The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 07, 1909, Image 1

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    The Prontibr.
j Exceptional bargains are going to be given during this sale. Here’s an opportunty for the public to
j save money, and the bargains quoted below will prove it: .• .• .• .* .• .* .• .• .* .• .*
I On all Yard Goods
2( F'
mm ^ w count
without exception.
W hile they
Iasi, at
25 pieces of Wool Dress Goods at
On all ginghams
in the house, 20
per cent discount.
Calicos at 5c per
Men’s double breasted back
and front
“My Leader”
39c per piece.
My entire line of Underwear
at 20 per cent discount.
Ladies9 fancy knit
Scarfs & Squares,
for shoulder and
head use, at 20
per cent discount.
Ladies’ collars, handkerchiefs
and belts 20 per cent discount.
Great blanket bargains. A special at
49c. Entire blanket line 20 per cent off.
All Rugs in the house at 20 per cent ft j
A 28x56 rug, while I
they last, at. kjJ JL. •k/vJ
20 per cent discount on table linens,
bed spreads and dress skirts.
My entire line of duck coats go at 20
per cent discount.
SHOE BARGAINS. My entire line goes
at a discount of 20 per cent.
Take advantage of these bargains
early, as they will not last long,
and I want to (dean lip all left
overs before invoicing.
Work shirts for
men 39c each.
Mens wool shirts
20 per cent off.
AH caps at 20
per cent discount.
A special line of
men’s dress shirts
at 49c each.
10 per cent off
on Fur Coats.
Special prices on Sweaters. One
lined at 39c each.
Outings, my entire
line at 8c per yd.
On my full line
oi suit cases, 20
per cent off.
Special number in Corsets at
69c each.
Discounted |
per I
per cent Discount.
per cent Discount.
I O NEliL 1. I NEBR.. |
ea ill) 111111111—ii ■
The Live Stock Market
South Omaha, Neb., Dec. 2.—Spec
a! market letter from Nye-Schneider
Fowler Co.
Last year’s cattle receipts at this
point were about 122,000 less than the
previous year. The first week of the
new year is opening up with a libeial
run of cattle at all points and a lower
i market. Beef steers are slow and
mostly 10 to 15 lower, cows are steady
to 10 lower with good Stockers and
feeders firm others dull. There was
only the usual small proportion of
corn fed stock. Prospects seem to be
. for a steady market the balance of the
It We quote:
Khoice corn fed heef.$6.10(a)$7.15
/Fair to good. 4.50(a) 6 00
4 Hay fed steers. 3.75(a) 5.75
|Others from. 3.50 10 3.65
Cows and heifers.3.50(a) 5.25
Good butcher grades. 2.90(a) 3.50
Canners and cutters. 2 00(a) 2.75
Veal calves. 3.50(a) 6.50
Bulls, stags, etc.2.50(a) 4.50
C. stockers & feelers . 5.00 (a) 5.50
Fair to good. LOOM L90
Stock heifers. 2.50(a; 3.50
The number of hogs received last
year were 171,000 heavier than the
previous year, but the number of car
loads were practically the same indi
cating a lighter average weight. Re
ceipts so far this week have not come
up to the estimates, nevertheless,
prices slumped olT 5 to 10 cents.
Bulk $5 50 to $5 80.
Sheep receipts for 1908 were 67,000
larger than the previous year. This
week is opening up with a light run
and the feeling generally stronger.
Not many lambs on sale.
Myrtle Vinton Coming to O’Neill.
Myrtle Vinton, the charming little
actress who was here several years
ago and so wonderfully pleased all
who saw her will be here again for a
three nights engagement commencing
Thursday, January, 14, 1909. During
her engagement she will present all
new plays and up to date specialities
The Billings Mont., Timejs says:
“Myrtle Vinton is one of the c leverest
actresses seen here this yea.1.” All
southern Nebraska papers sa ' she is
wonderful. During her eng igement
she will present llall Cain j’s new
play, “For Her Brother’s Sal s.”
We have a few special prices on
• sewing machines, drop heads from
$5.75 and up. Albert’s Hai ness and
Shoe Store.__ _ 28*2
1 have some eastern mon^y to loan
on farms in Holt county. :iee B. H.
Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 25'8 Pd
■Go to Iloriskey’s grocery for good
eating apples, $1,35 a bushel.!
M ^
21 >Jper CentlDiscount
I This Applies to Everything in the
I Hovxse Except Groceries
| Lomm^nctna To the people who know what it means when we say
1 20 per cent discount on everything in the store we have j
igS X^f<44»/4 a*t ! _ ^ Qi.L nothing to say. but for the benefit of our new friends we
k KJ&WXx \A&J f ICVll* / HI will say that it means that we give you $L in cash with
I s^\ , c' 1 t '■%'s 1 every $3 purchase you make during the sale. f
* Closing Saturday, January 23d. ‘___' _
Don’t wait-come the first da.y
Our lines of Winter Goods are complete. Don’t overlook your
needs in misses, ladies and children’s Coats, mens and boys Suits
and Overcoats, Duck Coats, mens Wool Shirts, mens and ladies
outing flannel gowns, Wool Dress Goods, heavy leather faced Mitts
that we are going to sell for LESS MONEY than the same suit can be I
bought at the factory today. |
Methodist Church Items.
Next Sunday morning, at tha _
Methodist church, our Second Quar
terly Meeting will be held. At 10:30
| the Rev. E. T. George, our district
superintendent will preach, after
| which the sacrament of “The Lord’s
! Supper” will be administered. We
most cordially invite everybody to
participate in this service.
Immediately after this service our
Sunday school will be held and all are
invited to remain for that interesting
Class meeting at 10 o’clock Sunday
morning. This service should be well
attended for it is one of the very best.
Junior League at 3 o’clock Sunday
afternoon, to which we cordially in
vite all of the boys and girls. The
Juniors had a delightful time at the
home of Mrs. C. C. Fouts on Friday
evening of last week. We are hoping
this will prove but one of many
pleasant gatherings.
We had a very interesting Epworth
League service last Sunday evening. «
Miss Myrtle Nash, who is spending a
few days in town, was the leader.
Sunday evening the ' pastor will
preach, taking for his theme, “Salva
tion.” Epworth League service at
6:30, preaching at 7:30 p. m. We most
cordially invite everybody, young or
old, or middle aged to these services.
The week of prayer is being ob
served this week in the Methodist
church. T. S. Watson, Pastor.
Receiver's Sale.
The undersigned will sell at the
front door of the court house in O’Neill
on Monday, January 11, 1909, all the
property of the defunct Elkhorn Val
ley Bank now in my possession as
receiver of said bank, consisting of
notes, judgments, and one block of
lots situated in Hagerty’s Addition to
O’Neill and described as Block M,
Hagerty’s Addition to O’Neill, also
any other property of said bank which
may be in my hands on said date.
Said sale to be held between the
hours of 1:30 and 5 p. m. of the above
date. Should all of said property not
be sold on the above day the sale will
be continued at the same hour each
day until all of such property shall be
sold lor cash to the highest bidder.
O. F. Biglin,
Highest cash price paid for hides
Also have hides tanned for robes and
coats. See some of the work and get
prices if you are interested; all work
guaranteed first class or will exchange
as we have a few select robes al
ready on hand—Alberts Harness and
Shoe Store. 28-3