctors, "Is carried a Ion;
by those who insist that a person die
In his third suggestive chill. IJut thl
Is not true. The same rule holds gooi
In congestive chills as in the case o
the drowning man. A person may di
In the first or he may have a doze:
and still live. The rule of three doe
not obtain there either.”
The first physician, with great dis
dain, then told how many ignoran
persons would swear that "if ye gl
th1 malary an’ it runs into typhoi
fever an’ it runs into newmony it’
shore death.”
■•There’s that same old rule of thre
again.” he continued almost uugrllj
"First and foremost, one disease doe
not run into another. There’s no sucl
thing as a collision between diseases
ns rnnuy believe. If one has malar!
he has that and that alone. The sam
tiling Is true of typhoid fever am
pneumonia. Each one is a separat
and distinct trouble, and a doctor wit:
any sense should be able to diagnos
his malady from symptoms which ar
always present in each and entire!;
From popular fallacies in reganj t
medicine the conversation drifted t
fallacies regarding the law. A lawye
present was called upon to explaii
first oue thing and another, when on
of the bystanders said:
"I made a bet the other day that i
person had no right to touch a deai
body until the coroner arrived, and
"Who decided the question for you?
asked the lawyer smilingly.
"Well,” said the mail sheepishly, “1
was a bartender, but he’s an educatei
fellow and is a good judge of the law.'
"You speak of the law ns if It wer
something to be judged like cuttle a
n fat stock show,” replied the attorney
"There is no law on any statute bool
in any state in the United States whicl
says one may not touch a body befor
the arrival of the coroner.
“In case of murder the old Englisi
common law used to require that th'
body of the murdered one be left jus
ns it lay until viewed by one in author
“That was done, it can plainly b
seen, for the purpose of preserving th
surroundings intact so that whateve
evidence might be there would not b
disturbed. In case of a murder today
especially If any mystery were con
nected with it, common sense wouh
teach a nerson to leave evervthinar in
tact, not alono for the coroner, but fo
the police officials as well. But shouh
the body of a murdered man be rnovei
there Is no law covering it unless i
could be proved that the person wb
moved the body did it with the inten
tion to destroy evidence. In cases o
suicide or death by accident ther
could bo no objection to moving tb
body anywhere in the city if done witl
humane or some other proper motive.'
“I’ll tell you what is the law.” sail
a stoop shouldered, long armed mai
who had been listening long enougl
to get the gist of the discussion. “If i
fellow sees a murder through a paw
of glass he can’t be a witness in tb
“Oh, piffle!” exclaimed the attorney
*T’m going to lunch. That’s the limit
I was waiting for some yap to sprlni
that. If that was the case and a mui
der should be committed in this roon
half a dozen of us could not be com
petent witnesses, if your statement i
true, because we are wearing glasses
Glass is glass whether in a window o
on the nose. There is no such law a
that. That’s foolish.”
“I heard my grandfather say that,’
insisted the long armed man, “and h
know’d law too.”
“Yes,” retorted the exasperated at
tomey, “and he no doubt gave It ou
as law that a man could stand with hi
back against his own house and kil
any one who came within a eertab
distance of him. But he would hanj
‘for it unless he had mighty good dc
ge. All of those things are wha
:&1> ‘chimney; comer law,’ but the;
’t hold 'dn * court”—Kansas Cltj
First Publication Jan 13
Notice of Application for Allowance
and Assignment of Personal Property.
In the County Court of Holt County,
Nebraska. — In the Matter of the
Estate of A. L. Wilcox, Deceased.
To All Persons Interested in said
Estate: You are hereby notified that
on the llth day of January, 1910,
Eliza Wilcox, widow of A. L. Wilcox,
deceased, Bled her petition in the
county court of Holt county, Nebras
ka, praying for an allowance from
said estate for the support of herself
and the minor child, constituting the
family of said deceased, and for the
assignment to herof personal property
of which she is given absolute riehi/
by the terms of the statute, and that
i said petition will be heard'at ilie
• county court room in said county on
; the 9th day of February, 1910 at 10
o’clock a. m. It is further ordered
’ that notice of the pendency of this
petition be given to ail persons inter
ested in said estate by publication for
four consecutive weeks in The Fron
tier, a weekly newspaper of general
circulation in said county.
I Dated this llth dav of January,
i 1910. C. J. MALONE,
1 County Judge of Holt county, Ne
braska. 30 4 (Seal)
; (First publication Jan. 6.)
Notice To Creditors.
In county court within and for Holt
county, Nebraska, Jan. 6, 1910.
1 In the matter of the estate of A. L.
: Wilcox, deceased. To the creditors
' of said estate: You are hereby noti
i Bed that 1 will sit at the county Cjurl
. room in O’Neill, in said county, on
. the 8th day of February, 1910, on the
. 9th day of May, 1910, and on the 8th
day of August, 1910, at 10 o’clock a.
' m. each day to receive and examine
1 all claims against said estate, with
, view to their adjustment and alluw
r ance. The time limited for the pre
i sentation of claims against said estate
. Is six months from the 8th day of
, February, A. D. 1910, and ihe time
limited for the payment of debts is
one year fiom the 29th day of Decem
ber, 1909. Six months after February
> 8,1910, all claims barred.
5 Witness my hand and the seal of
s said county court, this 6th day of
1 January, 1910.
r (Seal) C. J. MALONE,
9Q.4 pAimfn I nrliro
1 (First publication Dec. 30.)
Probate Notice
In the matter of the estate of George
' Weingartner, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that the
1 creditors of said deceased will meet
1 the executrix of said estate, before
s me, county judge of Holt county, Ne
braska, at the county court room in
, said county, on the 25th day of Janu
ary 1910, on the 25th day of April 1910,
j and on the 25th day of July 1910, at
’ 10 o'clock a. m., each day, for the pur
pose of presenting their claims for
• examination, adjustment and allow
1 ance. Six months are allowed for
- creditors to present their claims from
1 January 25th, 1910, and one year for
> the executrix to settle said estate,
i from the 27th day of December, 1909.
, This notice will be published in The
' Frontier for four weeks successive'y,
; prior to the 25th day of January, 1910
After six months from January 25th,
1910, all claims barred.
> (Seal) C. J. MALONE,
> 28-4 County Judge,
r —.——
1 (First publication Dec. 30.)
■ summons By Publication
C. M. Uhristeusen, Gertrude A.
i Christensen, G. M. Guppy, first rea!
I uatne unknown, and Mrs. G. M.
I Guppy, first real name uuknown, im
pleaded with John L! Quig and Mrs
, John L. Quig, first leal name un
known, defendants, will take notice
that on the 28th day of December
: 1909, Bennett E Loomis, plaintiff,
J herein, filed his petition in ihe dis
trict court of Holt county, Nebraska,
> against said defendants, tiie object
t and prayer of which is to foreclose a
. certain mortgage, executed by the de
: fendauts, G. M. Christensen and Ger
, trude A. Christensen to one Emil G.
, Aegerter upon the east half of the
southwest quarter and the west half
of the southeast quarter and the
1 southwest quarter of the souihwesl
‘ quarter of section ttiirteen and the
t west half of the northwest quarter
■ and the southeast quarter of the
uorthwest quarter of section twenty
> four all in township thirty-two, north,
> range ten, west of the 6th P. M. in
r lloit county, Nebraska, dated on the
, 27th day of November, 1907, to secure
tile payment of their piomissory note
• bearing date of November 18, 1007, lor
the sum of $3,000.00 payable March 1,
1 1913, and bearing iulerest at 6 per cent
- per annum payable annually from
• aiarcn i, leue, ana saia mortgage con
1 taiuiug tne provision* that upon fail
[ ure to pay tiie interest thereon when
t thesame becomes due or within thirty
, days thereafter the mortgagee or his
assigns may declare the whole amount
‘ secured thereby to be due and payable
1 and that the interest thereon due on
! the first day of March, 1909, in the
' sum of $180.00 is more than thirty
i days past due and unpaid. Said mort
’ gageis recorded in book 94 of mort
l gages at page 347 mortgage records of
, Holt county, Nebraska. That on Oc
l tober 19, 1908, said mortgage and
note secured thereby was duly as
signed and transfered to plaintiff who
? is now tlte owner thereof and plaintiff
“ elects to declare the whole amount of
the debt secured thereby due and pay
• able and there is now due thereon rhe
. sum of $3340.00 with interest from De
- cember 28, 1909, at 10 per cent per
. annum. Plaintiff prays for a decree
, that defendants be required to pay
the same or that said premises may
' be sold to satisfy the amount found
• due thereon with interest and costs
• of suit and for general equitable
' You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 7th day of Feb
■ ruary, 1910.
> Dated December 29, 1909.
' By h s attorney, C. B. Willey.
’ Improved and Unimproved Farms &
' Ranches for Sale.
Taxes paid for non-residents EM MBT, NEB.
with yoar name
and address
printed on them
The cheapest way to bay for 1
those wanting small quantities gj
-sa, -a.
(El?e Frontier. |
Not the Measles, nor thejim
jams, but pure bred young
bulls of the best families.
Mostly Red, sired by Scottish
Sharon of Greytower, 153330,
one of the Pan American prize
winners, and Golden King
152918. Two of the best bulls
on the upper Elkhorn valley
today. Time will be given on
bankable note to responsible
parties. Delivered to nearest
R. R. station free.
Chambers, - - - Nebraska
We treat nothing but chronic
Asthma, Catarrh, Lupin, Cancer,
Epilips, Gall Stone, Stomach, Liver,
afe, Nerves and all Diseases of
Men and Women
N. W. Cor. 13th and Farnura, Omaha
Abstracts of Title
Physician and Surgeon
Special attention given to
NeW |Horpe Bakery
Home Made Bread, Pie and Cahe.
All kinds of Bakery Products. Speoial
orders should be placed two or
three days in advance.
MISS POTTER, Proprietor.
Office first door south of U.B. Laud Oflloe
iyf eat Market -
With a full line of meats of all kinds
and solicit a share of the public’s
*A. H. POE*
Dr. E. T. Wilson
(Late of the U. S. Army)
Successsor to Dr Trueblood. Surgery
and Diseases of women.
Eve, Ear. nosi <nc Twhoat
8pertttrl»« correctlj ett.a ado Snppli.rt.
->The Cash^
Meat market
Cured and Fresh Meats
W. F. (ttklish, :: Proprietor
J. H. Davison
A full stock of everything in
Harness and Horse Furnishings
A • ‘ <• •, v
Guaranteed Goods and Satisfied *
Customers. Highest Price Paid for
Hides. Come and see me.
Call At the New
Meat Mattel
For all kinds of fresh:and'cured meats
2 doors west of Golden Hardware and
Furniture Store.
Lawyer &
Makes Long or Short Time Loans on Improved
Farms and Ranches
If you are in need of a loan drop him
a line and he will call and see you. t*
A. I.
Mftte&ct €on$&lk)t
Title AbBtraotors
Office in First National Bank Bldg
Physician and Surgeon
Night Calls will be Promptly Attended
Office: First door to right over Pixley &
Hanley's drug store. Residence phone 9(>
W. T. EVANS, Prop
H V l J
<*jR3 “ M a w jjj
4HB |^f ■ W
^UHHF Trade Marks
r'TYY” ' Copyrights Ac.
Anyone sending a sketch and description ma»
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention is probably patentable. Communira.'
lions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent*
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn A Co. receiv*
tpeoial notice, without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest clr-¥i
dilation of any scientific journal. Terms. 93 * '
year: four months, 9L Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN &Co.3e,Brosd^ New Yofk
Branch Office. 625 F St~ Washington. D. o
The FrontierSii Months for 75c •