The Frontier. m ■ . , ’ •*• • _#C.5 ’• .<■ * • 'if -I V ■ ’ ■ ■ •- »’ r/—; I VOLUME XXIX. O’NEILL. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBERS, 1908 __NUMBER 20 PRESIDENTIAL VOTE, HOLT COUNTY The followinp is the vote between Bryan and McKinley in 1900, and between Taft and Bryan in 1908, by precincts in Holt county: 1900 1908 McKinley Bryan Taft Bryan Atkinson 157 85 181 129 Chambers 68 59 60 63 Cleveland 27 22 14 17 Cauley 35 23 19 26 Deloit 21* 60 48 57 • Dustin 20 19 22 14 Emmet 26 27 , 35 51 Ewing * . 97 104 122 142 Fairview 20 58 10 16 Francis 25 36 29 31 Grattan 24 130 62 141 Green Valley 20 38 15 37 Inman 64 (>3 87 88 Iowa 30 26 35 30 Lake 35 23 31 29 , McClure 24 23 30 23 Paddock 49 52 46 50 Pleasant Valley 18 18 18 23 Rock Falls 27 27 40 28 Sand Creek 18 23 25 24 Saratoga 23 37 44 59 Scott 21 32 25 32 Shamrock 9 18 . Sheridan 37 53 35 65 Shields 32 61 39 80 Steel Creek 58 21 44 26 Stuart '* ' 144 122 148 144 Swan 19 13 24 24 Verdigris 56 59 74 77 Willowdale 19 22 38 34 Wyoming 22 29 23 31 O’Neill 1st ward 35 44 43 70 O’Neill 2nd ward 28 50 30 62 O’Neill 3d ward 49 45 43 56 . .Li i. . -i- II . . _ V Vote by Townships. The following Is the unofficial re turns for Holt county: O’Neill, 1st ward. Bryan 70 Taft 43, Shallenberger 68 Sheldon 45,Kinkaid 57 Westover 57,Phillips 43, Donohoe 75, Chapman 58 Whelan 62, Allen 47, Calkins 41 Henry 70, Wilbern 63. O’Neill 2d ward. Bryan 52 Taft 30, Sheldon 31 Shallenberger 51, Kinkaid 34 Westover 49, Phillips 25 Donohoe 59, Allen 25 Calkins 25 Hehry 57 Wil bern 54, Chapman 41 Whelan 41. O’Neill 3d ward. Bryan 56 Taft 43, Sheldon 45 Shallenberger 45, Kinkaid 53 Westover 45, Phillips 54 Donohoe 55, Allen 40 Calkins 36 Henry 59 Wilbern 41,Chapman 55 Whelan 45. Emmet: Bryan 51 Taft 35, Shallen berger 50 Sheldon 36, Kinkaid 47 Westover 40, Donohoe 50 Phillips 37, Henry 50 Wilbern 48 Allen 38 Calkins 33, Chapman 42 Whelan 46. Ewing: Bryan 142 Taft 122, Shallen berged 133 Sheldon 132, Kinkaid 137 Westover 125, Donohoe 143 Phillips 119, Henry 140 Wilbern 128 Allen 131 Calkins 125, Whelan 135 Chapman 127 Atkinson: Bryan 129 Taft 181, Sheldon 159 Shellenberger 91, West over 115 Kinkaid 198, Donohoe 137 Phillips 183, Henry 110 Wilbern 133 Allen 212 Calkins 164 Whelan 99 Chapman 217. Chambers: Bryan 63 Taft 60, Shallenberger 62 Sheldon 62 Westover 58 Kinkaid 67, Donohoe 59 Phillips 60 Henry 72 Wilbern 51 Allen 55 Calkins 68 Whelan 60 Chapman 60. Conley: Bryan 26 Taft 19, Shallen berger 24 Shelden 20, Westover 20 New Bakery Opens Monday November 9th. with a foil line of home made bread, pies, cakes and all bakery products. Orders for special bakings especially solicited and should be placed a day in advance. Bakery | block east Fidelity Bank, in Horiskey building. ^ CORA POTTER ^ / Kinkaid 23, Donohoe 24 Phillips 21 Henry 21 Wilbern 20 Allen 18 Calkins 24 Whelan 26 Chapman 17. Deloit: Bryan 57 Taft 48, Shallen berger 60 Sheldon 45, Westover 57 Kinkaid 47, Donohoe 62 Phillips 43 Henry 56 Wilbern 51 Allen 45 Calkins 45 Whelan 52 Chapman 50. Francis: Bryan 31 Taft 29, Shallen berger 31, Sheldon 28, Westover 27 Kinkaid 34, Donohoe 34 Phillips 27, Henry 31 Wilbern 28 Allen 32 Calkins 17, Whelan 35 Chapman 25. Grattan: Bryan 141 Taft 62, Shal lenberger 139 Sheldon 64, Westover 122 Kinkaid 78, Donohoe 148 Phillips 54, Henry 140 Wilbern 128, Allen 56 Calkins 57. Chapman 70 Whelan 132 Steel Creek: Bryan 26 Taft 44, Shal lenberger 22 Sheldon 46, Kinkaid 47 Westover 22, Donohoe 21 Phillips 50, Henry 31 Wilbern 22 Allen 42 Calkins 37, Whelan 27 Cliapman 40. Rock Falls: Bryan 28 Taft 40, Shal lenberger 29 Sheldon 39, Westover 26 Kinkaid 43. Donohoe 36 Phillips 33, Henry 29 Wilbern 26 Allen 37 Calkins 37, Whelan 29 Chapman 38. Dustin: Bryan 14 Taft 22, Shallen berger 16 Sheldon 21, Westover 13 Kinkaid 24, Donohoe 19 Phillips 18, Henry 19 Wilbern 11 Allen 20 Calkins 14, Whelan 17 Cliapman 21. Green Valley: Bryan 37 Taft 15, Shallenberger 37 Sheldon 16, Westover 35 Kinkaid 18, Donohoe 37 Phillips 16, Henry 38 Wilbern 37, Allen 15 Cal kins 15, Whelan 39 Chapman 14. Lake: Bryan 29 Taft 31, Shallen berger 29 Sheldon 31, Westover 26 Kinkaid 34, Donohoe 32 Phillips 28, Henry 31. Wilbern 25, Allen 24 Calkins 24, Whelan 31 Chapman 29. Paddock: Bryan 50 Taft 46, Shal lenberger 51 Sheldon 48, Westover 52 Kinkaid 49, Donohoe 49 Phillips 52, Henry 60 Wilbern 45, Allen 44 Calkins 43, Whelan 62 Chapman 43. | Inman: Bryan 88 Taft 87, Shallen berger 82 Sheldon 94, Westover 72 Kinkaid 101, Donohoe 83 Phillips 95, Henry 95 Wilbern 91, Allen 62 Calkins 104, Whelan 73 Chapman 107. Iowa: Bryan 30 Taft 35, Shallen berger 30 Sheldon 34, Kinkaid 36 Westover 26 Donohoe 31 Phillips 36 Henry 34 Wilbern 29 Allen 36 Calkins 32 Whelan 31 Chapman 34. Saratoga: Bryan 59 Taft 44, Slial lenberger 59 Sheldon 44, Kinkaid 55 Westover 47 Donohoe 60 Phillips 42 Henry 56 Wilbern 46 Allen 44 Calkins 29 Whelan 59 Chapman 42. Verdigris: Bryan 77 Taft 74, Shal lenberger 73 Sheldon 82, Westover 69 Einkaid 88, Donohoe 90 Phillips 78, Henry 103, Wilbern 53 Allen 96, Calkins 65, Whelan 74 Chapman 85. Willowdale: Bryan 34 Taft 38, Shallenberger 26 Sheldon 26, West over 23 Einkaid 27, Donohoe 21 Phillips 33, Henry 35 Wilbern 19 Allen 20, Calkins 19, Whelan 27 Chapman 25. Stuart: Bryan 144 Taft 148, Shal lenberger 153 Sheldon 143, Westover 140 Einkaid 155, Donohoe 150 Phillips 146, Henry 146 Wilbern 131 Allen 60 Calkins 135, Whelan 145 Chapman 146. Swan: Bryan 24 Taft 24 Shallen berger 24 Sheldon 24, Westbver 23 Einkaid 29, Donohoe 27 Phillips 24, Henry 24 Wilbern 24 Allen 24 Calkins 23 Whelan 29 Chapman 22. Sheridan: Bryan 63 Taft 35, Shal lenberger 67 Sheldon 35, Westover 57 Einkaid 43, Donohoe 67 Phillips 33 Henry 56 Wilbern 60, Allen 46 Calkins 35, Whelan 64 Chapman 36. Shields: Bryan 80, Taft 39, Shal lenberger 81 Sheldon 35, Westover 66 Einkaid 49, Donohoe 78 Phillips 37, Henry 81 Wilbern 65 Allen 34 Calkins a9 Whelan 77 Chapman 38. McClure: Bryan 23 Taft 30, Shal lenberger 32 Sheldon 28, Westover 21 Einkaid 31, Donohoe 30 Phillips 23 Henry 21 Wilbern 16 Allen 29 Calkins 28, Whelan 21 Chapman 22. Sand Creek: Bryan 24 Taft 25, Shallenberger 25 Sheldon 22, Westover 19 Einkaid 27. Scott: Bryan 32 Taft 25, Shallen berger 34 Sheldon 25, Westover 29 Einkaid 28, Donohoe 33 Phillips 25, Henry 33 Wilbern 34, Allen 24 Cal kins 24, Whelan 31 Chapman 26. Cleveland: Bryan 17 Taft 14, Shal lenberger 18 Sheldon 14, Westover 18 Einkaid 18, Donohoe 24 Phillips 13, Henry 24 Wilbern 19, Allen 19 Calkins 8 Whelan 22 Chapman 13. Pleasant view: Bryan 23 Taft 18, Shallenberger 25 Sheldon 18, West over 22 Kinkaid 22, Donohoe 23 Phillips 20, Henry 22 Wilbern 26 Allen 17 Calkins 16, Whelan 24 Chapman 18. Fairview: Bryan 16 Taft 10, Shal lenberger 16 Sheldon 8, Westover 14 Kinkaid 10, Donohoe 14 Phillips 9, Henry 15 Wilbern 13 Allen 9 Calkins 8, Whelan 15 Chapman 9. Wyoming: Bryan 31 Taft 23, Shal lenberger 21 Sheldon 22, Westover 25 Kinkaid 29 Donohoe 33 Phillips 20 Henry 27 Wilbern 28 Allen 23 Calkins 22, Whelan 34 Chapman 20. IN COURT “Have you,” demanded the court of the juror, “formed an opinion about this case?” “I have not,” answered the juror emphatically: “I forgot to mention it to my wife.” "I should like to be excused, your honor,” said a man who had been summoned on the jury. “What for?” “I owe a man five dollars, and I want to hunt him up and pay it.” “Do you mean to tell this court you would hunt up a man to pay a bill in stead of waiting for him to hunt you up?” “Yes, your honor.” “You are excused, I don’t want any man on the jury who will lie like that.” Bargains, bargains, in dry goods, shoes, clothing, blankets, quilts, un derwear. Examine our 39 cent under wear before purchasing elsewhere. For bargaing in any line of goods try the Department Store, just across the street from the K. C. hall. 18-3 If you are figuring on buying a heat ing stove remember the name RE TORT OAK. Do not confuse the name because there are thousands of Oak stoves. All are trying to imitate the Retort.—Neil Brennan. 14tf. Wedding at Stuart Stuart Advocate: Modesty having always been one of our oh' ;.f charac teristics, we are at a loss to tell our readers just what we thought of the wedding at our house Monday night, October 26, 1908. Below we give an account as it was published by the Norfolk Daily News, and of which we will venture the quotation that “them are our sentiments too.” A very pretty wedding took place at Stuart when Miss Hazel Goats, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Coats, and C. Y. Walker of Omaha were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Monday evening at S o’clock, Rev. Connell officiating. The house was nicely decorated. The bride was gowned in tan satin, and the groom in the customary black. Only a few friends were present. After the ceremony a three course luncheon was served. Miss Coats was a well known and popular young lady, this being her home since child hood. Mr. Walker was formerly of Norfolk, where his parents now live. He is a printer by trade and for a year was foreman of the Stuart Advo cate, of which Mr. Coats is editor. Mr. Walker is at present working for the Reed Printing Company of Omaha, where the young couple will make their home. If your horses and hogs do not seem to fatten up as fast as they should try some International Stock Food and if it does not help them we will give you your money back. Neil Brennan. Strayed, to my place three miles south of Emmet, one white face bay horse, weight about 1,000 pounds; brand on right shoulder.—J. L. Craw ford. 16-5 We have a few first class buggies on hand bright and new that will pay you to see before you buy elsewhere. Our prices and goods are right.—Neil Brennan. 14-t£ A car load of bale ties at Brennan’s. SWEEPING VICTORY IS SCORED FOR TAFT Bryanism Receives a Third and Stunning Blow. EAST ALL REPUBLICAN “Doubtful States" Roll Up Majorities From 15,000 to 100,000 Against the “Peerless" NEBRASKA GOES DEMOCRATIC Gives Bryan Small Majority, With Schallenberger in tho Lead for Governor. Returns from Tuesday’s election convey the infcrmation that Mr. Taft carries the country for president and will have probably HOOeiectorial votes, or fifty-eight more than necessary for elect ion. It was a quiet election day In O’Neill although the usual vote was polled. The returns for the town—62 majority for Bryan—inspired assurance among the local desclples of the "peerless” and their plans for a ratification when the news would come over the wire of his election were already laid and the men wbo had climbed onto the band wagon at the ele /enth hour to be in line for the pie counter were ready to shout the loudest, while the pent-up enthusiasm of their sons and daught ers could not be suppressed abd they marched the streets singing and shout ing for the hundred thousand-doilar ^"commoner.” Bat consternation reigned tunong them when the first word from New York came that that state was safe for Taft by 100,000 plurality. Then all the New England states, Pennsyl vania, Ohio,' Indiana, West Virginia, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Min nesota, Iowa, the Dakotas, Kansas and Pacific coast states came in with republican pluralities of from 16,000 to 76,000. At republican headquarters it sounded like a bomb had exploded in the telephone when the word came that Nebraska had gone democratic, with the probable defeat of the whole republican state ticket. Holt county went with the general democratic land slide in the state. E. H. Whelan is re-elected county attorn ey by a very small majority, probably about fifty. J. A Golden is re-elected supervisor in the O’Neill district. Grimes, democrat, in theChambers Inman district, Nilson, democrat, in the First district, and Kramer, repub lican, in the Seventh district. Incomplete returns from the Sixth congressional district indicate the re election of Klnkaid. Boyd, republi can, was defeated for congress by Latta, democrat, in the Third district and Hitchcock, democrat, was re elected in the Second. The other congressional districts went repub lican. Frank Phillips, republican, was de feated by J. A. Denohoe, fusion, for state senator in this district, and the fusion nominees for representatives, Henry and Wilburn, are elected. A complete tabulated statement of the vote In this county will appear in the next issue of this paper. Cut Price Sale. At all times in the Cash Depart ment Store. We sell Joods at low prices. We don’t ask the people to build brick blocks or brown stone fronts for us. Those who have such luxuries, the people paid for them. We are willing to live and let live, and let live. Get our prices on all lines of fall and winter goods before purchasing elsewhere. Try the Fair Cash Department Store first, just across the street from the K. C. hall, O’Neill, Nebr. 18-3 Dr. Corbett, Dentist, will be in O’Neill every Monday, Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday of October.