The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 16, 1909, Image 5

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Phone your order to the McGinnis
Cr’y Co for yonr Xmas dinner. You
can get one <it. or more. - Phone 1"0
“Tiie Christinas gift that you alone
can give.” There can be nothing
better than a photo. See Phelps for j
the special Xmas styles. 18 "
Miss Annie O’Donnell entertained
the M.-U. M. club at tier home last
evening, tive hundred was tlie princi
ple amusement, Miss Ruth Evans was
fortunate in cutting for the prize.
A very dainty lunch was served about
11:30 after which each guest con
llrbuted to the evening’s pleasure.
The members of the M. U. M. card
club met at the home of Miss Con
stance Harrington Wednesday even
ing of last week for their regular game
of tive hundred. The score favor was;
captured by Miss Rose Fallon. Miss
Harrington served a delicious lunch,
which was followed by an hour of
informality and music.
A. B. Newell, for many years a resi
dent of this city, is a candidate for
mayor of Kirkland, Washington, a
fair-sized town across the bay from
Seattle, ana as he has no opposition
will undoubtedly be elected. The
Kirkland News has the following
comment on Mr. Newell’s candidacy:
“These men are all known, either
personally or by reputation, to every
voter on the East Side. Mr. Newell,
the candidate for mayor, is not only
known in Kirkland as a man of public
spirit and enterprise, but is one of the
1 r\ <» H ore i n tlin Hncinncc iimrlrl in
lar, where Its howling won’t be
hea-d; you must speak in whispers
children, for your father’s tired and
sore, and lie seems to think t lie ceiling
is some kind of cuspidor. Ho, lie’s
broken down and beaten by the long
and busy day; he’s been sitting in the
feed store on a bale of prairie hay,
telling how the hungry grafters have
tlie country by the throat, how the
tarilf on dried apples robs the poor
man of his coat, how this nasty polar
rumpus might be settled once for all
—and his feet are on ttie table and his
hack's against the well; let him find
bis home a quiet and a heart-consol
ing nest, for the father’s worn and
weary, and his spirit longs for rest.—
Walt Mason.
Ininan Items.
Mrs. George McCutchan went to
Emmet for a short visit with friends
of that place last week.
W. W. Watson went to Lincoln
Thursday, where he will spend the
holidays with his family.
Miss Hazel Bltner will leave for
Dawson, Thursday, where she will
visit with friends and relatives.
Mrs. Roeof Ainsworth who has been
visiting with her son, Cleave Roe and
friends, returned home last Thursday.
Miss Nettie Norwood, who lias been
visiting with her sister Mrs. Earl
Green and going to school, returned I
to her-home at Lynch last Sunday.
Master Elwin Smith who lias been I
visiting with bis sister, Mrs. II. II. I
Johnson of Winnebago, for the past I
month has returned home and is at- 1
tending school again.
Bui wiiiM«i»iiHii Hiiniimii mivMR*imK»-'nT—‘in^
We are unquestionablly the best
equipped we ever have been for the
holiday season. It is impossible to §
tell you through the newspapers all P
of the splendid display of Christmas §
goods we have this year; it is equal- |
iy impossible for you to fail to find
just what you want for presents if
you look over our magnificient
assortments, and if you don’t know
what you want it is our business to
assist you in making selections.
We call special attention to the \
fact that we have the largest assort- j
ment of China and Cut Class in the
city. Silverware, fancy novelties, j|
toys, books, post cards, etc. j
Remember we always sell at the lowest price. F. BOWEN
■ . 1
tie, where every man who has ever
transacted any business with him will
testify to his fairness aid ability
And there is one tiling further, and it
cannot be said of every successful
business man nowadays, which is
particularly true of Mr. Newell, and
that is that he always responds in
stantly and heartily to every call
made upon his time or purse by public
or semi-public enterprise.s He is one
of the few men that take time, while
in the midst of active business, to
perform public duties and Kirkland
will be lucky to have him mayor.”
Children, hush! for father’s resting;
he is sitting, tired and sore, witli his
feet upon the table and his hat upon
the floor. He is wearied and exhaust
ed by the labors of the day; he has
talked about the tariff since the dawn
was cold and gray; he has lost eight
games of checkers, for his luck today
was mean, and that luck was still
against him when he bucked the slot
machine; so his nerves are under ten
sion, and his brow is dark with care,
and the burdens laid upon him Sfcem
to great for him to bear. Stop ther
clock, for it annoys him; throttle that
canary bird; take the baby to the cel
The Misses Lorena Adams and
Susie Fauquier who are attending
the O’Neill high school this year,
came down last Sunday* for a short
visit with friends of this place.
The young people are making
preparations for a program to be
given at the M. E. church at Christ
mas. Presents are already being se
lected, as Christmas eve is near at '
hand. g
Jason Gilford was here last week jj
from Thurston looking after his busi- ‘
ness affairs, and also for a short visit <
with his daughtei, Miss Mattie Gif- $
ford. He returned home Sunday c
afternoon. q
The school board have decided that jj
the school will have two weeks vaca- ^
tion during the holidays, as most of '
the teachers are going home to spend 9
Christmas. This will give the pupils
a short rest from their studies. fl
We have been having very cold and j
snowy weather for the past month.
It is rumored that some of the people *
bf the community think that when .
Dr. Cook was up at the north pole he ‘
left a window open. Howbeit we .
none know. Sunshine. '
: < i; ■ , •
Sweathearts and Married Ladies: Christmas is soon Sf
here, and you wonder what to buy for your husband or G*1
your best fellow. Now you can buy nothing better for |g£
them for a Christmas present than a nice box of Lincoln Eg?
or Pride of O’Neill Cigars. ^
The designs this year are
artistic and very beautiful.
If you desire something of
trilling cost, ^nd at the same
time worth giving, look over
this line.
Nothing more appropriate
could be offered than a copy
of the Holy Scriptures. We
have the Bible in various '
styles of binding, including
beautiful Oxford editions in
limp leather.
Many months ago we began to plan for this year's holiday business. We were determined that our patrons should
l have advantages this season that they have never enjoyed before. Our stock tells the story. We realize that the de
mand for Holiday Goods will be very great this year, and we have arranged to meet that demand by bringing together
a stock that equals anything of the kind to be found outside the larger cities. We not only have variety, but we have
quality. We are proud of this display. We very cordially invite inspection, of this specially selected stock of Holiday
Our Store is a Veritable Paradise for the Little Folks who are
Looking Forward to Christmas
In buying our stock of toys for this year we have kept
in mind the fact that there is always something new being
devised for the amusement and education of the little folks.
Our line is complete, and the range of our prices so wide,
that no matter how much or how little you have to spend
for toys, we can give you entire satisfaction.
Artistic development among all classes of people lias
been so great during late years that no holiday stock is
complete that does not appeal largely to esthetic taste. Our
stock this season has that virtue. The collection includes
a variety of Decorated China, Ornamental Vases, Statuary,
Bisque Ornaments, Ink Stands, and so many other articles
that it would be impossible to enumerate them here.
As a Christmas gift nothing is more acceptable to some
people than a beautiful picture. We have a choice collect
ion of Art Studies, with such a wide range of subjects,
that we can please the artistic tastes of all. And the prices
are as varied as the line and range, from a few cents to
larger sums, in proportion to size and merits of the picture.
Have Always Been Considered as Hard to Choose, but we Have i
Made Gift Selections Easy this Season
There are people who actually dread the approach of !
Christmas and feel that they will be glad when it is all over.
This is because of the difficulties they encounter in select
ing gifts. Such difficulties arise, in many cases, from the
fact that merchants do not provide adequate stocks from
which to make selections. You will find our stock a whole
some exception to this rule.
In the line of Toilet Articles there is always something
that everybody needs. This year there has been a distinct
innovation in this iine of goods. Besides the individual
pieces, which are very numerous, there are a number of
combination sets. These include Traveling Companions,
Brush and Comb sets, Military Brushes, Manicure sets and
Novelties. Come and examine this line before the assort
ment is broken.
We have all kinds of books, from the little tales for little
tots to editions of classics in prose and verse for the older
lovers of literatare. There are too many titles for us to
enumerate any of them here. We are confident that this 1
display will please you.
V\,T I T Vr XT 13 T J \/r A T j\J HP A T T\T pTZTTVT^ rh wou*^ make an ideal gift for some friend. A fountain pen is something that is useful and is not ex-1 1
Will 1 V lv_vi ^V1 v3 v 1 1 ill INI 1 1A1\ . |_pensive. We carry the most popular makes, and the kinds that have been approved by many users. J 1
GSLUGAN & STOUT - - “The Druggists" l
l*" - - " -"' J