°^g Phew! Salts and Castor OH! Why take sickening salts or repulsive castor oil? “Goes through you like a dose of salts’’ means violence, grips, gripes, gases, soreness, irritation, and leaves your stomach and bowels weak and burnt out. Might just as well take concen trated lye. Then there’s castor oil, disgusting, nauseat ing truck that your stomach refuses unless you disguise the taste. Fool your own stomach, eh? Don’t ever believe that anything offensive to your taste or smell is going to do you real good. Nature makes certain things repulsive, so you will not take them. Force yourself to nauseous doses, and you ruin your digestion, weaken your bowels, destroy your health. On the other hand see what a delightful, palatable, perfect modern laxative, liver regulator and bowel tonic you find in /t'rvrt/kh nin. Be8t for th« Bowels. All druggists, xoc, 25c, 50c. Never sold in bulk. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. I Sample and booklet free. Address 540 RterUn* Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York. Like the Spelling. Louisville Courier^Journal: "Are you In favor of ball-gown"reform?" "Not if you mean cutting ’em down any." fltnu Winslows BOOTH TKQ HTBCI TOT Child TO* to«thing; softens the gums, reduce* ludammauou »l* l*jk pain • cures wind eoH«. to osnt a bottle There are 64 countries in which pro tection is afforded to inventions. To get out a patent in each one would cost about $15,000. WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE. From October to May, Colds are the most fre eupnt cause of Headache. LAXATIVE BROMO QU lN-INEremoves cause.E. W.Grove on box 25c The most recent church census of this country shows forty denominations ■with 161.731 ministers, 210,190 churches and 32,883,156 members. In a Finch, U«e Allen’s Foot-Eaae. A powder to shake into your shoes. It rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions Swollen, Bore, Hot, Callous, Aching. Sweating feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25o. Sample ■nailed FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Couldn't Return Favor. "I’ll tell my wife ’twash good eom p’ny kep’ me out late." "Yeah, thash all right for you; but can you suggest what I am goin’ to tell my wife?" Mr Homeseeker: You want a home in Nebraska? Write to H. C. Chase, the pome specialist In alfalfa, corn and ranch land. Mason City, Nebraska. Simple Enough. Houston Chronicle: "There's a man who buys champagne on a beer in come.” “How can he do it?" "He’s a brewer.” Garfield Tea—a simple and satisfac tory laxative 1 Composed of Herbs, it . regulates liver and kidneys, overcomes constipation and brings Good Health. Face Well Located. First Chorus Girl—That vain leading lady thinks she is beautiful. She says her face grows on the audience as soon as she steps before the footlights. Second Chorus Girl—Thank goodness It did not grow on me. Tht» Wilt Interest Mothers. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chil dren. used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Chil dren's Home, New York, cure Constipation, Feverishness. Teething Disorders. Stomach Troubles and Destroy Worms ; 30.000 testi monials of cures. All druggists. 25c. Sam ple Fast. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Hoy. N. 1". _ _ _ No city In the world is better pro vided with means for general education In public libraries and museums than Is New York city, yet there Is an ex tremely small proportion of residents who visit them, while a very large pro portion of the visitors In the city Is seen In them every day. WE PAY HIGH I*IIICES FOR FURS aud hides, or tan them foi robes, rugs or coats. N.W.Hide St Fur Co., Minneapolis. "^MEMBER OF THE FAMILY MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. *CR> W. Lm Oouglaa make* and malls more **» men'aSX.BO, $3.00and$3.BOahoea «*• __ than any other manufacturer In the J^“ world, beeauee they hold their ahapa. tit better, wear longer, and egB. arm of greater value than any other e1® mhoem in the world to-day, W. L Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Any Price mr (’AITIKY. W. I. llonglan name and price Is stamped °n bo“°™- woriVnSSl t= ....- -- I NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER I THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT^/ r T—■——**11 * 'TPpMBWIMeF,,‘^ | Capsicum-Vaseline. ~ EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE i PEPPER PLANT TAKEN _ 'I DIRECTLY IN VASELINE \ DON’T WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES-KEEP A TUBE HANDY A OUICK, SURE, SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN—PRICE 1 5c. -iS COLLAPSIBLE TUBES MADE OF PURE TIN—AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. A substitute (or and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and yelieve Head ache. and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counter irritant known, also as an external remedy forpains in the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim (or it. and it will be found to be invaluable In the household and for children. Once used no family will be without It. Many people say “it is the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it ts not genuine. Send your address and we will mall our Vaseline Booklet describing our preparations which will Interest you. 17 State St. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. New York City __ -- DU YOU KNOW WHAT WHITE LEAD IS? Its Chief Use and a Method of Deter mining Qood irom Bad Explained. White Lead Is the standard paint material all over the world. It is made by corroding metallic lend Into a white powder, through exposing it to the fumes of weak acetic acid and car bonic acid gas; this powder Is then ground and mixed with linseed oil. making a thick paste, in which form it is packed and sold for painting pur poses. The painter thins It down to the proper consistency for application by the addition of more linseed oil. The above refers, of course, to pure, genuine White Lead only. Adulterated and fake "White Lead," of which there are many brands on I he market, is generally some sort of composition containing only n percentage of white lead— sometimes no White Lead at all; in such stuff, barytes or ground rock, chalk, and similar cheap substances are used to make bulk and imitate the appearance of pure White Lead. There is, however, a positive test by which the purity or impurity of White Lead may be proved or exposed, before painting with it. The blow-pipe flame will reduce pure white lead to metallic lead. If a sup posed white lead be thus tested, and it only partially reduces to lead, leaving a residue, it Is proof that something else was there besides white lead. The National Lead Company guaran tee all White Lead sold in packages bearing its "Dutch Boy Painter” trade-mark to prove absolutely pure under this blow pipe test, and that you may make the test yourself in your own home, they will send free upon re quest a blow-pipe and everything else necessary to make the test, together with a valuable booklet on paint. Ad dress. National Lead Company, Wood bridge Building. New York. A noted violinist and violin maker be lieves he has discovered a method for giving, by the aid of an electric ma chine, the same quality of tone to a violin that age has been credited with providing. The theory of the violinist, says Popular Mechanics, is that it is not the age of the violin which really gives it its superior tone, but the amount of "bowing" or vibration it has received. By the use of the electrical machine the violin is expected to get as much "bowing" in 30 days as the same instrument would receive in 50 years of ordinary use. Recent experiments abroad have shown that the yellow and green col ors possessed by certain caterpillars are due to coloring matter derived from the food and passed through the blood of the spinners. By impregnating the leaves with artificial colors the ex perimenters caused some species of caterpillars to produce silk of bright orange yellow and fine rose hues. By th» aid of the spectroscope th'e presence and nature of colored pigments in the blood of the little animals were estab lished. Furnish Your Home Without Cost With Premiums Given FREE for CARTON TOPS and SOAP WRAPPERS taken from “20-MIJLE-TEAM” Borax Products SOME OF OUR PREMIUMS: Leather Goods. Pocket Books, Purses, Hand Bags. Chatelaines, Suit Cases, Trunks. Collar ana Cuff Cases. Raxor Strops. Traveling Bags. Toilet and Sewing Cases, Rain Coats, Umbrellas and Rubber Goods. Jewelry. Clocks. Watches, Chains, Rings, Fobs. Brooches, Barrettes. Side Combs, Brace lets, Neck Chains, etc. - Silverware. Tea Sets. Coffee Sets, tviugs. Desk Sets. Inkstands. Cake Dishes. Candlesticks, Ice Pitchers. Salt and Peppers. Napkin Rings, Jewel Boxes. Knives, Forks and Spoons. Cigar and Cigarette Cases. Puff Boxes, Comb and Brush Sots. Manicure Sets. Glaaaware. Nappies, Vases. Spoon Hold ers. Celery and Salad Bowls, Bon Bon Dishes. Punch Sets, Tumblers, Goblets. Games. Guns. Pistols, Air Rifles, Fishing Tackle. Boxing Gloves, Tool Chests. Base Ball and Foot Ball Goods. Cameras, Phonographs, Banjos, Guitars. Books. Furniture. Rugs. Lace Curtains. Cutlery, Lamps. Baby Carriages. Beds. Send for 40 Page Free Catalogue Listing Over 1000 Articles Given Free for Presents. ADDRESS Pacific Coast Borax Co.,Chicago srYm ca* get a vplcudld prmut far 100 «r IfM t oupna Value* represented fcj Carlas Top* and kuup W rapper*. • PUTNAM FADELESS DYES »-■— MHinii briikter aal fester eaters fkaa aay etker lye. Oae 10c aackaee caters all libera. They lye la cell wafer better (ban aay ether lye. Tea cae lya ■ay faraeat wllheatrieaiaa aaart. Write lerircc keeklet lew le Dye, Oleech aal MU Caters. MOJi“ROE VRV C CO.. Quincy. Winds : I ihiii- naaiaa—naiMMiaaawwMiuMMniiaaiiiiaa—■aiTi , Oriental Etiquette. Everybody's Magazine: A peasant named All. according to a good old oriental chestnut, needing badly a don key for some urgent work, decided to apply to his neighbor Mehmed, whose donkey Ail knew to be Idle In the stable that day. 1 am sorry, my dear neighbor," said Mehmed, In reply to Ali's request, "but t cannot please you. My son took the donkey this morning lo the next vil lage.” "I assure you,” Insisted All, "I shall take the very best care of him, my dear neighbor." ‘Can you not take my word?" de manded Mehmed with a show of anger. "I tell you the donkey Is out." “But——" at this point the donkey began to bray loudly. "There. That Is the donkey braying now." "Well," said the justly Indignant Mehmed, “if you would rather take my donkey's word than my word, we can be friends no longer, and under no circumstances can 1 lend you any thing.” PII.KS CURED I> O TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any ase of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles In tl lo 14 days or money refunded. 50c. It has been definitely announced In Paris that Dr. Berget has succeeded in solidifying the rare earths used for the Weisbach mantles by means of the elec tric furnace, While at the same time the oxides retain their radiating prop erties. M. Berget, by whom the results will be controlled, is a well known physician, and the Soclele Hallu will shortly put Its "buisons ardents” on the market. This name Is due to the shape of the ordinary burner,, the substitute for the mantle being east In the form of a thicket or bush of filaments. Any desired shape can be formed, however, so that the process lends itself natur ally to fancy effects. The new fila ments, It Is asserted, resist shocks, tremors, or drafts to an enormously in •reased extent. Million Dollar (.rasa. Most remarkable grass of the century. Good for three rousing crops annually. One Iowa farmer on 100 acres sold $3. S00.00 worth of seed and had 300 tons of hay besides. It is immense. Do try it rott 10c AND THIS NOTICE send to the John A. Salzer Seed Co.. La Crosse. Wis.. to pay postage, etc., and they will mail you the only original seed catalog published in America, with sam ples of Billion Dollar Grass, Macaroni Wheat, the sly miller mixer. Sainfoin, the dry soil luxuriator. Victoria Ilape. the 20e a ton green food producer. Silver King Barley yielding 173 bu. per acre, etc., etc., etc. And if you send 14c we will add a package of new farm seed never before seen by you. John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis. C. X. U. By the word Lent Is understood the fust of 40 days preceding Easter, kept (after the example of Moses, Ellas, and Christ himself) in order to prepare the faithful for the great festival of East er. The Greek and Latin names for the fast. "Tessarakoste” and "Quadragesi ma,” Indicate the number of days. The Italian Quareslma ajid the French Careme come from the Latin. The Ger man Fastenzelt and the Dutch Vasten denote the fast, while our own word. Lent, from the Anglo-Saxon Leneten. means spring, 1. e„ spring fast. La Nature asserts that the military population of the German empire num bers 668.853 men. In Alsace-Lorraine are quartered 81,109; at Metz. 13.035: In the environs of Metz. 11.819; at Strasbourg. 15,408; environs of Stras bourg, 1,133; at Colmar, 5,032; at Mill house. 3.S50. The other garrisons on he frontier are much less Important. FIFTEEN YEARS QF ECZEMA. Ferrlble Itching? Prevented Sleep— Hands, Arms and Legs Affected— Cutlcura Cured lu 6 Days. "I had eczema nearly fifteen years, rhe affected parts were my hands, arms and legs. They were the worst In the winter time, and were always Itchy, and I could not keep from scratching them. 1 had to keep both bands bandaged all the time, and at night I would have to scratch through the bandages as the Itching was so se vere, and at times I would have to tear everything off my hands to scratch the skin. I could not rest or sleep. I had levftal physicians treat me but they ttould not give me a permanent cure nor even could they stop the Itching. Af ter using the Cutlcura Soap, one box of Cuticura Ointment and two bottles of Cutlcura Resolvent for about six days the Itching bad ceased, and now the sores have disappeared, and I never felt better in my life than I do now. Edward Worell, Rand 30th U. S. Infan try. Fort Crook. Nebraska.” It was noticed at a recent perform ince of the opera In Berlin that the 3erman emperor, who was ih the Im perial box, several times rose to ap plaud the singers, and asked the em press, who was with him, to give the signal for the applause. Sometimes, when interupted by some messenger from the war office or the foreign min stry, he forgot to applaud, and the ac tors had to retire to the wings con tclous that a glacial silence pervaded the house. One of the largest gas companies in London has reduced its price from 71 j tents to 69 cents a thousand feet. BA Sprain or Strain must have immediate attention i SloeaVs Liaiirveivt valuable in an emergency of this kind. kly relieves the soreness and congestion, is the swelling and strenathens the muscles. cause of its antiseptic and healing rries, Sloan’s Liniment is the best y known for cuts.wounds.bruises burns and scalds. ^ CE 25* 50* 8k $1.00. IS. Sloan. Boston., Mass, Hcastoria For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought TV ,1 BearS the 1 Signature | nf ■njUllil nmphnSri Blg|S AxJmu* 1 §MbjQ: Atisrfad* ( Hgt$ dsa&M. ? lit’ ' HA Aperfecl Remedy forConsflpa i«i Hon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea p ft '■Hill Worms Convulsions.Feverish Lflf II If Q I* llpl ness and Loss of Sheep- I Ul UlUl ifci Facsimile Signature of i VI ■ , tf BLaSm Thlr!l Tears GASTORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. TM« centaur company. n«o» torn city. Wait a Minute. Winamae Democrat: A Winamae I man who has had no trouble In getting I .ash from the local banks when he wanted it, was in a neighboring town the other day, where the banks are paying only a small amount in cur- ' rency. While in one of the banks there, he overheard two Irish friends greet each other while waiting their turn at the window. "This reminds me of Finnegan," re marked one. "What about Finnegan?" inquired the other. "’Tis .1 story that Finnegan died, and when he greeted St. Peter he said: " 'It's a tine Job you’ve had here a long time.’ " 'Well. Finnegan.' said St. Peter, here we eounl a million years as a minute and a million dollars as a cent.’ " 'Ah.' said Finnegan, I'm needin' cash: lend me a cent.' " 'Sure.' said St. Peter, just wait a minute.’" Just Think of That. Loruine—Tell me, dear, did Harold kiss you very hard? Evelyn—Not exactly.. He hardly kissed me. Only One ••BHOMO HIIININK" That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. I/joK for the signature of K. tV. GROVE. Used the World over to Cure a Colo In One day. 25c. Among the curious Insects of the Malay peninsula is one called the lan tern fly, which is remarkable for its sudden leaps made without the aid of its wings. It was only after the first specimens of this queer Insect were carried to London for examination that it was discovered that a curious projection on the front of its head, a kind of nose with a crease in It. was the leaping organ. When bent back un der the abdomen and suddenly re leased It sent the Insect flying. WESTERN CANADA CROPS CAN NOT BE CHECKED. Oat* VL-lded VO Buahels to thrf Acre. The following letter, written the Do minion Government Commissioner of Emigration, speaks for itself. It proves the story of the agents of the govern ment that on the free homesteads of fered by the government it is possible to become comfortably well off in a few years: Regina, Sask., Nov. 23, 1907. Commissioner of Immigration, Winni peg: Dear Sir-v-It Is with pleasure that I reply lo your request. Some years ago I took up a homestead for myself and also one for my son. The half section which we own is situated between Rou leau and Drinkwater, adjoining the Moose Jaw Creek ; is a low level and heavy land. We put in 70 acres of wheat In stubble, which went 20 hush els to the acre, and 30 acres of sum mer fallow, which went 25 bushels to the acre. All the wheat we harvested this year is No. 1 hard. That means the best wheat that can be raised ou the earth. We did not sell any wheat yet, as we intend to keep oue part for our own seed, and sell the olher part to people who want first-elass seed, for there is no doubt If you sow good wheat you will harvest, good wheat. We also threshed 9,000 bushels of first elass oats out of ICO acres. Eighty acres has been fall plowing, which yielded 90 bushels per acre, and SO acres stubble, which went 30 bushels to the acre. Those outs are the best kind that can be raised. We have shipped three car load3 of them, anil got 53 cents per bushel clear. AM our grain was cut in the last week of the month of August before any frost could touch it. Notwithstanding the fact that we have had a late spring, and that the weather conditions this year were very adverse and unfavorable, we will make more money out of our crop this year than last. For myself I feel compelled to say that Western Canada crops cannot be i cheeked, even by unusual conditions. 1 am. dear sir. yours truly, (Signed) A. KALTENBRUNNEtt. j ■ - .-—-T~~l Dr. Sven Hedln. the Swedish explor er, says that he has discovered the trua sources of the Braniaputra and Indus. The Braniaputra, he says. Is the Ku bltsampso, which rises from an enorm ous glacier on the northern side of th« northernmost parallel range of th* Himalayas. The Mariumehu, which has hitherto been regarded as the source, Is merely a small tributary flowing In from the west. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars flewsrd for sn.v case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure V. J. CHENEY A CO , Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, have known r. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business trans actions. and financially able to carry out say obligations made by his firm. Waldikq, Kinxan A Mahvis, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials seat free. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. .... Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. ( Explicit. "This Is an age of steel,” said the af ter-dinner speaker. "Permit me to suggest." Interrupted the chairman courteously, "that for the benefit of the reporters present you spell that last word." The prices of vessels In England arw reported to be 15 per cent lower than a year ago. Syruprffigs ^OixirtfS enna Cleanses the System Effect ually, Dispels Colas andneach aches clue to Constipation; Acts naturally, acts truly as a Laxative. Bestj fbrMeniVfcmen and Child’ reji-ybungand Old. To j)et its Denejicial Ejects Always huv the Genuine which has'the |ull name ojth e Com ^CALIFORNIA fio Syrup Co. by whom it is manufactured,printed on the front of evnj package. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS, one size only, regular price 50tpf bottle. What a Settler Can Secure In WESTERN CANADA 160 Acns Grain-Growing Land FREE. 20 to 40 Baahels Wheat to the Acre. 40 to 90 Bushels Oats to the Acre. 35 to 50 Bushels Car icy to the Acre. Timber for Fencing and Buildings FREE. Good Laws with l-ow Taxation. Splendid Railroad Facilities and Low Rates. Schools and Churches Convenient. Satisfactory Markets for all Productiona. Good Climate and Perfect Health. Chaacea for Profitable Investments. Some of thelchoicest grain-producing lands In Saskatchewan and Alberta may now be acquired In these most healthful and prosperous sections under the Revised Homestead Regulations by which entry maybe made by proxy (on certain conditions), by the father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Entry fee in each case is $10.00. For pamphlet. “Last Best West,” particulars as to rates, routes. ►'"St time to go and where to locate, apply to W. D. Scott. Superintendent of Ira migration. Ottawa, Canada, or E. T. Holmes, 31S Tacksog St..St. Paul, Minn.- J. M. Mac Lachlan, Box n4 Watertown, South Dakota, and W. V. Bennett, 801 New York Life Building, Omaha, Neb., Authorized Government Agents Please nay where you eaw thin advertisement. SIOUX CITY PTG CO-, 1,235—13, 1908