The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 04, 1909, Image 3

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By Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound
Louisville, Ky.—“Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound has cer
tainly done me a
world of good and
I cannot praise it
enough. I suffered
dizziness, nervous
ness, and a severe
female trouble.
Vegetable Corn
kept me
the operating
is* ' this
Another Operation Avoided.
Adrian, Ga. — “I suffered untold
misery from female troubles, and my
doctor said an operation was my only
chance, and I dreaded it almost as
much as death. Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound completely cured
me without an operation.”—Lena V.
Henry, R. E. D. 3.
Thirty years of unparalleled sue
cess confirms the power of Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to
cure female diseases. The great vol
ume of unsolicited testimony constant
ly pouring in proves conclusively that
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
Lstres'sing feminine ills from which
•o many women suffer.
DR. T. Felix Qouraud's Oriental
Cream or Magloal Beautlfler.
lemoves Tan. Pimp Is*,
reckles. Moth Patches,
’““u and Skin Diseases,
and every blemish
l on beauty, and de
fies detection. It
has stood the test
of 60 years, and
Is bo harmless we
taste It to be sure it
Is properly made.
Accept no counter
feit of similar
came. Dr. L. A.
Savre eald to a
lady of the haut
ton (a patient):
“ As you ladles
will use them.
_ I recommend
'Gournnd’s Crenm’ as the least harmful of all the
•kin preparations.” For sale by all druggists and Fancy
Goods Dealers In the United States, Canada and Europe.
FERD.T. HOPKiNS. Prop.. 37 Great Jones Street Mew York
Don’t Cough!—Use
m ttsT mwutt tor (§\igrs«»%r5
Will instantly relieve your aching
throat. There is nothing like it lor
Asthma, Bronohitis and lung
troubles. Contains no opiates.
Very pleasant to take.
All Druggists, 25 ccctc.
* The Natural
acts on the bowels just as some
foods act. CascaretM thus aid
the bowels just as Nature would.
Harsh cathartics act like pepper
in the nostrils. Soon the bowels
grow so calloused that one must
multiply the dose. eis
Vest-pocket box, 10 cents—at drag’-fitcres.
Bach tablet of the genuine is marked CCC.
Paper-Hangers & Painters
You oau greatly lncrenie your business with no ex*
fra investment by selling Alfred Peats’ Prise
Wallpaper. We want one good worker in each
vicinity, ana to the first worthy applicant will send
FREE, by prepaid express, five large sample
books showing a $250,000.00 Wallpaper Stock
for customers to select from. We offer liberal profits
to our representatives. Answer Quickly that you may
wet the agency in your vicinity for 1910.
Alfred Peata Co.. 144-14# Wabash A*'©., Chicago.
HA1IPO pie recent extension of the N. C.'O,
IllfivlLvJ R*R* brings thousands of acres of fine
™rT"-r government land along this line on
the market. Splendid soil, climate, water, timber and
range; alfalfa, wheat, stock.fruit, grain and vegetables.
Good railroad facilities and markets. Crops sure with
out Irrigation. COME NOW and get a bomefor nothing,
, Instead of paying high prices olsewhere. If you have
used your homestead right, you can take 320 acres under
the Desert Land Act, Some stock ranches and deeded
land for gale by owners. Fine opening for live
land man. Address H. C. DOUQG. LAND COM.,
■evada, California, Oregon Ry., RENO, NEVADA
8I0UX CITY P’T’G CO., 1,319—45, 1909
The man who works himself to death
and the man who dies of poverty su
perinduced by sitting on a dry goods
box, represent the two extremes. As
usual it is the middle man who is the
Some people would drown with a life
preserver at hand. They are the kind
that suffer from Rheumatism and Neural
gia when they can get Hamlins Wizard
Oil. the best of all pain remedies.
FOR SALE—Virginia farms, river fronts,
fish, oysters and game. Delightful ell
mate. Good schools. Address Owens &
Bagby, West Point, Virginia.
AGENTS—Fine new portraits 46. Pillow
tops 30c. Stereoscope views lc; 16x21
sheet pictures 2c. Fidelity Portrait Com
pany, 36 So. Paulina st., Chicago.
NEW INVENTION for pool halls. Agents
make $10 per day. State and county
rights for sale. Write Immediately; this
don’t appear again. Star Pool Co., Per
ry, la.__ __
”A WILFUL MAID,” spicy book, bettei
than Sappho, 250,000 sold in two weeks,
J5c coin. Fond Du Lac, Wis. Box 267.
AGENTS make big money selling our high
grade household specialties. Send for
particulars. Brand Agency Co., Times
Square Station, New York.
“Those Who Go Down to the Sea !■
When the young leaves on the willow* are
green and the wind Is fresh from the
It is then I feel again your kisses warm
on my mouth!
But the stormy day
You sailed away
Brought sorrow to my door,
And It seemed to me that the hand of hope
can be lifted never more!
When I hear the ocean murmur, and the
wind Is hoarse with pain.
When this long, lone stretch of land is
gray with mist and rain,
Then I look and long
For your boat and song
To bring sweet peace to me.
As I wait with heart as restless as the
restless waves of the sea!
Ah! those who go down to the sea In
ships, to the cruel, treacherous sea!
They take all the sunshine with them who
bide the waves' decree1
The star that you steer by
Is never seen by the eye
That shone when you looked at me
With love's own fond reflection! (Oh, the
desolate days to be!)
Oh! for a dream of the golden past, to drop
this ceaseless pain,
To wander again with you by the hedge
rows down the lane,
To feel again the spring,
With the birds upon the wing:
The Bea as blue as your eye.
And never a sign or cloud-rack above In
the cloudless sky!
It seems I am wedded to my grief! But the
lonely curlew’s call,
The seaweed and the dulse that with th*
surges rise and fall,
Tell of the passing day,
And a boat to sail away
Beyond this sad sea wall,
To a far-off haven secure with a blu*
sky over all!
—Alonzo Rica.
1 i t; 7—
Book Agent—Lady, I’d Uka to sell yon
this hook of fairy tales.
Mrs. Wise—Not to me. I’ve been mar
ried. 15 years and fairy tales are a chest
nut to me.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
br local applications, as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one way to cure deafness, and that Is
by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is
caused by an Inflamed condition of the mu
cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling
sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is
entirely closed. Deafness Is the result, ana
uuless the Inflammation can be taken out
and this tube restored to Its normal condi
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by Ca
tarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con
dition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
The Vacation of Griggs.
From Harper’s Weekly.
Griggs had been In the office all Bum
mer. Pie had seen his fellows leave fof
i their lawful two weeks, and had heard,
1 with some exactness, the cheerful words
I used to greet them when they came back.
When, therefore, the day came to greet
Griggs, this is what was written and
hung by him as a sign upon his desk:
Yes, I’ve been away on my vacation.
Yes, I had a good time.
Yes, the weather was fine.
Yes, I’m glad to get back.
Yes, the first day is always the hardest.
Our sympathy Is with Griggs.
Fine Recipe lor Colds.
Any druggYst can supply these In
gredients, or he will get them from
his wholesale house.
‘‘Mix half pint of good whiskey;
two ounces of glycerine; half ounce of
Concentrated pine compound. Shake
the bottle well each time and use in
doses of a teaspoonful to a tablespoon
ful four times a day.” This prescrip
tion is said to work wonders.
The Concentrated pine is a special
pine product and comes only in half
ounce bottles, each enclosed in an aii
tight case, but be sure it is labeled
“Concentrated” in order to get tha
genuine article.
And Just as Good as Ever.
From the Philadelphia Ledger.
An old physician of the last generation
was noted for his brusque manner and
' old-fashioned methods. One time a lady
j called him In to treat her baby, who waa
slightly ailing. The doctor prescribed cas
tor oil.
“But, doctor,” protested the young
mother, "castor oil Is such an old-fash
loned remedy.”
"Madame," replied the doctor, “babies
are old-fashioned."
A member of the dentists’ congress
recently held In Berlin writes: "Our
plans as to St. Petersburg for the gath
ering In 1914 failed. Not because there
was any objection to the city, but be
cause some of the men who might be
delegates would either not be admitted
or if allowed to enter the city would be
uncomfortable while there. Russia Is
queer about according rights of resi
dence to former citizens and to people
of certain religious views, and having
this In mind London was agreed upon
as the next meeting place.”
Xn. Wlailaw'i SooTHiire Snrr for Children
teething, eoftens the game, reducer lndemutetl on,
slleyepaln, cure* wind eolto. Shoe bottle.
A political trickster Is a member of
the opposition faction who usually has
his own way.
Prejudice is incited against some
really good books because their bind
ings do not match the finish of the book
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the SIX . T~*
Signature of
New News of -
4444+44444♦ ♦♦♦♦♦+♦ 4444444+
-4 4
4 This daily series of anecdotes 4
4 and incidents that throw new, 4
♦ interesting and frequently dra- 4
4 matlc light on famous events 4
4 and personalities of the past 4
4 have been collected by Mr. Ed- 4
4 wards ("Holland”) during near- 4
4 ly 40 years of more or less inti- 4
4 mate acquaintance with many 4
4 of the country’s leaders since 4
4 the civil war. Each anecdote or 4
4 incident is fresh from Mr. Ed- 4
4 ward’s note book—hitherto un- 4
4 published "New News of Yes- 4
4 terday” garnered from the men 4
4 who made the news—the his- 4
4 tory—or from equally authorita- 4
4 tivo sources. As important con- 4
4 tributions of the "human inter- 4
4 est” sort to American history. 4
4 these articles have a distinctive 4
4 value all their own. 4
4 4
The Ten-Year-Long Dream That Made
Ingersoll Famous.
Any standard American encyclopedia
or biographical dictionary will tell you
that Colonel "Bob" Ingersoll was one
of America’s most famous orators.
Certain it is that in many respects
ingersoll stands out as the greatest
orator America has yet produced.
Emotionally, this is so, and as a
Shakespearean orator, so called, it is
generally conceded that none iias
squalled him. He, too, possessed the
rare gift of putting that elusive some
thing into his periods that make them
send thi-1113 along one’s backbone when
they are dead, as they did when their
creator delivered them with all the
power of his magnificent eloquence and
personality. Few. very few, of the
world’s famous orations so arouse the
blood wh“n they are scanned on the
printed page.
As everybody familiar with Inger
roll’s career knows, he gained national
Came through Ills* "Plumed Knight”
speech. The day before he delivered
It he was unknown; the day after his
name was on the lips of the country.
But not until now has it been told how
ingersoll came to conceive his master
piece, bow he built it up sentence by
sentence through a period of years, and
:hen, to please his brother, clinched his
hold on fame by writing it down in a
tew minutes.
One Memorial day, two or three
years after he had begun the practice
of law in New York city, Colonel In
gersoll stood on a corner watching the
veterans of the civil war as they
marched past the reviewing stand.
There were tears in his eyes as he
looked upon the old soldiers, and turn
'ng to me he repeated the opening sen
tence of his justly celebrated Memorial
Jay address, which you can see en
graven in bronze in the National ceme
tery at Arlington: "The past rises be
fore me like a dream." He saw, almost
as vividly as he had seen in the days
Df the war itself, the soldiers on theii
march, rallying to the attack, charging,
falling, dying for their country.
As he walked away in my company
after the procession had passed I ask
*d him if it were true that he wrote his
famous "Plumed Knight” speech at
gbout midnight one night, as had been
incidentally 'reported.
Seizing my arm and moving slowly
through Madison Square, Colonel In
gersoll said:
“That story is partly correct. But
the real truth is that I was 10 years
writing that speech. I had been a
great admirer of James G. Blaine from
the time he was first a member of
congress. I thought he was a typical
American and would make a great
president. I pictured to myself Blaine
in political action. He often fasci
aated me when I saw him sitting in
the chair of the speaker of the House
of Representatives. Every now and
then a thought would come to me in
which I expressed to myself my ideas
and my ideal of Blaine.
"I went to the republican national
convention of 1876, at Cincinnati, in the
company of my brother. We shared a
?arIor and had two bedrooms at the
otel. My brother knew that I had
Been asked to place Blaine in nomi
nation. He became very nervous be
cause I did not sit down and write out
my speech. He was continually prod
ding me to do this, but I put him off.
But I was really writing that speech
all the time, mentally. I composed
part of it on the railway train on the
way to Cincinnati. All the ideas that
nad come to me from time to time re
specting Blaine I mentally gathered
and sifted, and decided upon the ex
pression of my thought.
“On the evening of the day before
the nominating speeches were to be
tnade my brother said to me: ‘Bob, you
nave got to write that speech before
you go to bed.’
“‘All right,’ I said, ‘I’ll write it this
evening.’ So, a little before midnight i
took my pen and ink and tw® or three
6heets of paper and wrote out the
speech. I was simply copying whal
was in my mind, what I had been years
writing. You know, that is the way
Webster prepared his famous reply to
Hayne. After I had done that I went
to bed and was soon sound asleep. I
simply did it to please my brother, and
that is the way what they call the
‘Plumed Knight’ speech was put down
Dn paper at midnight In 10 minutes."
(Copyright, 1909, by E. J. Edwards.)
A Mystery to Von Moltke.
From the Cleveland Leader.
Two brothers were once at Count von
Moltke’s house at an evening party; both
were captains of the general staff. The
general came up to a group of gentlemen,
Dne of whom was one of the brothers.
After joining in the conversation, he asked
the latter, “Just tell me who Is that tall
officer, near the fire place on the other
Bide—I forget his name,’’
“That’s my brother, your excellency.”
was the answer.
A smile stealing over the general’s face
luggested the idea that he had not obtained
the information he wished. Some time
after the general went to another group
Df people, and there joined the officer
whose name he had inquired. Suddenly
the others saw him turning away, with
the same smile on his face.
Afterwurd, when they inquired from the
young officer what the general had asked
him, he replied "He asked me who that
officer was over there.”
"And what did you say?"
"1 said that he was my brother." The
general gave up inquiring the name of the
two brothers for that evening.
It is a bad sign when the barking of
your dog which disturbs your neighbor
has less effect on you than the crowing
of your neighbor's rooster before day
light In the morning.
When ordinary milk—very ordinary
milk—sells for eight cents a quart, what
would be a fair price for the milk of
human kindness.
That rib from Adam’s side from
which Eve was constructed is claimed
to have been the "original bone of con
The self made man Is subject to re
vision after marriage.
The magazine gun was not invented
(or the purnose of exterminating po®‘
Don't you recall when apples grew,
Oh. twice as big as now?
When fish, however, they were few.
Were monster ones somehow?
When Galne’s milldam made a roar
As though the water hurled
"Were gathered In a mighty store
From all the wide, wide world?
Don’t you remember when the trees.
The oak trees and the beech.
Were lost in clouds on days like those
And eyes could hardly reach
Their waving tops? When noonday skies
Were, oh. such deeper blue?
When Jack’s great beanstalk In our eyes
Just grew and grew and grew?
And there were bells, so more than fine.
Of blue and white and red.
Upon the morning glorv vine
That climbed up on the shed,
To be a wonder and delight,
So fresh and full of dew.
To bud and open In a night—
I see them now—don’t you?
Don’t you remember when the caves
Were thick and full of gloom,
'Where captive maidens, once, like slaves
Were chained In some damp room?
When twllght rustling In the brush
Was some fierce beast? A cow
It was. but cows at dusk are -Mush!
I think I hear one now'.
Come; take a little trip with me,
Forget the things that fret.
For you may close your eyes and see
Some things that I forget.
Why I’ve seen Bluebeard’s hidden room
And Cinderella’s shoe!
' And I have seen where violets bloom—
So blue! So blue! So blue!
—J. W. Foley, In New York Times.
I i——n—i
Johnny—De Duke Is outside and wants
to see you alone.
Mary—Are you sure he didn’t say he
wanted papa to make him a loan?
Avrfnl, Crusted, Weeping Enema on
Little Sufferer—A Score ol Treat
ments Prove Dismal Failures—
Cure Achieved by Cutieura.
“My little boy had an awful rash all
over his body and the doctor said it
was eczema. It was terrible and used
to water awfully. Any place the water
went It would form another sore and
It would become crusted. A score or
more physicians failed utterly and dis
mally in their efforts to remove the
trouble. Then I was told to use the
Cutieura Remedies. I got a cake of
Cutieura Soap, a box of Cutieura Oint
ment and a bottle of Cutieura Resolv
ent, and before we had used half the
Resolvent I could see a change in him.
In about two mouths he was entirely
well. George L. Lambert. 139 West
Centre St., Mahanoy City. Pa., Sept. 20
and Nov. 4, 1907.”
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sol*
Props, of Cutieura Remedies, Boston.
A Hitch.
I hitched ray wagon to a star.
Also my limousine;
My friends, who knew the stellar life,
Said I was pretty green.
I promptly scorned their good advice
And starward long did look.
I hitched my wagon to a star.
Also iny pocketbook.
Alas! the star was not affixed,
But led a planet race;
I found my wagon and my lint'
Could not kepe up the pace.
And when my pocketbook was flat
I got the sweet "ha, Ha!"
She found another one who wished
To hitch behind a star.
—Joe Cone, In Boston Herald.
The Experience of Many Who Do
Not Know the Klilneys Are Wetlt.
Jacob C. Bahr, 18 Broadway, Leba
non, Ohio, says: "For three months I
was helpless in bed with muscular
rheumatism and
had to be fed. My
feet swelled, my
legs were rigid,
black spots flitted
before my eyes
and I was sore all
over. Doctors
didn’t help me and
I couldn’t raise
hand or foot. To
please my wife I
began using Doan's Kidney Pills, and
In two weeks I was Improving. Then
by leaps and bounds I got better until
well and back at work. After such
mortal agony this seemed wonderful.”
Remember the name—Doan’s. Sold
by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Foster
Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
The Philosopher—I believe that every
nan has his secret sorrow.
The Joker—Tee; even the man who Is
outwardly happy h&s a skeleton In hlf
fcaa bo aubatltute. No other remedy la bo effeotlre for
ffeeumatiam. lumbago, atlffneea. neuralgia er cold of
aa| aert Fut up la »c. Kk» end Mo Lottie*
A Clean Man
Outside cleanliness is less than half the battle. A mnnmay
scrub himself a dozen timet a day, and still be unclean. Good
health means cleanliness not only outside, but inside. It means
• clean atomach, clean bowels, clean blood, a clean liver, and
new, clean, healthy tissues. The man who is clean in this way
will look it and act it. He will work with energy and think
dean, clear, healthy thoughts.
He will never be troubled with liver, lung, stomach or blood
disorder*. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclean stom
achs. Blood diseases are (ound where there ia unclean blood.
Consumption and bronchitis mean unclean lungs.
c Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery
prevents thee* disease*. It make* a man’s inside* clean
■nd healthy. It clean* the digestive organa, make* par*,
dean blood, and clean, healthy flesh.
It restores tone to the nervous system, and cure* nervous exhaustion and
prostration. It contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs.
Constipation is the most unclean uncleanlioess. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pel
lets euro it. They never gripe. Easy to take as oandy.
foi f?" ^ere are n0 ot^ier shoes at popular prices
/ V that in any way compare with these classy, Vl
\ 7 fashionable, good-fitting shoes. They are made IB
\\ZyV °n lasts that insure the utmost comfort, yet II
\ \ ' give your feet that trim and stylish look. II
ml shoes combine style and wearing qualities to a degree that
■ / easily makes them the most popular, dressy and serviceable
ml ladies’ fine shoes obtainable, at a cost no greater than ordin
SI ary shoes. Your dealer will supply you; if not, write to us.
1 To te sun you get the LEADING LADY,
■ 1 look for the Mayer Trade Mark on the soles.
■I FREE — If you will .end us the name of a dealer who doe*
Bl not handle Leading Lady Shoes, we will send you free, post
m\ paid, u beautiful picture of Martha Washington, site IS x 20.
We also make Honorbilt Shoes for men, Martha Wash
ington Comfort Shoes, Yerma Cushion Shoes, Special
Merit School Shoes and Work Shoes.
Raising! emperature
depends upon the heater—how
constructed—whether it gets all
the fuel-energy or only some of it.
If the heater is a
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokelesa Device)]
the raising of the temperature is
Turn the wick as high or low as /
it will go—there’s no danger, no Jj
smoke, no smell—just an emphatic
raising of temperature. The
Automatic Smokeless Device
is a permanent check upon carelessness, making the heater
safe in the hands of a child. Bums nine hours with one
filling, heats all parts of a room quickly.
Oil indicator tells amount of oil in the all-brass font. Damper top.
Cool handle. Aluminum window frame. Cleaned in a minute. Finished'
in Nickel or Japan. Various styles and finishes.
Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not at Youra, Write for Descriptive Circular
to the Nearest Agency ol the
j- _ , . _____ _..1_-_i
BRIGHT’S DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, concerning which so much
s very rare disease. In not one esse out ol twenty of so-called ‘Kidney Disease does the troahlt
really lie with the kidneys. It Is practicidly ail BLADDER TROUBLE.
Is the most efficient snd reliable BLADDER MEDICINE known to the'medlcal world. Thousand*
ol people throughout the countrywill testify to the quick and sure relief obtained from Its use. ft baa
been In constant use throughout the civilized world for over 200 years and la probably better know*
than any other remedy discovered by man.
BXjADDBII thoublu
Is often a painful and annoying ailment. Frequently most distressing symtoms result from a
slightly sffected bltdder. Tsken regularly Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsule, will remora all
traces of such trouble in a few days. It Is not strange that this valuable preparation should enloy sank
an extended use and enormous sale. _ ,
Gold Medal Haarlem OH Is put up In two forms. In CAPSULES and BOTTLES. Capsule.
25c. and 50c. per box. Bottles 15c. and 35c., at all Druggists. Be sure von obtain the Gold Medal
Tilly brand.
Can bo handled very easily. The sick are cured. Mid all oftinbl
the tongue, or In feed. Acts on the blood and expeli germ cMl,
all forms or distemper. Best remedy ever known for mares lafoaL
, Ono bottle guaranteed to cure one case. &0o an''II a bottioi Nua
| HO dosen of druggists and harness dealers, or sent express bald V
I manufacturers. Cut uhovrs how to poultice throats. Oar am
I Booklet gives everything. Local agents wanted. Largest Mllag
_ _____ ^ hone remedy la existence—^twelve years. > I
— SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. cv»btaaa4Bse<ari.iH<au. Ooafian, Ind, U. R. A.
for spot cash. 10 to 60% more money for yon to ship Raw Furs and Hides to ns than to
sell ut home. rite for Price List, Market Report, Snipping Tags, and aboat oar
450 paso**. leather bonnd. Best thine on the subject ever written. Illustrating all Fur Animals. All
about Trappers' Secrete, Decoys, Traps, Game Laws. How and where to trap, and to beoom* a sae>
eessful trappur. It's a regular Encyclopedia. Price. $2. To our customers. • 1.25. Hides tanned lata
beautiful Robes. Our Magnetic Bait and Decoy attracts animals to traps, 11.00 per bottle, Ship you*
Hides and Furs to us and got highest prices. And crack Urea, Dept* 112 Mlnneapttllsjft&ugb
Researches In Germany show that a
given quantity of red hot coke will ab
sorb four times the amount of water
that will'be absorbed by the same coke
If cold. ■ _ _ _
The Darwinian theory Is so fully ac
cepted by some that they profess to be
lieve man has started on the return
trip. _ _
When' a father buys the bridegroom
and gives away the bride It Is not easy
to see how It is a profitable transac
It Is Just as safe to invite a man
to a wine feast as to a beer lunch. If
you know he is on the water wagon
and will not fall off.
One sure way to get a woman ready
to attend the evening performance U t*
ask her to go to the maiinee.
Search the mortgage records for evli
dence of your neighbor’s sudden proa<i
The habit of smoking is easily broken
when a cold sore on the lip give# Uta
Impression of a coming cancer.