The Frontier Published by D. H. CRONIN KOMA1NK SAUNDERS. AsaistHnt Editor and Manager. $1 60 the Year 75 Cents Six Months Official paper of O’Neill and Holt county. ADVERTISING RATES: Display ad vertlsrnentH oil pages 4, 6 and 8 re charged for on a basis of 60 cents an Inch one column width) per mouth; on page 1 the charge Is |l uu inch per month. Local ad vertisements, 6 cents per line each Insertion. Address the ofHce or the publisher. The sultan isn’t sucli a bad feller after all. Democrats face defeat again with their customary cheerfulness. Republicans in Holt county who will vote for Hryan are as scarce as Clipper dividends. Corn lias been showing what it can do when the weather is right. The growth the past week has put the latest patches right up to date. -- Ttie Conneticut hanker who got a twenty-year prison term for wrecking a hank evidently didn’t know of the Ilagerty-McGreevy method of evading it. Judge Westover lias made the pre liminary dasli for congress. lie an nounces himself a candidate for the democratic nomination for the big Sixth, which still remains safely re publican. _ ^ You have had several opportunities to vote for Bryan and will continue to have them in the future. There may not be another chance to vote for Taft and you’d better take advantage of the opportunity. Farmers certainly have no excuse to vote the democratic ticket. A better “lay out” than they have right now could hardly be asked. They are get ting high water mark prices for all of their products and their lands keep rising in value. The attempt of the Bryan crowd to work a fusion deal on president^ electors is a palpable fraud. The quick action of the republican com mitteemen in filing protests is to be commended. The democratic and populist rlngsters would like to de liver the Nebraska electorlal vote for Bryan by fair means or foul. Judge Grosscup, the leading actor in the judicial wiping out of that $29, 000,000 fine, has our west-end district judge beatten as a pass grabber. Ac cording to some pretty convincing proof brought out by the newspapers, Grosscup has solicited and accepted passes from nearly every railroad on the map for himself and relatives. The organization of the Bohemians of the state to oppose prohibition dis closes an odd feature of the political side of our institutions. Prohibition is an American idea. Few foreigners become identified with the total abstenancc class. There has always been a sort of tacit understanding that the Bohemian vote could be counted on against any proposition looking to the abolition of the saloon. Their organization for the avowed purpose of fighting prohibition is ofilcial announcement of their attitude. What figure they will cut remains to be seen. The fact of their organizing, however, shows that under our system of government it Is possible lor a foreign population, where strong enough, to outvote the natives and defeat their plans of government. The government was defeated in the higher court by the Standard Oil company in the appeal from the decis ion of Judge Landis who assessed a line of nearly 30 millions. The case has been ordered back for retrial on tile grounds that the fine was exces sive and that the trial court erred in counting as separate offenses trans actions that should be considered collectively. The review court holds that by no possible means could the line exceed something over $700,000. The principle that corporations can not be jailed is a bad one. The officers of a corporation are responsible for the corporation methods and they should be held accountable for unlaw ful acts and sent to jail when the offense warrants it. Fining a corpor ation like the Standard only adds grief to their already overburdened patrons, out of whom the line would eventu ally come. «S» «§ O Consumption is less deadly than it used to be. V *B» «& Certain relief and usually complete recovery ^ v will result from the following treatment: *0* iHope, rest, fresh air, and—Scott’s Emulsion. ALL DRUGGISTS I 6O0. AND $1.00. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To L. (J Kloke: You are hereby notified that on the 21stday of November, 1908, the following described real estate situated in Holt county, In the state of Nebraska, to-wit: Southeast quarter northeast, quarter section 12, township 32, range 10. west, was sold at uublie tax sale by the treasurer of said coun ty, for the delinquent taxes due thereon for the year 1905 to T. A. Thompson who received a certificate of tax sale therefor, which cer tificate of tax sale has been sold and assign ed t«> S. J, Weekes, who Is the present owner and holder thereof. In the year 1907 thw said lund was taxed and especially assessed In the name of L. G. Kloke. The time of redemption from said tax sale will expire on the 21st day of November. 1908, and that upon the expir ation of said time I will apply to the county treasurer for a tax deed for said premises 0-3 8. J. WEEKES. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To Oliva Gray and W. .1. Gray: You are hereby notified that on the 21st day of No vember, 1900, the following described real es tate situated In Holt county, in the state of Nebraska, to-wlt: Part of lots one and two, section 5, part of lot one< section 0, township 32, range IU, west, was sold at public tax sale by the treasurer of said county, for the de linquent taxes due thereon for the year 1905 to T. A. Thompson who received a certificate of tux sale therefor, which certificate of tax sale has been sold and assigned to 8. J. Week es, who is the present owner and holder there of. In the year 1807 the said land was taxed and especially assessed in the name of Oliva Gray. The time of redemption from said tax sale will expire on the 21st day of November, 1908, and that upon the expiration of said time 1 will apply to the county treasurer for a tax deed for said premises. 8-3 8. J. WEEKES. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To George H. I’ost, doe i’eed.U. W. Mitchell and Will C. Colt: You arc hereby notified that on the 20th day of November, 1908, the I following described real estate situated In Holt county, In the state of Nebraska,to-wit: Lots one, two, three,southeast quarter north west quarter section 17, township 33, range 13, west, was sold at public tax sale by the treas urer of said county, for the delinquent taxes duo thereon for the year 1905 to T. A. Thomp son who received a certificate of tax sale therefor, which certificate of tax sale has been sold and assigned to 8. J. Weekes, who is the present owner and holder thereof. I i the year 1907 the said land was taxed and es pecially assessed in the name of George 11. Post. The time of redemption from said tax sale will expire on the 20th day of November, I\H18, and that upon the expiration of said time 1 will apply to the county treasurer for a tax deed for said premises. 8-3 8. J. WEEKES NOTICE TO REDEEM To N. P. Swanson and Jesse Wiley: You are hereby notified that on the 20th day of November, 1900, the following described real estate situated In Holt county, in the state of Nebraska, to-wit: East half southwest quar ter section 19, township 82, raugo 12, west, was sold at public lax sale by the treasurer ot said county, for the delinquent taxes due thereon for the year 1905 to T. A. Thompson who received a certificate of tax sale there'or, which certificate of tax sale lias beou sold and assigned to 8. J. Weeks, who is the pres ent, owner and holder thereof. In the year 1907 Hie said land was taxed and especially assessed in the name of of N. P. Swanson. The time of redemption from said tax sale will expire on the2Uth day of November, 1908. and that upon the expiration of said time I will auply to the county treasurer for a tax ueed for said premises. 6-8 S.J. WEEKES. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To N. P. Swanson and Jesse Wiley: You are hereby notified that on the 2Uth day of November, 1906, the following described real estate in Hull county, ill the state of Nebras ka, to-wit: Nortli half of northwest quarter section 30, township 32, range 12, west, was sold at public tax sale by the treasurer of said county, for the deliuouent taxes due thereon for the year 1905 to T. A. Thompson who received a certificate of tax sale there for. which certificate of tax sale has been solo and assigned toS. J. Weekes, who is the present owner and holder thereof. In the y ar 1907 the said laud was taxed and especi ally assessed in the name of N. P. Swanson The time of redemption from said tax sule will expire on tho 20th day of November, 1908, and that upon the expiration of said time l will apply to the county treasurer for a tax deed for said premises. 6-3 S.J. WEEKES. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To T. D. Sabin and J, G. McPnersou: You are hereby notified that on the 20th day of November, 1906, the following described real estute situated in Holt county, in the state of Nebraska, to-wlt: Northeast quarter sec tion 21, township 32, raugo 14. west, was sold at public tax sale by the treasurer of said county, for tho delinquent taxes due thereon lor the year 1905 to T. A. Thompson who re ceived a certificate of tax sale therefor, which certificate of tax .ale lias been sola and assigned to S. J Weekes, who is the present owner and holder thereof. In the year 19U7 the said land was taxed and especi ally assessed In the name of Saben & McPher son. The time of redemption from said tax sale will expire ou the 2bth day of November, 1908, and that upon the expiration of said time 1 will apply to the county treasurer for a tax deed for said premises. 6-3 S.J. WEEKES. NOTIOE~TO REDEEM. To T. D. Sabin aud J . G. McPherson: You are hereby notified that ou the 20th day of November, 1906, the following described real estate situated in Holt oouuty, in the state of Nebraska, to-wlt: Southeast quarter section 21, township 32, rango 14, west, was sold at public tax sale by the county treasurer o? said county, for the delinquent taxes due thereon for the year I9uft to T. A. Thompson who received a certificate of tax sale there for, which certificate of tax sale has been sold and assigned to 8. J. Weekes, who is the present owner and holder thereof, in the year 1907 the said land was taxed and especial ly assessed in the name of Saben&McPherson. The time of redemption from said tax sale will expire on the 20tli day of November, I9u8. and that upon the expiration of said time 1 will anply to the county treasurer for a tax deed for said premises. 6-3S. J. WEEKES, NOT IDE TO REDEEM. To T. I>. Sabin and J. G. McPherson: You are hereby notified that on the 20th day ol November, 1906, the following described real estate situated in Holt county, iu Die state of Nebraska, to-wit* Northwest quarter sec tion 21, tow nship 32, range 14, west, was sold at public tax sale by Die treasurer of said county, for tho delinquent taxes due thereon for the year I9e» to T. A. Thompson who re ceived a certificate of tax sale therefor, which certificate of tax sale has been sold and assigned to S. J. M eekos who Is the present owner and holder thereof. In tho year 1907 the said land was taxed and especially assessed In Die name of Saben & McPherson. The time of redemption from said tax sale will expire ou the 20th day of November, 1908, aud that upon the expiration of said lime l will apply to the county treasurer for a tax deed for'said prem ises. 6-3 S.J. WEEKES. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To Fred A. Gray and John S. Keepers: You are hereby notified that on the 22ud day ol November, 1906, the following described real estate situated in Holt county, iuthe state of Nebraska, to-wlt: South wci-t quarter north east quarter, west half southeast quarter section 80, northwest quarter northeast quar ter section 31, township 27, range 12, west,was sold at public tax sale by the treasurer of said county for the deliimuent taxes due thoreon for the year 1906 to T. A. Thompson who received a certificate of tax sale theie for, which certificate of tax sale has been sold aud assigned to S. J. Weekes, who is the present owner and holder thereof. In tho year 1907 the said land was taxed ami especi ally assessed in the name of Fred A. Gray. The time of redemption from said tsv sale will expire on the 22n"d day of November, 1908, and that upon the explratiou of said time 1 will apply to the county treasurer for a tax deed for said premises. 6-3 S.J. WEEKES. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To E. E. Krisbie. Edwa>d Heintz and Mrs. E. F. Bryant: You are hereby notified that on the 20th day of November. 190*1. the follow ing described real estate situated In Holt county, in the state of Nebraska, towit: Northwest quarter section 31, township 26, range 10, west, was sold at public tax sale by the treasurer of said county, for the delin quent taxes due thereon for the year 1305 to T. A. Thompson who received a certificate of tax sale therefor, which certificate of tax sale lias been sold and assigned to 8. J. Weekes. who is the present owner and holder thereof. In the year 1907 the said land was taxed and especially assessed in the name of E. K. Krisbie. The time of redemption from said tax sale will expire on the 20t h day of November, 1908, and that upon the expir ation of said time I will apply to .the county treasurer for a tax deed for said premises 0-3 8 J. WEEKES. NOTICE TO REDEEM To George I Darker, Charles Ruden, John Buhrow, Anton Harris and Charles N. Brown: You are hereby notified thaton the 22nd day of November, 1906, the following described real estate situated in Holt county, in the state of Nebraska, to-wit: South half north west quarter, north half southwest quarter section 30, township 27, range 12, west, was so'd at public tax sale by the treasurer of said county, for the delinquent taxes duo thereon for the year 1005 to T. A. Thompson who re ceived a certificate of tax sale therefor, which certificate of tax sale has been sold and assigned to 8. .J. Weekes. who is tile present owner and holder thereof. In the year 1907 the said land was taxed and especially asses sed in the name of Anton Hams. The time of redemption from said tax sale will expire on the 22nd day of November. 1908, and that upon the expiration of said time l will apply to the county treasurer for a tax deed lor said premises. 6-3 8. J. WEEKES. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To R. II. Taylor and Charles E. Gibson: You are hereby notified thaton the 20th day of November. 1906, the following described real estate situated in Holt county, in the state of Nebraska, to-wit: West half north east quarter, southeast quarter northeast quarter section 34, township 38, range 12 west, was sold at public tax sale by the treasurer of said county, for the delinquent taxes duo thereon for the year 1905 to T. A. Thompson who received a certificate of tax sale therefor, which certificate of tax sale has been sold and assigned to 8. J. Weekes, who is the pres ent owner and holder thereof. In the year 1907 the said land was taxed aud especially assessed in the name of R. II. Taylor. The time of redemption from said tax sale will expire on the 20th day of November, 1908, and that upon the expiration of said time 1 will apply to the county treasurer for a tax deed for said premises. 6-8 8. ,J. WEEKES. NOTICE TO REDEEM To William W. Baldwin and Joe McCaffrey. You are hereby notified that on the 23d day of November, 1906, the following described real estate situated in llolt county, in the state of Nebraska, to-wit: northwest quarter of section 2, township 27, range 13 west, was sold at public tax sale by the treasurer of said county for the delinquent taxes due thereon for the year 1905 to T. A. Thompson, who received a certificate of tax saie therefor, which certificate of tax sale has been sold and assigned to 8. J. Weekes, who is the pres ent owner and holder thereof. I n the year 1907 the said land was taxed and especially assessed in the name of \V. W. Baldwin. The time of redemption frcm said tax sale will expire on the 23d day of November. 1908, and that upon the expiration of said time 1 will apply to the county treasurer for a tax deed for said premises. 6-3 8. J. WEEKES. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To P. J. Johnson: You are hereby notified that on the 16th day of November. 1906. the following described real estate situated in Holt county, in the state of Nebraska, to-wit: The southeast quarter of the southwest quar ter, east half of the southeast quarter and the southwest quarter of thtf southeast quar ter section two (2). township thirty (30), range filteen (15), was sold at public tax sale by the county treasurer of said county for the de linquent taxes due thereon for the year 1905 to John Lorge of Randolph, Nebraska, who received a certificate of tax sale therefor and who is present owner and holder thereof. In the year 1906 the said land was taxed and es pecially assessed in the name of L. Marks. The time of redemption from said tax sale will expire on the 16th day of November, 1908, and that upon expiration of said time I will apply to the county treasurer for a tax deed for said premises. 6-3 JOHN LORGE. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To E. B. Whitehead and Dale Zink: You are hereby notified that on the 22ud day of No vember, 1906, the following described real es tate situated in Holt county. in the state of Nebraska, to-wit: The southeast quarter sectiou thirty-two (32), township thirty-one (31), range fifteen (15), was sold at public tax sale by the treasurer of said county for the delinquent taxes due thereon for the year 1905 to John Gorge of Randolph, Nebraska, who received a certificate of tax sale therefor and who is present owner and holder there of. lu the year 1905 the said land was taxed and especially assessed In the name of E. B. Whitehead. The time of redemption from said tax tax sale will expire on the 22nd day of November, 1908, and that upon the expir ation of said time I will apply to the county treasurer for a tax deed for said premises. 6-3 JOHN LORGE. NOTICE TO REDEEM. Talka M. Kortf and Coral H. Kortf: You are hereby notified that on tike 22nd day of No vember. 1906, the following described real es tate situated in Holt county, in tike state of Nebraska, to-wit: like southwest quarter section eighteen (18), township thirty-one (31), range fifteen (15), was sold at public tax sale by the treasurer of said county for tike de linquent taxes due thereou for the year 1905 to John Lorge of Randolph,Nebraska,who re ceived a certificate of tux sale therefor and who is present owner and holder thereof. Jn the year 1905 tike said land was taxed and es pecially assessed in the name of Carl H. Korff. The time of redemption from said tax side will expire on the 22na day of November, 1908, and that upon the expiration of said time 1 will apply to the county treasurer for a tax deed for said premises. 6*3 JOHN LOfctGE. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To John V. Bond and Dennis Crum: You are hereby notified that on the 22ml day of November, 1906, the following described real estate situated in Holt county, in the state of Nebraska, to-wit: The south half of the northeast quarter sectiou t weutv (2»), town ship twenty-nine 1.291. range fourteen (14), was sold at public tax sale by the treasure!of said county for the delinquent taxes due thereon for the year 1906 to John Lorge of Uandolph, Nebraska, who received a certifi cate of tax sale therefor and who is present owner and holder thereof lu the year 1905 the said land was taxed and especially asses sed in the name of A. C. Campbell. The time of redemption from said tax sale will expire on tho22nd day of November. 1908, and that upon the expiration of said time I will apply to tike county treasurer for a tax deed for said premises. 6 3 JOHN LORGE. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To William H Crow: You are hereby noti fied that on tike 19th d*iy of November, 1906, the following described real estate situated in Holt county, iu the state of Nebraska, to wit: Tike southwest quarter of section thir ty-; our (341. township twenty-nine (29|.range fifteen (i51, was sold at public tax saie by the treasurer of said county for i he delin quent taxes for the year l«U5 to John Lorge ot Randolph, Nebraska, who received a cer tificate of tax sale therefor and who is pres ent owner and holder thereof. In the year 1905 the said land was taxed and especially assessed ilk 1 he ikKine of A. 8. Shultz. The time of redemption from said tux salo will expire on the 19th day of November. 1908,and that upon the expiration of said time 1 will apply to the county treasurer for a tax deed for said premises. 6-3 JOHN LORGE. .. ... .in.™ w.;w »■, . NOTICE TO REDEEM. To E. G. Hqulre and Carl Fotsland: You ! are hereby notified that on the 16th day of • November. 1906. the following described real ! estate situated m Holt county, in the state of j Nebraska, to-wit: The southeast quarter section twenty-eight f28], township t wenty five 1251, range nine (9], was sold at public | tax sale by the treasurer of said county for the delinquent taxes due thereon for the year 1905 to John Lorge of Randolph, Nebraska, who received a certificate of tax sale there for and who is present owner and holder thereof. In the yer 1905 the said land was taxed and especially assessed in the name of C l*. Maben. '1'io* lime of redemption from said tax sale will expire on the 16th day of November. 1968, and that upon the expiration of said time 1 will apply to the count y treas urer for a tax need for said premises. 6-3 JOHN LORGE NOTICE TO REDEEM. To John Walgreu: You are hereby notified that on the 16th day of November, 1906, the following described real estate situated in Holt county, in the state of Nebraska, to-wit: The southwest quarter of the northeast quar ter and the southeast quarter of the north west quarter of section thirty-two 1.321. town ship twenty-seven i27|, range nine [9], was sold at public tax sale by the treasurer of said county lor the delinquent taxes due thereon for the year 11KJ5 to John Lorge of Randolph, Nebraska, who received a certifi cate of tax sale therefor and who 1« present owner and holder thereof. In the year 1905 the said laud was taxed and especially asses sed in the name of J. C. Blenkiron. The time of redemption from said tax sale will expire on the 16th day of November, 1908, and that upon the expiration of said time 1 will apply to the county treasurer for a tax deed lor suid premises. 6-3 JOHN LORGE. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To A. K. Lee and C. E. Preutis: You are hereby notified that on the Kith day ol No vember, 1906, the following described real estate situated In Holt county, in the state of Nebraska, to-wit: The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter section one [11, town ship twenty-seven [271, range ten [101, was sold at public tax sale by the treasurer of said county for the delinquent taxes due thereon for the year 1905 to John Lorge of Randolph, Nebraska, who received a certifi cate of tax sale therefor and who is present owner and holder thereof. In the year 1905 the said land was taxed and especially asses sed in the name of James 1). Horton. The time of redemption from said tax sale will expire on the lOth day of November, 1908. and that upon the expiration of said time I will apply to the county treasurer for a tax deed for said premises. 6-3 JOHN LORGE. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To J. M. llennett: You are hereby notified that on the 16th day of November, 1906, the following described real estate situated in Holt county. In the state of Nebraska, to-wit: The northw’est quarter of the northwest quarter section four [4], and the north half of the northeast quarter section five [51, all in township thirty-one [311, range fifteen Llnl was sold at public tax sale by the treasurer of said county for the delinquent taxes due thereon tor the year 1905 to John Lorge of Randolph, Nebraska, who received a certifi cate of tax sale therefor and who is present owner and holder thereof. In the year 1905 the said land was taxed and especially as sessed in the name of J. M.‘Bennett. The time of redemption from said tax sale will expire on the sixteenth day of November, 1908, and that upon the expiration of said time I will apply to the counnty treasurer for a tax deed for said premises. 6-3 JOHN LORGE. (First publication .July 30.) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Tract No. 1951 The State of Nebraska, Plaintiff, vs. The several parcels of land hereinafter described, and ail persons and corporations having or claiming title to, or any interest, right or claim in, and to, sucli parcels of real estate or any part thereof, defendants. FINAL NOTICE. To John McCann and the unknown heirs of John McCann, deceased, and to the occu pants of the real estate described, whose names are, Bowen & Curtis. Notice is hereby given that under a decree of the district court of said county, rendered in the state tax suit for the year 1905, the following described real estate situated in the county of Holt and state of Nebraska, to wit: lot 7 in block 34, in the original town of O'Neill, Holt county, Nebr., was on the 18th day of November, 1905, duly sold at public vendue by the county treasurer of said county in the manner provided by law and the period of redemption from such sale will expire on the 18th day of November, 1908. You are further notified that the owner of the certificate of tax sale issued by the treasurer will make application to the court in the above entitled cause for confirmation of such sale as soon as practicable after the period of redemption has expired, and you are hereby notified that the time and place of the hearing upon such confirmation will be entered in the confirmation record kept by the clerk of said court, on or before the 18th day of November, 1908. You will examine said confirmation record to ascertain the time of such hearing and may be present, if you desire, to make any objections or show cause why the sale should not be continued. □0-3 BOWEN & OURTIS, Purchasers. (First Publibation July 30) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, Tract.No, 1857c. The State of Nebraska, Plaintiff, vs. The several parcels of land hereinafter des cribed, and all persons and corporations having or claiming title to,or any interest, right or claim in, and to, such parcels ot' real estate or any part thereof, defeudanta. FINAL NOTICE. To Mary Fitzgerald, Edward J. Fitzgerald. William Paul Fitzgerald, Mary Lillian Fitz gerald, Mary Fitzgerald as administratrix of the estate of John Fitzgerald, deceased, and to the real estate described which Is vacant anti unoccupied. Notice is hereby given that under a decree of the district court of said county, rendered in'the state tax suit for the year 1905, the fol lowing described real estate situated In the county of Holt and state of Nebraska, to-wit: lot20 In block 22, in the original city of O’Neill in Holt county, Nebraska, was on the 17th day of November, 1905, duly sold at public vendue by the county treasurer ot said coun ty in the manner provided by law and ttie period of redemption from such sale will expire on the 17th day of November, 1908 V'ou are further notified that the owner of the certificate of tax sale Lsued by the treas urer will make application to the court in the above entitled cause for confirmation of said sale as soon as practicable after the period of redemption has expired, and you are hereby notified that the time and place of the hear ing upon such confirmation will be entered in the confirmation record kept by the clerk of said court, on or before the 17th day of No vember, 1908. You will examine said confirm ation record to ascertain the time of such hearing and may be present, if you desire, to make any objections or show cause why the sale should not be confirmed. 0-3 J. P. UALLALillEU, Purchaser. ( First publication July 30.) iN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Tract No. I8;>7b. The State of Nebraska, Plaintiff, vs The several parcels of land hereinafter described, and all persons and corporations having or claiming title to, or any interest, right or claim in. and to, such parcels of t eal estate or any part thereof, defendants. FINAL NOTICE. To Mary Fitzgerald, Edward J. Fitzgerald, William Paul Fitzgerald, Mary Lillian Fitz gerald. Mary Fitzgerald as administratrix of the estate of John Fitzgerald, deceased, and Michael K. Hannin and Mary Banniu his wife, real name unknown. Notice is hereby given that under a decree of the district court of said county, rendered in the state tax suit for the year 1905, the following described real estate situated in the county of Holt and state of Nebraska, to wit: Lot 19, in block 22, in the original city of O’Neill,Holt county,Nebraska, was on the 17th day of November. 1905, duly sold at pub lic vendue by the county treasurer of said couuty in the manner provided by law and the period of redemption from such sale will expire on the 17th day of November, 1908. You are further notified that the owner of the certificate of tax sale issued by the treasurer will make application to the court in the above eutitled cause for confirmation of such sale as soon as practicable after the period of redemption has expired, and you are hereby notified that the time ami place of the hearing upon such confirmation will be entered in the confirmation record kept by the clerk of said court, on or before the 17th day of November, 1908. You will examine said confirmation record to ascertain the time of such hearing and may be present, if you desire, to make any objections or show cause why the sale should not be confirmed, i 6-3 LAURA CRESS, Purchaser j Wanted—Men to work in haying. Apply to Ditch Company. 0-2 - —_— ---r-r-— -1 | Mr. Jones: "Hello, Neighbor Brown. I hear you are going to | build a new house.” Mr. Brown: "Yes, I have been thinking about it.” Jones: "Well, neighbor, let me give you some good advice. If I you want good lumber, right prices and an all around square deal buy it at 0. 0. Snyder’s." Brown: "Yes, I do know that PRIMROSE Coal is the best I ever used, and Brother John's screenes are fine." sr2us O. O. Snyder fHHi I CAPITAL $50,000.00 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS OVER $1,000,000 fl We solicit your banking business, and guarantee courteous treatment, and every accomodation consistent with safe and sound banking. 5 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS M. DOWLING, PRES, O. O. SNYDER. VICE-PRRS. S. J. WEEKES, CASHIER [ ; DR. J. P. GILLIGAN. H. P. DOWLING fW'Tlils Rank carries no indebtedness of Officers or Stockholders. “ FARM LOANS INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS INSURANCE I FIDELITY BANK 1 I 1 j|j This Bank aims to oonoerve the interests of its customers in every & ~i] honorable way. § | •-OFFICERS-• S E. E. Halstead, president. O. f. Biglin. vice-president i JAS. F. O'DONNELL, CASHIER El Directors: K. E. Halstead, E. H. Halstead, O. F. Blglln, F. J. Dlsbner g) gj D. B. Urosveuor. e} 2131 dUqUoIMj' dIJgIIgU R. W. McdlNNIS, Prop., Lincoln P. E. FISHER, Tlgr., O’Neill McGinnis Creamery O’NEILL, NEBRASKA Bring your cream to us and have it tested in a turbine tester, which f gives more accurate results than a hand tester. Agents for the world renown DeLavel Separators REPRESENTATIVES: J. U. YANTZI, O’Neill JOSEPH McCAFFREY, Emmet (First publication July 30.) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. Tract No. 22i»3. The State of Nebraska, Plain tiff, vs. The several parcels of land hereinafter described, and all persons and corporations having or claiming title to, or any Interest, right or claim in, and to, such parcels of real estate or any part thereof, defendants. FINAL NOTICE. To Phil Stimrnel and Jane Stiramel.his wife, real name unknown, and to the occupants of the real estate described below. Notice is hereby given that under a decree ol the district court of said county, rendered in the state tax suit for the year 100ft, the following described real estate situated in the county of Holt and st*«te of Nebraska, to wit : Lot number seven |7], in block number s- ven 171, of McCafferty’s annex to the city of < ‘’Neiil. Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded was on the 21st day of No veniber, LH).r», duly sold at public vendue by the county treasurer of said county in the manner provided by law and the period of redemption from such sale will expire on the 22nd day of November, 1lH)x. You are further notified that the owner of the certificate, of tax sale Issued by the treasurer will make application to the court In the above entitled cause for confirmation of such sale as soon as practicable after the period of redemption has expired, and you are hereby notified that the time, and place of the hearing upon such confirmation will bo entered In t he confirmation record kept by the clerk of said court, on or before the 22nd day of November, U'OH. You will examine said confirmation record to ascertain the time of such hearing and may be present, if you desire, to make any objections or show cause why the sale should not be confirmed. (i-3 l*. .). McMANUS, Owner of (Jertlllcates. Help For Those Who Have Stomach Trouble. After doctoring for about twelve years for a bad stomach trouble, and spending nearly five hundred dollars for medicine and doctors’ fees, I pur chased my wife one box of Chamber Iain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, which did her so much good that she continued to use them and they have done her more good than all of the medicine 1 bought before.—Samuel Boyer, Folsom, Iowa. This medicine is for sale by Gilligan & Stout. Sample free. Twenty-Five Cents is the Brice of Peace. Tile terrible Itching and smarting, incident to certain skin diseases, is al most instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Salve. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Gilligan <& Stout. Chattel mortgages at The Fiontier, Summer Vacation Tours To the Pacific Coast Daily low round trip rates to Port land, Seattle, Tacoma, San Fran cisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Slightly higher to include both California and Puget Sound. One whole business day saved by our new schedule to the Pacific northwest. To Eastern Resorts: Daily low excursion rates to Can ada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minne sota, Massachussetts and New York tourist resorts; also low rates to tourist resorts In Maine, New Hampshire and Y'ermont. To Colorado and Rocky Mountains Daily low rates to Colorado. Utah, Wyoming, Black Hills and Yellow stone park. Democratic conven tion at Denver in July. I, 000 Families Wanted: For newly irrigated lands in the Big Horn Basin, Wyo. No cyclones or Hoods. Water your land as needed. Soil is rich. Timber and coal plentiful. Price $40 to $50 per acre. Personally conducted excursions first and third Tuesdays of each month. Write D. Clem Deaver, General Agent, Land Seekers’Information Bureau. Omaha. Its free. Write a brief description of your proposed trip and let us advise you how to make it the best way at the least cost. J. F. Jordan, Ticket Agent, O’Neill L. W. Wakeley, G.P.A, Omaha, Neb \