The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 30, 1908, Image 4

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    The Frontier
Published by D. H. CRONIN.
ROMAINE SAUNDERS. Assistant Editor
and Manager.
tl SO the Year 7<S dents Six Months
Official paper of O'Neill and Holt county.
Display adrertlsments on pages 4, 6 and I
re charged for on a basis of 60 oents an lnol
one oolumn width) per month; on page 1 tb<
obarge Is II an Inch per month. Local ad
vertisements, fi oents por line each Insertion
Address the office or the publisher.
The members of the Holt County
Republican Central Committee are
called to meet in O’Neill on Wednes
day, February 5, to arrange a date and
issue the call for the county conven
tion to select twelve delegates to at
tend the state convention at Omaha
March 12, 1908, which convention is
to select four delegates and four al
ternates to the national convention;
also to set a date for precinct caucuses
for selecting delegates to the county
There will alto be delegates to select
to attend a congressional convention
to select two delegates from the Sixth
district to the national convention.
DR. J. P. GILLIGAN, Chairman.
Pursuant to the call of the National
Committee issued December 7, 1907,
the Republican electors of the State
of Nebraska are hereby called to meet
in convention in the City of Omaha
on Thursday, March 12,1908, at two
o’clock in the afternoon, for the pur
pose of selecting four delegates at
large and tour alternates to the Re
publican National Convention to be
held In the City of Chicago, June 16,
1908, for the nomination of candidates
for President and Vice President of
the United States.
The basis of representation of the
several counties in said state conven
tion, shall be the vote cast for Honor
able H. H. Wilson for presidential
elector at the general election held
November 8,1804, giving one delegate
tor each one hundred and fifty votes
and the major fraction thereof so cast
tor said H. H. Wilson, but each
county to be entitled to at least one
delegate. Said apportionment entitles
the several oounties to the following
representation in the said convention
It is recommended that no proxies be
allowed and that the delegates pres
ent from each of the respective coun
ties be authorized to cast the full vote
of their delegations.
Attention is called to the method
provided for by the resolution of the
state committee giving the republi
can electors in each county where de
sired, an opportunity to express theii
preference for candidate for Presideut
of the United States, when plan oi
expressing said preference has beer
forwarded to each county chairman.
Attention is also called to Section 3,
of Rule VI adopted by the state com
mittee providing for the filing of cre
dentials and which rule is as follows
“Credentials of delegates to conven
tions shall be filed with the Secretarj
of the State Central Committee at
least five days before the date of said
M. U19UBUU oaiu VOU V/l VUC XiaVIUU'
al Committee and the laws of Nebras
In, the several Congressional Commit
tees are instructed to proceed in th<
usual manner to name a time anc
place for holding their respective dis
trict conventions for the election o
two delegates and two alternates fron
each of said Congressional districts
in conformity with the requirement!
of the call of the National Committee
the same basis of representation beini
used in the several counties as is here
in provided for the state convention
It is recommended that the sami
place and date be selected by said Con
gre8slonal committee for holding salt
district conventions as have beei
selected by this committee for thi
state covention.
Secretary. Chairman.
January 8,1908, Lincoln, Nebraska
The annual report of the count:
treasurer is the best answer to thosu
bleary-eyed fusion Ists who are contin
ually shouting that the county is or
the verge of bankruptcy.
The Butte Gazette springs th<
name of Robert Lynn of Spencer as i
candidate for the republican nomin
ation for commissioner of public land!
and buildings. “Bob” was a oandi
date before the state convention twi
years ago and made a splendid show
ing, though opposing Mr. Eaton wh<
was asklng for a second teom. Shouk
Mr. Lynn decide to enter the contesi
for the nomination he would maki
some of the other aspirants “go some’
if they succeeded in .carrying off tin
Uncle Sam, through the postoffice
i department, has made a ruling which
affects the publishers of all newspapers
now being mailed at the second class
rate of postage. The order is as fol
A reasonable time will be allowed
publishers to secure renewals of sub
scriptions but unless subscriptions are
expressly renewed after the term for
which they are paid within the fol
lowing periods—dailies within three
months,triweeklies within six months,
semiweeklies within nine months,
weeklies within one year, semimonth
lies within three months, monthlies
within four four months, bimonthlies
within six months, quarterlies within
six months—they shall not be counted
in the legitimate list of subscribers
and copies mailed on account thereof
shall not be accepted for mailing at a
second class postage rate of one cent a
pound, but may be mailed at the tran
sient second class postage rate of one
cent for each four ounces or fraction
thereof, prepaid by postage stamps
affixed. The right of a publisher to
extend credit for subscriptions to his
publication is not denied or question
ed, but his compliance with this regu
lation will be taken into consider
ation in determining whether the
publication is entitled to transmition
at second class postage rates.
This is a serious proposition to the
publishers of weekly newspapers as it
virtually compels them to have their
subscription accounts all paid up or
else place a one cent stamp on each
paper sent to subscribers who are one
year or more in 1 arrears. This, of
course, would be impossible as the
extra expense would made it prohib
The Frontier has been very lenient
with its subscribers, allowing them to
pay their subscription whenever it
suited their convenience. But that
day is past and now we are compelled
to collect up and we ask all our read
ers to pay up and a year in advance if
possible. We have several hundred
subscribers who are a year or more in
arrears and we hope they will appre
ciate the favors shown them in the
past and promptly liquidate their in
debtedness. During the next week
we will send statements to all sub
scribers showing the amount of their
indebtedness and we trust all will re
mit the amount due. If you can not
spare the cash at present we will take
your note. But square up Do it at
once before the matter escapes your
As will be seen by the annual report
of County Treasurer Harnish, pub
lished in this issue, Holt county had
on hand January 8, a little over 975,
000.00. This is a long ways from being
busted, isn’t it?
The Nebraska congressional dele
gation should out out their fooling
and endorse Ross Hammond for the
collectorship. As editor of the Fre
mont Tribune he has performed val
iant services for the party and should,
without question, receive the unani
mous endorsement of the delegation.
Indications are that the Third con
gressional district will select two
editors to represent them at the re
publican national convention. They
i are: W. N. Huse of the Norfolk News
; and J. T. Elliott of the West Point
Republican. These men have the
1 avoirdupois and the ability to make
; them eligible to to membership in
' Nebraska’s big four.
! We will bet a doughnut against a
' last summers bird’3 nest that one
| congressman on the Nebraska dele
. gallon will sweat blood if it should
be up to him to cast the deciding bal
1 lot in the collectorsliip fight. Would
he vote? Well, we are inclined to
think he would resort to his old-time
’ practice and take the matter under
i advisement for a year or two.
“The backbone of ‘senatorial privi
lege’ appears to have been broken, so
far as Nebraska Is concerned,” re
1 marks the Lincoln Star. “For many
1 years the senators have been conceded
oertain privileges, one of the chief of
1 which has been the distribution of
■ good appointive federal ofiices among
1 their own friends. But the old order
has been overturned by President
1 Roosevelt, and his demand that the
1 whole congressional delegation agree
1 upon some man for internal revenue
1 collector comes as a shock to the two
members of the upper branch of con
1 gress from this state. From now on,
it is more than likely that the entire
delegation will have a hand in the
distribution of all federal patronage ic
Nebraska. Such a practice will take
from the senators something that
they have come to value highly. The
congressman now hold the whip hand
in the matterof Nebraska patronage.”
Supervisor Proceedings.
(Continued from last week.)
7 o’clock p. m , board called to order.
Whereas,on the 16th day of August,
1907, there was in the county treasur-,
er, in the bridge fund, the amount of
$6799.06 available in cash on which to
draw warrants, and
Whereas, there being no outstand
ing warrants against said fund, the
board of supervisors proceeded to
draw warrants against the 1907 bridge
fund levy.
Therefore I move that the county
clerk be and hereby is instructed
to add the above amount to the bridge
levy of 1907. J. A. Golden,
Rodell Root.
Motion carried.
Mr. Chairman: I move that the
amount of $1588.82 available funds on
hand in the bridge fund Dec. 1st 1907,
in county treasurer, collections from
various years prior to 1907, be added to
the levy of 1907. Rodell Root,
Jacob Rocke.
Motion carried.
Mr. Chairman:- I move that the
following amounts be transferred to
the general fund of 1907:
Miscelanous.$1082 56
Interest on deposits. 1098 00
Funding... 35132
Judgment. 389 17
Total.*2871 05
C. D. Keyes,
Rodell Root.
Motion carried.
On motion the official bonds were
approved. •
John Kennedy, road overseer for
district number 53, one year.
Louis Knapp, roag overseer district
number 25, one year.
P J Kennedy, justice of the peace
for Swan township, two years.
Jerry P Hanley, township clerk for
Grattan township, one yeea.
On motion the board adjourned un
til 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.
L E Skidmore, Chairman.
W P Si mar, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebr., January 8,1907.
Board called to order. Members
present, Golden, Keyes, Root, Roberts,
Rocke and Skidmore.
On motion board went into com
mittee of the whole on claims.
At 12 o’clock board adjourned until
1 o’clock.p. m.
L E Skidmore, Chairman.
W P Simar, Clerk.
One o’clack p m. Board called to
O’Neill, Nebr.. January 8,1908.
To the Honorable Board of Supervis
ors of Holt county:
Please transfer $63 64 from bond
fund of school district number 122, to
the general fund of said district.
Eltha Svisind, Dirictor.
By A A Svisind.
On motion the prayer of the pet
ition was granted.
On motion the bond of J C Harnish
county treasurer of Holt county for
the years 1908 and 1909, was approved.
On motion the following bonds were
James Caventry, road overseer dis
trict number 35, one year.
D D Miles, township clerk Steel
Creek township, one year.
L I Puckett, justice of the peace
Emmet township, two years.
C C Jones, township treasurer Sham
rock township, one year.
O’Neill, Nebr., Januasy 2,1908.
To the Honorable Board of Supervis
ors of Holt county, Nebraska:
Gentlemen—Your petitioner res
pectfully represents that he was erron
eously assessed for personal property
in the village of Stuart, Nebr., for the
year 1907, when all of his personal
property is, and was at the date of the
assessment, in the precinct and should
have been assessed in the precinct.
Rour petitioner fnrther represents
that he has paid his personal tax for
the year 1907, as evidenced by receipt
number 1525, and asks that your hon
orable body refund the amount of the
village levy, viz: $34.36, and for this
your petitioner will ever pray.
Respectfully, Jacob Kraft.
On motion the prayer of the petit
ion was granted and clerk ordered to
draw refund warrant for same.
On motion the following claims are
hereby allowed on the bridge fund of
1907, and clerk ordered to draw war
rants for the same.
Ernest Beaver.* 3 75
James Brennan. 3 00
.1 J Btukerd. 13 OO
Bazelman Lumber. Co. 1# Jj
Bazelman Lumber Co. 54 34
George Berry. 20 00
Bazelman Lumber . 36 04
Bazelman Lumber Co. 20 33
George Berry . 46 no
Bazelmun Lumber Co. 34 56
Bazelman Lumber Co. 25 62
Brooks Hardware Co. 40 05
FredCronk. 3 00
Caspary & Simons. 5 40
Caspary & Simons. 2 86
Frank Damero. 5 25
Fred Dobrovolney. Jr. 43 00
J DSelab. 5 25
M Sullivan. • 60
Win Wilkerson. 375 30
O K Ott. 8 50
Joe Fesler. 63 00
Louis Stebner. 62 00
H A Derby. 2 60
Whilem Hubby..... 14 00
John Coffey. 2 25
Wesley Uoodfellow. 14 00
W W Wyant. 24 0)
Louis Steabner. 84 »0
Louis Steabner . . 36 00
[Boxing Contest
at Cody, Wyo.
FEB. 15,1903
Winner gets 75 per cent ana loser 25 per
cent of the gate receipts.
| Cody, Wyo„ February 15, 1908 I ,
Wesley Good fellow . 4 00
MGonderinger. 12 00
J F Galligan. 13 50
.T F Galligan. 34 50
Galena Lumber Co. 351 90
Fred O Gatz . 21 75
EliJ Hershiser. 6 00
ED Harrison. 10 00
Frank Howard.. 59 50
Sam Hubbard. 6 00
W M Healey. 24 88
SB Hicks. 56 50
Frank Howard. 65 00
A A Bristol. 2125
Hazelman Lumber Co. 26 46
John Boshart. 5 00
Bs/.elinan Lumber Co. 97 27
Hazelman Lumber Co. 80 89
Hazelman Lumber Co. 64 46
Bazelman Lumber Co. 70 80
John Bond. 13 75
George Berry. 16 00
Bazelmon Lumber Co.... 252 00
K L Butler. 20 00
William Haynes. 46 00
John Coffey. 37 00
Guy Colo. 4 50
Fred Dobeovolny. 29 00
John Dwyer. 2 10
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co'. 105 72
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. 194 42
Wm Wilkerson ./. 71 00
Wm Wilkerson. 287 30
Wm Fallon. 62 00
E D Harrison. 7 00
Louis Steabner. 48 00
F W Scripter. 36 00
James Crowley. 3 00
Louts Steabner. 71 00
W 11 DeWitt. 50 on
Gallagher & Saberson. 19r> ti4
Joseph ltigler. 25 00
Louis Steabner. 72 00
Claud Goodsell. -r— 2 Oo
J A Gould . 55 60
James Gaughenbaugh. 19 50
DAGoree. K«)
Galena Lumber Co. 303 85
Wm Haynes. 48 00
LE Harding. *24 70 19 00
David Heeb. 16 uu
Orville Harrison. 8 50
S E Hicks . 17 70
B G Hanna. 4 00
Frank Howard. 22 95
S F Hibbard ... i« 00
Orville Harrinson. 10 00
E F Keyes. 38 oo
William Kidd. « 59
William Krotter Co. 46 75
John Liddy. jr. 24 00
F H Leonard.. 5 00
WJ Malloy. 6 00
Nye Schnlatr Fowler Co . 52 99
W S Roberts. ... 58 21
Townsend Bridge Co, $106.50,118.82, 142.70 Jal 00
James O’Donnell.— 5 60
J J Phillips. 2;>50
J A Piukerman. 4 00
Arthur Rouse. 00
E H Rouse . J 00
Simon Simonson. 50
C .1 Simonson. *
JohnStracko. 55 00
OO Snyder.$260 36 159 95
H VanValkenburg. W
Walrath Sherwood Lbr Co. 151 la
Fred Widtfeldt. 4 00
DJ Harrington. 1 50
PA Just. 29 00
P Knscher. &
Wm Krotter Co. 66 43
Wm Krotter Oo. 3 ®5
P A Llndberg—. -6 00
J B Mura an. *
ID McGlow. ......... 12 60
Nebraska Lumber and Live Stock Co... 461 65
Henry Rohwedder. 66 00
Townsend Bridge Co.
Townsend Bridge Co. 00
E Hoy Townsond.1440 J1”
Townsend HrtdgeCo.12 1 US
Thomas A Phillips. •** l'
H .1 Porter. « 00
J I. Kol!. »00
C C Sprague . ,4 J"
O O Snyder. ®*
VS Walters... 10 00
On motion the following claims were
allowed en the general fund of 1907,
and the clerk ordered to draw war
rants for the same.
Omaha Printing Co.$178 75, 105 20, 41 50
Klopp & Bartlet Co.$'262 48, 135 00, 1.8 B>
J P Gllligau. >£ )0
Village of awing......... .. • ™
School District number 61. "00
C B Scott. 15 00
Hammond & Stephens Co ... #3 do,' 25 3(>! 4 23
I’J Flynn. 2<) 1(1
<J O Snyder.S175 IS. 318 88
C J Malone. 5 On
P J Flynn. lj 59
Ed ward Earley. 4 00
State Journal Co. 50 00
The Atkinson Graphic. 133 89
Klopp 4& Bartlett Co .$H6 75. 01 84
PJ Flynn....!. 5 HO
Omaha Printing Co. 55 08
Bert Freed. 7 70
Galena Lumber Co. 125 25
J F Buttertieid. 16 00
Jacob Kraft. 15 00
C O Tenborg. 3 00
Bridget Boyle. 1 70
P J Lausworth. 17 40
John liaake. 4 00
Luther Jackson. 2 00
Albert Pnruell.. 4 00
Herman Compton. 10 40
Edward Boyle. 1 70
Klopp & Bartlett Co. 61 84
D H C onin. 379 42
Omaha Printing Co .$152 00, 200 70, 52 00
Ewing & Deloit lelephone Company ... 1100
Walrath & Sherwood Lumber Co. 5 20
School District number 35. 6 00
Burkley Printing Company. 18 75
CharlesStout. 1 10
P J Flynn. 17 50
Galenr Lumber Compauy. 145 60
C J Malone. 2 00
J J Troyer . 4 00
C F Grossman. 4 00
Klopp & Bar tie t Company. 9.< 85
State Journal Company. 88 uo
0 antes Tiigg. 7 50
Hammond and Stephens Co.326 05 42 i>
Sam Hubbard. 13 30
PJ Bigiin. 36 40
J F O’Donnell, cashier. 32 00
John Martfeldt. 2 00
John B Worden. 18 50
Myron Thornton. 10 00
Agnes Cassidy. 1 70
John liaake. 4 00
.1 tv Ernest. 4 00
Atkinson Graphic. 42 94
Jos N Kay. 2 75
J F Herzog. 4 00
D H Cronin. 257 40
Gmaha Printing Company.. 71 61
Houumoud & Stepens Comdany —15 20, 62 75
Perkins Bros. Company. 21 05
Burkley Printing Company. 41 50
Hammond & Stephens Company.. 8 30, 1 10
Omaha Printing Company. ... 34 82
Atkinson Graphic.7 60, 8 95 105 40
George A Miles. 150 80
W B Cooper.100 00 100 00
Ed F Gallagher.i) 00, 9 10, 16 20, 6 00 6 00
Fred Spear. 3 00
A K Miller. 4 W)
James FO'Donnell, cashier..2U ;io, 4 oil' 2U no
Homaine Saunders.... o in
enry Sliald. u
Parker Mulford... i> in
Eldelity Hank. J Jo
Ed F GaBagher... .8 00, 13 50, 8 OO.'io oO 17 BO
E A Clark. ,? SJf
Ed Fowler. q
George cherry. »
EH Larson. ?V y
Frank BCole. jin £ {<>
Holt County Telephone company. . . 10170
W N Coats. .r 49 r,
Klopp A Bartlett compauy.. * 2*0 50 17 40
Ed F Galiagher.. .13 80, 8 00. 9 70,' 17 41)] 12 50
Wayne Warner. 4 00
Sd.,)’'r,?al!aKher- lli 10 10 40,' 8 00, 11 10
F W Bigelow. q in
John Wilhite. 27(H)
A L Rouse. 17 80
Frank Bigelow.. 900
VV P Si mar. 10 00
First National bank, Stuart..! 5 30
Miles Greenfield. 9 30
Fidelity bank. 10 00
L G Gillespie. 2 10
Astbur Dully. 2 10
Sam Barnard. 1 10
John VV McDonald. 1 50
School District number 211_ 3 00
C B Keplinger. 2 75
N S Westrope. 1 10
George D Marsh. 2 25
Arthur Duffy. 4 10
W 8 Roberts. 54 00
E H Whelan. 100 00
J A Golden. 9 00
W S Roberts. . 32 10
James F O’Donnell. 333 00
Rodell Root. 15 00
C D Keyes. 09 70
On motion the following claims
were allowed on the advertising fund.
D H Cronin. 430 70
Hammond & Stephens Co. .1 00 11 05
Moved by Keyes and secanded by
Root that the following claims be and
hereby are allowed on the road fund
(Continued on page 6.)
i AAAl#« A A A A A sfin
Ra 'll 1 changes of temperature are hard
on th * Roughest constitution. |
X The conductor passing from the heated X
inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature A
of the platform—the canvasser spending an 4*
*§» hour or so in a heated building and then *6*
V* walking against a biting wind—know the *jr
Y difficulty of avoiding cold. X
^ Scoff’s Emulsion strengthens the ^
^ body so that it can better withstand the ^
Q danger of cold from changes of temperature. ^
4 *
It will help you to avoid taking cold.
• s