s " ■ " I 1||,| The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been i nWgl i in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of BroStv ..ir — and has been made under his per fijM'lji'iilj Airopou 3 per cent. , fional supervision since lteinfancy. ^ Avt gelabLe Preparation for As- Allow no one to deceive yon in this. HJo^iW Similating the FhodandRegula- All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Jnst-as-good” are but felliw.’ tul» Uic Sioinaf±s amLBowdsof Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of fes- ^jnBSSmSSBja Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. ill | ■ Promotes DigesttonJCfeaM What Is CASTORIA : 0pimuNmuhinenrnrCastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare iflf ! I NOT NARCOTIC. goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It ---1 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic | I Jta^eafOhllkSMJELFmMU substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms Pimipk'io Sad- ! and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind BjSsill | Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation , Hi ' AnistLtd* I | and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the ’ Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. |i» Vgfcm ^ —k . « HP AperfpTlRemedyfbrCimsRpa- GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS tion, Sour Stomach.Dlarrhoei W W W B&S3 jtj Worms .Convulsions-Feverish ness awlLoss OF Sleep. |i||| jj Facsimile Signature of life: i |! __NEWYORK^_ In Use For Over 30 Years Exact Copy of Wrapper* the centaur company, tt Murray cyrect. new vor* city. f^ILES PAY IF CURED DYSPEPSIA “Having taken your wonderful 'Casca tets’ for three months and being entirely cured of stomach catarrh and dyspepsia, I think a word of praise ia due to ,Cascarets’ for their wonderful composi tion. I have taken numerous other so Called remedies but without avail, and I find that Cascarets relieve more in a day than all the others I have taken would in • yitir.” James McGune, 108 Mercer St., Jersey City, N. J. Pleasant, Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken,Weaken or Gripe. 20c, 25c, 50c. Never sold in bulk. The gen uine tablet -tamped CC C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. Old Trouble in the Royal Palace. Prom Success Magazine. The Shakespeare club, of New Or leans, used to give amateur theatrical performances that were distinguished for the local prominence of the actors. Once a social celebrity, with a gorgeous costume, as one of the lords in wait ing, had only.four words to say: "The ?;ueen has swooned.” As he stepped orward, his friends applauded vocifer ously. Bowing his thanks, he faced the king and said, in a very high-pitched Voice, "The swoon has queened." There was a road of laughter; but he waited patiently, and made another attempt: “The sween has cooned.” Again the walls trembled and the etage manager said, in a voice which could be heard all over the house, “Come off, you doggoned fool.” But the ambitious amateur refused Surrender, and in a rasping falsetto, as e was assisted off the stage, he •creamed: “The coon has swooned.” No Rescue. fihe sank four times, but no one came To rescue her And that was certainly a shame. We must aver. A rescue would have easy been. A casual peep Disclosed tne water she was in Was not waist deep. No youth arrived, although she sank Some six times more. And so she left the ocean dank And went ashore. —Kansas City Journal. Money talks, but it doesn’t always make * satisfactory financial statement. PILES CURED AT HOME BY HEW JBSORPTIOH METHOD. If you suffer from bleeding:, Itching. blind •r protruding Piles, send me your address, nod I will tell you how to cure yourself a^ Lome by the new absorption treatment : and” *rill also send some of this home treatment free lot- trial, with references from your own locality If requested. Immediate re lief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Summers, Box 2, >’otre Dame, ind. Susy fly killer^ - (lies. Kant, elMit, or* ] Utiuieutal, uotivanl- , •ni, cheap !,iv|.nirt ““““ (iry Grocers. Made by POSTUM CEREAL CO., LIMITED. BATTI.E CREEK, MICHIGAN.