The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 20, 1910, Image 5

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is the trade-1
mark which I
is found on I
every bottle 1
of the genuine
Scott’s Emulsion I
the standard Cod Liver 8
Oil preparation of the |
world. Nothing equals 8
it to build up the weak I
and wasted bodies of
young and old.
Send 10c., name of paper and this ad. for
our beautiful Savings Bank and Child’s
Sketch-Book. Each bank contains a
Good Luck Penny.
SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St.. N. Y.
(Items from the country are sollcitedfor
this department. Mail or send them in as
ORrly in the week as possible; items received
later than Wednesday can not b e used at all
and it is preferred that they bo in not later
than Tuesday. Always send your name with
items, that we may know who they are from
Name of sender notforpublloation. See that
your writing is legible, especially names and
places, leaving plenty of space between the
lines for correction. Be careful that what
lull uhnn* untnolln rl 1
Inman Items.
Edward Clark went to Ewing last
Sunday to visit with friends of that
C. C. Brewer went to Iowa last
week on business, returning home Sat
urday evening.
John J. Hancock went to Ewing
last Friday and returned on the fol
lowing Saturday.
Edgar Green and children went up
to O’Neill Monday to spend a' few
days with Judge Malone.
Nelson Van Avery drove over to
Page last Friday to get some corn.
He reported the roads to be very bad.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller moved out
on a farm south of town last week
where they will live for a few months.
Ilev. Eby, our Presbyterian minis
ter, went to Lynch last week where he
was called to he[p with the revival
services at that place.
Quite a few of the young people
went up to O’Neill last Thursday to
take examinations required for
teachers of this state.
Will Davis is here this week from
Colorado, where he has moved, having
taken a claim about a year ago in the
eastern part of the state.
Mrs. Carrie Miller and sou Harold,
who have been here from Iowa visit
ing relatives for the past two weeks
returned home Monday morning.
W. C. Hancock came over from
Chambers last Saturday, where he has
been teaching school, for a short visit
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Tlie ladies of the Methodist church
will give a general supper and also a
good program next Friday evening,
January 28. Everybody are cordially
invited to attend.
Miss Elizabeth Eggleston, the
teactier of the intermediate grades of
this school went to Ewing Saturday
and returned on Sunday to take up
her school work on the following Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Haynes spent Sunday
at Rev. Dewitt’s.
T. W. Crawford and Nate Pell were
Spencer visitors Friday.
J. B. Berry left Monday morning for
'*• ^ —tiJBMaatta&gagM
The Cough 0/
Your doctor will tell you that
fresh air and good food are
the real cures for consumption.
But often the cough is very
hard. Hence, wc suggest that
you ask your doctor about
your taking Ayer’s Cherry
Pectoral. It controls the tick
ling, quiets the cough.
We publish our formulas
We banish alcohol
y from our medicines
M V y § 0 ^*0 Wo urs® y°u to
L Af/Cf J COn^ctoTr°Ur
One of Ayer’s Pills at bedtime will cause
an increased flow of bile, and produce a
gentle laxative effect the day following.
Formula on each box. Show it to your
doctor. He will understand at a glance.
Dose, one pill at bedtime.
,_Made by tbs J. C. Aysr Co.. Lowell, Maaa;—
Orchard in visit his daughter, Mrs. I
L. G. Coburn and family and Prof.
Thompson of i hat place
There was a dance at Klein llenl
tin’s Friday evening in which a very
large crowd participated A good
time was hid oy till,
Sophia and Minnie Stainer returned
to Dallas, S. D. Monday, after a fort
nights st ay witli friends at this place
Mr. and Mr*. Crawford took them to
Spencer where they expected to be
joined by their parents returning
from an extended visit in the southern
part of the state.
Ed Nelson left for Omaha this week
for a few weeks visit with his parents
and friends at that place. 11 is cousin
Harry Slater of Omaha returned with
him. Bachelor’s styleof living did uot
appear to agree with him as he made
a very short stay.
Itev. A. W. Dewitt accompanied by
his sons, Will and Lyle, went to Bris
tow Saturday where he took the train
for Anoka. He will assist in conduct
ing protracted meetings near Butte
for the next Week or so. We wish
for him great success in his work.
Miss Olive Astleford and brother,
Walter, from Phoenix, passed through
here Sunday enroute to Miss Olive’s
school in the Mott district. Walter
visited at the home of Wm. Haynts
the forepart of the week, before re
turning to his home.
Regardless of the very severe
weather sevetal couples gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Yes Can
c.ij nr. j_3 _; i_a. i
were delightfully entertained at cards
and dancing until the wee sma’ hours
of the morning. All departed express
ing themselves as having spent one
of the most enjoyable evening’s of
the season.
Mrs. Bricker and ltttle daughter,
also S. Fry and George Rock were
visiting at Mr. Berry’s Sunday. Mrs.
Bricker says Mr. Bricker’s hand and
arm are getting along nicely and that
he will be able to return in ten days
or two weeks. The Des Moines doc
tor told him had he waited another
two days amputation of the arm
would be necessary, the blood poison
ing had gotten such a hold.
Friday evening, Miss Chloe Berry
was accompanied home by the Misses
Fay Wilson Alma and Ida Wither
wax, Messers. Guy Wilson, Perry
Leonard and Halstead all of Redoird
and Carl Conley of Lynch. They
were entertained for a few hours at
Mr. Berry’s where light luncheon was
served and all proceeded, joined by
Elva and Claude Berry and Seth Fry,
to Elwin Henifin’s dancing party in a
four horse sleigh.
Methodist Church Items.
The class leader, Mrs. O. O. Snyder,
and the pastor, as well, would be
pleased to see the class room tilled
next Sunday morning, with Christian
people who desire to begin the day
right. Class meeting at rO a. m.
At 10:30 a. m. and at 7:30 p. m. the
pastor will preach, taking for his
morning subject, “Strength for the
Day.” The subject of our evening
discourse will be, “The Soul Damaged
by Sin.” To these services we most
cordially invite everybody. We are
especially glad to welcome strangers
who may be in our city over the Sab
Sunday school at the close of our
morning service. We note, with
pleasure, a very decided increase in
interest and attendance of late, and
we are anxious that all of our fiends
should avail themselves of the privi
lege of studying God’s Word with us.
Junior league service at 3 o'clock
Sunday afternoon, to which all boys
and girls are especially invited.
The Epworth League after a few
weeks rest, has taken a new lease of
life, and it promises, in a short time,
to be stronger and more efficient than
ever. Twenty-nine were present at
the service Sunday evening and there
are others who purpose to attend the
services and to add their inliuence to
the cause we represeit. This young
people’s service is to be held every
Sunday evening at 6:45. The young
are especially invited, but everybody
will receive a cordial welcome.
Prayer meeting every Thursday
evening at 7:30. We shall endeavor
to make this an interesting and help
ful service and trust that it will be
loyally sustained. Everybody is cordi
ally invited.
The Ladies’ Aid society will meet
in the class room every Tuesday after
noon at 2 o’clock. All ladies of the
church and congregation are invited
to meet with them.
T. S. Watson, Pastor.
I am enabled to offer permanent
positions to industrious and exper
ienced Life Insurance men, or men
who have not had previous exper
ience. I want a District Manager in
Holt county to represent an Old Line
Life Insurance Co., 25 yrs. standing.
It has numerous policy holders In Nebraska.
1 am offering a money making proposition to
the right man. Write, giving your previous
experience, if any, and at least two refer
ences. I*. O. UOX 353, OMAHA, NKH.
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Supervisor Sessions.
O’Neill, Neb., Jan. 11,1910,1 o’clock
p. m—Board called to order by county
plerk. Members present: Grimes,
Nilson, Kramer, Hunter, Kelley,
3eivers and Prusa.
Clerk appointed Grimes and Kramer
is a committee on credentials to in
vestigate bonds of incoming members
pf board. Committee on credentials
reported bonds approved and tiled.
Board proceeded to elect a chair
man. County clerk appointed Hunter
ind Kelley tellers. Itesult of ballot
reported: Grimes 5 votes, Hunter 1
vote, Nilson 1 vote. J. D. Grimes was
ieclurrd chairman.
Moved and seconded that the board
idjourn until 3 o’clock p. m. to give
ohe chairman time to appoint his |
pommittees.—J. D. Grimes, chairman;
3. F. McNichols, clerk.
O’Neill, Jan. 11, 3 p. m.—Board met
pursuant to adjournment, all members
present. The chairman presented the
'ollowing as his committees:
Kelley, Kramer and Sievers—Court
pouse, jail, judiciary and legal ex- :
Nilson, Hunter and Prusa—Print- I
ng, finance and official bonds. !
Kramer, Sei vers and Kelley—Taxes 1
ind tax titles.
Sievers and entire board—Claims. 1
Hunter and entire board—Settle
ments. '
Moved and seconded that the com
nittees be approved. Motion carried. 1
On motion the following bonds were
T. V. Atkinson, treasurer Swan
J. F. Herzog, justice of the peace, i
Conley township.
C. H. Graham, road overseer Cham- i
bers township.
C. E. Hall, deputy sheriff until his i
successor is appointed.
Elmer Gibson, road overseer. I
G. W. Green, treasurer Inman i
township. ]
J. C. Carney, clerk Grattan town
Calvin Allyn, clerk Cleveland town
John A. Novak, road overseer dis
trict No. 5. i
Charles L. Morse, treasurer Clevc- :
land township.
Stephen A Hiatt, treasurer Francis
The following depository bonds were
approved and their 3 per cent bids <
Emmet State bank $5,000, Ewing
State bank $5,000, Atkinson National
bank $7,000, Pioneer llank of Ewing
On motion a committee of three
was appointed to call upon the county
officers and enquire as to the amount
of help wanted and salaries paid. The
chairman appointed the following
oommittee: Kramer, Nilson and
To the Honorable Board of Super
visors.—Gentlemen: Please transfer
ill money in the high school fund of
district No. 196 to the general fund of
laid district for the reason it is not
needed for high school purposes.—P.
1. Lydon.
On motion the prayer of the peti
tion was granted.
To the Honorable Board of Super
visors. — Gentlemen: Please transfer
ill money now in the high school fund
if district No. 32 to general fund of
laid district for the reason that is not
leeded for high school purposes.—B.
iV. Postlewaite.
On motion the prayerof the petition
vas granted.
Mr. Chairman: I move that the
ules of parliamentary practice as set
Orth in Robert’s Rules of Order shall
fovern this board in all cases when
ipplicable. Signed — P. C. Kelley,
)tto Nilson.
On mnMnn tho hnorrl qrlinnfnn^ nn
,il Jan 12,1910, at 9 o’clock a. m.—J.
3. Grimes, chairman; S. F. McNichols,
iounty clerk,
O’Neill, Neb., Jan. 12,1910, 9 o’clock
i. m.—Board called to order, all mem
bers present. On motion the follow
ng official bonds were accepted:
Fred Schindler, township clerk.
Levi L. Conner, road overseer dist
ict No. 7.
Moved and seconded that the peti
Jon of John Hickey regarding section
3-29-12 be referred to the county
ittorney. Motion carried.
On motion a refund of $2.50 was
'ranted to A. W. Chambers for poll
ax for the year 1908 in Atkinson vil
age and Francis township.
To the Honorable Board of Super
visors.—Gentlemen: At the time the
issessmenb was made for the year 1909
: was a resident of University Place,
Lancaster county, and am still a resi
ient of that place and was assessed
ind paid poll taxes there for that year,
riirough an error I was also assessed
n Holt county for the same year and
lave paid said poll tax in both places.
\nd, therefore, I ask you for a refund
>f the amount paid in receipts at
tached. Amount of receipt is $2.50.—
W. W. Watson.
On motion the prayer of the petition
tvas granted.
Atkinson, Neb., Dec. 20,1909.—To
the Ilonoroble Board of Supervisors.—
Gentlemen: H. Chambers, being
duly sworn, says that he was assessed
for poll tax in Atkinson village for the
year 1896 and that on October 27,1909,
he paid said tax to the county treas
urer In cash. Deponent further says
that in 1896 he was a member of the
Atkinson Fire Department, which
renders him exempt from poll tax. He
therefore asks for a refund of $3 and
interest on same at 10 per cent from
Feb. 1, 1897, to Oct. 27, 1909, total
$6.80, that being the amount paid to
county treasurer for said labor assess
On motion the prayer of the peti
tion was granted.
The petition of G. L. Watkins for a
refund of taxes for $26 16 was denied.
On motion the petition of T. J.
Wilburn for a refund of $2.60 poll tax
for the year 1909 was granted, said T.
J. Wilburn being over fifty years old.
Moved and seconded that a warrant
in favor of J. C. Ilarnish for $961.36,
expense account for the year 1909, be
allowed. Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that a refund
of $4.75 be granted to R. J. Clemonsen
for erroneops assessment for the year
1909. Motion carried.
rTn the TTnrmrnhlp Hnarri nf Snnpr.
visors. — Gentlemen: There is an er
roneous tax sale, No. 5388, on Ei NWi
of 15-31-12, which should be redeemed.
—J. C. Ilarnisli.
On motion the prayer of the petition
was granted.
On motion a refund of $2.50 was
granted to G. G. Newell for poll tax
for year 1908.
I move that the assessment against
one acre in S. E. block F, McCafferty’s
addition to O’Neill be stricken for the
year 1909, and the county clerk be in
structed to assess the same tract as
nondescript No. 24 for the years 1908
and 1909.—Con Kramer, P. C. Kelley.
Motion carried.
On motion board adjourned until 1
o’clock p. m.—J. D. Grimes, chairman;
S. F. McNichols, county clerk.
O’Neill, Neb., Jan. 12, 1 p. m.—
Board called to order, all members
Bond of the Fidelity bank for $8,000
was approved and 3 per cent bid ac
Hon. Board of Supervisors.—Gentle
men: Please allow tills office one
deputy at a salary of $75 per month,
and such other help as it may be
necessary to do the work of the office,
at as liberal a salary as you may deem
sufficient. Respectfully, J. C. Ilarnisb,
county treasurer.
Mr. Chairman: I move that County
Treasurer Ilarnish be allowed a
deputy at a salary of $900 per year and
as many clerks as are necessary to do
the work of the office at a salary of
$650 each, all to be paid out of the
fees of the office.—Otto Nllson, J. M.
Motion carried.
O’Neill, Neb., Jan. 6,1910—To the
Board of Supervisors.—Mr. Chairman:
I would respectfully ask for onedeputy
at a salary of $50 per month. Respect
fully submitted, Minnie B. Miller.
On motion request of county super
intendent was granted.
O’Neill, Neb., Jan. 11, 1910.—Mr.
Chairman and Members of the Board:
I respectfully ask for one deputy at a
salary of $900 per year and clerks nec
essary to do the work of the office at
a salary of $650 per year, to be paid
out of the fees of the office. Respect
fully submitted, S. F. McNichols,
county clerk.
On motion the request was granted.
The Court-House, O’Neill, Neb.,
Jan. 11, 1910.—Honorable Board of
Supervisors, Holt county, Nebraska.—
Gentlemen: The following help is
necessary in the county attorney’s
office for the year 1910: One clerk
stenographer at a salary of $40 a
month, the same as in preceding
years.—Edward H. Whelan, county
On motion the requestor the county
attorney was granted and to be paid
out of the general fund of the county.
O’Neill, Neb., Jan. 11,1910.—To the
Honorable Board of Supervisors —
Gentlemen: I hereby apply for the
position of janitor of the court-house
for the year 1910. Trusting my work
has been satisfactory during the past
1 beg to subscribe myself, very respect
fully, Ed McBride.
On motion Ed McBride was elected
janitor for the year 1910 at a salary of
$50 per month.
On motion board adjourned until 9
o’clock a. m. Jan. 13.—J. D. Grimes,
chairman; S. F. McNichols, county
clerk. ______
Bargain in Land.
$2,250.00 buys 160 in southeast part
of section 11-12-28, $750 cash, balance
8 yaarly payments, 6 par cent an
nually. C. Jouvenat,
29-4 84 Washington St
Chicago, 111.