with your name and address printed on them ONLY 50C MTIB The cheapest way to buy for those wanting small quantities I CLI7S Fpontiep. | ALDERSON'S GOT EM! GOOD AND PLENTY Not the Measles, nor the jim jams, but pure bred young bulls of the best families. Mostly Red, sired bj Scottish Sharon of Grey tower, 153330, one of the Pan American prize winners, and Golden King 152918. Two of the best bulls on the uppor Elkhorn valley today. Time will be given on bankable note to responsible Kir ties. Delivered to nearest . R. station free. JOHN M. ALDERSON Chambers, • • • Nebraska C. C. FOUTS, of O’Neill, - Nebraska. -SAY WE DO— Veterinary Work i And don’t you forget it. A prac tical man with 20 years in the business and always up-to-date. Performs all the principal Operations of Veterinary Surgery, Castration of Eidgellngs, Spaying, Dentistry, etc. Successfully treats the so-called (but wrongly named) swamp fever. Will go in any OUT BREAK and treat it. No Cure No Pay What more do you WANT. Write me, oall and see me, or phone me. Tbelephone No. 132. ' O’Neill, - Nebraska. HOTEL EVANS i I- -----—————— : ®B0 YEARS' EXPERIENCE lm~ Trade Marks Desions Copyrights Ac. \ Anyone sending u sketch and description msy quickly aaoertaln onr opinion free whether an Invention la probably patentabla rominunic* Monsstrletly confidential. HANOBOOR on Petenta : sent free. Oldeat agency for eecuHnepatants. Patent* taken through Munn A Co. reedy* . special notice, without charge, In the Scientific American. | A hendaomely lllnetrated weekly. lamest clr. cnlatlon of any scientific journal. Term*. 13 a • rear: four month*, gl. Bold by all newsdealer* fe Uii.MmfYm.YYTYmJ FOR AGENTS—A SUCCESS "The Old World and Its Ways" By William Jennings Bryan 876 Imperial Octave Pages- #S> Superb Engra ving* from photograph* taken by Col. Bryan Recount# lifa trip around the world and hi# vialta to all nations. Greatest book of travel ever written. Most successful book of this , generation. 41,000 called for In 4 months. • Write us for sample reports of first 100 agents • employed. Tbe people buy it eagerly. The ' agent’s harvest. Outfit Free.—Send fifty eents to cover cost of mulling and handling. Addresa 4 THE THOnPSON PUBLISHING CO., St. Louis, Mo. R. R. DICKSON I *£ Lawysp ^ h MVfllltei: FIMT NATIONAL NANA. O’NKILi Meat Market With a full line of meats of all kinds and solicit a share of the public’s patronage. 600D MEATS AND LIBERAL WEIGHTS *A. H. POE* THEO'BEILL ABSTRACT. 00. Compiles Abstracts of Title THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF AB STRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY Tlje Palace Stables Bowen Bros., Proprietors? GOOD RIGS, PRICES RIGHT feeding A SPECIALTY HORSES BOUGHT A SOLD O’NEILL. NEB. Dr. E. T. Wilson PHYSICIAN and SURGEON (Late of the U. S. Army) Successsor to Dr. Trueblood. Surgery and Diseases of women. sreciatlics: eve, Car, Nose and Throat Spiwtaelee correetly fitted and Supplied. O'NEILL, NEB. DR. J- P. GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Special attention giuen to DISEASES OF WOMEN, DISEASES Or THE EYE AND CORRECT FITTING OF GLASSES Txr^.ixr'rjznD — a representative in this county, by a large real estate corporation. Special inducements to those who wish to become financially inter ested. 33-4 THE REAL ESTATE SECURITY CO. Ft. Dearborn Bldg. Chicago, III. FRED L. BARCLAY STUART, NEB. Makes Lons 01 Short Tima Loans on Improved Farms and Ranches If you are In need of a loan drop him a line and be will call and see you. E. H. BENEDICT LAW A REAL ESTATE Office first floor south of 0.8. Land Offios V. ALBERTS mr«> A OBALCR IN Harness & Saddlery Good* Also Agent for Bliss Native Herbs, 900 days treatment for II and money refunded if not beneiltted. Alio Wheeler A Wilton Ball Bearing Sewing Mach J. C. HORISKEY Staple and Fancy Groceries Flour, Salt, o an try Produce D. W. CAMERON Practical Cement Worker Manufactures Cement Walks, build Foundations, Oaves, eto. In fact all cement work neatly and promptly done. Address, Atkinson or O’Neill DR. P. J. FEYNN Phystctan and Surgeon Night Callt will be Promptly Attended Office: First door to right over Ptxley ft Hanley's drug store. Kesldenoe phone M A. 4. KSft&woad Abstract €ob^«U Title Abstractors Offloe in First National Bank Bldg. CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Han Always Bought Bears the Signature of h*iafJZ74uc/*A& The Frontier Six Months for 75c The Norfolk Nursery. If you want extra select large bloom ing size flowering shrubs and crimson! rambler roses; or evergreens, fruit trees and small fruit plant; large and small shaae trees and seed potatoes; call at Norfolk Nurseay or write B. D. Hammond, Norfolk, Neb._42-8 First publication April 30. LEGAL NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS. In the Eistrio; Court of Holt County, Nebraska. Luke L. Mandeville, plaintiff, vs Mary O. Grooms, — Grooms, first and real name unknown; the unknown heirs and devisees ol —• Grooms, deceased; M. S. Boyd, first and real name un known, and — Boyd, first and real name unknown; Isaac W. Toland, the unknown heirs and devisees ot — Boyd, deceased, Phoebe Madden, 0. D. B. Eisaman, first and real name unknown, and Maggie Eisa man,George Lang and Mrs. George Lang her first and real name un known; S. M. Boyd, first and real unknown; George F. Padden, and — Padden, first and real name un known; John Doe, real name un known, and |Mrs. John Doe, real name unknown. Mary O. Grooms, — Grooms, first and real name unknown, the unknown heirs and devisees ot — Grooms, de ceased; M. S Boyd, first and real name unknown and — Boyd, first and real name unknown; Isaac W. Toland; the unknown heirs and devisees or — Boyd, deceased; Phoebe Madden; 0. D. B. Eisaman, first and real name un known and Maggie Eisaman; George Lang and Mrs. George Lang her first and real name unknown; George F. Padden, and — Padden, first and real name unknown; John Doe, real name unknown and Mrs. John Doe, real name unknown; will take notice that on the 11th day of April, A. D. 1908, Luke L. Mandeville, the plaintiff here in, filed his petition and commenced action against you and each ot you in the District Court of the Fifteenth judicial district of Nebraska, in and ior Holt county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of said action and petition being to quiet and confirm the title in the plaintiff Luke L. Mandeville in and to the following described real es tate situated in the county of Holt and state of Nebraska, to-wit: Lots one (1), two (2), and three (3), in block thirty-two (32), in the origi nal town of O’Neill, Holt county, Ne braska, as surveyed, platted and re eoided in the office of the county clerk of said county. In his said petition the plaintm al leges that he is the owner in fee simple of said lots one (1), two (2) and three (3), in block thirty-two (32) of the original toivn of O’Neill aforesoid. That plaintiff became seized of said lot two (2) of said block thirty-two (32) by mesne conveyance from the United States. That on the 4th day of August, 1875, Patrick Faby who was then the owner of said lot in fee simple conveyed said lot by warranty deed to the defendant S. M. Boyd, real name unknown. That said S. M. Boyd on the 23rd day of April, 1880, conveyed said lot by deed of conveyance to G. M. Cleveland and H. M. Uttley. But that in said deed of conveyance said S. M. Boyd described himself and sign ed said instrument under the name of Samuel M. Boyd which as plaintiff al leges was the real and full first name of said S. M. Boyd. That S. M. Boyd and Samuel M. Boyd are one and the same Identical person. That in the deed made to the said S. M. Boyd on the 4th day of August, 1875, by Patrick Fahy as aroresaid, the said S. M. Boyd, real name Samuel M. Boyd, was by clerical error described as M. S. Boyd but that the said M. S. Boyd was no other than and was the same identical person as the said Samuel M. Boyd. That said irregularities of description and signal ure has cast a cloud on plain tiff’s title. Plaintiff further alleges that the de fendant George F. Padden was at one time the owner of said lot two (2) by deed of conveyance from G. M. Cleve land and H. M. Uttley, and that there after said George F Padden being a single man conveyed said lot to one Emory A. Cobb, but in the deed of conveyance whereby he granted said lot to Emory A. Cobb, the said George F. Padden described himself as G. F. Padden and thus signed his name to said deed, but plaintiff alleges that said G. F. Padden and George F. Pad den were one and the same identical person. That said irregularity of de scription has oast a cloud on plaintiff’s title to said lot two (2). The plaintiff further alleges mat he Is the owner in fee simple of and in aotual possession of lots one 11) and three (3) in said block thlrly-two (32) aforesaid and that he acquired said title and possession by warranty deed from one Ben E. Wagner and Frank E. Wagner, husband and wife, and that said Ben E. Wagon acquired the fee simple title in and to said lots one (1) and three (3) from one Edwin P. Loy and Clara Loy. husband and wife. Plaintiff further alleges that the said Ben E. Wagner and his predecessors in title in and to said lots one (1) and three (3) were and had been in open, notorious, adverse, exclusive, undis turbed and interrupted, continuous and hostile possession of said real es tate, as regards the defendants, for more than ten years Immediately pro ceeding commencement of this action and that plaintiff Is therefor entitled to a decree quieting and confirming title in him to said lots one (1) ana three (3) as against each aad all of said defendants. That plaintiff is also entitled to a decree quieting and confirming title in him as to said lots one (1) and three (3) by reason of a tax deed duly made, executed and de livered by the county treasurerof Holt county. Nebraska, on the 14th day of December, 1907, whereby said county treasurer conveyed said lots one (1) snd three (3) to E. P. Loy and that the said E. P. Loy by mesne convey ance lias assigned and conveyed said tax title to this plaintiff, by virtue of which this plaintiff ought to have his title and possession of said lots quieted and confirmed as against all of said defendants. The plaintiff further al leges that the defendants M. S. Boyd, real name unknown: S. M. Boyd, real name unknown; Mary O. Grooms, — Grooms, real name unknown; Phoebe Madden, C. D. B. Eisaman, real name unknown, Maggie Eisaman, George Lang, Mrs. George Lang, real name unknown, each and all claim and as sert some title to, interest in and right of possession of said lots one (1) and three (3) in block thirty-two (32) of the original town of O’Neill, aforesaid. The plaintiff further alleges that none of said defendants were ever in actual possession of said premises and that for more than twenty years last past said defendants and each of them have absolutely abandoned the possession, use and occupation of said premises and have recognized and acquiesed in the title andpossession of said premises asserted by this plaintiff and his pre decessors in title and possession there of lor more than ten years last past and that said defendants and each of them are estopped from ever asserting any title to, interest in, lien or claim upon said lots. The plaintiff further alleges each and all of said defendants in this act ion and named in this notice by rea son of the fact that their names stand of record in the office of the county clerk of Holt county, Nebraska, as parties whose title to said lots has been divested in an irregular manner, and by reason of the further fact that each and all of said defendants express and assert some title to, interest in, lien or claim upon each of said lots, thereby cast a cloud upon plaintiff’s title to said real property which tends to depreciate the market value thereof and the assertion of such title, inter est, lien or claim as said defendants and each of them allege to have in, to or upon said lots tends to annoy the plaintiff in the quiet enjoyment of said property; and plaintiff alleges that said alleged title, or interest, or lien, or claim upon said lots or any of them, so asserted by the defendants or any of them them has not been valid for more than ten years last past and is barred by the statute of limitations, and he prays for a decree forever bar ring and concluding the defendants and each of them from asserting or claiming any title, interest, or lien in or upon said lots one (1), two (2), and three (3), in block thirty-two (32), in the original town of O’Neill aforesaid, and for general relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 8th day of June, A. D. 1908, or the relief therein prayed for will be granted. LUKE L. MANDEVILLE, 45-4 _Plaintiff (First Publication April 23 ) Order ol Hearing on Probate oi For eigb Will. State of Nebraska, Holt county, ss. In the probate court of said county. In the matter of the estate of Charles E. Corbin, deceased. On this 21st day of April, 1908, Wil liam M. Corbin filed his petition in this court, and presented an authenti cated copy of the last will and testa ment of Charles E. Corbin, deceased, late of Steuben county, state of New York, the prayer of said petitioner being that a day be fixed by this court for the purpose ofap iroving and allow ing said last will and testament, and causing the same to be filed and re corded in this office. It is therefore hereby Ordered, that Saturday, the 9th day of May, A. D. 1908, at 10 o’clock a. m. be fixed for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear aud show cause why the prayer of said petition should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hear ing thereof, be given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The Frontier, a weekly ^newspaper printed in said county, for three weeks prior to said day of hearing. [Seal] C. J. MALONE, 44-3County Judge. (First publication March 26) Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Office at O’Neill, Nebraska, March 19, 1908. “Not coal lands. ” Notice is hereby given that George Gaughenbaugh, of Emmet, Nebraska, has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 17664, made July 22,1902, for the SEi SEi, section 19, township 28, N. range 12, W. 6th p. m., and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver, at O’Neill, Nebraska, an May 5,1908. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: Andrew Clark, jr.,of O’Neill,Nebraska, L. I. Puckett, of Emmet, Nebraska, Patrick O’Connell, Andrew Clark, sr., of O’Neill, Nebraska. B. E. STURDEYANT, 40 6Register. (First publication April 9) Application For Liquor License. Mart ter of application for liquor license: Notice is hereby given that Arthur Ryan did on the 9th day of April, 1908, tile his petition to the mayor and city council of the city of O’Neill, Nebras ka, to sell at retail malt, spirtuous and vinuous liquors at lot 28, block 21, in the Second ward in the city of O’Neill, Nebraska, from the first Tuesday in May, 1908, till the first Tuesday in May, 1909. If there be no objections, remon strance or protest filed within two weeks from the 9th day of April, 1908, said license may be granted. 42-3 ARTHUR RYAN, Applicant, Clarence Campbell, City Clerk._ (First publication April 9) Applies tion For Liquor License. Matter of application lor liquor license: Notice is hereby given that John J. Thomas did on the 8th day April, 1908, file his petition to the mayor and city council of the city of O’Neill, Ne braska, to sell at retail malt, spirt uous and vinous liquors at lot 6, block 21, in the Second ward in the city of O’Neill, Nebraska, from the first Tuesday in May, 1908, till the first Tuesday in May, 1909. If there be no objection, remon strance or protest tiled within two weeks from the 9th day April, 1908, said license mav be granted. 42-3 JOHN J. THOMAS, Applicant, Clarence Campbell, City Clerk. Application For Druggist’s Permit. Matter of application for druggists' permit: Notice is hereby given that John P. Gilligan and Charles E. Stout, part ners, doing business as Gilligan and Stout, have tiled their petition to the mayor and city council of the city of O’Neill, Nebraska, for a druggists’ permit to sell at retail malt, spirit uous and vinous liquors for medicinal, mechinical, chemical and sacrimental purposes only at lot 25, block 16, in the Second ward in the city of O’Neill, Nebraska, from the first Tuesday in May, 1908, to the first Tuesday in May 1909. If’there be no objection, remon strance or protest filed within two weeks from the 16th day of April, 1908, said permit may be granted. GILLIG AN & STOUT, 43.3 Applicants. Clarence Campbell, City Clerk. r=. \ M. DOWLING, President JAS. F. O'DONNELL. Cashier SURPLUS $55,000.00 I O’NEILL NAT’L BANK Safety Deposit Boxes toi Rent. This Bank carries no indebtedness of Officers or Stockholders ‘WINCHESTER O. O. SETTTDEIEa Ldumber, Goal Building Materials, etg. PHONE 32O’NEILL. NEB ararargmiriiiHnaiiiiiiaiBimniiiBinBiigmmiramniiiBilniiiiilfiiliaiffiliiiiigliiiliaiaBlSlBJBBMigMglgiaiMBBIBIglBIBigi^ I FARM LOANS INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS INSURANCE | | FIDELITY BANK J | inia Bank alma to oonoerve the interests of its customers in every | fj honorable way. }=j) •-OFFICERS-• I E. E. HALSTEAD, PRESIDENT. O. F. BlGLIN, VICE-PRESIDENT g DAVID B. GROSVENOR, CASHIER Directors: B. E. Halstead. F. H. Halstead, O. F. Blglln, F. J. Dlshner b a D. B. (irosvenor. p S@ISJo!IMai5!0@Eia)3iaia®ISE)SISlSIMiOIt!EMaEI31MSJi?(i!!IM3ISJSiiaEEiaifllSi@Elc]iaie!iafSM.'Q!El[61 UP-TO-DATE BLACKSMITH All Kinds of Plow and Shovel Work and Disc Sharpening ** I have the best tools, therefore can do the best work. I do not pay city expenses, hence can work cheaper. Call and see the Trip Hammer work. All machinery run by gasoline power DISC SHARPENED $2 PER SET T. T. SCHWEITZEE fc—J Blank boaks for Township Clerk’s order on County Treasurer at this Office