The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 30, 1908, Image 7

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    There Is Only One
“Bromo Quinine”
Thai Is
Laxative Breme Quinine
Always remember the full name. Look
for this signature on every box. 25c.
Roozy-or Rozy-7
From Lippineott'e.
We’ve learned a lot about you. sir,
We know your wondrous fame;
Tet ere you go we’d like to know
How to pronounce your name.
F| O 01 tiWi' Ztsuta ui« all Wtrvoua ItiMUti
■:| I o I’erBumeatlr Cured bjr Di. llin* i Gr«i
6>r?a Reatorer. Band for Free $S trial bottla and traati**.
114- It U. KL.XJNE. Ld.. Ml Aron Strati. PhUadalphia. Pa
Reports from all sections of the coun
try Indicate a scarcity of hogs, due to
Ihe "panicky” unloading. Prices are
likely to remain on the up grade for
some time to come.
WIDOWS’""11" NEW LAW obtained
^ PENSIONS Washington, I>. 0.
The fruit crop of the state of Wash
ington for the year 1907 brought more
than $10.000,000. _
Lead pencils were first made In the
United States In 1811 by Wm. Monroe,
at Concord, Mass.
Truth and
appeal to the Well-Informed in every
walk of life and are essential to permanent
success and creditable standing. Accor
ingly, it is not claimed (hat Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy of
known value, but one of many reasons
why it is the best of personal and family
laxatives is the fact that it cleanses,
•weetens and relieves the internal organs
on which it acts without any debilitating
after effects and without having to increase
the quantity from time to time.
It acts pleasantly and naturally and
truly as a laxative, and its component
parts are known to and approved by
physicians, as it is free from all objection
able substances. To get its beneficial
effects always purchase the genuine—
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co., only, and for sale by all leading drug
Recent experiments show that as a
fertilizer, manure "rom cattle fed clover
or alfalfa hay is worth twice as much
as that from cattle fed timothy hay.
If you suffer from Fite, Falling Sicknew or
SpasiUB, or Children that do bo, my
Now Diaoovory and Troatmont
will give them Immediate relief, and
all you are anked to do is to send for
a Free Bottle of Or. May's
Oompl iea with Food and Drugs Act of Congress
June 30th 1906. Complete directions, al*o tes
timonial)! of CURES, etc., FREE by mail.
Express {‘repaid. Give AGE and foil address
W. H. MAT, H. D„ 541 PmtI Stml, In Tuk.
In 1907 Iowa led in the production
of corn, oats and potatoes; Nebraska
In rye, and Kansas in wheat. The val
ue of the corn crop was greatest, be
ing nearly half a billion dollars; win
ter wheat next, totaling 5200,000 in
value; hay, rye, oats, barley and po
tatoes following In the order named.
Iowa, Illinois and Nebraska are the
three great "hog states.” The first
named has nearly double the number
of Its nearest competitor and Nebraska
Is giving Illinois a close run for sec
ond place.
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleated
to learn that there Is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure
In all its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall’s
Catarrh Cure is the onlv positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh
•Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby deatroying the foundation of
the disease, and giving the patient strength
by building up tho constitution and assist
ing nature in doing its work. The proprie
tors have so much faith in Its curative pow
ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for
any case that it falls to cure. Send for list
of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists. 75c.
Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
“The boy on the farm who can refer
to my horse, or my calves, or my car
riage or my anything is not the boy
who is eager to leave the farm. The
same thing is true of the girl who
can speak of my things. In homes
where everything is held in title by
one person there is generally discon
tent. Every member of the family
works and every member should own
something individually.”
ui wl lii ui m ui ui
Price 25c and 50c
No Fatted Calf for Him.
From Tlt-Bits.
Two old cronies met the other day
and began discussing some of their
mutual acquaintances. The conversa
tion turned to Farmer Macdonald.
"Him!” contemptuously exclaimed
crony No. 2, who had never heard any
thing very mean laid to the farmer’s
"Well. It’s like this.” answered Don
ald. "Ten years ago he sent his son
out wl' a tin bucket to milk the cow.
The son and the bucket dtdna come
back, and nothing was heard about the
lad until the tther morning, when he
knocked at his father's door. As a
peace offering he brocht the auld man
a suit of claes, a gold watch and a
god gray mare”
"Then," Interrupted crony No. 2, "I
suppose Macdonald wad kill the fatted
"Not he,” was the reply. “He said,
‘Lad, they things will do very weel, but
where’s the tin bucket that you took
awa wl* you ?’ ”
The total value of farm products In
the Chitted States for the past year
was $7.000,000—about double that of
1900. Sixty-five per cent of the pop
ulation are farmers.
There Is nothing that will make
paint go wrong on the house more
quickly than poor oil. It is as bad In
Its way as adulterations In the white
lead. Petroleum oil cheapeners may
be detected by placing a drop of the
oil on a black painted surface. If one
sees the characteristic Iridescence or
play of colors which kerosene exhibits,
it Is evidence of adulteration. Corn
and fish oil can be detected by the
Adulteration in white lead can best
be discovered by the use of a blow
pipe, which National Lead Company
will send with instructions free to
anyone interested in paint. Address,
National Lead Company, Woodbt’idge
Building. New York City.
The fertility of the soli is the farm
ers' asset, and to continue to crop land
without returning anything to keep up
the supply of humus will soon exhaust
it, and It Will fail to produce a crop.
Keeping stock and applying manure to
the land is the safest and best method
of maintaining fertility, and yet there
are wasteful methods of handling the
manure. To throw the manure out in
the barnyard where the drippings from
the eaves and the rains will wash It
and carry much of the fertilizing ele
ments Into the i.rooks and creeks is a
wasteful practice). To have It spread
out in the yard all summer where it
will lose by evaporation and washing
is another poor practice. To apply a
heavy coat on a field and then wait five
or six years is also a wasteful method,
as It is better to apply a light coat of
ten, and then the soil can utilize it,
while a heavy coat cannot be "di
gested” all at once, and consequently
some must be wasted. A light coat of
manure applied every two years will
maintain the fertility of the soli and
good crops can be secured continuous
ly. Spread thinly and often Is the
safest rule.
Garfield Tea is a natural laxative—it
regulates the digestion, purifies the blood,
cleanses the system, clears the complex
ion, brightens the eyes and brings the
glow of splendid Health !
Mary Morison.
O, Mary at thy window be!
It is the wish’d, the trysted hour!
Those smiles and glances let me see
That moke the miser’s treasure poor;
How blithely wad I hide the stoure,
A weary slave frae sun to eun,
Could 1 the rich reward secure,
The lovely Mary Morison.
Yestreen when to the trembling string
The dance gaed through the lighted ha’.
To thee my fancy took its wing—
I sat, but neither heard nor saw;
Though this was fair, and that was braw,
And yon, the toast of a’ the town,
I sigh’d, and said amang them a’,
"Ye are na Mary Morison.”
O, Mary, cans! thou wreck his peace
Wha for thy sake wad gladly dee?
Or oanst thou break that heart of his,
Whase only faut is loving thee?
If love for love thou wilt na gie,
At least be pity to me shown;
A thought ungentle canna be
The thought o’ Mary Morison.
—Robert Burns.
! Awful Humor Hating Away Face—
Body a Mau of Sore*—CutAcuni
Cures In Two Week*.
“My little daughter broke out all
over her body with a luunor, and we
used everything recommended, but
without results. I called in three doc
tors, but. she continued to grow worse.
! Her liody was a mass of sores, and her
. little face was being eaten away. .Her
j ears looked as if they would drop off.
j Neighbors advised me to get Cuticura
Soap and Cuticura Ointment, and be
fore I had used half of the cake of
Cuticura Soap and box of Cuticura
Ointment the sores had all healed, and
! my little one's face and body were as
clear as it new-born babe’s. I would
not be without it again if it cost five
dollars, instead of seventy-five cents.
Mrs. George J. Steese, 701 Coburn St,
Akron, O.. Aug. 30. 1905."
Took Something.
Mrs. Brown, living In the country,
had five trunks carried up from the
station some three miles away, by an
old man. The day was rainy, and the
old fellow was soaked through when he
drove up to the house.
Mrs. Brown (with sympathy)—Why,
Hamilton, you must be wet.
Hamilton (shivering)—Ye-es, ma’am.
Mrs. Brown—Aren't you afraid you’ll
take cold, Hamilton?
Hamilton—Ye-es, ma'am; rheumatiz
pretty bad, ma'am.
Mrs. Brown—Don't you ever take
something when you get soaked
through, Hamilton?
Hamilton (eagerly) — Ye-es, ma’am.
(Rubs the back of his hand across his
Mrs. Brown—Well, here are four two
grain quinine pills, Hamilton, take
them as soon as you get home.
SOItE EYES, weak, inflamed, red. watery
and swollen eyes, use PETTIT'S EYE
SALVE. All druggists or Howard Bros.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
The secret in producing cheap pork
is to maintain a steady gain and a
high degree of health and vigor from
start to finish. To this end have fv
variety of feed and make all changes
from feeding for growth to feeding for
flesh gradually. The sleenlng places
for hogs should in all cases be clean
and dry. well ventilated and well pro
vided with bedding, frequently changed.
^fJS^TftODipion's Eye Water
Reports from correspondents and
agents of the Bureau t Statistics of
the United States department of agri
t culture Indicate tha the general con
! ditlon In regard to healthfulness of
farm animals on April 1 was higher j
than the average of the past ten years,
and, with the exception of swine,
slightly higher than on April 1 last
year. Losses from disease of swine
during the past year were slightly
heavier than during the preceding
year; but smaller than the average of
the past ten years. Estimates for oth
er classes of farm animals Indicate
smaller losses In the past year than
either the preceding year or the av
erage of the past ten years.
The following table shows for the
United States the estimated losses of
farm animals during the years ended '
April 1, 1908, and 1907, Ihe average of
losses of the past ten years, and the
condition on April 1 of 1908, 1907 and
the average on April 1 of the past
ten years;
1908. 1907. Avc. 1908.
Pet. Pet. Pet. No.
Loses from disease. 1.7 1.9 1.9 312,000
Condition April l,...9ti.8 96.7 96.1 .
Losses from expo
sure . 1.2 1.6 1.8 .
Losses from disease. 1.9 2.0 2.1 .
Losses from expo
sure and disease... 3.1 3.5 3.9 2.203 000
Condition April 1....96.2 91.6 91.2 .
Losses from expo
sure . 2.3 3.5 3.3 .
Losses from disease. 2.2 2.6 2.4 .
Losses from expo
sure and disease_ 4.5 6.1 5.7 2,478,000
Condition April 1_96,7 94.4 94.7 .
Losses from disease. 5.2 4.9 6.3 2.940,000
Condition April 1_96.3 96.6 93.7 .
The following table shows the losses
from disease of swine since 1884, years
ending April 1;
1908 . 5.2 1895 9 2
1907 . 4.9 1894 4 9
1906 . 5.1 1893 6 3
1906 . 6.1 1892 5 4
1904 . 5.8 1891 8,4
1903 . 5.8 1890 7 6
1902 . 5.2 1889 6 2
1901 . 7.5 1888 7.8
1900 . 6.4 1887 13.4
1899 . 8.2 1886 13.0
1898 . 9.3 1885 9.1
1897 .14.4 1S84 8 6
1896 .12.7
The number of brood sows on April 1
Is estimated to have been 3.2 per cent less
than a year ago.
The Too-Soon Brethren.
De Vi'let say he come ter stay—
No col’ kin lay him flat;
Jack Flos' come lak’ a ghos’ In gray,
All’ de Vi’let—whar he at?
(Watch out, my chllluris,
' By de light er sun an’ moon,
Always de bowleg baby
Is de one dat walk too soon!!
De Jaybird primp ’fo’ de lookin' glass
Fer de picnic In de spring,
De bllzurd comes lak’ a big bass drum;
Dar’s snow on de Jaybird wing!
(Watch out, my ehllluns,
Watch how you raise de chune;
Always de bowleg baby
Is de one dat walk too soon!)
—Atlanta Constituiion.
N*m> Uevirn I and “ild »«i»i'>«m.
HEW HICaILO LaflU ll,, ,chare air if juira, poll rich
and land !• rbrap. Write for bargain Hat. Large*! dealer* in
MortSarn Naar Met ire. Tire Springer Land Co., Springer, N Mae
AV. A. Harris, the Kansas states
man, live stock breeder and farmer
says: "I have been impressed by some
of the tremendous mistakes that have
been made In this Country. As a boy
I was familiar with the tidewater part
of Virginia. There they farmed in an
early day, making tobacco the leading
crop. There never was any live stock
industry in those days. And when we
go into the other states of the south
we see there the worn scarred hill
sides, the result of the one crop—cot
ton. This is a sad spectacle. That land
can hardly be brought back to Its
original fertility in a generation. The
west should learn the lesson that one
crop farming is a poor subterfuge for
getting along in the world."
This woman says that after
months of suffering Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
made her as well as ever.
Maude E. Forgie, of Leesburg,Va,
writes to Mrs. Pinkham:
“ 1 want other suffering women to
know what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege
table Compound has done for me. For
months 1 suffered from feminine ills
so that I thought I could not lire. I
wrote you, and after taking Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and
using the treatment you prescribed I
felt like a new woman. I am now
strong, and well as ever, and thank yon
for the good you hare done me.”
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that tear- :
mg-down feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion, dizziness or nervous prostration.
Why don’t you try it ?
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
A Owuin Onto lor FmHahneait
Connclpatlon, II c id ap h e, .
Ntonaach Trouble*, TVelblaa |
„ _- DUtrAeri, and Destroy
Mother Gray, Worm*. TherBrpak up Colau
Nun* in Child- In M nnur*. At all Pra*n;>isV 2*c4a
ran’* Horn®. Sample mailed FREE Addree®.
New York City. K S. OLMSTED. Lc toy/M Y.
.... ....-»«««....
s *7 have used several bottles of Peruna and 1 feel greatly benefited !
? thereby from my catarrh of the head. I feel encouraged to believe that >
! If I use It a short time longer I will be fully able to eradicate the <
> disease of thirty years' standing."—David Meek!son.
Mr. Jacob L. Davis, Galena. Stone county. Mo., writes: “I have been In bad
health for thirty-seven years, and after taking twelve bottles of your Peruna 1
am cured." Mr. C. N. Peterson, 1,12 South Main St., Council Bluffs. Iowa, writes:
“I cannot tell you how much good peruna lias done me. Constant confinement
in my store began to tell on my health and l felt that I was gradually breaking
down. I tried several remedies, but obtained no permanent relief until I took Pe
runa. I felt better immediately, and five bottles restored me to complete health.”
Mr. D. C. Prosser. Bravo. Allegan Co.. Mich., writes: "Two years ago I
was badly afflicted with catarrh of the stomach. I had had a run of typhoid
fever, was very depleted. 1 could find nothing I could eat-without causing dis
tress and sour stomach. Finally I came to the conclusion that l had catarrh of
the stomach and seeing Peruna advertised, began to take it. It helped me soon,
and after taking three or four bottles f was entirely cured of stomach trouble,
and can now eat anything.”
The New Baby.
A young woman of a religious turn of
mind wished to announce to a friend
the birth of her first-born child. She
sent the following telegram: “Isaiah.
9-6,” which being Interpreted, read,
“For unto us a child Is born, unto us a
son is given.”
The friend, more literal and less fa
miliar with the Prophets, read the mes
sage, and said to her husband, "Mar- |
garet has a boy, but why on earth did :
she name him Isaiah? He must be a
healthy chap, though, for he weighs 9
pounds and 6 ounces."
What Mr. Kalteabranirr Has to
Say About His Grata Crops In
Central Canada.
Writing from Regina, Saskatche
wan, Central Canada, Mr. A. Ivalten
brunner writes:
"Some years ago I took up a home
stead for myself, and also one for my
son. The half section which we own
adjoins the Moose Jaw Creek; Is a low.
level and heavy land. We put In TO
acres of wheat in stubble, which went
20 bushels to the acre, and 30 acres of
summer fallow, which went 25 bushels
to the acre. All the wheat we harvest
ed this year is No. 1 hard. That means
the best wheat that can be raised tin
the earth. We did not sell any wheat
yet, as we Intend to keep one part for
our own seed, and sell the oilier part
to people who want first class seed,
for there is uo doubt if you sow good
wheat you will harvest good wheat.
We also threshed 0,000 bushels of first
class oats out of 100 acres; 80 acres
has been fall plowing, which yielded UO
bushels per acre, and 80 acres stubble,
which went 30 bushels to the acre.
These oats are the best kind that can
be raised. We have shipped three car
loads of them, and got 53 cents per
bushel clear. All our grain was cut
in the last week of the month of Au
gust before any frost could touch It.
"Notwithstanding the fact that we
have had a late spring, and that the
weather coiidltious tills year were very
adverse and unfavorable, we will make
more money out of our crop this year
than last.
"ror myself i fee] compelled to say
that Western Canada crops cannot he
checked. even by unusual conditions.”
Information regarding free home
stead lands in Manitoba. Saskatchewan
and Alberta may be had on application
Positively cured by
these Utile Pills.
They also rollers Dl*
tress tromDyspepsls.Dk
d lgcstlon ana Too Bautt
Bating, A perfect tarn
edy tor Dizziness. Kanaa*
Drowsiness. Bad Tuts
tn the Month. Oostsf
Tongue. Pam to Hu ad*
regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable
Keeps the breath, eeth, mouth end bo
sntiseptically clean and free from
healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors,
which water, soap and tooth preparation
alone cannot do. A ——
germicidal, disin
fecting and deodor
izing toilet requi
of exceptional
cellence and
omy. fnvalual
for inflamed eyes,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
stores, 50 cents, or
by mail postpaid.
Large Trial Sample
iTOiiTiiTi i jwifyjai
Illuatrutloo Showlnx Mixed Fannins Se«a In
Some of the choicest lands for grain growing,
stock raising and mixed farming in the new dis
tricts of Saskatchewan and Alberta have re
cently been Opened for Settlement under tho
Revised Homestead Regulations
Entry may now be made by proxy (on certain
conditions), by the father, mother, son, daughter,
brother or sister of an intending homesteader.
Thousands of homesteads of 160 acres each ar«»
thus now easily obtainable in these great grain
growing. stock-raising and mixed farming sec
There you will find healthful climate, good
neighbors, churches for family worship, schools
for your children, good laws, splendid crops*
and railroads convenient to market.
m E "fry foe in each case Is flO.OO. For .pamphlet^
"Last Best West,’’particulars as to rates, routes,
best time to go and where to locate, apply to
W. D. Scott. Superintendent of Immigration.
Ottawa. Canada, or E. T. Holmes, 3iS Jacksoa
St.. St. Haul, Minn.: J. M. Mac Lachlan, Box 116
Watertown. South Dakota, and W. V. Beuneit,
*oi New York Life Building, Omaha, Neb..
Authorized Government Agents
PieaeeMjr where you u« Uue ftdrertuwtnenl.
SIOUX CITY PT’G CO., 1£4C—liTttef